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站在产业层面,将多案例研究和扎根理论分析的方法相结合,探索制造业后发企业实现颠覆式创新的产业价值路径,揭示后发企业将纵向规模化和横向延伸关联相结合以实现颠覆的作用机理。为我国制造业创新发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

王旭娜  谭清美 《科研管理》2021,42(11):34-42
互联网环境下的平台型商业模式在越来越多的领域得到应用。本文采用案例研究方法旨在探讨互联网背景下平台型商业模式的价值创造逻辑。聚焦互联网平台商业模式的构成模块及模块关系,构建了平台型商业模式价值创造的网络模型,并利用该模型研究阿里巴巴集团三个发展阶段的价值创造逻辑。研究表明:平台参与者在数量、类型、覆盖区域等方面的增长对平台价值提升有正向促进作用;对外部需求的动态响应有助于平台创造新价值;平台核心支撑性业务的发展要与时俱进;以互联网平台为基础的范围经济能够从多个方面驱动平台价值创造。  相似文献   

发展工业互联网平台是构筑现代化产业体系的重要支撑,也是加快制造强国和网络强国建设的关键抓手。针对我国工业互联平台在建设探索期面临的发展路径不清、核心功能不明确和规模化应用难度大等挑战,首先提出工业互联网平台成熟度演进路径,将平台分为建设起步、功能完备、应用拓展、专业深耕和生态繁荣5个发展等级;其次,从技术和管理两个层面入手,明确推动平台迭代演进应着力建设的5项核心功能,以及应遵循的6方面运营管理要点;最后,针对平台应用推广,进一步为政府、行业组织、企业和研究机构等主体提供相关对策建议。  相似文献   

文章在创业生态系统的概念基础上,重点研究了世界互联中的创业生态系统。创业生态系统驱动了世界互联进程,互联网也结构性地改变了创业生态系统。在线平台是这一变革的核心,它改变了创业企业与要素、用户以及创业企业之间的关系。首先是在线要素平台,针对各种创业要素均有在线平台,这些平台使得创业企业能够打破地理空间限制,开放利用各种要素资源;其次是在线市场平台,多种形式的在线平台为创业企业的需求反馈和创新迭代提供了技术可能,促成了精益创业模式;第三是在线开放平台,平台开放政策对于成长壮大的互联网企业和"互联网基因"企业来说具有普遍性,而在线开放平台能够打开应用创业空间,以平台为核心形成共生的创业群落。创业生态系统变革主要发生于在线空间,但它同时也在实体创业空间产生变革。  相似文献   

区块链这一新兴技术,正在对全球的各行各业产生重大影响。本文从克里斯坦森提出的“颠覆式创新”理论出发,引入国外该议题的前沿研究观点和较为成熟的案例,分析、介绍、评估区块链技术对文化创意产业具有颠覆式意义的影响,包括建立全新真实性验证与信任机制、重塑优质内容生产机制、构建互利共生的产业生态,并最终对这一“颠覆性”技术在文化创意产业经济中的角色以及带来的问题提出反思,同时扩充“颠覆式创新”理论在中国语境下的更多延伸意义,实现理论层面的创新。  相似文献   

颠覆式创新是新创企业立足市场、实现后发赶超的有力工具,新创企业可以通过价值网络构建实现颠覆式创新。而企业能力的感知、捕捉、重构等功能使企业能力成为研究价值网络演变的有利视角。因此,从企业能力视角入手,基于理论推演和案例解析,构建了企业实现颠覆式创新的价值网络演变路径,由此高效框定了企业层面的价值网络构建举措,明晰了开展颠覆式创新不同阶段对于企业的差异化能力要求。最后给出管理启示,旨在为新创企业通过颠覆式创新实现后发赶超提供科学的决策参考依据。  相似文献   

赵坤  郭东强  刘闲月  李伟 《科研管理》2018,39(7):168-176
探索互联网创客孵化平台中,创客在线社交网络使用的主要行为动机对创客项目融资的作用机制。采用二元Logit回归分析方法,以海尔海创汇平台中的互联网创客为样本实证分析。研究发现:创客在线社交网络使用的寻求动机、人脉获取动机,均与融资成功正相关;情感获取动机不利于项目融资,表现动机对于融资成功起到一定的调节作用;互联网创客是否有融资成功经验,对孵化项目融资成功的影响不显著。  相似文献   

互联网在现实生活中应用很广泛,用户可以快速地在互联网上进行信息提取和信息交流。同时,互联网技术在商业领域实现了电子交易,极大的方便了人们的生活。时下,在互联网技术不断更新的时代,网络用户的需求决定了互联网技术的发展趋势。本文市场需求角度论述了互联网技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于互联网时代背景,从宏观层面的互联网技术、互联网平台、互联网思维3个方面分析互联网对企业知识创造过程的影响机制;在此基础上,借鉴创新价值链理论,从微观层面将企业知识创造价值链划分为知识创造、知识生成、绩效产出3个阶段,分别从互联网相关的基础设施资源、人力资源和关系资源等3种类型资源以及互联网整合能力、运用能力三方面探...  相似文献   

