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企业知识整合活动对信息系统吸收的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
殷国鹏  陈禹 《科学学研究》2009,27(5):750-758
 企业信息系统必须与其业务活动紧密结合才能获得竞争优势。那么,信息技术在组织中的内化与吸收程度就是信息系统成功、乃至提高企业竞争绩效的关键环节。本文借助企业知识理论来分析组织层面复杂信息系统吸收的驱动因素,探索并归纳涉及到组织内外部的三类跨层次、跨职能的知识整合活动以及影响它们的组织制度环境,从而构建较为完整的信息系统吸收过程模型及相关研究假设。结合问卷调查的实证方法,作者采用结构方程模型来验证理论模型,从而为企业提供更加切实的实践指导与管理建议。  相似文献   

Contemporary information technologies such as social media have invigorated the way knowledge is shared within organizations to the extent that we have to rethink and reassess our understanding of the role and influence of technology in organizational processes and knowledge sharing. This paper uses the strategy as practice lens guided by the interpretivist philosophy to understand the influence of informal social media practices on knowledge sharing and work processes within an organization. The paper uses empirical evidence from the case study of a telecom organization in Tanzania to gain theoretical insight into informal social media practices and knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the Information Systems (IS) literature by asserting that organizational processes are achieved by mundane knowledge sharing mediated by informal social media use within the organization. Also, the study contributes to IS literature by highlighting how emerging informal practices are essential to daily processes within organizations.  相似文献   

知识的获取、创造、储存和扩散等活动对于加快企业知识能量创造、更好地适应瞬息万变的环境、提高组织创新绩效起着重要的作用。本文基于前人的研究成果和理论分析,构建了一个技术知识特性、知识能量和组织创新之间的关系模型,对于深入认识特定技术知识特性的条件下知识能量的蕴蓄、创造过程以及开展相关研究具有重要的理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a knowledge management audit model to assist organisations to obtain an accurate picture of their knowledge-based assets and the strategies used to manage that knowledge across the organisations. The model also serves as a means for assessing how well the identified assets and strategies meet organisational business goals and strategies. The practical application of the model is illustrated in the local government environment. Implications of such an audit are also discussed.  相似文献   

关于知识工作者与知识性工作的实证解析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过三个渐进的子研究及对中国11个省、自治区、直辖市1000多名被试样本的统计分析,系统地揭示了中国人关于知识工作者的认知图式,知识性工作的重要判别标准以及知识性工作的特点,研究结论为:(1)中国人认为知识工作者是有别于脑力劳动者、知识分子、白领工人及蓝领工人的一个独立的、有所特指的概念;(2)知识工作者可以按照形式逻辑中类与种差的方式定义为"从事知识性工作的人";(3)中国人在判断一项工作是否是知识性工作时,依据的主要标准是对专业技术知识的要求、知识技能的更新速度、对创新的要求、对最低学历的要求以及对质量的要求;(4)中国人认为知识性工作的特点可以概括为更高的专业化、更快的更新、更高的创新、更高的入门学历以及更高的质量。  相似文献   

Often knowledge management (KM) initiatives are built on an assumption that the relationship between knowledge and action starts with knowledge, that is, we know something and we act upon it. Such an assumption can lead KM initiatives to develop knowledge that is not necessarily useful for the actions that an organization is willing to take. However, if the organization derives knowledge from the actions they are willing to take or they are taking, the knowledge can be much more useful as it will directly facilitate the actions. In this article, we argue that the relationship between knowledge and action is reciprocal and offers two-way learning. As such, KM initiatives are most apt to be successful by considering how to derive knowledge from action as well as how to deliver knowledge. The paper develops five principles for action-oriented KM.  相似文献   

