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This paper proposes a knowledge map management system to facilitate knowledge management in virtual communities of practice. To realize the proposed knowledge map management, we develop knowledge map creation and maintenance functions by utilizing information retrieval and data mining techniques. The knowledge maps created respectively from the documents of the teachers’ professional community, SCTNet, and the thesis repository at Taiwan’s National Central Library, are evaluated by experts of these two domains. Knowledge maps generated by the system are accepted by domain experts from the evaluation since the degree of their modification of the automatically created knowledge maps is proportionally small. The knowledge structure representing the categories of community documents maintains its high purity, diversity, specificity, and structure adaptation by using the knowledge map maintenance function with limited computational cost. Thus, the knowledge map creation and maintenance mechanisms developed in this research enable the dynamic knowledge management of communities of practice on the Internet.  相似文献   

Enterprises in both the public and private sector undertake knowledge management (KM) initiatives through which they hope to engender a new, more adaptive and flexible culture of learning and innovation in their organisations. Creative activities involving social learning and innovation are, however, more common in less formal entities such as communities of practice at work and community service organisations in civil society. This paper presents the results and implications of collaborative research into the understanding, development and evaluation of socio-technical systems (STS) designed to mobilise collective knowledge in diverse community settings. The research concerns information and communication technologies (ICT)-mediated activities of communities in the broader civil society and also those in formal organisations. The paper describes and critically evaluates a set of three STS that have the potential to support the collective knowledge of innovative groups, teams and networks, which can all be considered forms of community. The findings could be of strategic value to business, government and community service organisations initiating KM programmes aimed at using collective learning to support innovation.  相似文献   

Knowing in action: Beyond communities of practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper engages with the recent turn in the social sciences towards communities of practice as a driver of learning and knowledge generation across a variety of different working environments. While agreeing with the broad reinstatement of situated social practice in thinking on the dynamics of knowledge capitalism, the paper takes issue with the increasingly homogeneous and instrumentalist use of the term communities of practice to encapsulate ‘knowing in action’. On the basis of an extensive review of the available literature, the paper argues for the importance of differentiating between different varieties of knowing in action. The paper notes the differences - in organisation, spatial dynamics, innovation outcomes, and knowledge processes - between four modes: craft or task-based knowing; epistemic or high creativity knowing; professional knowing; and virtual knowing. The proposed typology is used to illustrate the insight gained from such analytical precision, through a discussion of the spatial configuration of knowing in action, long assumed to require spatial proximity. It is shown that spatial and relational proximity - which can be struck at a distance - should not be treated as one and the same.  相似文献   

在设计驱动创新元模型、领导用户触发创新模型以及客户需求轨迹断点模型的基础上,提出了基于实践团体及其嵌入网络的原始性触发机制模型,并详细分析了触发机制模型的运作机理和原始性创新的阈值。重点分析实践团体及其嵌入网络的知识分布结构———框架、元件知识结构,强调原始性创新触发机制的本质是各类实践团体及其嵌入的不同层次的实践网络之间动态的知识流动、交换、合并和创新的过程。研究对企业分析自身实践团体及借助其嵌入网络的优势、在创新网络中选择正确的位势和创新方向、实现原始性创新有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

R&D是大学三大功能之一,R&D管理既有一般项目管理的内涵,同时因为它的科学前沿和高技术开发内涵,它具有区别于一般项目的特定知识体系.文章阐述了大学R&D管理的知识体系,分析了R&D管理中计划、立项、执行与控制、交付、转化的过程,提出了一系列的R&D管理流程,研制了大学R&D管理的知识系统.  相似文献   


