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从一项血清酶活性可溯源性研究中发现淀粉酶(Amylase,AMY)测定结果与校正物的定值相差悬殊,并且不同来源的试剂盒间也存在高低不一的系统误差这一现象出发,分析了出现这些系统误差的原因,从理论和实验两个方面指出影响AMY测定结果的关键因素是AMY作用底物的结构不同,以此为例进而说明血清酶活性结果的溯源必须考虑构成检测系统的各个要素,其中首先是方法学原理及试剂盒的性能质量。  相似文献   


Engineering lies at the heart of industry, it is essential to acquire sufficient numbers of properly trained people in order that economic revival can be maintained. Yet cultural bias and demography threaten this goal. This article examines what is meant by the term ‘engineer’ and relates it to the concept of professional status, a recognition of which has become in tegral to the problem of attracting a large number of good quality recruits. Yet it is an over‐emphasis upon this ideology which has also harmed the ability of the engineering occupations to provide access to training for many potential engineers. The article posits the view that at a time when developments are taking place elsewhere to obtain a more demographically representative spread of recruits into various occupations, engineering has actually become more elitist.

The paper proceeds to place these regressive tendencies within the framework of Government policies and private sector aspirations, arguing that a combination of market forces and central direction will compel the professional authorities to broaden access on terms chosen by those outside of the engineering occupations. The framework for this can be found within the National Council for Vocational Qualifications, the Engineering Industry Training Board, and the needs and intentions of employers and Government.  相似文献   

微积分中的问题至少被几十位科学家探索过,但最杰出的贡献者是牛顿和莱布尼兹,他俩最大的功绩是将两个貌似不相关的问题联系起来,一个是切线问题(微分学的中心问题),一个是求积问题(积分学的中心问题),建立了两者之间的桥梁——"牛顿—莱布尼兹"公式。  相似文献   

以模拟式万用表测量电阻、电压为例,用精度等级及中值电阻理论分析了量程选择与测量误差的关系,指出正确选择量程是减少测量误差的关键.  相似文献   

片段一: [预设] 教学《再见了,亲人》一课时,让学生通过品读悟情,反复诵情,体会志愿军和朝鲜人民的深厚情谊。教学进行到互换角色呼喊“再见了,亲人”时,学生个个精神抖擞,情感发自肺腑。  相似文献   

休闲与积极情绪的产生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
积极情绪可以促进人的心理健康,并有助于人适应环境,而体闲活动是积极情绪产生的源泉之一。休闲活动让人获得精神上的慰藉,使个体的自我认知复杂化,塑造健康的人格,并通过满足个体社交、尊重等心理需求等,促进积极情绪的产生。  相似文献   

汤显祖戏剧美学思想之核心,是属于与理学相对立的"情"的范畴.汤显祖特别强调"情"的作用,认为创作者是"为情作使",强调"神情合至",描绘理想境界.他宣称他的"临川四梦"都是"因情成梦,因梦成戏"的产物.汤显祖正是以"因情成梦,因梦成戏"的创作主张,构成了他的戏剧观与文学观之核心.  相似文献   

语言表现并不是语言能力或言语,后者只是前者的一种具体表达形式。在语言表达中,言语的失误常常是与语言的表达意图及表达的结果密切相关的,本文通过对言语失误的类型的分析揭示言语失误与语言的表达意图和结果之间的关系。  相似文献   

Producing Knowledge for Living   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Work is still associated predominantly with employment. A lot of studies focus on the link between learning and labour, but there are few investigations of what kind of knowledge is produced in the act of creating and sustaining life. This is not surprising as subsistence production is not valued as much as work that generates profits. The daily backbreaking work of poor people and women is best captured from the perspective of livelihood systems. These are constantly adjusted and they vary from one person, household or community to another. Working knowledge defined in terms of livelihood activities includes knowing how local hierarchies are tied up in larger socio-political structures, how indigenous herbs can be used for healing, and how communal resources should best be managed so that they serve the interests of all. The paper uses a case study from a village in Zimbabwe to illustrate how the collective actions of a community resulted in learning that led to the rehabilitation of a community dam and a plan for sustainable management of this asset. In this way, villagers could diversify their activities, and thus become less vulnerable to hazards such as drought. The paper suggests that educators have a role in helping villagers to ask the right questions in the process of making really useful knowledge for living.  相似文献   

本提出了多媒体课件素材的选择原则,讨论了各类素材的特点、应用场合和获取途径。  相似文献   

Utilising the scientific literatures on race relations and television effects, a dramatic science fiction pilot programme was created. The programme, Star Crusaders, depicted an interracial team of young adults cooperating in an equal status relationship in pursuit of a common goal: the end of inter‐group hostilities on other planets. The production of the programme encountered a number of difficulties in articulating the theory‐based conceptualisation: a limited budget, the inability to cast characters in a true equal status relationship, and problems in obtaining full cooperation among writers, producers, and directors in articulating the concept as a videotape production. The evaluation of the programme considered the methodological complexities of communication effects research, and reports the results of three studies. The first study conducted a content analysis of the pro‐social and inter‐racial content of the programme. The second investigation examined the perceptions of 104 university undergraduates concerning programme content. The third study examined the effects of the programme in a field experiment utilising 948 elementary and junior high school students as subjects. Findings are discussed in terms of educational television's potential for positively impacting social attitudes and behaviours.  相似文献   

本主要分析了当前课件制作与共享的现状,并以国际规范IMS为代表,探讨了在课件制作与共享活动中需要解决的诸如课件物理存储方式和课件相互之间的兼容性等问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了乙醇回收的蒸馏方法和乙醇及汽油醇的脱水过程,并对生产乙醇和汽油醇的六种常规的蒸馏方法加以比较。  相似文献   

针对数字音频工作站,讨论了在实践当中积累的经验和录音工艺,并对录音技巧和录音制作工艺提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

蔬菜生产的安全性越来越受到重视,无公害蔬菜生产中存在许多实际问题需要解决,针对公害产生的原因,按无公害要求,对无公害蔬菜生产从选地、水肥管理、病虫害防治、收获等环节进行了研究.  相似文献   

以Flash8为电子幻灯片的制作工具,介绍Flash8制作电子幻灯片的优点,以及电子幻灯片内容框架设计方法、脚本的制作和开发过程等内容,并提出当前教师在制作Flash幻灯片过程中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

从土壤中分离得到产壳聚糖酶细菌Yg,利用紫外线对Yg菌种诱变并改变菌种的生活环境,获得4株产壳聚糖酶能力不同的菌株。其中1,2,4号菌株的产酶活性较原菌种提高了近3倍。  相似文献   

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