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从转型高校创新创业教育发展的实际出发,分析了转型发展与创新创业教育的内涵及相互关系。从创新创业教育与专业教育融合性差,学校、企业和政府协调育人的互动性较差,教师实践经验不足、制约创新创业教育的发展,缺乏完善的实践教学体系和学生学业水平评价体系单一五个方面分析了转型高校创新创业教学平台打造中存在的主要问题,针对这一系列问题提出有针对性的解决对策,为转型高校创新创业教育平台的打造提供建设性建议。  相似文献   

创新创业教育是当前中国教育转型的时代呼唤.文章从学生学业评价的角度入手,探求创新创业人才培养的路径.针对现有学生学业评价现状提出了多元联动型学生学业评价模式,该模式包括多元主体联动评价策略、多元知识互构评价策略、多元情境评价策略、形成性与总结性并重的多元方式联动评价策略等.  相似文献   

学生评价是促进学生成长与发展的"指挥棒"。它既可以引导人才培养朝着创新型人才的方向发展,也可能阻滞大学生创新意识、创新人格、创新思维和创新潜能的培养。本文基于教育转型视角分析现行学生评价制约创新型人才成长存在的问题,为完善创新型人才培养的学生评价机制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

上海市教委启动了"绿色指标"的研究,切实促进了教育转型。我区作为上海市"基础教育创新试验区",开展了具有综合性、前瞻性的行动研究,从评价层面为区域的教育创新提供支点和助力。我区选择学业水平指数中的创新素养评价为研究课题,具体开展过程如下。一、组建研究团队创新素养是指学生激活自己潜力与活力的意识和能力。研究创新素养评价指标,就是要构建检测学生创新素养的指标体系,建立我区义务教育阶段  相似文献   

在"大众创业、万众创新"国家发展新战略中,高职院校起着必不可少的生力军和主阵地作用。传统的高职院校创新创业教育已经不再适应经济转型的需要,需要引发一场由"双创"推动的教育范式深刻转型,在教学范式、课程体系范式、教育评价范式等方面做出根本性的变革。创新创业教育范式不同于创新创业教育模式,后者服从于前者。高职院校创新创业教育模式要体现"对接式教育"理念,对接学生特点、院校特色和行(企)业文化和社会经济转型需要。  相似文献   

教育数字化转型的本质是人的转型,提升学生数字素养对于推动教育数字化转型至关重要。构建中小学生数字素养评价指标体系、开展中小学生数字素养评价是提升学生数字素养的基础和前提。为此,文章在系统梳理国内外数字素养评价指标框架的基础上,结合《义务教育信息科技课程标准(2022年版)》和中小学生发展特征,构建包含“数字意识”“数字知识与技能”“计算思维”“数字化合作与交流”“数字化学习与创新”“数字社会责任”6个一级指标与15个二级指标的中小学生数字素养评价指标体系;基于该评价指标体系,提出如下学生数字素养评价策略:素养导向,创设真实性问题情境;关注过程,开展数据驱动的评价;技术赋能,理论与技术双向驱动。研究结果可为我国教育政策制定者开展学生数字素养评价并制定针对性的培育策略提供参考和借鉴,助力我国教育全面数字化转型。  相似文献   

高等职业教育质量评价数字化转型可以提高评价的客观性和准确性,促进学校与企业的合作和交流,使得评价更加贴近实际需求。数字化转型体现为评价理念、方式、结果的全面创新,包括评价指标的数字化、评价过程的数字化、评价结果的数字化等,然而在实施过程中面临评价主体多元化、评价标准分层化、评价工具智能化、评价方式多样化、评价过程精细化等挑战。为形成教育质量评价新生态,需要评价主体间的互动与合作,共同实施教育质量评价,同时注重教育质量评价数字化转型面临的挑战,推动教育创新和发展。在新时代背景下,实施高等职业教育质量评价数字化转型,需要创新教育质量评价理念,完善教育质量评价指标体系,建立三元教育质量评价共同体,并建立完善的监督机制。  相似文献   

传统法学教育忽视对学生职业技能和创新意识的培养,从而导致学生毕业后难以迅速适应法律职业岗位的需要,急需转型。而角色扮演教学法恰恰能担负起法学教育转型的重任。运用角色扮演教学法应注重以下关键因素:主题的选择和场景的预设;角色的合理选择和分配;场景的进入和角色的发挥;课程的总结与评价。角色扮演法具有重大的应用价值,有利于充分调动学生的学习主动性,提高学生的职业素质和职业技能,开拓学生的创新和创造性思维。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,我国经济已经步入了中速稳定增长的新常态。为了解决就业困难等社会问题,国家大力鼓励和推动学生创新创业教育,但受到多种主观或客观因素的影响,创新创业教育的社会认同度低、创新创业课程体系不健全、政府等外界扶持力度不够,使得创新创业活动受到了极大的阻碍。在经济转型升级的背景下,必须着力解决创新创业教育面临的难题,构建成熟的评价体系、增强各界对创新创业教育的认同感、构建创新创业教育的课程体系、加强实践活动,从而提升学生创新创业的素质,这对创新创业教育的发展将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

学生评价创新与创新教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教育真正实施的瓶颈在教育评价,其中尤以学生评价标准和评价方式对创新教育的影响最大,只有加深对创新教育和学生评价的认识,转变观念,重建学生评价标准,改进评价方式,并在其他一些教育的环节上进行配套改革,才能使创新教育落到实处,卓有成效。  相似文献   

