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许多同学写毛笔字时都有过这样的经历:不小心把墨水打翻了,弄得满桌、满地都是墨水,收拾起来非常麻烦。我想发明一种打不翻的墨水瓶。瓶子是塑料特制的,永远也不会打破。瓶口有光敏电阻控制器,练字时,只要把毛笔伸到瓶口,瓶盖就会自动打开;抽出毛笔,瓶盖就会自动关上。这样我们就不用担心墨水会打翻,可以安心练字了。?打不翻的墨水瓶$浙江省诸暨市天马实验学校六6班@虞蕾娜  相似文献   

初中物理讲授大气压强知识,为了体现大气压强的作用,也为了增加趣味,老师们常常要做这样一则实验:取两个粗细相差很少的试管,在大试管里装满水,把小试管底朝下放到大试管里,把这样装好的两个试管倒过来,就会看到大试管里的水徐徐流出,同时小试管自动上升到大试管里。如何解释这个现象呢?  相似文献   

一、知道直流电动机的原理例1(’96贵阳)直流电动机是利用____在____里受力转动的原理制成的.(’96昆明)它是把___能转化为_______能.答通电线圈,磁场.电,机械.二、会画实验电路图例2(’96成都)把电动机、开关S,滑动变阻器R,电池组成实验电路图.答电路图如图1所示.ml三、会连接实验电路.四、记住换向器的构造和作用换向器是由两个相互绝缘的华铜环组成.作用是每当线圈刚转过平衡位置,换向器就能自动改变线圈中电流的方向.五、知道实验过程和实验现象例3(’96辽宁)安装直流电动机模型前应仔细观察*,弄清它的作用.…  相似文献   

水银在物理实验中有广泛的应用,例如利用水银做托里拆利实验测大气压的值,做玻意耳一马略特定律的实验,在电学实验中把水银当作接线柱用(温度自动报警器)等。实验后,水银常常混有脏物和杂质,或不慎将水银撒在地上,为此对污浊的水银必须进行清洗和收集。1 水银的清洁方法 a.过滤法。 如果水银没有沾湿,只是混入尘埃等物,一般可采用过滤法。取一个清洁、干燥的锥形瓶,瓶口上放一漏斗,将滤纸摺成圆锥形,在锥顶戳一小孔,并在滤纸上盖两三层清洁的纱布,然后将污浊水银慢慢倒入漏斗,水银通过纱布并沿滤纸边滑下,从小孔流入锥…  相似文献   

研究将微型计算机控制技术应用于物理化学实验中,使用微型计算机自动采集、显示和分析合金样品的温度数据,绘制步冷曲线和相图,实现了二元合金相图实验数据的自动采集与处理。  相似文献   

从前,有一个叫彦一的捣蛋鬼。他是一个做伞的名匠,竟然能把伞做成活的,吊在房檐上。说这把伞是活的,证明就是:每到下雨天,这把伞就会自动地打开,而一到晴天,它又自动地合上了。“前几天哪,一下雨这把伞就‘啪’地自动打开了,哎呀,彦一的活伞还真行啊。”村里的人们对彦一做伞的本领真是十分佩服。这种事情总是传得很快的。不久,这件事就传到了京城王爷的耳朵里。“真有这么稀罕的东西吗?我太想得到这把伞了,叫人快点把那把伞给我送来。”于是,王爷派出家臣来到了彦一的家。“什么,王爷说把这把伞给他!那怎么行,这把伞等于…  相似文献   

水银在物理实验中有广泛的应用,例如利用水银做托里拆利实验测大气压的值,做玻意耳-马略特定律的实验,在电学实验中把水银当作接线柱用(温度自动报警器)等.实验后,水银常常混有脏物和杂质,或不慎将水银撒在地上,为此对污浊的水银必须进行清洗和收集.  相似文献   

以我校汽车工程学院智能汽车教学和课程成果为基础,开发了机器人操作系统(ROS)智能车;在此基础上设计了ROS智能车实验课程,包括自动导航实验、自动巡线实验、开放性自主实验3个实验项目,并依托学校首门智能汽车专业课程汽车智能化技术开展了实验教学。实践表明,所设计的ROS智能车实验课程取得了良好的教学效果,提高了学生的实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

一、前言 传统的科学实验缺乏自动地采集、处理大量数据的功能,很难与多媒体电脑连接,也缺乏便携式在室外测定功能;在教学理念上主要以演示验证定性式实验为主,难以培养学生自主地定量地搜集和处理信息的能力以及进行研究型学习的创造能力。当今社会已进入信息时代,掌上实验室就是在教育发展的最新进程中,把先进的手持技术和网络技术与现代教学理念相结合。  相似文献   

时玉义 《物理教师》2005,26(12):45-46
利用电磁继电器可以实现水塔的自动供水,我们以前接触过的这种水塔自动供水装置一般是“常满型”的,即只要水塔中水位低于规定的最高水位就开始上水,直至水位到达最高水位后自动停止,使水塔一直保持在最高水位值,因此这种常满型自动供水装置明显的缺陷就是只要从水塔中用水,就自动上水.在全国初中应用物理知识竞赛试题中以水塔自动供水装置为素材,设置最高水位和最低水位,要求实现降至最低水位才自动上水,这一改进把原来自动控制在最高水位一条线上,  相似文献   