This study focusses on the role of trust in knowledge sharing within the context of virtual communities of practice. Trust is widely accepted as an important enabler of knowledge management (KM) processes. We conceptualise trust across three dimensions, namely: competence, integrity and benevolence; we test hypotheses as to the effect of these facets of trust on knowledge sharing by surveying an intra-organisational global virtual community of practitioners. The results indicate that all three dimensions of trust are positively related to knowledge-sharing behaviour. Trust based on the perceived integrity of the community was found to be the strongest predictor of knowledge-sharing behaviour. Our findings suggest that the dimensions of trust buttress each other; although they are theoretically distinct, they appear to be empirically inseparable. We propose that in order for knowledge sharing to be enabled, trust must concurrently exist in all three dimensions. Implication to organisations in their recruitment policy is to include competence, integrity and benevolence in their sought-for attributes of new employees. KM practitioners also have to encourage these attributes in existing employees, who are potential members of on-line communities of practice. Knowledge sharing itself was conceptualised with three components – quantity (frequency), quality (usefulness or value) and focus (the degree to which an individual feels that they engage in knowledge sharing). Of the three components, focus exhibits the most significant relationship with trust factors. This finding makes knowledge sharing less tangible than perhaps would be expected. It suggests that establishing whether knowledge has been shared is more than counting the frequency or trying to evaluate the usefulness of the shared knowledge. These aspects are important especially to management, but to the individual who shares knowledge, her feelings of having shared knowledge appear to be more important. With the current understanding that knowledge sharing is more of a human activity than technology, it is important that any information system should be assistive in boosting users’ confidence that they are indeed sharing knowledge. If the systems do not re-enforce the users’ knowledge-sharing orientation, knowledge sharing may be discouraged. Notwithstanding the point made about knowledge-sharing focus, it is necessary to take into consideration all the components of knowledge sharing to fully capture the concept. This was well indicated when the combined variable of all (rather than individual) knowledge-sharing items had the strongest correlation with trust factors.


Knowledge teams have emerged in online health communities (OHCs) where physicians collaborate spontaneously with others through the Internet to gather knowledge. Knowledge collaboration (KC) facilitates physicians’ communication and the provision of better services to patients in today's medical environment. However, the underlying mechanism through which KC improves team performance in OHCs is not clear. This study aims to advance understanding of the KC process by exploring the role of the transactive memory system (TMS). Real operation data from 1071 teams in a leading OHC in China used to understand both the antecedent and consequences of the TMS and the interaction effects among different dimensions of TMS. The findings have demonstrated that leader's capital was a critical factor in KC by promoting the effective TMS development and further affect both team's process and outcome performance. Positive moderating effects of coordination on the relationship between credibility and performance are also found. This study reveals for the first time the role of KC in improving performance in online health markets from the TMS perspective. The findings provide theoretical guidance to physician–physician collaborative teams with guidelines on boosting chances for higher performance.  相似文献   

随着社会化商务的兴起,一种新的商业模式即社会化购物社区诞生了。对于社会化购物社区,消费者的购买转化率至关重要,然而到目前,还尚未有文献探讨社会化购物社区的技术特征对消费者购买意向的作用机制。本研究基于刺激-机体-反应框架,从认知信任和情感信任的集成视角,构建了社会化购物社区技术特征与消费者购买意向的关系模型。以社会化购物社区美丽说中的成员作为调查对象进行实证分析,结构方程模型分析结果表明,社交性技术特征显著正向影响消费者对社区诚实的认知信任和对社区的情感信任;自我参照性技术特征显著正向影响消费者的认知信任和情感信任;消费者对社区的认知信任和情感信任又最终对消费者通过社区购买产品的意向产生正向影响;情感信任对购买意向的作用要强于认知信任。研究结果为社会化购物社区提供商通过设计与监控社区的技术特征来提高社区的购买转化率提供了有价值的理论依据和建议。  相似文献   

Drawing on a longitudinal case study of Alpha Chemicals, we use four complexity theory constructs – adaptive tension, enabling leadership, enhanced cooperation, and boundary spanning – to explain the continuous knowledge creation dynamics in Communities of practice (CoPs). Our findings show that the virtual cycle of knowledge creation results from CoPs oscillating between guided and self-directed modes. In a guided mode, adaptive tension and enabling leadership prevail, resulting in knowledge expansion. In a self-directed mode, enhancing cooperation and boundary spanning are the most significant, resulting in knowledge probing. This research uncovers the value of conceptualizing CoPs as complex adaptive systems with emergent and intentional processes coexisting to create a virtual knowledge creation cycle. Our findings complement the dominant theory on CoPs’ insights by moving beyond the control/autonomy debate and highlighting that knowledge creation dynamics results from a flexible combination and recombination of the different top-down and bottom-up forces.  相似文献   

以创新为切人点,探讨了新时期高校科研管理创新的内涵,介绍了湖北农学院科研管理的创新、实践、效果与体会。  相似文献   

This editorial paper outlines key directions for knowledge management research and practice. The editorial team presents the results from a small survey of academics and practitioners about the present and future of knowledge management, and the editors include their own informed views on how this journal can help promote scholarly inquiry in the field.  相似文献   

