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教研活动是幼儿园教育教学活动中必不可少的部分.通过教研活动能够促进教师之间的交流、分享,能够交流分享教育教学经验并从中取长补短;同时在交流分享中扩展自己的教育视野,激发自己的灵感,从而促进教师的专业成长.因为教师的专业成长也关系着幼儿园的发展,所以,教研活动是所有活动的重中之重.  相似文献   

本结合中小学教师教研活动实际,对教研课题及其类型作具体的阐述,并就教研课题的提出与确定等问题提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

在教育教学中教师起主导作用,教师的专业化发展程度,直接影响到教育教学改革的成败和人才培养的质量,影响到素质教育的有效实施。正如雅克·德洛尔在《教育——财富蕴藏其中》一书中所说:"没有教师的协助及其积极参与,任  相似文献   

校本教研为教育工作提供了开放的制度保障,为教育教学营造了一个学习型的学校文化氛围,为教师的专业化发展搭建了一个反思的平台,能帮助学生健康成长,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

在我国基础教育新一轮课程改革中,针对学校发展的不平衡导致年轻教师成长的不平衡问题,我区实践采用现代网络技术搭建教研新平台——网络教研,实践证明网络教研成功解决了年轻教师均衡成长的问题。  相似文献   

职校教学研究要做到“多出成果,出好成果”,就必须重视教学研究,建立合理的利益导向机制。职教教研部门要加强对职校教学研究的领导,积极组织、指导职校教师进行教学研究,应有计划地实施职校教研课题申报制度,在经费、设备的使用和人员配置上给予一定的优惠,制定并落实职教教学研究成果奖励办法,提高职校教师开展教研活动的积极性、主动性,努力推出丰富的、高质量的职教教研成果,全方位地为职业教育改革和发展服务。  相似文献   

网络教研活动促进年轻教师均衡成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在我国基础教育新一轮课程改革中,针对学校发展的不平衡导致年轻教师成长的不平衡问题,我区实践采用现代网络技术搭建教研新平台——网络教研,实践证明网络教研成功解决了年轻教师均衡成长的问题。  相似文献   

Background Global climate change (GCC) has become one of the most debated socio-scientific issues after an increase in media attention. Recently, there have also been several studies describing students’ and teachers’ alternative conceptions about GCC. Therefore, designing learning environments at the college level that focus on accurate conceptions of GCC has become important in order for pre-service teachers to correct their alternative conceptions. There are, however, a limited number of studies that aim to both increase pre-service teachers’ knowledge about these issues and explore their perceptions of teaching this subject.

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of inquiry-based activities on pre-service teachers’ knowledge about GCC and their perceptions of teaching this subject.

Sample The participants were 102 pre-service middle school mathematics and science teachers who were enrolled in an environmental education course.

Design and methods A one group pre-test–post-test design was employed to identify changes after pre-service teachers engaged in a learning unit on GCC. The inquiry-based GCC unit was implemented during the spring semester at a public university in northeastern Turkey. The unit was implemented over seven sessions. Data were collected through two questionnaires: the ‘GCC content questionnaire’ and the ‘perceptions of teaching GCC questionnaire’. Each questionnaire was administered both before and after implementation of the unit. Content questionnaire responses were analyzed using a paired-samples t-test. Responses to the perceptions of teaching questionnaire were analyzed using inductive open coding.

Results Results indicated that after the implementation the pre-service teachers significantly improved their understanding of GCC across all items in the content questionnaire, saw several benefits of and challenges about teaching GCC, and perceived themselves as better prepared to teach about GCC in their future classrooms.

Conclusions Teacher education programs should integrate inquiry-based GCC instruction to increase pre-service teachers’ knowledge as well as their preparedness to teach about this important planetary issue.  相似文献   

英语教师的素质是由职业道德与业务素质组成的,高素质的教师必须树立正确的职业道德观,同时具备高水平的英语专业素质和教学能力。  相似文献   

Art teachers and action research   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The qualitative educational research literature is increasingly advocating the use of literary/artistic techniques. This article describes and evaluates educational action researches by three art teachers, and questions why they have not capitalised methodologically on their artistic expertise. Analysis of commonalities in practitioner-based research in education and practice-based research in art and design reveals significant differences in these two paradigms however. Whereas artists and educational researchers both engage in qualitative problem solving and may use the same kinds of materials and tools, they develop different kinds of hypotheses, look for different sorts of evidence and apply different quality controls.  相似文献   

Teaching and teachers’ families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

探究性活动是活动教学的一种主要形式,是学校实施素质教育的具体体现。但在实施探究性活动过程中,存在着诸多关涉教师自身的问题,如教师心理不适应,知识与能力存在缺陷,教师本人需要进行培训指导以及对教师在探究性活动中的评价有失偏颇等等。为了使教师能够更好地指导学生进行探究性活动,应该采取一些有效的对策。  相似文献   

A growing body of research in recent years has supported the value of emotional intelligence in both effective teaching and student achievement. This paper presents a pre–post, quasi-experimental design study conducted to evaluate the contributions of a 56-h “Emotional Intelligence” training model. The model has been developed and studied in an attempt to address educators’ growing needs to practice and implement “emotionally intelligent” learning environments. One hundred eighty-six teachers from ten elementary schools in Israel participated in this study. Findings indicated an increase in emotional intelligence and empathic concern from the beginning to the end of the course. Further regression indicated that both expression and regulation of emotions predicted empathy at the end of the course. Participants’ reflective assignments indicated an increase in self introspection, emotional awareness, emotional regulation and understanding others.  相似文献   

教师能否进行有效教学决定了教学质量的高低和教学效果的好坏,因而怎样提高教学的有效性一直是广大教师和教育研究者努力探求的重要课题。有效教师没有一个公认的统一定义,但可以通过研究者们对它的研究结果总结出现今的有效教师应该具备的素质。有效的英语教师,需要拥有令人满意的人格特征,更需要懂得对学生进行语言学习策略培养并关注学生情感。  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研课题选择问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择教育科研课题是整个教育科研活动的起点和难点,决定了教育科研活动的方向、价值和可行性,直接关系到教育科研工作的成败。许多中小学教师在选择教育科研课题时存在不知道选择什么、不知道从何选择、不知道怎样选择、不知道为什么要选择等问题。要正确选题,中小学教师应当理解教育科研课题的内涵、把握教育科研课题的来源、掌握选择教育科研课题的标准以及明确选择教育科研课题的目的。  相似文献   

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