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采用实验性认知测试法考察严谨性人格特质与认知操作速度、认知操作准确性及其相对优势即慎思性一冲动性认知方式的关系。结果表明:(1)高严谨性被试的认知操作准确性显著高于低严谨性被试;低严谨性被试的认知操作速度显著高于高严谨性被试。(2)高低严谨性被试在慎思性一冲动性认知方式的评价指标分数上存在显著差异,高严谨性被试更多地倾向于慎思型认知方式,低严谨性被试更多地倾向于冲动型认知方式。(3)不同认知操作任务中,被试的认知方式评价指标分数之间有显著相关。  相似文献   

文水方言属西北官话。是山西方言内部并州片的一个地点方言。文水方言的人称代词与普通话一样。分四大类即第一人称。第二人称。第三人称和其他人称代词,每一大类又有单复数之分,但具体形式和用法有所不同。有很多保留了近代汉语的特点。本文着重从语法功能入手分析了文水方言的人称代词的用法。以及它的一些特殊现象。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate attitudes toward old age in an Israeli population, compared with attitudes toward youth and middle age, among individuals representing these same ages. Global concepts “Youth,” “Adult,” and “Old person” were rated in comparison with the “Ideal Person.”

Representatives of 62 three‐generation families participated in the study. A semantic differential consisting of 21 bipolar adjective pairs in 7‐point scale format was used to measure attitudes toward the four concepts. Results indicated that the concept “Old Person” was rated lowest in relation to the “Ideal Person,” as a global concept as well as on three cut of four dimensions derived from the global concept. This pattern was found among all three groups of raters, including the elderly themselves. The elderly, however, rated themselves significantly more favorably than did the other groups.  相似文献   

法人目的事业限制性质有四种学说,它们都无法打破法人目的外行为无效原则。法人目的外行为无效原则是法律规定的一项基本原则,它决定了法人目的事业限制性质。  相似文献   

This study tested the Skilled Group Counseling Training Model (SGCTM) and a related instrument, the Skilled Group Counseling Scale. Retraining of raters and later rescoring of data from a previous study resulted in an improvement of interrater reliability; a factor‐analytic study of the scale revealed a single, global factor; and students in a group counseling class who were trained in the model used at least 80% of the SGCTM skills during three videotaped, simulated group counseling sessions. During these sessions, the students adhered to one of three counseling theories (Person‐Centered, Gestalt, and Rational‐Emotive Behavioral Therapy).  相似文献   

“梵”与“人”是泰戈尔重要的哲学思想,指导着其文学创作.运用丰富的例证,分析了泰戈尔散文诗中所萦绕着的“梵”与“人”的主题.认为“梵”是世界的本源和基础,它无处不在,以多种面貌出现在泰戈尔的散文诗创作中.“人”则是“梵”所构成世界中最特殊的存在,“人”与“梵”的关系始终是泰戈尔散文诗创作中探讨、追寻的目标.  相似文献   

Metacognition, motivation, and affect are components of self-regulated learning (SRL) that interact. The “metacognitive and affective model of self-regulated learning” (the MASRL model) distinguishes two levels of functioning in SRL, namely, the Person level and the Task × Person level. At the Person level interactions between trait-like characteristics such as cognitive ability, metacognitive knowledge and skills, self-concept, perceptions of control, attitudes, emotions, and motivation in the form of expectancy-value beliefs and achievement goal orientations are hypothesized. These person characteristics guide top-down self-regulation. At the Task × Person level, that is, the level at which SRL events take place, metacognitive experiences, such as feeling of difficulty, and online affective states play a major role in task motivation and bottom-up self-regulation. Reciprocal relations between the two levels of functioning in SRL are also posited. The implications of the MASRL model for research and theory are discussed.  相似文献   

人的本质是什么?历代的哲学家从不同的观点和角度出发,对这个问题给出了多种回答。有说:人是理性的动物。又有说:人是制造工具的动物。德国哲学家卡西尔力图从一种与前人不同的角度对人的本质进行动态的诠释,提出了一种新的回答:人是符号动物。  相似文献   

人的现代化是中国社会现代化的重要组成部分;中国近代以来人的现代化的基本问题始终是个体主体性张扬与集体主体性维护之间的关系问题。这一基本问题决定了中国人的现代化进程具有不同于西方国家人的现代化的模式特征,那就是它的乡土性、伦理性和辩证性。  相似文献   

人的全面发展是人类社会不断进步的内在动力和永恒主题,因此教育应该以“立人”为中心,即培养全面发展的人,这也是立国之本,蔡元培先生、鲁迅先生都提出过这种主张。钱理群先生则从语文教育入手,强调立人教育理念。但是多年来,我国教育的着力点始终停留在追求升学率上,必须予以匡正。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):143-164
Large-scale use of performance assessments for individual-level, high-stakes purposes is not widespread, in part because the scores from such assessments are seldom reliable enough for that use. Perhaps the most pervasive cause of this poor reliability is the error variance associated with a Person ×Task interaction. This problem seems quite similar to problems of transfer of learning. The literature on these 2 issues are synthesized to offer an explanation of Person ×Task variability. A research agenda is then proposed based on this literature.  相似文献   

邵莹 《柳州师专学报》2006,21(3):25-26,69
古今词义的演变是汉语言发展的必然趋势,指称变化则是其中的一种现象。这种变化有几种情况,一是从指人转向指物,二是从指物转向指人,三是指人甲转向指人乙,四是从指物甲转指向物乙。这种现象体现出汉语词义演变的多样性和复杂性。  相似文献   

