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党的十八大报告指出要完善开放型经济体系.河北省外向型经济的发展需要外语语言的支撑.在河北经济渐渐融入世界经济大潮的今天,省内外语语言软环境建设不到位的问题已经显露.举全省外语人才之力,打造具有河北特色、舒适便捷的外语语言软环境将加快推进河北省经济国际化进程.  相似文献   

对自主学习理念的认识与探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自主学习指学习者独立、自主、高效的学习,也可以指学生自己主宰自己的学习,是与他主学习相对立的学习方式。自主学习有其重要的理论基础和心理学基础。自主学习强调学生主体性的发挥。自主学习的教学模式有助于培养学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

针对目前我国各地财政支持NPO参与公共服务运行机制存在的主要问题,提出完善财政支持NPO机制的五项对策:(一)合理确定目前财政支持NPO参与的重点领域;(二)切实保证公共财政资源;(三)积极推行财政支持NPO的“合同制”模式;(四)采取科学而规范的财政支持NPO的具体程序;(五)建立财政支持NPO机制的法律规范体系.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents’ perceptions of peer and teacher supports in relation to internalized values, academic self-efficacy, efforts to learn, and goal orientations at the individual and classroom level in a sample of middle school (n = 169) and high school (n = 71) students from 6 schools (15 classrooms). Novel approaches to assessing classroom-level effects included use of coefficient of variation scores to capture consensus among student reports and use of cluster-robust standard errors to account for clustering. At the individual level, significance tests for indirect pathways and formal mediation indicated that relations between perceived peer expectations for prosocial behavior and effort and mastery orientation were mediated by internalized value; and, the relation between perceived emotional support from peers and effort was mediated by self-efficacy. At the classroom level, teachers who were perceived similarly by students with respect to provisions of emotional support also tended to have students who reported high levels of internalized value, and a high degree of student consensus concerning their teacher’s value for subject matter was related positively to their internalized value and effort. Consensus of student reports concerning internalized value was a negative predictor of performance orientation.  相似文献   

The effect of preschool environmental factors, or “setting events,” on peer interaction has received little attention from investigators studying factors related to social competence. In this study, peer interactions and aspects of three setting events (teacher behavior, material use, and peer presence) were observed in four preschool activity contexts. Data on the frequency of occurrence of interaction and occurrence of specific setting event measures within activity contexts were obtained, and empirical probabilities were determined. Results indicate that the behavior of the preschool teacher is a potent setting event with regard to peer interaction. Teacher interaction with a child, in any activity context, retarded peer interaction by that child. The setting events of material use and peer presence had little effect on peer interaction. Results are discussed in terms of how teachers can alter their behavior to promote peer interaction.  相似文献   

How students come to know phenomena in terms of abstract concepts and theories through hands-on activities remains one of the open problems in science education. In this study, we develop a theory of learning science through design activities by employing a dialectical view of human activity that explicitly combines the mental and material in the same, irreducible unit of analysis. Dialectical contradictions embodied by this unit, here conceptualized as resistance experienced from a first-person perspective, constitute the inner forces that drive designing. Drawing on a large database of artifact designing constituted during a four-month unit on simple machines, we examine how resistance, in its dialectical relation to contradiction contributes to the unfolding design process and to the learning of scientific concepts and manual process skills during design. First, an inner contradiction emerges in the designers' lifeworlds as an unintended outcome or a breakdown and thereby changes the perceived world of a designer collective. Second, the dialectic of contradiction and resistance realized in this manner constitutes a moment unfolding culture of science in its concrete form embodied in individual designers and therefore contributes to the production and reproduction of culture. We conclude with a reflection on the implications our study makes to a non-dualist view of knowing and learning. SungWon Hwang is a research fellow of Science Education Research Center at Hanyang University in Korea. She received her Ph.D. from Seoul National University in 2002 and conducted her postdoctoral research at the University of Victoria. Her research projects are focused on the dialectical, embodied nature of human practice, learning, and identity in science activities, recently in the situation of crossing the boundaries of culture and language. She is a co-author of the book, Participation, Learning, and Identity: Dialectical perspectives (Lehmanns, 2005) with Wolff-Michael Roth, Yew Jin Lee, and Maria Ines M. Goulart. Wolff-Michael Roth is Lansdowne Professor of Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Victoria. His research focuses on knowing and learning science and mathematics across the lifespan and from kindergarten to professional practice. His recent publications include Toward an Anthropology of Graphing: Semiotic and Activity Theoretical Perspectives (Kluwer, 2003), Talking Science: Language and Learning in Science Laboratories (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), Doing Qualitative Research: Praxis of Method (SensePublishers, 2005), Learning Science: A Singular Plural Perspective (SensePublishers, 2006), and, with A. C. Barton, Rethinking Scientific Literacy (Routledge, 2004).  相似文献   

