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徐公美:民国时期电影教育的倡导者   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐公美是我国早期电化教育的先驱,也是民国时期电影教育的积极倡导者。他对电影及电影教育的实质有着深刻的认识,对早期电影教育理论与实践发展作出了卓越的贡献。他认为电影是提高教育效率最合适的工具,有效的电影教育是教学乘以电影。他提出了特殊时期电影教育的方针,积极开展电影场及电影教学法研究,大量引进国外的电影教育理论与经验以构建我国电影教育体系,极大地推动了我国早期电影教育的发展。  相似文献   

教育电影在表达教育思想、教育理念方面有得天独厚的条件,准确认识和把握教育电影与教育思潮的密切联系,有助于审视和反思教育改革实践。追溯我国教育电影内涵的演化过程,明晰教育电影的时代内涵,并以中国电影金鸡奖获奖教育电影为例,梳理了改革开放以来教育电影从黄金发展阶段、低谷调整阶段、重新振作阶段到质量发展新时代的历史流变。对教育电影所蕴含的当代教育思潮,即全纳教育思潮、教育个性化思潮、素质教育思潮等进行了阐述,探讨了教育电影与教育思潮的互动共生关系,力图为我国教育电影发展和教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

电影艺术教育包括社会教育和学校教育,学校教育又分为高校电影艺术教育、中小学电影艺术教育两个层次和培养电影制作者的专业教育、培养电影欣赏者的普及教育两个目标。高校电影艺术普及教育应当处于主导地位,成为一门文化学科,应该立足中国结合外国、立足电影文本的鉴赏结合电影常识的了解、立足电影文学性的探究结合文化阐释,在电影文本鉴赏的过程中,要注重选择性、类型性、现代性。  相似文献   

<正>徐公美:民国时期电影教育的倡导者张炳林姬权利李熔明(河南大学教育科学学院,河南开封475004)【摘要】徐公美是我国早期电化教育的先驱,也是民国时期电影教育的积极倡导者。他对电影及电影教育的实质有着深刻的认识,对早期电影教育理论与实践发展作出了卓越的贡献。他认为电影是提高教育  相似文献   

谷剑尘先生是我国早期电化教育研究者之一,他对电影教育和教育电影有着深刻认识和独到见解,为我国早期电影教育理论研究做出了重要贡献。文章首先对先生的电影教育观进行了阐释:哲学观——教育是电影的目的、教育观——民众教育思想、媒体观——工具主义。其次,其专著《教育电影》在电影教育发展史上具有重要地位,文章从基本概念、分类、应用、人才培养和研究途径解读了其主要理论架构,探析先生独到思想,其理论观点至今读来仍颇具启示。  相似文献   

电影可以为大学生价值观教育提供新的契机。电影是道德价值观教育的生动载体,是职业价值观日常渗透教育的良好形式;电影为传统美德与现代人际价值观教育相结合提供契机,使爱情价值观教育更形象、更直观、更有力;电影具有丰富的审美价值。  相似文献   

变与不变--新世纪以来中法教育题材电影对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨美秋 《文教资料》2014,(29):137-139
教育题材电影作为主旋律电影的一个分支,在中国电影的发展史有着重要的地位。进入新世纪以后,中国教育题材电影的发展更是呈现出一种蓬勃的姿态。法国作为电影艺术的殿堂,其教育题材影片以其独特的表现方式和影像内容展示了法国教育的现状。笔者通过分析两者的内容和题材的衍变,从整体上来观看中法教育题材电影在新世纪后的发展变化,并分析两者的变化呈现出一种变与不变的趋势。  相似文献   

红色电影集爱国主义教育、党史学习教育、理想信念教育、初心使命教育、道德情操教育于一身,观看红色电影既是思想政治教育的要求,也是进一步加强艺术类学生家国情怀培育的重要举措。红色电影不仅有利于弘扬社会主义核心价值观、传承伟大建党精神,而且有利于增强艺术类学生的志气、骨气、底气。以红色电影为有效载体,涵养艺术类学生的家国情怀,需积极探索红色电影融入课程教学、实践活动、网络平台的新路径,助推爱国主义教育切实落地。  相似文献   

将电影这种超文本媒体介入心理健康教育课程,遵循“观片感受-明理内化-拓展导行”的流程,有效地把心理健康教育融进电影课当中,发挥电影资源的教育教学功能和电影教育手段的优势,能有效调动学生参与心理辅导活动的积极性,提升教育效果.  相似文献   

高璐 《文教资料》2013,(23):106-107
教育电影是指以教育事件为主题,集中反映教育改革、师生关系、教育热点,以塑造教师和学生形象为主的艺术电影或纪录电影,它对教育教学过程,教师形象,以及教育理念进行了理性的观察和思考,因其媒介特性和内容优势,凸显了富有理性的现实意义和教育启发价值.本文从教育电影对教师专业发展的作用这一视角出发,分别阐述了教育电影对青年教师、中年教师、老教师专业发展的作用.  相似文献   

吉尔.德勒兹是首个全面研究电影的当代哲学家,他立足于电影的实际,通过揭示其本有的教育效果,形成了"影像教学法"的思想。其实质是:成功的现代电影致力于引入一个让一切成规都失灵的"域外",造成思维的"死机",以激发生命深层的"域内"原创力量,从而在电影欣赏中发挥着召唤观众创造力的教育作用。这启示我们:将思维"置之死地而促生"是电影教学、艺术教学乃至一切学科教学的关键点,像电影那样审美地将思维"置之死地而促生"是一切教学的根本途径。  相似文献   

