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Relaxed after SydneyQ: It is the 1st time since 1995 that you have to play in the qualification matches of the national team in order to take part in the World Championships. How do you think of that?A: I think this is normal as the national team is setting up a more competitive internal system which will encourage the upcoming players. In the warm-up matches held in Huiyang and Shengzhou, 3 out of the 5 key players qualified for Paris. Two winners from 2 rounds of inter-team competitions will also qualify and the last 2 players will be selected by the coaches. I feel quite comfortable as it is equal  相似文献   

Vivian:Who is the English Premier League do you like towatch best? (英超里你最喜欢哪个球员?)Jame:I like David Beckham,Rio Ferdinand ,Michael Owenand so on.(我喜欢贝克汉姆、费迪南德、欧文等等。)Vivian:Frankly speaking,I don't agree with you.I think KevinCampbell is best. (说实话,对他们我倒是不以为然。我喜欢坎贝尔。)  相似文献   

James:Hi,Vivian,do you know Beckham had on accident?(你好,薇薇安,你知道贝克汉姆出事了吗?)Vivian:Oh,no,what is it? (不知道,什么事?)James:He was hit in the face by a flying football boot and required two stitches above his left eye. (他被一只飞来的足球靴子击中了面部,因此左眼上部还缝了两针。)Vivian:How can that be?who dare do so?(那怎么可能?谁这么胆大妄为?)  相似文献   

大家好,我是Vivian,从今天起,我将与James一起为大家介绍一些有关足球各方面的英语单词和对话。Vivian:Hi,James,I'd like to knowsomething about football,Can you helpme?James:Sure!Vivian:What are the referee's  相似文献   

In yet another move to build a global brand and increase brand awareness in China, Siemens mobile has formed a multi-year association with the Chinese national soccer team - "Team China". Siemens mobile will be the main official sponsor of seven teams under the Team China umbrella, including both the Men's and Women's Chinese National Teams. The contract will grant Siemens extensive branding rights in the stadium, on all  相似文献   

James and Vivian are talking about theUEFA Champions League qua rter-finalsecond leg,Internazionale FC vs Valencia. (James和Vivian正在谈论冠军杯四分之一决赛国际米兰对瓦伦西亚的比赛。) James:Hi,Vivian,do you know thatInternazionale FC is playing against Valenciatoday?  相似文献   

Dear SIR, How do you do.I'm a faithful fan of Europe named Xue Yujing though I was born in orient China,I look for every chance to watch the matches of Europe.I always like La Liga,Serie A,Bundesliga and European Championship and so on. I like England nation team and Real Madrid best,David Beckham is my favourite player!  相似文献   

Gloria :Yao Ming is going to be the best Asian Players in NBA 格洛里亚:姚明就要成为在NBA打球的亚洲最好的球员。 XiaoWang:Who is Yao Ming? 小王:谁是姚明? Gloria:He is a former Chinese basketball center playerwho has spent many years on the Chinese national team. 格洛里亚:他是原来在中国国家篮球队多年的中锋队员。 XiaoWang:Does he play basketball now? 小王:现在他还打球吗? Gloria:Yes, of course.He is on the basketball team of  相似文献   

China Mobile, China Network Communications, Bank of China and Volkswagen China have joined Beijing's Olympic team.The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) selected China Mobile Communications Group Corporation and China Network Communications Group Corporation (CNC) in July 2004 as its mobile communications service partner and fixed  相似文献   

G804.2 9801883利用肌肉功能电刺激对中国体操队运动员进行专项力量训练的研究=Research on specific strengthtraining of gymnasts of the Chinese national team bvmeans of EMSF instrument[刊,中,A]/肖光来,钟秉枢,董进霞,黄玉斌,白远韶,张沛文//北京  相似文献   

