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Two experiments investigated the effects of a single reminder trial on immediate and delayed retention. Experiment 1 determined if beneficial effects of a reminder trial were a function of task order immediate retention performance benefited only when the reminder trial was practiced in the first block of trials. Experiment 2 added a 24-hr delayed retention test to examine the long-term benefits of a reminder trial. Retention performance was enhanced over both delay intervals. The long-term effect extended previous research (Shea & Titzer, 1993) that documented effects after 10 min. The use of a single reminder trial established that intertask comparisons between multiple reminder trials were not a precondition for the reminder trial effect as postulated by Shea and Titzer.  相似文献   

The influence of a 12-week (24, 45-min motor sessions) motor skill intervention on fundamental motor skill (FMS) development of disadvantaged preschools was examined. Pre-and postintervention measures of the object control (OC) and locomotor subscales of the Test of Gross Motor Development were obtained for both groups. Prior to the intervention, developmental delays in FMS were reported. Two separate 2 x 2 (Group x Pre-Postintervention) analyses of variance with repeated measures yielded a significant Group x Pre-Postintervention interaction for locomotor, F(1, 57) = 134.23, p = .000, h2 = .70, and OC, F(1, 57) = 161.55, p = .000, h2 = .74) skills. Compared to the Control group, the motor skill intervention group revealed significant higher locomotor and OC scores following the intervention than prior to the intervention.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of augmented kinematic knowledge of performance (KP) on shooting performance and learning. Knowledge of performance described the aiming trajectory of the rifle barrel. The effects of knowledge of performance were evaluated in terms of shooting accuracy (shooting score), variability of the shooting score (root mean square error) and rifle stability (x- and y-deviation of rifle movement). The participants (n = 40) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: no-KP, 50% KP, 100% KP and a control group. The three experimental groups performed 480 shots during a 4 week acquisition phase in which feedback was provided. No-feedback retention tests were administered at 2 and 10 days after acquisition. There were no differences between groups during acquisition. In the 2 day retention test, the mean shooting score of the group receiving 100% knowledge of performance was significantly higher than that of the other groups. Furthermore, variability in shooting score for the 100% KP group was lower than that for the 50% KP and control groups. No significant differences were found in rifle stability between the experimental groups. In summary, a high frequency of kinematic knowledge of performance improved shooting accuracy, but the effect appeared to be temporal, disappearing in the 10 day retention test. Given that a parallel effect was not found in rifle stability, future research should focus on examining the reasons for this improvement in shooting score.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the effects of augmented kinematic knowledge of performance (KP) on shooting performance and learning. Knowledge of performance described the aiming trajectory of the rifle barrel. The effects of knowledge of performance were evaluated in terms of shooting accuracy (shooting score), variability of the shooting score (root mean square error) and rifle stability (x- and y-deviation of rifle movement). The participants (n = 40) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: no-KP, 50% KP, 100% KP and a control group. The three experimental groups performed 480 shots during a 4 week acquisition phase in which feedback was provided. No-feedback retention tests were administered at 2 and 10 days after acquisition. There were no differences between groups during acquisition. In the 2 day retention test, the mean shooting score of the group receiving 100% knowledge of performance was significantly higher than that of the other groups. Furthermore, variability in shooting score for the 100% KP group was lower than that for the 50% KP and control groups. No significant differences were found in rifle stability between the experimental groups. In summary, a high frequency of kinematic knowledge of performance improved shooting accuracy, but the effect appeared to be temporal, disappearing in the 10 day retention test. Given that a parallel effect was not found in rifle stability, future research should focus on examining the reasons for this improvement in shooting score.  相似文献   

