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大学生心理健康七条标准 专家建议,大学生们自己要掌握好大学生心理健康的标准,若有不良“反应”,要尽快到心理健康中心进行咨询并接受辅导。根据专家总结,大学生心理健康标准可归纳为以下7条:  相似文献   

在几十年的教学工作中,我认为衡量教学质量的标准有三条:①知识标准,要使学生掌握系统的科学文化知识,形成基本技能技巧;②发展标准,发展学生的能力和体力;③教育标准,使学生形成科学的世界观和优良的道德品质。因而教学过程既是学生认识过程特点的组织教学,又要在发展上下功夫。教育的目的在于培养中学生的道德素质。  相似文献   

无锡市一中教育教学改革的经验是全面的,而其中抓了教师素质的提高,也是一条重要的经验,尤其值得我们学校学习借鉴。他们按照胡耀邦同志提出的做好教师的三条要求(要努力学习和掌握比较渊博的知识;要认真研究掌握教育科学,懂得教育规律;要有高尚的道德品  相似文献   

要做好毕业论文,首先要注重毕业论文的选题。论文题目不仅要体现"专业"性,而且要体现"新意",且选题时,必须思考三个问题、把握三条原则、防止三种失误。  相似文献   

做好幼儿教师家庭教育指导工作需要厘清五个基本问题:一是幼儿教师应承担的责任要有边界;二是幼儿教师如何承担指导责任;三是幼儿教师指导要达到的程度;四是如何对幼儿教师家庭教育指导开展培训;五是如何对幼儿教师家庭教育指导进行考核。  相似文献   

关于学习和贯彻我省《托幼工作人员职业道德规范》问题,我想谈如下三点。首先,谈谈《职业道德规范》的重大意义何在? (一)这是党对教师的要求和希望。胡耀邦同志曾向教师提出三条要求:一要有比较渊博的知识,二要认真研究掌握教育规律,三要有高尚的道德品质和崇高的精神境界。这三条要求是很高的,对此,每个  相似文献   

提出了中学化学教师要从四个方面提高自己的科研素质,一要丰富自己的专业知识.二要学习教育理论知识,三要提高自己的创造能力,四要掌握科技论文的撰写特点。  相似文献   

特殊教育中使用的环境测试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
什么是环境测试?为什么要在特教中使用环境测试?要清楚地回答这个问题.让我们先来看一看是怎么诊断弱智的。根据美国弱智协会的定义,诊断一个人是否是弱智,需要符合三条标准(1992):一是智力低下(智商在70以下),二是适应性行为有严重的缺陷;三是弱智出现在18岁之前。要知道是否符合第一和第三条标准是比较容易的,但是我们是怎么来了解第二条的呢?  相似文献   

同学们都知道凸透镜对光线有会聚作用.凸透镜的光路图中有三条特殊光线,掌握这三条光线的具体传播情况,不但对掌握凸透镜的光路图的画法有帮助,同时对凸透镜成像规律的作图法的得出也有重要作用.本文主要介绍通过凸透镜的三条特殊光线,只要弄清这三条特殊光线传播过程,许多光学问题便可迎刃而解.  相似文献   

王海玲 《教师》2014,(5):14-14
正2012年教育部颁布的《幼儿园教师专业标准》基本内容第30条要求幼儿教师要"掌握观察、了解幼儿的基本方法";第49条要求幼儿教师要"在教育活动中观察幼儿,根据幼儿的表现和需要,调整活动,给予适宜的指导";第53条要求幼儿教师要"有效运用观察、谈话等多种方法,客观地、全面地了解和评价幼儿"。《幼儿园教师专业标准》要求幼儿教师要有好的观察力,  相似文献   

本文认为目前高校辅导员职业化、专业化、专家化三者概念不清,逻辑关系混淆,有必要进行概念廓清;同时针对辅导员职业化、专业化发展存在的现实困境,认为辅导员的专业化建设应从专业知识体系、制度体系、考核评级体系和培训体系等方面有序开展;建议高校建立辅导员专业化发展层级序列,扎实做好专业化知识培训体系,完善人事制度建设,打破发展瓶颈,为辅导员专业化发展创造有利条件。  相似文献   

数字化学习资源建设是我国教育信息化建设中的重要组成部分,各级教育部门和学校都已经建设了大量资源,这些资源使用情况如何、如何提升学习资源的应用成效是资源建设者和管理者非常关注的问题。该文聚焦学习资源应用成效计算这一具体问题,以用户为中心,通过用户使用数据来计算资源应用成效。用户使用数据可以分为三类,包括资源使用率、用户使用满意度和用户学习效果;每类下设若干观测变量,根据资源粒度类型不同有所不同,文中将资源粒度分为三类:素材资源、课程资源和资源网站,分别设计了三种粒度资源的观测变量,并给出了这三种粒度资源的应用成效的计算公式。之后对公式中涉及的各类使用数据及其观测变量的权重设置进行了分析和设计。最后介绍了该计算方法在两个资源平台上的应用,并根据应用得到的数据对提升学习资源应用成效给予了建议。  相似文献   