根据高等教育和产业转型升级的内涵构建相对完善的指标体系,并对C—D生产函数模型进行改进和扩展,构建产业转型升级和高等教育发展模型,运用我国1978年到2013年的数据测算高等教育发展和产业转型升级之间相互影响的贡献率。结果表明:我国产业转型升级对高等教育的贡献率远大于高等教育发展对产业转型升级的贡献率,产业升级对高等教育具有明显的拉动作用。  相似文献   

In a sample of 380 children, self-esteem as measured by the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) became more stable and more highly correlated with school achievement as the children grew older. Subjects taking the SEI at ages 12 and 15 showed greater test-retest consistency (r = .64) than did subjects tested at ages 9 and 12 (r = .42). Correlations between SEI and school achievement scores also increased over the age range from 9 to 15. Children's self-perceptions appear less firmly established, and therefore may be more responsive to intervention, at earlier ages.  相似文献   

There is an evident bi-directional causality relationship between education investment and economic growth based on an analysis of statistics from 1952 to 2003 released by the State Statistics Bureau. A generalized difference regression model is set up to investigate the relationship between the two. Studies show that the rate of contribution of education investment to economic growth was 24.4 percent from 1952 to 2003. Further examination indicates that after the market-oriented economy restructuring, this rate increased by a wide margin of 7 percent, from 22.8 percent to 29.7 percent. __________ Translated from Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2005 (4)  相似文献   

百年高中作文教学的历史发展分为20世纪前50年、50年代—90年代、2003年至今三个阶段,每阶段表现出不同的价值取向,体现出从关注文本转向关注写作的主体,注重作文教学的生活化的发展轨迹。在此背景下,分析当前作文教学中出现的问题,提出相应的对策,以期解决问题。  相似文献   

内隐认知:认识人类认知与学习的新窗口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内隐认知是人类认知系统的重要组成部分.对内隐认知的发现和研究打破了仅仅重视外显认知的单一局面,为更加全面、深入地认识人类认知系统的多重性和认知过程及其发展的内在规律提供了新的角度.当前的内隐认知研究广泛涉及了感知、记忆、语言理解、规则抽取、动作技能、情感反应等多个方面,揭示出内隐认知的多样性和复杂性.已有研究指出,内隐认知在种系发展和个体发展中均具有独特的重要地位.充分利用内隐认知将有助于促进认知效率的提高以及认知发展,并可为外显认知功能受损个体的功能康复带来希望.进一步揭示内隐认知与外显认知的相互联系与促进问题,对于揭示人类认知本质及促进人类认知发展与认知功能康复具有重要意义.  相似文献   

一个半世纪前,中国开展了洋务运动,日本兴起了明治维新,两者都对教育进行了改革。比较这一时期中日教育改革的得失,对当前我国的教育改革与发展有着重要的启示:深刻认识教育对落后国家追赶先进国家的战略作用,加强教育改革的顶层设计,并与其他改革配套推进,抛弃以自我为中心的文化教育观,按照教育发展规律办事。  相似文献   

The relation of performance on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) to performance on the Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R) and Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery: Tests of Achievement (WJTA) was evaluated for a sample of 31 normal, elementary-aged students using both the area score and Sattler's factor score approaches. Qualitative comparison of the two approaches' association to achievement is made.  相似文献   

对于现代主义与后现代主义之间的关系,我们应持一种辩证的态度:必须同时描绘出二者之间的连续性和非连续性。这种态度,一方面有助于我们认识历史发展的辩证过程;另一方面有助于解决现代性问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the contribution of two different versions of working memory to word reading and reading comprehension in relation to phonological awareness and rapid naming speed. Fifty children were administered two measures of working memory, namely an adaptation of the Daneman and Carpenter sentence span task and Sentence Question, tests of phonological awareness, rapid naming speed, word reading and reading comprehension. The results indicated that Sentence Question accounted for unique variance over and beyond the effects of Daneman and Carpenter's sentence span task, whereas the latter did not when the effects of Sentence Question were partialled out. In addition, both phonological awareness and rapid naming were accounting for unique variance beyond the effects of working memory in predicting reading. The role of working memory on reading is discussed, and future directions for research are suggested.  相似文献   

Partnerships are seen as vital to the functioning of many social institutions and the contribution that the private and voluntary not‐for‐profit sector organizations can make to the provision of statutory services is particularly valued. The Church of England Children’s Society Genesis project worked for nearly 5 years in one urban, secondary school with a remit to promote inclusion. Despite much recorded good work, Genesis was not continued after its contract ended. The school had a series of head teachers and was in special measures for part of the period, but key problems centred around the extent of the project’s contribution to the school’s core business and the absence of a positive management of the multi‐professional project by the school. The evaluation examines ways of proceeding which are of relevance to more complex projects. The paper also reviews the place of voluntary and non‐profit making organizations in meeting current challenges to collaborative, multi‐agency working and proposes a more robust, directive, and managerialist approach to make the most efficient and effective use of the resources and expertise of voluntary and statutory agencies (Inter‐agency Czar and Stalinist environment!). Genesis has gone on to work more successfully in six further schools having absorbed the messages of the evaluation of this first enterprise.  相似文献   

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