运动技能控制与学习领域中追加反馈的研究始终是国内外学者研究的重要课题,而追加反馈中的表现反馈更是学者们研究的焦点问题。运用文献资料法、实验法和数理统计法等,架构于乒乓球正手发下旋球这项运动技能,对参与该项运动技能的学习者施加100%相对频率的视觉方式表现反馈和33%相对频率的视觉方式表现反馈。结果表明:①在运动技能学习阶段采用视觉方式表现反馈指导运动技能,高频率视觉反馈组的绩效好于低频率视觉反馈组;②在运动技能3min保留阶段采用视觉方式表现反馈指导运动技能,视觉高频率反馈组的绩效好于视觉低频率反馈组;③在运动技能48h保留阶段采用视觉方式表现反馈指导运动技能,视觉高频率反馈组的绩效与视觉低频率反馈组的绩效无显著性差异。  相似文献   

Time series analysis was used to investigate the hypothesis that during acquisition of a motor skill, knowledge of results (KR) information is used to generate a stable internal referent about which response errors are randomly distributed. Sixteen subjects completed 50 acquisition trials of each of three movements whose spatial-temporal characteristics differed. Acquisition trials were either blocked, with each movement being presented in series, or randomized, with the presentation of movements occurring in random order. Analysis of movement time data indicated the contextual interference effect reported in previous studies was replicated in the present experiment. Time series analysis of the acquisition trial data revealed the majority of individual subject response patterns during blocked trials were best described by a model with a temporarily stationary, internal reference of the criterion and systematic, trial-to-trial variation of response errors. During random trial conditions, response patterns were usually best described by a "White-noise" model. This model predicts a permanently stationary, internal reference associated with randomly distributed response errors that are unaffected by KR information. These results are not consistent with previous work using time series analysis to describe motor behavior (Spray & Newell, 1986).  相似文献   

运动技能学习从最初的生理学观点到近十年认知理论的引入,其理论研究已经扩展到了生理学、心理学和社会学等多个领域。分析了各种运动技能学习的心理理论,并加以评析,提出了运动技能学习心理研究的新思路。  相似文献   

Self-control over factors involving task-related information (e.g, feedback) can enhance motor learning. It is unknown if these benefits extend to manipulations that do not directly affect such information. The purpose of this study was to determine if self-control over the amount of practice would also facilitate learning Participants learned to throw a dart using their nonpreferred hand. The self-control (SC) group decided when to stop practice. The yoked group completed the same number of trials as their SC counterparts. Results revealed the SC group was more accurate during transfer and in recalling the number of trials completed. These findings indicate that self-control benefits extend to factors that do not directly alter task-related information.  相似文献   

Research on the benefits of distributed practice for the acquisition and retention of motor skills has a long history. The majority of this research has involved skill acquisition of continuous tasks. However, there is some evidence to suggest that distribution of practice effects are quite different for discrete tasks than for continuous tasks. In the present study, we used a single task, formed discrete and continuous versions of the task, and examined how acquisition and retention were affected by the length of inter-trial interval. The basic task was a movement timing task that involved either one timing estimate per trial (the "discrete" version) or twenty successive estimates per trial (the "continuous" version). Separate groups of subjects learned one version of the task under either distributed (25 s inter-trial intervals) or massed (0.5 s inter-trial intervals) practice conditions. Both massed and distributed retention trials were performed on the same version of the task according to a double transfer design. The results confirmed the apparent disparity: Acquisition and retention were facilitated by distributed practice on the continuous task, but by massed practice on the discrete task. These results were discussed in terms of the role of the inter-trial interval in discrete and continuous tasks.  相似文献   

Background: Young children from disadvantaged settings often present delays in fundamental motor skills (FMS). Young children can improve their FMS delays through developmentally appropriate motor skill intervention programming. However, it is unclear which pedagogical strategy is most effective for novice and expert instructors.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a motor skill intervention delivered by expert and novice teachers via direct or indirect pedagogical strategy on the object control and locomotor skills of young children.

Participants and setting: Participants included children (N?=?109) aged 40–67 months (Mage?=?54 months, SD?=?7 months) enrolled in an early years center for children who are socioeconomically disadvantaged in the United States.

