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一、教学过程Step 1.Warm-up and lead-in1.课前利用CAI课件播放英语儿歌《职业歌》。2.教师边有节奏地说儿歌边夸张地模仿各种职业的动作,示意学生一起说、做。  相似文献   

从本期开始,我们将为您陆续指出中国考生在雅思口语考试中最常见的口语错误,小到粗心所致的小错误,大到复杂语法结构导致的大错误,愿借此让读者学习到大量实用地道的英语表达,敬请关注。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - The global dominance of the English language has led to intense debates with the emergence of studies of English as a lingua franca. These debates can be...  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an investigation aimed at gaining a clearer understanding of the nature of vocabulary difficulties associated with dyslexia and associated risk status. Three studies were conducted to examine preschoolers’ access and mastery of syntactic- and phonological-based processes believed to support word learning. Results are reported for 82 participants whose (reading) risk status was assessed from a composite of measures known to be related to reading development. As expected, risk status correlated positively with participants’ ability to recall the phonological form of novel nouns. No relationship was found between risk status and participants’ use of syntactic form-class cues in interpreting the noun class of novel names in isolation. However, the ability to use form-class cues was impaired for at-risk participants on a task that required them to learn both the phonological form and noun class. Findings are discussed in relation to the suggestion that limitations in processing resources such as working memory rather than in the availability of language structures may be at the root of the reported poor performance by at-risk children on vocabulary and other linguistic measures.
Megan Louise GilliverEmail: Email:

Michael Young’s article ‘Overcoming the crisis in curriculum theory: a knowledge-based approach’ (JCS, 45, 2) is discussed from the starting point that the claimed crisis is constructed from a decisive solution, that is the solution determines what is a crisis. But curriculum research and curriculum theory are in need of change. Curriculum research is discussed from an international and historical perspective. The focus is on how economic changes and changes in modes of production have created demands that have been met by an increasing trust in competition between schools and nations. Curriculum construction has been globalized. Curriculum research and curriculum theory ought to problematize and analyse these changes in the conditions for curriculum construction and the politics of education. It is insight into these changes that are needed as well as a serious discussion on the meaning and direction of formation (Bildung) as a framework for research on the knowledge that has to be selected and organized for teaching.  相似文献   

<正>教学目标1.知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读句子:Look at the tiger!Thetiger is running。(2)能够听、说、读、写动物动作短语的ing形式:flying、jumping、walking、running、swimming。2.情感目标培养学生热爱动物、热爱大自然的道德品质。教学重、难点1.教学重点:掌握五个动词的-ing形式,并用现在进行时进行表达。  相似文献   

一、教材内容Part B Let’stalk/Let’spractice本课是一堂对话新授课,主要通过两位小主人公Bai Ling和Chen Jie在家中看电视时的对话和语言练习项目中的猜测游戏来呈现、操练新句型Who’s thisboy/girl?,使学生进一步了解并掌握指示代词this与that的不同用法。同时,对话中还渗透了Come on.Let’s watch TV.Wow,how funny!等口语内容,有助于学生对情景的理解和语言的积累。  相似文献   

沈宏萍 《考试周刊》2013,(1):120-120
<正>一、教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词a policeman,a police-woman,a waiter,a waitress,a driver,a worker,a farmer,a cook,并能发现职业单词的构词规则,拓展了解其他职业的单词。2.能听懂、会说和读写句型What’s your/his/her job?I’m/He’s/She’s a...What are their jobs?They’re...How old are you/ishe/she?I’m/He’s/She’s a...3.能正确运用本课句型询问或介绍他人年龄的职业,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习的积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,树立远大的理想。4.帮助学生学会在比较中发现知识,并归纳、整体感悟、  相似文献   

本课以What’s the matter?为主线贯穿始终,教师特别重视教学设计的整体性,各项课堂活动紧紧围绕它开展并通过它进行发散与拓展,让学生学会如何用英语表达自身的感受,并了解在各种状况下应给予怎样的帮助。学生在掌握知识的同时,学会如何关心他人以及如何与人相处。一、创设情境,有效习得创设真实、生动的情境,能引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生整体感知、理解语  相似文献   

一、解析食物是PEP教材重点讨论的话题之一。到了五年级,学生对单词的掌握已经不成问题,但由于本单元涉及到的重点句型和学生固有的知识容易混淆,也给学生造成了一定的困难。对比句型1:-What would you like?你想吃点什么?-I’d like some tomatoes and fish.我想来点西红柿和鱼。-What do you like?你喜欢吃什么?-I like tomatoes and fish.我喜欢吃西红柿和鱼。如上翻译,这两组句子首先在表达的意思上就有出入。  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身谜语:猜食物。激发学生的思维,同时为呈现下面的表格作铺垫。如:It comes from the hen,but not from the cock.What is it?People say it’s a dog,but it can’t walk.You can eat it.What is it?二、导入教师出示一份学校食堂菜单(如下)。Look,this is the school menu.让学生学说新词menu。Menu for This Week1.教师提问:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?引导学生理解后  相似文献   

[本课选自外研版《英语》七年级上册第三模块第二单元。]一、教学内容分析本模块以学校为话题介绍there be句型及介词的使用。第一,句式与内容符合,便于操作;第二,对大部分学生来说,其所在学校是新学校,通过这种句式对学校的  相似文献   

笔者曾应邀在省里上了一节小学英语对话观摩课,并受到与会专家、老师们的一致好评。特别是著名特级教师沈峰对这节课作了针对性的点评,肯定了其中一些有效做法。从教学设计到课堂实践,从专家点评到自己反思,笔者认识到当前的小学英语对话教学应关注以下四个方面:在对话教学前应创设适当的主题语境;在对话教学中教师不仅要关注自己如何教,更要关注学生如何学的过程;在对话教  相似文献   

Learning to teach is a complex process which is combined with a collaborative effort, a reflective process, a situated experience and a theorizing opportunity. For the professional development, teachers can’t sacrifice some aspects to lay more emphases on one aspect.  相似文献   

Zhou Enlai (1898. 3. 5—1976. 1. 8) was one of the most lasting statesman of the PRC. He survived 60 years of revolutionary turmoil, five civil wars, two World Wars and 12 years of Japanese invasion.  相似文献   

段灵芝  刘小芳 《海外英语》2011,(10):29-31,33
This article takes a discursive psychology approach to the analysis of Non-English major students’ English learning experience narrative. The students took part in my survey are those just say goodbye to the high school and are freshmen in college now. The English learning experience narrative is in a form of diary. Through the students themselves’ own point of views in recounting their English learning experiences, I want to find the reality hidden behind their failures in learning English. And hope this can give the most teachers who work for public English education in colleges or even universities some inspiration about teaching.  相似文献   

沈倩 《英语广场》2024,(6):106-109
“1+X”证书制度是“职教20条”确定的一项重要改革举措与制度创新,实用英语交际职业技能等级证书被纳入教育部第四批“1+X”证书改革试点,书证融通是其精髓所在。笔者从高职院校外语教学推进“课证融通”的必要性出发,先阐述了“课证融通”的设计路径,然后以教材《THINK 3》第三单元的教学为例,具体实施课程内容融入VETS典型工作任务,课程教学设计融合VETS“突出应用,服务职场,驱动发展”的设计理念,为“课证融通”打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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