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大学,是无数莘莘学子的一个金色理想,那里有殿堂般的图书馆,有皓首博学的师长,有环绕不绝的青藤,有一切梦想中的最美好的意象。然而,准备着上大学的你除了希望看到这一切、感受到这一切,有没有想过你上大学的深层目的呢?  相似文献   

This paper describes the structure and rationale of the Language and Learning Seminar, a college course that grapples with learned helplessness issues that are frequently associated with LD. Peer/mentors play a vital role in its dynamic oral, written, and electronic communications. Elements of the course work synergistically to bypass long-standing emotional and linguistic barriers to learning. Yalom’s classification of therapeutic elements in group therapy serves as a context in which to explain the learning therapy provided by York University since 1987.  相似文献   

Over the years there has been a strong urge to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching practices; however, the pace of integration has been characterised as disappointing. Teachers’ lack of competence, their resistance and lack of availability and stability of computers and infrastructure have been offered as explanations. The paper advocates sociocultural theory as a fruitful approach in the research on developing teaching practices with ICT. Empirical evidence from the discourses of student teachers and mentors during internship is used to illustrate how practised identities for teaching with ICTs emerge in action through processes of positioning and authoring. An enhanced understanding of the situated interplay of personal and institutional horizons for meaning making could be crucial for the development of programmes for learning to teach with ICT.  相似文献   


This study investigated personalization as an innovation that can be used to impact college mathematics achievement. In the reported study, similar tasks using personalized data and teacher-selected data were implemented in courses in both 4-year and 2-year colleges. Pre- and posttests and student work were analyzed to examine the impact of personalization on student understanding. Our findings provide insight into how the use of the technology can influence students’ thinking and ability to connect with and use personally authentic data.  相似文献   

Highly mobile students experience schools and learning in different ways than their more stable peers. Repeated transfers result in discontinuity of instruction and relationships with teachers and peers. Interviews with transient urban students in grades 9–12 reveal the issues they face upon their arrival and afterward. Mobile students give insight into perceptions of teacher practice, peer-group induction, receptivity to classroom instruction, and classroom and administrative practices. Findings include fear, loneliness, embarrassment, and anxiety in new settings or when faced with another school change. While students expressed achievement concerns, peer social and emotional concerns were primary immediately following enrollment in a new school. Students found themselves unable to focus on academic studies until they could secure a peer group with which to interact. Implications for high-mobility schools include the need for structures providing transitional services and community-building environments to counteract the negative academic and developmental effects of frequent mobility.  相似文献   

This study examined a model of college student choice for male and female ninth graders using LISREL. A sample of 703 male students and 718 female students and their parents responded to two sets of questionnaires regarding high school experiences and expectations about college. Endogenous variables examined included parents' expectation regarding higher education for their children, parents' savings for college, students' discussion of college with their parents, and students' aspiration for postsecondary education. The model explained 30.8% of the variance in students' aspiration for males and 36.8% for females. Final empirical models for the two groups suggested that there may be subtle differences in family influence on male and female students' college-going plans.  相似文献   

Scholars in the field of educational technology have been calling for robust use of social theory within learning technology research. In view of that, interest has been noted in applying Giddens’ structuration theory to the understanding of human interaction with technology in learning settings. However, only few such attempts have been published to date with recent reviews indicating the scarcity of structurational accounts from the educational technology field. Addressing this gap and advancing a critical use of the theory in the field, an attempt is made in this paper to lend coherency to structuration-based research into learning technology. Specifically, a critical consideration of the structurational Practice Lens is offered drawing from its application in a case study that explored technology-mediated learning practices in the institutional context of higher education. Conceptual and analytical aspects are addressed with a view to augment the framework, and to extend its relevance and applicability in educational technology research.  相似文献   

目前,大学生的学习倦怠显现非常普遍,带来了一系列的后果。因此,有必要对大学生学习倦怠高度关注,并进行相应的研究。从分析原因入手,除了社会风气等客观因素外,也包括学生被动学习的延续、学习动机不强、归因不当等主观因素。需要抓住关键因素并提出相应可行的对策,从而改变大学生学习倦怠的现状,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This study was designed to gain information about the understandings children in Israel and the United States have about multiplication and division of whole numbers that may be useful in building accurate understandings of these operations with decimals and the extent to which they hold conceptions about these operations that may interfere with their work with decimals. Data from interviews of the fourth and fifth graders indicate that students of this age already hold misconceptions such as multiplication always makes bigger. However they also hold conceptions that are prerequisite to understanding the area model of multiplication and the measurement model of division. These early conceptions might be used to build understanding of multiplication and division by decimals. Implications for the content and sequencing of instructional activities are presented.  相似文献   

在当前各地进行的农村学校布局调整过程中,许多教学点被撤销了,使为数不少的农村孩子的求学历程增加了更多的困难和挫折。教学点的教学质量并不总是低下的,相反,一些教学点具有自己的独特优势。教学点的去留需要遵循科学的依据和标准.对于那些需要保留的教学点要采取各种措施促进其发展。  相似文献   

