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文章主要概述了当前我国关于学习障碍儿童的早期发现与诊断、干预和训练的具体内容以及教育干预实践的研究,在此基础上指出学习障碍儿童早期干预存在的问题以及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

本研究①根据语言学派及心理历程的观点,结合语言学习困难儿童的学习表现,编制儿童语言学习困难诊断量表.该量表从语言学习通道的平衡性及语言学习能力的层次性这两个维度来评估儿童的语言学习能力.实验抽取小学二、三、四年级共342人作为被试,结果表明(1)该量表可以有效地区分不同学习成绩的儿童;(2)该量表具有较高的信度和效度,(3)该量表可以区分不同类型的语言学习困难者,为个别化的教育方案提供指导.  相似文献   

自我刺激行为是自闭症谱系障碍儿童典型发展的问题行为之一,常常表现为啃咬自己、撞击物品或他人、反复摇晃身体等。这些问题行为不仅有可能威胁到他们自身或者其他人的身体安全,同时也会影响他们与其他人保持良好的社会交往关系,阻碍他们学习新的知识和技能,因此,对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行干预十分必要。目前常用的自我刺激行为的干预方法主要有:感觉消退、匹配性刺激替代法、过度矫正、积极行为支持、强化、感觉统合训练和早期预防7种。对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行有效干预,可以帮助自闭症谱系障碍儿童学会用恰当的行为方式表达需求,从而更好地适应学习和生活。  相似文献   

研究综合了来自不同文化背景的48748名3-8岁儿童学习品质与数学能力关系的24项研究数据,通过元分析的方法考察了二者的相关强度,并分析了影响二者关系的因素,包括学习品质的子要素、年龄、文化与家庭社会经济地位等人口统计学因素。研究结果显示:早期学习品质及各要素与数学能力之间均存在中等强度的相关;学前儿童的学习品质与数学能力的相关要强于小学低年级阶段二者之间的相关;早期学习品质对数学能力的预测作用随着儿童年龄的增长而降低;处境不利儿童的学习品质与数学能力的相关强于正常家庭的儿童。研究结果提示我们,早期学习品质在儿童的数学学习过程中起着重要的统领作用。对学习品质进行有效的教学和干预,是促进儿童数学学习,甚至是实现教育公平的有效途径。  相似文献   

自闭症((autism,又称孤独症)是一种因神经心理功能异常而导致交流、社会交往和行为三方面同时出现严重问题的综合征。自1943年堪纳(Kanner)将这类儿童命名为“自闭症”以来,半个多世纪的追踪研究表明:早期诊断和早期干预,对于减轻自闭症儿童症状,充分发挥其潜能,争取较好的预后是至关重要的。而要成功地对自闭症儿童进行早期干预,[第一段]  相似文献   

沟通障碍是自闭症的主要特征之一,直接影响儿童智力和社会性技能的发展。语言行为方法(Verbal Behavior)基于各种ABA研究的成果,能提高孩子学习功能性语言的能力,在训练自闭症儿童的语言沟通技能方面卓有成效。文章从语言行为方法的提出、语言行为方法的应用以及相关研究等方面进行梳理,得出启示:国内相关学者要加强语言行为方法对自闭症儿童干预的教学程序的研究,重视语言行为方法干预效果的实证研究,形成系统的语言行为方法早期干预团队。  相似文献   

王波  Kang Young  Sim 《教育导刊》2011,(12):52-55
目前,西方关于自闭症儿童早期集中行为干预(EIBI)的研究方兴未艾。越来越多的研究证实早期集中行为干预是自闭症儿童积极有效的干预范式,能有效提升自闭症儿童的认知水平、语言能力以及适应性功能。文章回顾了自闭症儿童早期集中行为干预的涵义、缘起与发展,阐述了其实践运用和效果研究,并对未来的实践与研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍目前被认为是一种发病率极高的精神疾病,有关孤独症的病因、早期识别、干预等问题是困扰研究者的重要科学问题。广大父母和教育工作者应了解儿童早期发展的基本知识,以及特殊儿童早期发展异常行为表现,做到"早识别、早求助、早就医、早干预",为促进儿童早期健康发展做出努力。  相似文献   