A practical film course for educational technology students is described. The course is designed as an intensive two-day 'immersion' in film techniques and ideas. It begins with the making of simple 16mm animated cartoon films using transparent film and coloured spirit pens. Synchronized sound is incorporated in a second cartoon. After exercises designed to teach the recognition of 'shots', the editing and assembly of previously-shot Super 8mm film material is set as an individual exercise. A short Super 8 film is then planned by each student and also (working in pairs) a further short advertising-type film. After basic camera instruction these films are shot, the films being edited at a later date. Student reactions to the course are indicated and simple costing is also included.  相似文献   

Conclusion The viewing of an educational film anf the recall of this viewing should constitute a satisfying learning experience so that the film’s message will be incorporated into a useful store of vicarious experience and remembered facts. Such learning is most likely to occur when those who write, direct, and edit a film have a clear understanding of the nature of the film’s audience and of what the film is expected to do to this audience. Knowing these things and to present his subject matter in the most interesting and satisfying manner possible. Here a long-time writer of educational films and television programs presents some thoughtful ideas on the design of instructional films for specific cudiences. Ralph R. White is a scenario writer with the Army Pictorial Center.  相似文献   

文章借用传播学的视角,结合目前电影市场的最新动态,从人物在电影中的核心作用、电影的传播特点、影视作品的教育功能等方面阐述了当代影视作品中的人物形象对大学生思想行为的影响,努力探索高校思想政治教育工作的新渠道,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

魏学仁先生是我国早期的电化教育实践家与理论家,他积极筹建科学教育电影委员会,致力于将电化教育推广到社会,服务更多的群众;亲自拍摄出了世界上第一部全日食的彩色电影;他提出了印刷出版、无线电和电影是传播现代文化三大工具的先瞻性教育思想,归纳了制作教育电影的原则,并在实践中总结出了教学、研究、推广相结合的办学方针及科学教育目标分类方法。魏学仁先生的这些教育思想对当今教育技术的发展仍有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Village School (1940) and Children's Charter (1945) are two propaganda films produced on behalf of the British government at the beginning and the end of the second world war and are key visual sources for educational history, quite accessible but so far much neglected by educational historians. This paper examines the two films as case studies of the visual in the making of educational space at one moment in history. The historical moment is the second world war in Britain, and the space is the public space in which educational policies and ideologies are promoted.

The two motion pictures are located in their historical context, followed by comparative and critical comments from three perspectives: the image as a document of relations between producer and consumer; the image as a medium of expression; and the image in its relation to a wider iconography of education. A major focus for this paper is the way in which promotion of a progressive curriculum and teaching method is inscribed within a film on schooling in wartime evacuation, and it also highlights the complexity of reading motion pictures, and especially propaganda film, as historical evidence.  相似文献   

This paper proceeds from the premise that film can be educational in a broader sense than its current use in classrooms for illustrative purposes, and explores the idea that film might function as a form of education in itself. To investigate the phenomenon of film as education, it is necessary to first address a number of assumptions about film, the most important of which is its objective character under study. The objective study of film holds that the meaning of film awaits its correct interpretation according to an informed viewer. I suggest that theoretical modes of interpretation in this vein really amount to attempts to control meaning via a particular lens, rather than allowing films to present meaning in necessarily ambiguous, and thus sometimes unsettling, ways. Situating film as the object of study in this way continues a tradition of empiricism or naturalism in thought that both Maurice Merleau‐Ponty and Ludwig Wittgenstein sought to critique as psychologism. Whilst no claim is made for reconceiving of Wittgenstein as phenomenologist, a dialogue between the Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology and the Phenomenology of Perception reveals sympathies in attempts made by both to overcome a metaphysics of the perceived or experienced object, thereby broadening the educational reach of film.  相似文献   

新时期以来,国产动画电影在表面的繁荣下,依然存在不少问题。对中国元素的运用及创新不足、低龄化的观众定位、动漫教育落后等,严重制约了国产动画电影的发展。政府与社会要大力扶持国产动画电影,为国产动画电影的发展提供支持与动力。国产动画企业应及时做出调整,把握中国传统文化内涵,全方面努力打造高品质的国产动画电影。  相似文献   

周成海 《教育科学》2020,36(2):64-70
职前教师教育项目所进行的教学改革,多是针对传统的“传递取向教学法”的不足而设计的,“用电影教”即为改革举措之一。“用电影教”能使教学适应职前教师的认知特点,促进教育理论与实践的联结,为职前教师的思考和讨论提供“催化剂”,并发展其技术品性。在职前教师教育中,“用电影教”可用于教授诸多学习主题,在教学过程上具有一定的灵活性,但也遵循一些共性的要求。对职前教师教育中的“用电影教”进行研究,能够为职前教师教育的教学法改革提供参考。  相似文献   

The authors introduce an innovative technique that can be included in marriage and family counselor education curricula. Feature films are discussed as an educational technique for the instruction and development of perceptual, conceptual, and executive counseling skills. They also outline the advantages for using film in counselor education, present various strategies for using them in the classroom, and offer examples of how they have integrated movies into introductory marriage and family courses.  相似文献   

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