Kirton (1976) described two creative styles, namely adaptors and innovators. Adaptors prefer to “do things better ” whilst, innovators prefer to “do things differently ”. This study explored the relationship between two creative styles (adaptor and innovator) and the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience) and how they subscribe to creativity, risks and goal orientations. A total of 206 Polytechnic students from Singapore completed a self-report questionnaire, which consisted of the Kirton Adaptation-Innovation Inventory (Kirton, 1976), NEO-Five Factor Inventory (Saucier, 1994), Learning Goal Scale (Ng, 2003), What Kind of Person Are You Self-Report Inventory (Khatena & Torrance, 1976), Gough’s Creative Adjective Checklist, Risk Scenario, and Risk Taking Attitude Scale developed by Ng. It was found that adaptors were significantly more conscientious and subscribe to risk avoidance, ego approach and ego avoidance orientations than innovators, whilst, innovators were significantly more extraverted and open to experience and are likely to subscribe to creativity, risk taking and mastery goal orientations than adaptors. No significant differences were found between adaptors and innovators in agreeableness. The implications for the findings for the classroom teacher will also be discussed.  相似文献   

A more humanistic approach toward dissection has emerged. However, student attitudes toward this approach are unknown and the influences on such attitudes are little understood. One hundred and fifty-six first-year medical students participated in a study examining firstly, attitudes toward the process of dissection and the personhood of the cadaver and secondly, the extent to which gender, anxiety, exposure to dissection, bereavement and prior experience of a dead body influenced these attitudes. Attitudes toward dissection were assessed by of levels of agreement toward eleven statements and by selection of adjectives describing possible feelings toward dissection. Students were asked about recent bereavement, whether they had seen a dead body prior to starting their course and exposure to dissection when completing the questionnaire. Validated instruments were used to measure disposition toward generalized anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and toward death anxiety (Collett-Lester Death Anxiety Scale). Between 60% and 94% of students held positive attitudes toward the process of dissection and over 70% of students selected 2 or fewer negative adjectives. Students' attitudes toward the personhood of the cadaver were more disparate. Disposition toward anxiety (particularly death anxiety), and exposure to dissection, influenced attitudes. Female gender and recent bereavement exerted a negative influence. Students with higher levels of anxiety experienced more negative feelings and those recently bereaved were less enthusiastic about dissection. Anticipation of dissection may be worse than reality. Sensitive preparation of students prior to entering the dissecting room for the first time may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Using perceived group leaders trained to argue for an extreme position, this study examined the function and influence of argumentativeness on leadership perception, leadership maintenance, and decision‐making in the small group. The data suggest that degree of argumentativeness influences perceptions of leadership, with the highly or extremely argumentative individual chosen over the moderate or mildly argumentative individual. Highly argumentative individuals were also rated as more influential on the group's decision. Extremely argumentative individuals, though downgraded in group ratings on “Influence,” were found to have had a disproportionate influence on the group's decision. Implications for small group communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

Young people's attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are subject to interpersonal influence of significant persons—defined as those who influence a person's attitudes. This article presents the development of an instrument designed to measure different modes of significant persons’ influence on attitudes towards STEM. The questionnaire used in the pilot study was compiled based on Woelfel and Haller's theoretical perspectives on interpersonal influence, Nauta and Kokaly's instrument Influence of Others on Academic and Career Decisions Scale, and focus group interviews with Norwegian adolescents in an STEM mentoring programme. Drawing on Rasch analyses of data material from the 114 participants in the pilot study, the final instrument—Significant Person Influence on Attitudes towards STEM (SPIAS)—is presented. Based on results from the piloting and development of SPIAS, a conceptual discussion of significant persons and the ways they influence attitudes towards STEM is given, and it is suggested that SPIAS may be used in the process of evaluating and improving interventions aimed at changing adolescents’ attitudes towards STEM.  相似文献   

本文总结了学术界多年来有关19 世纪俄罗斯文学中的“多余人”形象的众多争议, 并从19 世纪的文化视野出发, 以辩证的态度对“多余人”的典型性问题、悲剧原因、历史功过等进行了多层次多方面的探讨, 阐明“多余人”是俄罗斯新旧文化交替的悲剧典型。  相似文献   

民法上的人以伦理人为基础,具有追求权利、敢于斗争、自己作为和怀有良知四个显著个性特征,因此,民法上的人是自由理性人.  相似文献   

"人的发展"已成为现代教育追求的"终极目的"。人格尊重是一个古老而又现实的话题,实现人格的健康发展是人类几千年来的美好追求。学生人格的形成发展要靠环境的熏陶,潜移默化的感染。教师的敬业、热情、平等的态度,有助于提高教育教学质量,有助于学生健康人格的形成,有助于培养全面发展的高素质人才。  相似文献   

《围城》与《活动变人形》分别是钱钟书和王蒙的代表作,二者在内容上有着某些相似之处,但在结尾艺术、象征意象、叙述视角方面又有很大差异。从而显示出其主题思想存在不同。《围城》是哲学—生命层面的,《活动变人形》是社会—文化层面的,显然前者要比后者深刻得多。其原因表现在作家气质、社会环境等诸多方面。现当代作家中的同类题材中也有类似现象。  相似文献   

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