早期阅读对学前儿童发展的价值日渐被社会重视,并逐步成为促进处境不利儿童全面发展的强力支撑。研究以上海城郊幼儿园儿童为对象,力图描述学前儿童阅读素养的发展现状,并揭示对积极学习品质塑造的影响。结果发现,虽然城郊地区学前儿童早期阅读素养的阅读行为、阅读理解和阅读品质三个子维度随着年龄增长呈现积极发展的态势,但各个子维度发展较不均衡,精准支持的教育提升空间巨大。此外,早期阅读素养与儿童学习品质之间显著相关,尤其良好的阅读品质能够显著预测儿童积极学习品质的发展。据此,我国早期阅读推广工作应坚持基本普及与精准定向之原则,广泛提升儿童各个维度的早期阅读素养,适应地区发展特点和儿童阅读水平来实施阅读课程建设与改革,重点关注良好阅读品质的培养,这将有利于塑造学前儿童积极学习品质。  相似文献   

刘红霞  阳德华 《教师》2012,(8):127-127
学前儿童自闭症是一种由大脑、神经病变引起的广泛性发展障碍,是一种涉及感知觉、情感、语言、思维、动作和行为等多方面的神经发育障碍性疾病。其常见的病因及影响因素包括遗传、脑器质性病变、社会心理因素等。由于儿童自闭症发病的年龄比较早,发病症状特殊,尚无有效的治疗方法,现在很多观点都是早期发现、早期干预,通过行为干预和特殊教育训练等方法,来提高他们在日常生活中自理、认知、社会交往及适应社会的能力。  相似文献   

早期干预是听力障碍幼儿康复成功的关键因素之一。该文从个案研究的角度,报告了一例成功的听力障碍幼儿早期干预的案例。研究结果表明,根据设定的阶段目标分步骤地对听力障碍幼儿进行早期干预是有效的。研究同时发现,尽早干预,在干预过程中充分利用游戏的价值,充分发挥同伴、家长的作用对听力障碍幼儿早期干预的成败意义重大。  相似文献   

本文用儿童适应行为量表对 7— 1 2岁的听障儿童适应行为特点进行研究 ,结果发现 :听力障碍儿童适应行为发展水平明显落后于听力正常儿童 ,其中认知发展水平的严重滞后是一个重要原因 ,而语言发展又是认知发展滞后的关键所在。听力障碍儿童的交流方式和居住地对其适应能力有影响。虽然听力障碍儿童适应行为发展水平明显落后于正常儿童 ,但他们有着巨大的发展潜能。对听力障碍儿童适应行为的发展要注重其年龄的影响 ,及早进行干预。  相似文献   

Problematic assessment and intervention issues present substantial challenges when making educational decisions for deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) students who are experiencing reading difficulties. These students present a diverse set of language acquisition skills, hearing ability, and orientation to early school learning activities that are different from the hearing student population. Given the importance of selecting assessment approaches that lead to effective interventions for D/HH students, three assessment procedures for identification of at‐risk children and learning disabilities within the D/HH population are examined. Assessments reviewed are teacher referral, norm‐referenced testing, and student response to intervention. Challenges to each process and the need for additional assessment and empirically validated treatment options are discussed. Finally, a case example is presented to illustrate a framework that may help school psychologists promote early identification of learning problems and outline interventions that meets a D/HH child's unique needs by focusing on reading outcomes in the curriculum. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vocabulary knowledge is strongly associated with reading achievement and becomes increasingly predictive of overall reading proficiency as children progress through the elementary grades. Children who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing often begin schooling with small meaning vocabularies, a disadvantage that puts them at risk of struggling to learn to read. Recent research on vocabulary intervention with young children who have typical hearing demonstrates the effectiveness of targeted, contextualized instruction on children's word learning and provides insights for early childhood educators of young d/Deaf and hard of hearing children. In the present essay, which is grounded in the qualitative similarity hypothesis (Paul, 2010, in press; Paul & Lee, 2010) and sociocultural theories of learning, the author argues for evidence-based vocabulary interventions for young d/Deaf and hard of hearing children that are rooted in the contemporary research literature.  相似文献   

The authors report a short-term reading intervention study involving 15 children with Down syndrome (DS) who attended mainstream schools. The intervention programme taught children phoneme segmentation and blending skills in the context of learning letter-sounds and working with words in books. The children were taught by their learning support assistants, who received special training for this purpose. Compared to a waiting group, a group of eight children with DS improved significantly on measures of early literacy skills (letter-sound knowledge, Early Word Recognition) following eight weeks of intervention. The waiting group started to make progress once they received the intervention. Both groups maintained progress on the literacy measures five months after the intervention had finished. The results suggest that children with DS can benefit from structured, phonics-based reading intervention.  相似文献   

