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许志群 《江西教育》2022,(36):90-91
美术创作是一个复杂而有意义的过程,已有的生活经验、对物象特征的理解、作品的表现方式,都是影响美术创作的重要内容。在美术教学中,教师要通过对作品的深入解析,让学生感知美术作品的表达方式,并适时引导学生进行主观表达,把物象的特征通过主题作品的创作表现出来,提升学生的美术创作能力。  相似文献   

幼儿美术活动主要是教师引导幼儿通过美术想象创作,是幼儿心理活动的真实展现,也是为发展幼儿思维、情感、性格、智力搭建的一个重要窗口。通过幼儿美术教育活动,可以有效促进幼儿心理健康发展。幼儿美术教学不仅是幼儿的个人活动,其中还有许多需要幼儿团队相互合作、共同交流、共同完成的契机,教师可以引导幼儿创作作品时充分讨论,各抒己见,相互争辩,然后共同完成。  相似文献   

翁晓青 《成才之路》2009,(17):60-61
教学分析: 在学生的美术活动中,通过引导,培养学生对美术活动的兴趣。使他们把美术活动当成一种很快乐的游戏和表达自己思想情感的特殊工具。本课旨在通过“运动”这个题材的教学,引导学生进行有目的的欣赏、探索、创作、评价活动,从而认识到运动的美、健康的美,意识到运动的重要。以个人创造与集体合作的形式参与综合美术活动,发挥个性,学会合作,体验探究、发现的愉悦与成就感,激发美术学习的兴趣。  相似文献   

儿童美术创作是儿童从事美术活动的形式之一,也是开发儿童智力、思维,培养儿童创新意识的有效途径。随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,各领域与世界各国不断的交流,地方文化的传承与发展,在这一时期就凸现出来。儿童是国家的未来,也是民族的希望。在儿童美术创作活动中,儿童的美术创作活动或多或少受到地方某些因素的影响,在题材上、造型上和色彩上出现了地域性特点,追根求源是受到地方文化因素的影响。从儿童美术创作活动的三个方面,儿童美术创作与地方文化,儿童美术创作与地方文化表现,儿童美术创作与地方文化的分析,可以展现晥北地区儿童美术创作与皖北地域文化之关系。  相似文献   

蒋群芳 《早期教育》2012,(12):46-48
幼儿合作性美术创作活动,是合作学习理论在幼儿教育领域运用的典范,也是培养幼儿合作能力的良好途径。本文通过分析目前幼儿园开展合作性美术创作活动中存在的问题,在实践的基础上探索出可具体操作的教学策略:构建合作框架、营造合作氛围、进行合作分工、鼓励合作创作、引导合作学习、肯定合作创作。  相似文献   

在美术活动中,教师通过创设宽松的环境,提供自由的创作空间,进行有目的的观察,积极鼓励引导,正确赏识评价,激发幼儿在美术活动中的创造想象,有效培养幼儿的自信心.  相似文献   

"学校教育应该促进人有个性地发展,这才是教育的真正价值。"在儿童美术创作教学中,教师要坚持"以人为本"的教育理念,激发灵性,培养儿童积极的情感;开拓思路,引导儿童关注生活;张扬个性,发挥儿童的创造精神;鼓励儿童大胆表现。  相似文献   

<正>艺术源于生活,服务于生活。可见,美术的学习和创作需要在生活中去体验和实践。但美术教学还存在以下问题:课程教材缺少与校园生活的联系,无意间疏远了美术学习和学生生活的关系;忽视引导学生从校园生活中找寻素材和创作方法;教师重视在课堂里点评学生作品,忽视作品在生活中的应用与传播,学生未能体会到学习美术的价值。针对这些现象,笔者实践并总结出以下方法:整合活动资源,开发美术校本教材;勾连素材资源,探寻创作方法;灵活管理作品,激励持续创作等具体做法,  相似文献   

美术作为一门视觉艺术,其核心在于创作。在美术教学活动中发展幼儿认识颜色的能力,主要通过美术活动中的提示,以颜色规律性作为基础的色彩学规律,有利于培养幼儿审美趣味。水粉画适宜幼儿绘画心理和幼儿色彩美术教学,具有新颖、独特等特点的绘画形式,教师在教学活动过程中应开展多元技法,并引导幼儿对作品进行欣赏和创作,从而促进幼儿审美素养的健康发展。  相似文献   

绘画是儿童美术活动的重要内容,是儿童反映自己的生活经验和表达思想感情的重要方式。通过绘画作品,可以解读儿童作品中蕴含的情感和精神状态,帮助了解儿童的内心世界,绘画作品能投射出儿童的心理状况,便于及时发现儿童心理问题并进行干预。  相似文献   

艺术治疗通过艺术的手法让来访者与专业艺术治疗师在建立一定信任关系的前提下,进行绘画等各种艺术创造活动,并围绕作品来达到治疗的目的。本文介绍了艺术治疗的心理机制及各种艺术方法的治疗原理,它可以释放负面情绪,整合自我概念,达到心理平衡;讨论了艺术治疗在特殊教育领域中的应用,艺术治疗解决了特殊儿童所面临的语言障碍,成为了更为适当的心理咨询和教育手段;提出了艺术治疗融入特殊教育领域的建议。  相似文献   