Data collection: Children participated in one of five instructional conditions (expert-led direct, expert-led indirect, novice-led direct, novice-led indirect, and control). Expert and preservice physical education teachers implemented the Successful Kinesthetic Instruction for Preschoolers (SKIP) motor skill program twice weekly for 6 weeks (360?min of instruction). Children in all experimental conditions (n?=?69) received ‘business as usual’ free play on nonintervention days. Children in the control condition (n?=?40) received the ‘business as usual’ free play 5 days weekly throughout the entirety of the intervention. Children completed the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 during the pretest and the posttest.

Data analysis: For object control and locomotor skills, we conducted two, separate, one-way ANOVAs at the pretest to determine condition differences. We then calculated two separate, five conditions × two times repeated-measures ANOVAs to determine the effects of SKIP on both object control and locomotor skills. Tukey post hoc analyses confirmed posttest differences among the conditions.

Findings: There were no significant differences among conditions at the pretest (locomotor, p?=?.347–.969; object control, p?=?.143–.918). For object control skills, there were significant main effects for time (F[1, 104]?=?83.92, p?.001, η2?=?.45) and condition (F[4, 104]?=?6.39, p?<?.001, η2?=?.20) as well as a significant time by condition interaction (F[4, 104]?=?22.36, p?<?.001, η2?=?.45). For locomotor skills, there was a significant main effect for time (F[1, 104]?=?41.25, p?<?.001, η2?=?.28) but not for condition (F[4, 104]?=?2.20 p?<?.074, η2?=?.08). There was a significant time by condition interaction (F[1, 104]?=?18.68, p?<?.001, η2?=?.42). Experts, regardless of strategy, showed significantly greater improvements (p?<?.001) than novice and control conditions for locomotor skills. For object control skills, experts (all conditions) and novice-direct demonstrated significantly (p?<?.001) greater gains than the control and novice-indirect conditions.

Conclusion: Young children from disadvantaged settings demonstrated developmental delays with FMS. Motor skill intervention was effective with remediating their delays. Novice teachers with limited physical education experience should begin teaching object control skills via direct instruction. Experts can choose either direct or indirect instructional strategies. Future research should investigate the implications of scaffolding locomotor skills and indirect pedagogical strategies for novice teachers.  相似文献   

Novice, intermediate and advanced baseball hitters followed a 7–week training programme, in which they received either behavioural training or decision training. Participants in the behavioural training group received simple-to-complex instruction, variable practice and an abundance of feedback throughout the acquisition period; the decision training group received complex instruction, variable practice and reduced delayed feedback. As predicted, the intermediate and advanced hitters who received decision training hit at a lower level (%) during acquisition but at a higher level during a transfer test in week 7. Novices in the behavioural training group were better than novices in the decision training group over both acquisition and transfer trials.  相似文献   

生成学习理论与运动技能教学初论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简要介绍了生成学习的理论背景及生成学习模式的本质要素,论述了生成学习理论对运动技能教学的几点启示。  相似文献   

运动技能的迁移是指学习掌握专项技术动作的过程中 ,对所学的另一种运动项目技术动作之间所产生的积极影响。少年、儿童时期是学习基本技术动作的有利时期 ,而且所掌握的基本技术动作将为今后学习专项技术动作打下一定的基础。例如我们少体校招收的投掷项目的运动员 ,大都在入校前已经初步掌握了垒球的投掷技术 ,在入校后需要学习掌握投掷标枪技术。这时就可以充分利用运动技能中的正迁移原理 ,提高他们学习掌握投掷标枪技术的训练效果。在教学训练过程中首先应找出投掷垒球技术与投掷标枪技术的共性 ,利用它们在技术上的共性 ,为学习标枪技…  相似文献   

Novice, intermediate and advanced baseball hitters followed a 7-week training programme, in which they received either behavioural training or decision training. Participants in the behavioural training group received simple-to-complex instruction, variable practice and an abundance of feedback throughout the acquisition period; the decision training group received complex instruction, variable practice and reduced delayed feedback. As predicted, the intermediate and advanced hitters who received decision training hit at a lower level (%) during acquisition but at a higher level during a transfer test in week 7. Novices in the behavioural training group were better than novices in the decision training group over both acquisition and transfer trials.  相似文献   