In 1985, Chinese basketball coach Qian Chenghai led his team touring in the Untied States. The Chinese national cagers were trained with teams of the National Basketball Association and played exhibition games with those NBA stars. In the eyes of most American sportswriters at that time, the Chinese hoop boys were equaled to the level of some division B players in  相似文献   

BATTLE OF SEXES The Chinese national women’s team beat the Guangzhoumen’s team 3-1 on March 5.男女排球对抗3月5日晚,中国女排在广州3:1战胜广州男排。国家女排主力赵蕊蕊大力扣杀。  相似文献   

Using experimental method,software engineering,and mathematical statistics method,an information integration analysis platform for national canoeing team training was developed,which can complete athletes' basic information management,video analysis,multi-parameter synchronous integration,static information digital monitoring and other functions. Application of the platform was used to collect and analyze the training data such as set sail ,the way planning data,and boating in the process of real-time heart rate and heart rate variability characteristics ,and found that some athletes set sail out and into the water,the time difference is too large,sequential paddle was unreasonable;compared Chinese team with the German team,the effect of catching water is not good,paddle frequency control is poor,four athletes is imbalance among the level of technology;using heart rate variability may reflect racing data structure. Chinese canoe team training information integration analysis platform established to achieve canoe training in information acquisition,information integration and data multi-parameter fast feedback.  相似文献   

G861.4,G804.87 20031568国家帆板帆船队备战2000年奥运会的心理训练及其效果=Effects of psychological services onthe national sailing team preparing for 2000Olympic Games and its evaluation[刊,中,A]/丁雪琴,郭松(国家体育总局科研所),曲春,贾学武,姚  相似文献   

The types of sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer in China can be divided into international sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer that based on the global value chain,international sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer that based on foreign investment ,international and national sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer that based on the national value chain ,and each has different forms and causes. In order to promote the transfer of sporting goods manufacturing industry in China,this paper putted forward some countermeasures and suggestions as following:under- take advanced sports goods manufacturing industry international transfer,using various forms of foreign investment andembedded in GVC and NVC to implement sports goods manufacturing industry international transfer.  相似文献   

This is a report from Great Smoky Mountain. From this report, I will tell you a story about me and my team. After ten years of hardworking, we made some achievements in Branson, Missouri in America, and then we turned to Great Smoky Mountain for another business. To my group and me, itis like a legend.  相似文献   

The meeting of Briefings on the "Tour Show" of China 2009 World Philatelic Exhibition (China 2009) and Luoyang City was held in Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) on February 19, 2009. Luoyang sincerely extends welcome to all the guests——Welcome to the Ancient Capital Luoyang, where you could enjoy the beauty of Chinese National Flower——peony, as well as the splendor of stamp collections.  相似文献   

The Ninth Game of the People's Republic of China was held in Guangzhou from November 11th to 25th of 2001. 12314 athletes of 45 teams from all over the country attended preliminary contests, and 8608 athletes attended final games. Our athletes have struggled with their full strengths and created a bunch of excellent results at this game. 24 persons and 35 person-times have exceeded seven world records in 30 items and 345 sub-items, and six persons and one team have  相似文献   

China faces a real test of flair and formas the world table tennis superpowermeets challenges from the first introducedqualification system and rule alterationsto Olympic pingpong games. China, long acclaimed as the "kingdomof table tennis" where the sport is hailedas the national game, have swept 13 outof 16 gold medals since table tennis wasintroduced to the Olympics in 1988. The all-mighty Chinese love to take onchallenges from rest of the world, but therule changes for the Athens Olymp…  相似文献   

Chinese women's soccer team have not been givenany target in the Athens Olympic Games but they willtake "every chance" to fight for honor. Xue Li, vice-president of the Chinese FootballAssociation (CFA) said: "The CFA will not assign atask to the players, but they will, as always, take everychance to play well for their country." "The Olympic Games is a big occasion and you cannever give up in an Olympic field," Xue said. "Youmust play your best in every game in Athens." The Steel …  相似文献   

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