The visual arts can be an important and rich domain of learning for young children. In PreK education, The Task Force on Children’s Learning and the Arts: Birth to Age Eight (Young children and the arts: Making creative connections, Washington, DC: Arts Education Partnership, 1998) recommends that art experiences for young children include activities designed to introduce children to works of art that are high quality and developmentally appropriate in both content and presentation. This paper documents the teaching strategies utilized by a master art teacher at the Denver Art Museum to engage preschool-age students in art viewing experiences which were part of a museum-based art program. This research provides support for integrating rich, meaningful art viewing experiences as a regular part of young children’s arts experiences while offering early childhood educators teaching strategies for early art viewing experiences.
Angela EckhoffEmail:

The present study aimed at assessing Hong Kong young children’s gains in creativity and their teachers’ application of arts education after a one-year artists-teachers collaborative arts education project that involves various art forms (i.e. drama, visual arts and integrated). Participants included 790 young children, 217 parents and 65 teachers in seven kindergartens and nurseries. Measures included the Test for Creative Thinking–Drawing Production, Story-Telling Test (STT), the subscales of parent-rated creativity, communication and motivational characteristics, and the adapted Scale of Application of Arts in the Classroom. Among the three art forms, children in the visual arts group demonstrated highest gains in verbal creativity as evaluated by the STT. Based on parents’ report, there were significant differences in children’s communication characteristics across the three art forms. Significant differences across art forms were also found in teachers’ confidence in teaching arts to 3–4?years old and their perception of arts for arts sake. Both teachers and students take advantage of the professional and artistic input and guidance of practising artists in arts appreciation and production. Implications and limitations were discussed.  相似文献   

论美术批评学在美术教育中的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨坤 《凯里学院学报》2008,26(4):132-133
美术批评学在美术教育领域里有很重要的位置,它与美术理论、美术史构成美术学的基本内容。美术批评教学在培养创造性人才方面有重要价值,对提高美术创作质量和美术教育的质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

What happens to art education when the national school curriculum in Israel follows a ‘core subjects’ policy? Allocating only two hours for all five art subjects (visual arts, music, drama, dance and cinematic arts) that remain outside the core curriculum increases the social‐economic gap between children whose parents can fund their art education privately and children whose parents cannot afford this. This also has worrying consequences for art teachers (most of them women) deprived of job security.  相似文献   

Education increasingly operates in neoliberal terms; privatisation, marketisation and competition have become key drivers for schools in England. This article explores the findings from an ethnography that points to how arts education practices are being used to ‘art‐wash’ schools resulting in parents with the requisite economic, social and cultural capitals ensuring that their children benefit the most from a creative education. Whilst most of the narratives on artwashing have so far focused on arts institutions and global capital, this article questions how some of the specific processes of gentrification may be extended to the current education system in England and ask if schools and arts organisations may increasingly be ‘art‐washing education’.  相似文献   

基于新时代对人才综合素质的更高要求,结合陕西工业职业技术学院的多年实践,指出高职院校需要艺术教育,提出了“艺术与技术完美结合,美育与智育相融并进”的办学理念;探索出精品艺术课程课堂教学是兰渠道;大学生艺术社团是窗口;专题艺术讲座是补充;学校网络艺术教育新阵地;艺术教育与艺术创作相结合;大力开展各种校园文化活动,营造积极向上的校园文化氛围的艺术素质教育模式,取得了积极的效果。  相似文献   

美术活动在幼儿素质教育中占有重要地位,是促进其全面发展的重要方式。幼儿园中美术活动的实施在很大程度上取决于教师的有效教学。然而,当前幼儿园美术活动中的教学存在着目标制定不合理、内容选择单一、忽视个别化教学、活动过程偏于模式化、师幼间缺乏互动、评价脱离艺术本质等问题。为提高教学的有效性,教师应做到科学制定教学目标、丰富美术活动内容、改善美术教学形式、抓住教学契机、增强师幼互动、改善评价方法,从而激发幼儿的绘画兴趣,鼓励幼儿探究学习,促进其全面和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the effects of art education in secondary schools on the cultural participation of Dutch students 10–20 years after leaving school. We draw our conclusion from a sample survey among 1034 students from 31 schools, half of whom took art as a subject of examination. Art examination subjects were more often chosen by students who were already active in the arts, come from culturally active families, and who more often chose languages and other humanities in their examination package. However, in spite of their affiliation with art prior to choosing an examination package, training in the arts during secondary school was found to add to their participation in cultural activities ten to twenty years later. The effects are restricted to the same art discipline as the art lessons attended, and apply to both receptive [enjoying art of artists] and productive [producing art] cultural participation.  相似文献   

美术教育是儿童成长过程中不可欠缺的教育内容,儿童美术教育多元智能理论认为,儿童美术是儿童本能的情绪和感觉的倾诉。在教育活动中,要把美术与儿童身心发展和智能培养结合起来,造就出身心健全的人。  相似文献   

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