Observation of a model prior to physical practice often facilitates the acquisition of motor skills. The majority of research studies on observational motor learning has used a skilled model for the demonstration. Recent research, however, suggests that observing an unskilled (learning) model may also be effective. The experiment reported here compared motor skill acquisition following observation of a learning model or a skilled model to the performance of subjects who lacked the benefit of observation. The task was to play a computer tracking game. Subjects were tested in pairs. Observers watched either a skilled or a learning model perform 3 trials. The observers then practiced the game for 3 trials. Observation of another 12 trials was followed by 12 more practice trials. Substantial observational learning was found, as both groups of observers performed better than the learning models after both the 3 initial trials of observation and after 12 more observation trials. However, there were no differences due to observing the skilled or the learning model. These findings are discussed in relation to theoretical issues of observational learning.  相似文献   

Information prior to and during the acquisition of a continuous bimanual task was manipulated. Participants practiced a difficult coordination pattern, which produced circular shapes on the computer, when they moved their arms correctly. Four groups were examined, which differed in the type and amount of information provided. Either limb or circle feedback was provided in the presence or absence of instructions detailing how to move the limbs. Circle feedback facilitated learning relative to the limb feedback in which the explicit displacements of the limbs was displayed. Under circle feedback conditions, instructions hindered acquisition. Little instructional effects were observed under limb feedback conditions, despite the prediction that instructions would benefit learning when the feedback was more compatible. Findings are discussed in relation to the complexity of the feedback and processing demands.  相似文献   


Several researchers have demonstrated that an external focus of attention (about movement’s effects) during movement execution allowed better performances and learning of various motor tasks than an internal focus of attention (about movement itself). However, attentional focus effects have not been studied in tasks requiring explosive actions preceded by fast reaction time to a signal, such as a sprint start. We hypothesised that the beneficial effect of external focus of attention would be observed in the different stages of the sprint start (i.e. reaction time, block clearance and running) for both expert and novice sprinters. Novice and expert sprinters performed sprint starts followed by a 10 m sprint under three conditions: external focus instructions; internal focus instructions; and neutral instructions. The reaction time and the running time were significantly shorter in the external focus condition than in the internal focus condition, for both expert and novice participants. These results confirm the beneficial effect of an external focus of attention on the speed of movement execution. Moreover, they revealed that attentional focus influences movement preparation. Several hypotheses are proposed to account for these results, with reference to the processes that could be responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to investigate further the variable practice effect found by Shea and Kohl (1990). Experiment 1 was an initial attempt to determine the locus of the retention benefits demonstrated by subjects provided variable practice experiences. All groups received 20 acquisition blocks consisting of five test trials per block at a target of 150 N. The interval between test trials was either unfilled or filled, with additional trials consisting of the same target force, variable target forces, or practice on an unrelated motor task. The results indicated retention was not incremented (relative to an unfilled interval) by requiring subjects to perform an unrelated motor task in the intertest-trial interval. However, when the interest-trial interval was filled with practice on related motor tasks, retention was significantly improved. Experiment 2 assessed the impact of increasing the number of related motor tasks interpolated between test trials. The results indicated filling the intertest-trial interval with one motor task resulted in large retention benefits relative to an unfilled interval. Further increases in the number of related motor tasks (3) interpolated between test trials resulted in only modest increments to retention. The results were consistent with the elaboration perspective proposed by Shea and Zimny (1983). The elaboration perspective proposes that the simultaneous presence of related items in working memory facilitates interitem elaborative and distinctive processing that ultimately results in retention benefits.  相似文献   

铁饼教学中表象技能训练对教学效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
实验表明:在铁饼教学中,有目的地进行表象训练,提高学生想象能力和观察能力.激发学生的求知欲望,将有利于学生对完整技术的掌握。并建议采用想象训练方法时应该是理论联系实际,切不可和技术练习分开进行,并且想象训练应与心理训练相结合,要持之以恒。  相似文献   

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