黄烨菁 《科研管理》2012,33(6):40-47
在当代跨国服务外包市场上,以印度为代表的新兴市场国家外包供应商有非常活跃的表现,相关的外包项目也呈现技术含量与管理复杂程度的不断提高,由此引发的理论思考是,服务外包如何作用于接包方的技术发展。本文运用国际化生产的知识管理理论与价值链分析方法,以软件外包为分析对象,通过分解软件外包开发的价值链,研究跨国服务外包内含的知识属性以及知识转移的机制。论文提出:首先,当接包方承接的外包业务沿着软件开发价值链由低端向高端发展,外包活动覆盖的价值链环节呈现知识默会性程度的逐级提高,知识管理方式也从编码化传播为主的管理方式发展为编码化传播与个人沟通两种知识管理方式的组合;其次,发包方外包战略的演进与接包方吸收能力建设是影响知识转移机制最重要的两个因素,跨国企业国际化战略的阶段性演进推动知识转移形态从单方向地知识学习和信息获得发展为合作双方的知识共享与基于双向交流的合作知识管理,引发接包方逐步参与跨国企业的开放式创新体系,实现专业化优势的扩大与综合创新能力的升级。而接包方根据项目要求的组织支持和相关措施也确保了项目发包方、接包方现场团队和接包方离岸团队三主体之间充分的沟通,当接包方辅之以自主技术投入,将有力促进知识转移的转化。  相似文献   

The changing and challenging conditions of the 21st century have been significantly impacting our economy, society and built and natural environments. Today generation of knowledge, mostly in the form of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and arts, is seen as a panacea for the adaptation to changes and management of challenges. Making space and place that concentrate on knowledge generation, exchange, and marketing has become a priority for many nations. Consequently, the concept of knowledge city is coined at the beginning of the century and since then it is widely researched and practiced. This paper aims to scrutinise and provide a clear understanding on the evolution of knowledge city research and practice. As the methodological approach, the study employs systematic review of the knowledge city empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals. The findings shed light on the emerging patterns, identify research and practice gaps, and point out research directions to advance the field.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from a survey conducted in Australia to explore current practices relating to knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC). A systematic approach in the form of the intellectual capital web guided the research. Findings revealed that KM was perceived to be more about developing knowledge culture than about managing organisational processes and structure. IC was perceived to be more about human capital than about customer capital and organisational capital. It can therefore be concluded that human capital holds the greatest importance for KM and IC. However, when facilitators for knowledge creation and knowledge sharing were rated, organisation structure was perceived to be more important than organisational culture and information technology. For KM practices, participants indicated that more attention was paid to training and developing employees and less to measurement and reward and incentive issues. The importance of aligning the management of IC and KM was perceived to be more important than the difficulty of doing so.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of introducing rewards within a virtual community of practice: the software vendor SAP (Systems Applications and Products) online global community. The study of postings to the SAP community discussion forums shows that rewards have had a damaging effect on the exchange of knowledge and generalised trust among members within the community. The intrinsic motivation of members to share knowledge was undermined by rewards, with the consequence that the pursuit of rewards became the priority for many, over and above contributing valuable information to the community. Thus, the introduction of rewards devalued the concept of knowledge as a public good, voluntarily shared out of moral obligation and community interest. Instead, knowledge came to be seen as a private good to be shared out of economic self-interest. Following the introduction of rewards, the primary motivation of many members to participate within the community shifted from community interest and moral obligation to that of economic self-interest.  相似文献   

【目的】对国际大型出版机构和高水平期刊的同行评议实践进行分析,总结其特点,寻找可供借鉴的方面。【方法】 选取国际上一些高水平科技期刊,包括商业出版机构Elsevier和Nature出版集团的期刊,学协会出版机构OSA的期刊,以及PLoS ONE和Cell期刊为例,进行案例分析。【结果】 国际期刊的同行评议一般有相对比较完整、细致的规范,科学的组织流程,有效的质量控制手段,评议结果更详细、透明,更具建设性,因此,也更易被被评议者——稿件的作者接受。【结论】 国内科技期刊应制定详尽的同行评议政策,充分发挥编委在同行评议组织中的作用,提供有效的保障手段,为审稿人提供多样化的激励机制,也可以充分利用一些国际组织的相关政策和指南,通过这些途径进一步提高国内期刊同行评议的质量和效率。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model to assess the level of maturity in Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs). The model is based on a theoretical construction attained from the analysis of previous frameworks proposed in literature. Using this construction, we have proposed eight main organizational, managerial and technological levers to improve the performance of VCoPs. Additionally, the model presents the analysis of four performance metrics obtained from these VCoP management levers. The model presented can be used as a benchmarking tool for analysing how companies perform in their management of VCoPs. After developing the model, we applied it to a benchmarking study of four global oil and gas companies. Our results include a performance comparison among these companies as well as the main practices and technologies they use to achieve success in the management of VCoP.  相似文献   

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