利用中国制造业A股上市公司2018—2020年公开数据,基于平台理论,引入数字创新能力,考察工业互联网平台应用形式对企业创新能力和创新绩效的影响,又以价值共创理论为支撑,探讨价值主张在这一过程中的作用机制。结果表明,相对于采用第三方工业互联网平台,企业自主建设平台更有助于促进创新,且价值主张转变在其中起到了部分中介作用,企业通过自身建立工业互联网平台能够更有优势进行价值主张的转变,吸引用户共同参与价值创造,从而全面促进科技创新。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】数据分析与价值挖掘是泛在电力物联网(Ubiquitous power internet of things,UPIoT)的核心环节,是电力网、物联网、通信网的信息深度融合的目标所在。【方法/过程】分析了联盟区块链(Consortium blockchain,CB)与泛在电力物联网的特征并试图将二者深度融合,利用联盟区块链的分布式存储、智能合约、共识机制等技术解决泛在电力物联网的信息安全、数据建模、网络传输等问题;在联盟链视角下提出了泛在电力物联网的系统架构,详细阐述了不同层级间的运行机理。【结果/结论】通过剖析联盟链泛在电力物联网(Consortium blockchain-Ubiquitous power internet of things,CB-UPIoT)的应用场景,论述了CB-UPIoT在业务数据中心、客户服务系统、能源交易市场、虚拟电厂等场景中的工作机制。  相似文献   

Real friends: how the Internet can foster friendship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dean Cocking and Steve Matthews’ article “Unreal Friends” (Ethics and Information Technology, 2000) argues that the formation of purely mediated friendships via the Internet is impossible. I critique their argument and contend that mediated contexts, including the Internet, can actually promote exceptionally strong friendships according to the very conceptual criteria utilized by Cocking and Matthews. I first argue that offline relationships can be constrictive and insincere, distorting important indicators and dynamics in the formation of close friends. The distance of mediated friendships mitigates this problem by promoting the courage to be candid. Next, I argue that the offline world of largely oral exchanges is often too shallow and hasty to promote deep bonds. The deliberateness of written correspondence acts as a weight to submerge friendships to greater depths and as a brake to enhance attentiveness to and precision about one’s own and one’s friend’s character. Nonetheless, close friendships may fail to develop on the Internet. Insofar as this failure occurs, however, it would be for reasons other than those identified by Cocking and Matthews.  相似文献   


This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   

This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   

罗俊  成玲 《科技广场》2013,(6):234-237
通过对当下智能手机操作系统特性以及智能手机和3G网络对互联网发展到推动出发,本文对互联网与手机硬件推动3G时代的智能手机的发展进行了阐述。  相似文献   

通过充分分析科技型小微企业融资难题,从互联网金融角度出发,创新性地加入区域创投机构,构建多方参与的科技型小微企业互联网融资平台;通过博弈论证明,互联网融资平台能够提高科技型小微企业的融资成功率;最后从培育指导机制、加强风控机制和完善信用机制方面对建设科技型小微企业互联网融资平台提出建议。  相似文献   


This article seeks to address how religion fits into the larger domain of Internet studies and why studies of religion within computer-mediated communication (CMC) need to be given more attention. An argument is made for the need to take religion online more seriously, not just because it is an interesting phenomenon or a popular use of the Internet, but also because religion continues to be an important part of contemporary life for many people. A summary of the growth and development of religion online is presented along with an overview of how religion has been approached and studied on the Internet. This review shows what CMC studies of religion might offer in approaching research questions related to authority, identity construction, and community online. It calls for recognition of the contribution, and possibilities that underrepresented areas within interdisciplinary research, like religion, might offer Internet studies as a whole.  相似文献   

孙曈  王晶 《现代情报》2019,39(5):109-115
[目的/意义]在"互联网+"环境下,对民主党派信息平台进行科学合理的构建,对新时期我国民主党派发挥参政党作用具有重要的现实意义。[方法/过程]从民主党派参政党特点出发,通过对民主党派信息平台建设的迫切性、存在不足及平台需求性分析,对民主党派信息平台进行了功能模块设计,提出了基于"云平台"的三层总体架构。[结果/结论]优化了民主党派信息平台结构,拓宽了参政议政、民主监督、政治协商的渠道,为民主党派治理能力现代化提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This study examines the network neutrality debate, as represented online. The research begins by conducting network analysis to identify key websites, followed by retrieving the relevant documents and using content analysis. Results demonstrate that the online version of the debate skews heavily toward the pro-network neutrality side. The web debate also includes much higher proportions of voices from nonprofit sectors, especially nongovernmental organizations. Telecommunications companies and trade groups, which anchor the anti-network neutrality coalition, are relatively quiet online. These findings show groups that are less powerful making heavy use of online communication and, in light of the political history of the issue, they also suggest online mobilizing may help reshape the dynamics of issue advocacy.  相似文献   

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