本文论述了本科教育中培养创新型人才所遇到的问题与困惑,分析了创新型人才所应具有的各种素质以及本科教学中相应的培养途径,同时探讨了专业特点对衡量考核标准的影响;然后,结合本专业特点和作者实践,介绍了各个教学环节在培养创新型人才过程中发挥的作用并介绍了某些成功实例。最终指出:将信息技术与专业知识结合可能是土木专业培养创新人才的一个重要途径。要善于从设计类型题目中寻找研究型问题作为创新的突破口。  相似文献   

Research finds that student teachers often fail to make observable instructional goals, without which a secure bridge between instruction and assessment is precluded. This is one reason that recent reports state that teacher education needs to become better at helping student teachers to develop their thinking about and skills in assessing pupils’ learning. Currently in Europe, the Lesson Study method and the Content Representation tool, which both have a specific focus on assessment, have started to address this problem. This article describes and discusses an intervention in which Lesson Study was used in combination with Content Representation in student teachers’ field practice. Empirical materials from one group of student teachers were analyzed to illustrate how the student teachers worked with assessment during the planning of a lesson, how they implemented it in a research lesson, and how they used the gathered observations to make claims about assessment aims. The findings suggest that the student teachers placed greater emphasis on assessment through the intervention. However, it is also found that more attention should have been dedicated to the planning phase and that the group did not manage to keep a research focus throughout the Lesson Study process. This suggests that it properly would be beneficial with several planning sessions prior to the research lesson, as well as having an expert teacher leading the Lesson Study.  相似文献   

培养创新能力,是贯穿整个高等教育的主线。本文以仿生学为载体,对在《机械原理》课程中,如何规划创新程序,激发学生的创造性,培养机械专业学生创造性思维的能力和创新技能等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

The impact of innovative assessment on student experience in higher education is a neglected research topic. This represents an important gap in the literature-given debate around the marketisation of higher education, international focus on student satisfaction measurement tools and political calls to put students at the heart of higher education in the UK. This paper reports on qualitative findings from a research project examining the impact of assessment preferences and familiarity on student attainment and experience. It argues that innovation is defined by the student, shaped by diverse assessment experiences and preferences, and therefore its impact is difficult to predict. It proposes that future innovations must explore assessment choice mechanisms which allow students to shape their own assessments. Cultural change and staff development will be required to achieve this. To be accepted, assessment for student experience must be viewed as a complementary layer within a complex multi-perspective model of assessment, which also embraces assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment for lifelong learning. Further research is required to build a meta-theory of assessment to enhance the synergies between these alternative approaches and minimise the tensions between them.  相似文献   

在高等教育中,素质教育已经成为中国教育改革和人才培养的指导思想。我们必须十分重视对学生素质的培养,使英语教育和素质教育完美结合,才会培养出理论素质和人文素质都比较高的专门人才。教与学是一个统一体,在剑桥商务英语教学中应该融入人格教育,使学生具备良好的团队意识和职业道德,成为掌握得体的商务交往礼仪和富有创新意识的有健康人格的人。通过一系列的调查研究发现剑桥商务英语教学中如果能够恰当地运用素质教育就很有可能极大地提高教学效果并刺激学生学习这门课程的积极性。通过应用素质教育,培养学生在掌握商务英语基本概念和词汇的基础上,提高学生解决实际商务问题的能力,引导他们全面地、辩证地思考问题,引导他们把书本知识和社会实践联系起来。  相似文献   

Drawing on extant theorizing and research on reflective teaching, this paper discusses the impact of an innovative methods course designed around the activity of student teachers’ reflections on their own classroom discourse, for their understandings of the connections between theory and practice. Situated in the context of foreign language pre-service teacher education in Israel, and focusing on one aspect of a larger research study on the connections that student teachers make between theory and practice, this paper presents three exemplary cases of student teachers’ learning. The connections exhibited by these three student teachers between theory (principles of pedagogy) and practice (the classroom discourse patterns that characterized their teaching) were interpreted as: (1) understanding how practice fits theory; (2) connecting theory and practice to generate grounded theories of practice; and (3) developing practical theories. We discuss these findings as related to the idiosyncratic character of students teachers’ learning and to activities in teacher education that enhance reflection on the meeting between theory and practice.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,有关创新教育的研究渐成热点,从教育的对象-学生创新素质的研究着手,有助于创新教育理论的深化和实践的开展,在逐层揭示了创新,创新素质以及学生的创新素质内涵的基础上,着重论述了中小学生创新素质的生成条件,并为中小学生创新素质的发展作了一些教育教学策略方面的探讨。  相似文献   

创新高校学生党员教育模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着世情、国情和党情的不断发展和大学生时代特点的变化,高校学生党员教育面临许多问题和挑战,创新高校学生党员教育是非常重要和迫切的。因此,探索创新高校学生党员教育的模式,不断丰富和发展高校学生党员教育工作,对促进高校党建工作的健康发展,培养社会主义建设的合格人才具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Formative assessment is of critical importance to student learning. With learning and teaching, and also retention, high on the agenda of higher education, the professionalism of academics as educators is of increasing significance. A key component of educators' professionalism—formative assessment—is weakly conceptualised, and hence it is likely that the contribution of formative assessment to student learning and retention is not being optimised. The first, larger part of this article discusses formative assessment in the context of the current political and structural environment of higher education. The second part considers how formative assessment might better contribute to student development and retention, particularly in the critically important first year of a higher education program.  相似文献   

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