对教育定义的思考   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教育是什么 ?有各种界说和诠释。各种界说都有时代的背景和作者的判断。怎么正确地理解这些界说 ,需要厘清和分析。本文希望通过教育的基本要素和教育的价值功能来认识和理解教育的本质特征。  相似文献   

Methods of exploratory data analysis are used to decompose data tables that portray the performance of various ethnic groups on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). These analyses show the size and structure of the differences in performance among the ethnic groups studied, the nature of changes across time, and the interactions between ethnic group membership and time. Suggestions regarding the clear display of results from data in this form are made and illustrated.  相似文献   

The Central Institute for Higher Education of Berlin is introduced and a short history of the institution is given. Founded in 1982, it is an example of a centralized national centre for research on higher education, having had responsibility for higher education research in the whole of the former German Democratic Republic. In order for the Institute to survive in the new, reunited Germany, it has had to change its strategies and the scope of its investigations which will now be arranged around four major fields of investigation. Having acquired great expertise in the study of higher education in the former German Democratic Republic and also having done work on the higher education systems of the other European socialist countries, the Institute is currently well suited to continue its specialization in eastern European higher education affairs and to make very positive contributions in the future.  相似文献   

黑衣壮的艺术、化习俗和他们的现实生活有着密不可分的关系。黑衣壮地区仍然处于自然经济阶段,艰苦的现实生活使黑衣壮人民更加依赖于族群共同体。为在恶劣的自然环境中生存和发展,黑衣壮形成了自己独特的民族传统,如积极维护共同体的利益、实行严格的族内婚制等。这也反映在他们的艺术和化习俗上。黑衣壮的舞蹈和山歌艺术作为一种审美意识形态,集中体现了黑衣壮真实的生存状态和对现实生活苦难的超越。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the processes and thinking that were involved in the development of a highly innovative BEd degree course within the modular course of Oxford Polytechnic. The rationale for the degree course will be considered, followed by a discussion of some of the processes involved in implementing that rationale. The development of a particular basic first year module will be looked at in depth as a case study illustration of innovative teaching, learning and assessment methods, including distance learning, peer teaching, self assessment, group projects, first hand research, analysis of group dynamics and critical enquiry.  相似文献   

Finland has responded to the educational needs of its aging population with the development of its version of the University of the Third Age. This article traces the creation of the University of the Third Age in Finland from seeds sown in France and England during the 1970s. The unique features of Finland's cultural hybrid University of the Third Age (U3A) are described from existing literature and field research data collected for this study. In addition, the educational interests and activities of a sample of older learners from five University of the Third Age campuses in Finland are described. Emerging organizational issues associated with growth in student populations and credentialing concerns are noted and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

手机依赖,本质上就是使用者的手机使用行为不断被积极强化而出现的结果,其积极强化物,主要是手机功能给使用者所带来的需要满足与心理愉悦. 依据强化理论,对于手机成瘾症的防治,可以从积极强化和消极强化两个方面入手考虑. 从积极强化的角度来看,防治成瘾症有两个可选途径:撤走积极强化物以及弱化积极强化物的强化效果.从消极依赖的方面来看,则可以考虑对手机依赖行为施加消极强化物或者强化消极强化物的强化效果.  相似文献   

中国民族音乐的发展之路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今开放的社会下,国内外各种文化相互融合、碰撞,音乐亦是.中国乐坛在海纳百川的同时,民族音乐却有些萎靡不振,出现了青黄不接的尴尬局面.本文力图从造成这种局面的原因、中国民族音乐深邃的历史渊源和如何发展民族音乐三个角度来探讨如何改变中国民族音乐的发展之路.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the influence of Wilfred Cantwell Smith's presentation of the nature of faith on James W. Fowler's faith-development paradigm. Smith contended that, in the pre-modern era, terms translated by the English words “faith” and “believe” denoted a personal allegiance that did not require assent to any objective assertions. Two difficulties with Smith's research are highlighted: 1) In the premodern era, the terms translated as “faith” and “believe” denoted both personal allegiance and objective assent. 2) Although “faith” and “believe” primarily indicated personal allegiance in the premodern era, the primacy of personal allegiance within faith does not preclude the presence or the necessity of objective assent. The author suggests that, although Christian faith and Fowlerian stage-development are two distinct phenomena, the reality to which Fowler referred as “faith” describes the psychical context for Christian faith. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of this concept, suggesting that Christian faith emerges from Fowlerian stage-development, but that the content and development of both phenomena remain essentially distinct.  相似文献   

本文详细研究了位于一维链上的带电粒子在外场中的运动,分别若干模型给出了各自普遍的解析解,并着重讨论了粒子运动的动态定域性,可能的囚禁现象,以及动态定域性的破坏。  相似文献   

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