苏雪云  胡冰 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):90-92,96
自闭谱系障碍通常被描述为一种起病于3岁之前,以明显的社会交往障碍、言语沟通异常以及刻板的兴趣、奇特的行为方式为特征的谱系障碍。尽早发现、评估、干预,才能最大程度地开发这类儿童的潜能。英国目前已经拥有较为完善的法律保障体系,以保障自闭谱系障碍儿童的权利及其家庭的参与权利。"不只是语言""早起的鸟"等早期家庭干预模式均重视家长的参与,旨在形成由专业人员指导、家长执行并合作解决问题的干预体系,促进自闭谱系障碍儿童发展。英国的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

Current policy guidance stresses the need for early identification of obstacles to learning and appropriate intervention. New standards for learning (Early Years Foundation Stage) place personal, social and emotional development (PSED) as central to learning and development. This paper reports a survey and follow-up interviews with early years practitioners on early identification and intervention of young children with difficulties in PSED. As previous research with primary and secondary colleagues has shown, practitioners find low-level disturbance occurring most frequently. Although aggressive behaviour (hurting others, kicking, hitting and biting) is a concern, not attending or listening and immature social skills (lack of sharing and turn-taking, and inability to relate to other children) is a bigger challenge. Practitioners report a range of strategies for formally teaching relevant skills but point to the greater challenge of supporting recent immigrants where different cultural and social norms need to be understood.  相似文献   

The National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Early Identification of Hearing Impairment was convened to address the advantages of early identification of hearing impairment and the consequences of late identification of hearing impairment, the issue of which children should be screened for hearing impairment and when, the advantages and disadvantages of current screening methods, the question of which model for hearing screening and follow-up is preferred, and future directions for research in diagnosis and management of hearing impairment in infants and young children. Among their findings, the panel concluded that (1) all infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit be screened for hearing loss prior to discharge, (2) universal screening be implemented for all infants within the first 3 months of life, (3) the preferred model for screening should begin with an evoked otoacoustic emissions test and should he followed by an auditory brainstem response test for all infants who fail the evoked otoacoustic emissions test, (4) comprehensive intervention and management programs must be an integral part of a universal screening program, (5) universal neonatal screening should not be a replacement for ongoing surveillance throughout infancy and early childhood, and (6) education of primary caregivers and primary health care providers on the early signs of hearing impairment is essential.  相似文献   

Given the problems experienced by hearing‐impaired individuals in learning the written language, a pedagogical approach was tested. The study examined the links between the development of representations of alphabetic system and the results in reading and writing of first graders. In the study, there were 31 hearing‐impaired children and 25 hearing ones. Invented spelling was measured three times during the school year. Reading and writing tests were given at the end of the year. The results obtained revealed a similarity between the learning profile of the hearing‐impaired children and that of the hearing children. It also demonstrated the importance of the work done through invented spelling, among the hearing‐impaired children. Thus, like their hearing peers, hearing‐impaired children are able to use procedures to process the written word based on the alphabetic principle, but continuous support‐implying invented spelling constantly adjusted to the progression of their representations must be provided.  相似文献   

This study examined early pragmatic skill development in a group of 38 children with severe or profound hearing loss between 1 and 4 years of age who were enrolled in a simultaneous communication (SC) approach to language learning. Both their use of intentionally communicative acts and their use of language were studied in an analysis of 30-min play sessions between a child and the primary caregiver. Results were compared with previously published data from two age-matched groups: 38 deaf children who were enrolled in oral communication (OC) programs and 84 normally hearing (NH) children. All groups showed a significant improvement with age in the communicative behaviors measured; therefore, the overall trend was toward growth-in all age groups-even when the rates of growth differed. By age 3 years, a pattern of communicative function use had emerged in all three groups. Patterns exhibited by deaf children in the SC and OC groups were similar to each other and to younger NH children but dissimilar to NH age mates. Although the use of signed input by normally hearing parents and teachers did not serve to ameliorate the profound effects of hearing loss on communication development in SC children, it did provide some early advantages. The children in SC groups did not exhibit an advantage over children in OC groups in their overall frequency of communication or the breadth of their vocabulary but they began using words earlier and used mature communicative functions significantly more often. Although children in the OC groups did not exhibit a significant advantage in the overall amount of speech used, they showed an advantage in the breadth of their spoken vocabulary in a conversational setting. Implications for early intervention programming are discussed.  相似文献   

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