文章主要在心理健康教育的内容和途径上反映了大学生的要求。调查结果显示,根据大学生的需求,心理健康教育的内容应拓宽到生涯规划、学习辅导和生活辅导,心理咨询中应加大朋辈咨询的力度、心理健康教育工作的独立性需要加强,此外,校内外合作的力度也需要加强。  相似文献   

This study explores reader, word, and learning activity characteristics related to vocabulary learning for 202 fifth and sixth graders (= 118 and 84, respectively) learning 16 words. Three measures of word knowledge were used: multiple-choice definition knowledge, self-report of meaning knowledge, and production of morphologically related words. Results indicate that significant vocabulary learning occurred on each measure and that certain words were easier to learn for certain types of readers. Controlling for other predictors in the model, reader characteristics like morphological awareness, reading comprehension, and language background were significant predictors of vocabulary learning, but not word reading fluency. Also, word characteristics like morphological family size and opaqueness were significant predictors of word difficulty but not number of morphemes or frequency of the word or root-word or affix. Controlling for other predictors in the model, morphological learning activities supported vocabulary learning for all 3 aspects of word knowledge. Implications for theory and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

学习分析:正在浮现中的数据技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着教育信息化的普及与逐渐深入,学习管理系统已经获取并存储了大量的有关学生复杂学习行为的数据,从这些数据中挖掘出改进教学系统、提升学习效果的信息,在教育信息化领域一直有着巨大的吸引力。因此,有必要从分析数据以改进学习的角度,对日益受到关注的学习分析技术进行解读。首先,学习分析技术是测量、收集、分析和报告有关学生的学习行为以及学习环境的数据,用以理解和优化学习及其产生的环境的技术。接着,综述学习分析技术的发展,指出其在教育中有着广泛的应用前景和巨大的发展潜力:学习分析技术可作为教师教学决策、优化教学的有效支持工具,也可为学生的自我导向学习、学习危机预警和自我评估提供有效数据支持,还可为教育研究者的个性化学习设计和增进研究效益提供数据参考。最后,提出学习分析技术也存在隐私、准确性和兼容性等诸多挑战和问题。  相似文献   

现代信息技术是信息时代科技发展的代表,其在教育领域的应用也一直是世界各国关注的焦点。它利用信息化技术带动了教育的现代化发展,不仅是信息时代发展的必然趋势,也是高校教育创新的必然要求。本文深入研究了信息技术的应用为大学教育创新带来的影响。  相似文献   

Although scholars have written about the intentions and evaluated the quality of some of the most notable culturally conscious literature written primarily for and about Afro-American children, few researchers have analyzed youngsters' responses to these books. We conducted an interview-based study with a class of 13 black and white (Anglo) third graders to determine their ability to comprehend, find realistic, identify with, and generally enjoy 24 largely culturally conscious works. With slight variations regarding race and gender, developmental age and prior experiences provided the context for heir appreciation of the materials. With the teacher's assistance in a group discussion the participants overcame some of their earlier problems with stories, but the paucity of their knowledge and understanding of African and Afro-American studies robbed them of the ability to embrace certain books. We concluded that the childrens' school policy makers must take steps to overcome this major shortooming.  相似文献   

Conclusions The purpose of the above analysis is to emphasize the crucial relationship between the teaching and theoretical research done at the university level and the teaching of literary criticism to children. The gaps between what is done in university and school classoroms can be bridged and should be bridged more often. An adult understanding of the nature and function of literary irony is crucial to an understanding of children's stories and is the first step towards the effective presentation of ironic stories to young readers. When I first taught Swift's A Modest Proposal to university freshmen, I was surprised to find that several were shocked at what they thought to be that essay's sadistic message: they had read Swift literally and not ironically. Should my third grade students become university students, they are not likely to make that mistake. As Kenneth Burke stated (in a quotation used as one of Wayne Booth's epigraphs) We cannot use language maturely until we are spontaneously at home in irony (p. xxvi). But preparing future university students is not the main goal. Rather, I want the school children I work with to be able to perceive the ironies inherent in the stories they consume and, as a result of their perceptions, to arrive at fuller understanding and, therefore, fuller enjoyment of those stories.He also teaches in a local elementary school.  相似文献   

One aim of this investigation was to determine the kinds of information a large and racially diverse sample of urban first-grade children take into account in forging their image of an academic self, especially the extent to which evaluations of significant others versus self-evaluations are influential. Another aim was to determine whether the nascent academic self-image affects the school achievement of these first-grade children. There was no difference in children's academic self-image according to race or parent background, but children of the 2 sexes defined their images differently. Girls' images strongly reflected stereotypic sex-role notions; boys' images reflected instrumental role concerns. Math performance was relevant only for boys. Boys depended more on self-evaluations than girls did, while girls depended more on parents' evaluations. Black girls were the only group for whom the academic self-image was a significant influence on achievement gains over first grade. The discussion points up the correspondence between these findings and what has been found for adolescents.  相似文献   

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