Education Technology (EdTech) companies are deploying emotional AI to quantify social and emotional learning. Focusing on facial coding emotional AI that uses computer vision and algorithms to see, recognise, categorise and learn about facial expressions of emotion, this paper evaluates nascent usage of these technologies in education. To do this, it assesses the nature of child rights, the history and modern usage of face-based emotional AI, methodology and efficacy, and what this paper sees as a clash of private and public interests. Concern is shown to be two-fold: first is on method, especially given scope for material effects on students; second are ethical and legal concerns. While proposing a list of considerations for any implementation for these technologies in the classroom, the paper concludes that significant risks exist in deployment of these technologies in the classroom.  相似文献   

由于思维方式、表达习惯以及饮食文化的不同,与英式菜名相比,中式菜名中有丰富的变异现象。本文从变异的角度,列举了中式菜名中的几种常见的语言变异现象:词汇变异、语意变异和语域变异。本文基于这些语言现象,分析了中式菜名中的语言变异现象存在的文化原因和深层语言学的依据。  相似文献   

Higher education systems need to increasingly transform in order to face new challenges of society in a modern and global context. Both Europe and China are facing challenges in restructuring their higher education systems and embracing the potential for higher education to deliver innovative teaching and learning as well as social and economic services for a changing society. This paper analyses the challenges to European and Chinese universities today and elaborates on the implications of these challenges for EU-China higher education collaboration. An analysis of challenges and relevant strategies in these two contexts can offer us insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each system. This can act as a solid basis for future collaborations or as potential barriers. Thus, this paper endeavors to fill in the gap regarding EU-China higher education cooperation by reducing the knowledge deficit and bringing mutual understanding, respect, trust, and ultimately benefit to both sides.  相似文献   

Computer technologies for learning environments have been introduced with great expectations for improved learning outcomes. However, the great improvements have not materialised; some of these extant studies are examined. Of all the explanations for these disappointing results, the least examined are the affordances of the computer tools. This paper provides a rationale for studying affordances and presents two studies in K‐12 and undergraduate settings showing how powerful affordances are in affecting outcomes. Finally, the paper presents guidelines on how to gradually move students from a game affordance of a computer to a learning mode.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) and the Internet of things (IoT) are turning into everyday household technology at an ever-increasing pace, for example, in the form of connected toys. However, while ubicomp and IoT are changing and shaping children’s digital and technological landscape, not much is known about how children perceive these omnipresent and concealed forms of digital technology. This qualitatively oriented paper explores 3- to 6-year-old Finnish children’s perceptions of ubicomp and IoT via interviews and a design task. Initially, the children were skeptical toward the idea that tangible objects, such as toys, could be computer and/or Internet enabled. However, these perceptions were subject to change when children were introduced to a scientific conception of what computers and the Internet are and asked to apply their knowledge to a technological design task. Implications for early years digital literacy education are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper addresses one of the key challenges for work on education, sustainable development and climate change: the overall conceptualisation of central ideas such as Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Climate Change Education (CCE). What do these concepts mean in diverse contexts and amongst diverse actors? The paper draws on evidence from Denmark, Singapore, Canada and the UK to highlight both the similarities and differences found within national discussions around these essentially contested concepts and their relationships to policy and practice. It further argues that such debates about how EE, ESD and CCE are conceptualised remain highly relevant, not just to academic work itself, but also to wider international discussions regarding both the current and potential relationships between conceptual understanding, policy and practice.  相似文献   

The paper argues that no criterion-referenced assessment system can achieve both reliability and validity at one and the same time. It shows that the reasons for this are conceptual, and hence that empirical research into the'problem' is a waste of money and effort. Considerable discussion is devoted to ideas of knowledge and understanding, and to proper educational objectives pertaining to these. Much reference is made to the current National Curriculum context in the United Kingdom, and conclusions are drawn for appropriate educational policy in this area.  相似文献   

选拔人才的方式主要有两种:推荐和考试。究竟使用考试方式还是推荐方式来选拔人才,这个问题的争论由来已久。台湾在大学多元入学考试中尝试使用推荐加考试的方式选拔人才,从1994年开始实行,目前已经有12年的历史了。本文探讨台湾在大学入学考试中所使用的多元化推荐入学考试方式的由来。主要来自三个方面:中国古代科举考试制度中的推荐制;日本的大学推荐入学制;台湾曾经在大学入学考试中实行的保送生制度等。  相似文献   

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