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What Am I?     
I was born(出生) in a small river.When I was young,river was my home.I did not know my parents,but I had hundreds of brothers and sisters.I swam about(四处) and played all day with them.At that time I did not like(像) my parents.I had legs(腿),but I had a long tail(尾巴),So I looked like a fish.  相似文献   

What Am I?     
Hello,boys and girls!My name is Mike.I'm tall and fat.I have a long nose and two big ears.My mouth is not too big.My teeth are very long.My  相似文献   

What Am I?     
一个连四肢、五官都没有的“人”,却能为你做许多意想不到的事,这“人”会是淮呢?一起来解开这个谜吧。  相似文献   

What Am I?     
My first letter is in the word"tarm"but not in"arm" My second letter is in "live" but not in "love". You can find my third letter in"best"and "most".  相似文献   

What Am I?     
1.I’m a man,but I can't live inside a house.What amd I?2.I’m a star,but I can't be seen in the sky.What am I?3.The more you clean(清洁)me,the blacker(黑)I become.What am I?4.Though I'm black,I can enlighten(启发)people.What am  相似文献   

What Would I Do?     
鸟儿是人类的朋友。我们应该怎样对待这些可爱的朋友呢?看完下面许凡同学与她的小鸟之间的感人故事之后,我们就可以找到答案了。  相似文献   

WhatIwishforismydadtoactuallygivemeagiftforChristmas.IwishtherewasnoIraqwar.IwishmydadwillstopwatchingtheBushvs.Kerry(克里,布什竞选连任总统时的最大劲敌)debates.Iwishthatmydadwillthrowawayhisjunkyradio.Iwishforagreatyear.TheChristmasspiritisthatgivingagiftisbetterthanreceivingagift.Itisalwaysgoodtohelptheneedy.RememberSantaClaus(圣诞老人)ischeckingwhoisnaughtyornice.ThisyearIamhopingitwouldbeaspecialyearforChristmasbecausethisismyfirstyearofhighschool.IwishthatIcanjoinasmanyactivitiesasI…  相似文献   

学习指南在这个单元里我们要学习的语法项目是情态动词should和could的用法。语言目标是学会谈论问题和学会提出忠告。通过听、说、读、写运用目标语言,从而达到熟练运用。重点、难点知识点拨:[课文注释]1.Iarguedwithmybestfriend.我和我最要好的朋友争吵了。  相似文献   

Rina went to school 1 she was six years old.She liked her first day 2. Her teacher, Miss Yates,was very nice,and 3 in her class were 4,too.But at the end of the second  相似文献   

Rina went to school 1 she was six yearsold.She liked her first day 2 .Her teacher,Miss Yates,was very nice,and 3 in her classwere 4 ,too.But at the end of the secondday,when the other children 5 the class-room,Rina stayed behind and waited.  相似文献   

What Am I     
My first is in paint,And also in draw.My second is in peace,  相似文献   


Recent advances made by medicine and psychiatry in the development of practice guidelines and evidence-based interventions are spreading to social work and other helping professions. As the movement toward evidence-based practice grows, more demands for the use of tested interventions will be placed on practitioners. In this paper, we argue that social work practice education must change to respond to this demand. Specifically, evidence-based interventions must be incorporated into the teaching of the middle phase of social work practice more than it is now. Social work training has traditionally relied on untested interventions that have come from the tacit knowledge of accumulated practice wisdom. Although tacit knowledge has an important place in social work practice, instructing students about evidence-based, empirically derived interventions provides them with critical knowledge and skills they will need to enter the competitive world of social work practice. Moreover, this approach amplifies the importance of launching practitioners with skills of evidence-based thinking; that is, the identification, evaluation, and selection of interventions with demonstrated effectiveness.  相似文献   

The 29th Olympic Game will be celebrated in Beijing, China. I!m proud ofthis. Olympic Games are always celebrated in big countries,which means ourcountry is stronger than before.The Chinese government is getting ready for the 2008 Olympic Games.Workers ar…  相似文献   

What am I doing     
英语课上,老师带领学生做口语练习,题目是“What am I doing”就是由一个学生做动作,然后问: “What am I doing?”其他同学根据动作去猜,并用英语回答。  相似文献   

What I ever saw     
我见过倚在峭壁上的黄山松八千里的雷霆九万里的狂风劈不歪,轰不倒我见过挺立在中原上的白杨纵然一场狂风能将她连根拔起她也从不屈服弯腰我见过黄沙中的仙人掌挺着一身虬刺向坎坷宣战老天想把她们渴死她们却依然在茫茫大漠绽放奇葩我见过天寒地冻间的梅花她不愿向春天媚笑严寒却令她动容所以我相信即使命运给我过多的煎熬我也要坦然面对因为我的未来正冲着我微笑(指导老师:唐国凡)What I ever saw@蝗虫不再!湖南  相似文献   

What am I?     
I am old,I am wise(有智慧的). I like to hunt before sunrise. (我喜欢在太阳升起之前捕猎。)  相似文献   

冬天来了,我们可队和冰雪来个亲密接触。看看下面哪样运动最适合你!  相似文献   

I am twelve years old. I'm in No. 2 middle school. I have very great desire. That is I want to study in No.1 Senior Middle School, because it's a very famous school. It may be a dream for me, for I am not a top student, but I will study hard from now on and make the dream come true. When I am not a student any longer, I want to become an artist. I like drawing very much and I  相似文献   

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