叶笛  林东清 《科学学研究》2013,(5):711-720,673
知识整合能力是当代企业在激烈竞争环境中立足并保持竞争优势所必须拥有的重要能力。本研究关注于信息系统开发(ISD)项目中知识整合的影响因素。尽管目前大部分研究表明信息系统开发(ISD)项目团队的多样性可显著的降低知识资源风险,但成员组成的多样性也可能会导致冲突的产生并降低团队绩效。本研究认为有别于多样性,团队成员间的相似性也会影响成员的互动,它们是实现知识整合有效性的基础。本研究基于相似-吸引理论探讨相似和吸引对于知识整合的效应,本文提出影响ISD团队中知识整合的三个相似因素(人口统计学、认知和目标相似性)、并以社会融合作为中间变量连接相似吸引理论与知识整合,本研究采用74个ISD项目团队中的264个参与者的实地调研资料来进行实证检验,实证结果显示人口统计学相似性和目标相似性会影响成员间的人际吸引,激发成员间的社会融合并最终促进团队成员间的知识整合。研究结果表明ISD项目经理可通过关注团队成员的组成来有意识地提升团队的知识整合,因为相似性和吸引可潜在地影响ISD项目团队中的知识整合。  相似文献   

企业知识整合研究   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
陈力  鲁若愚 《科研管理》2003,24(3):32-38
本文首先定义了企业知识整合的概念并探讨对企业知识整合的必要性和重要性,在此基础上提出了知识整合可以通过建立知识整合平台、重视知识挖掘、强调知识分享、建立基于对等知识联网的柔性组织等来实现。  相似文献   

组织学习与知识整合   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:38  
赵修卫 《科研管理》2003,24(3):52-57
组织学习是为了提高企业的创新能力和竞争优势,此目的实现的关键在于学习中对知识进行有效的整合。据此,本文提出了需要整合的四种主要知识关系,并讨论了知识整合的实现机制,最后指出建立学习型组织对知识整合有多方面的作用。  相似文献   

The present paper outlines the philosophical background as well as a practical case of so-called decentralized management of knowledge work. It is argued that top-down perspectives on knowledge have dominated management initiatives in this area, at the expense of naturally occurring, or emergent work patterns of R&D organization. A model of management based on semiorganized individual knowledge exchange or “brokerage” is proposed as a solution. This alternative is exemplified in a case study from a software engineering firm. The paper proposes a number of principles that may be used to guide the development of similar models elsewhere.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, many researchers and theorists have generated a significant body of literature in the interrelated fields of knowledge management (KM), organizational learning (OL), and knowledge creation (KC). A large body of work generated by proponents of technology as a primary facilitator of KM, OL, and KC supports the expenditure of billions of dollars in information technology infrastructure and knowledge management systems. A separate body of work generated by behaviourists illustrates how organizational culture is a major determinate in the effectiveness of the technology. Ultimately, corporate executives measure success in terms recognizable to financial markets. Yet, an empirical link connecting the interrelated dots needed to provide practical guidance to practitioners and executives remains elusive. This paper summarizes historical and current perspectives within the field and identifies the need for continue empirical research to build a practical construct.  相似文献   

一般认为,组织学习和知识管理是紧密相关的两个概念,但长期以来,这两个领域的研究存在互相排斥的现象。组织学习的研究者避免使用"知识"一词,而知识管理的研究者也同样避免使用"学习"这一概念。另一方面,也有不少学者认为这两者没有区别,并将学习、知识、知识管理等概念混同使用。文章试图提供一个理论框架,来比较和整合组织学习与知识管理概念,并分析它们对企业业绩的影响。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the effect of homophily and status differences on knowledge integration among individuals involved in product development activities. By distinguishing between search and transfer as two integral parts of the knowledge integration process, the paper addresses the question of how cognitive and motivational barriers to knowledge integration operate differently through the search and the transfer processes respectively. A study of 434 knowledge integration activities among 49 participants in four software development teams suggests that while search is directed both by homophily and by status differences among team participants, only status differences affect the perceived value of knowledge transfer activities. Further, the study indicates that there is not necessarily a correspondence between the status cues that direct search activities and the status cues that drive the perceived value of knowledge transfer activities among team participants.  相似文献   

对企业知识惯性、知识整合与新产品开发绩效的关系进行了实证研究,并选取我国珠三角地区的165家高新技术企业作为实证研究对象。研究结果表明:(1)企业经验惯性不但对新产品开发绩效产生显著的正向直接影响效果,而且还分别通过外部知识整合以及内部知识整合两个中间变量分别对新产品开发绩效产生显著的正向间接影响效果;(2)企业程序惯性和资讯惯性对新产品开发绩效都没有直接的显著影响,但程序惯性会通过外部及内部知识整合,仍然对新产品开发绩效产生显著的负向影响,而企业资讯惯性也会通过外部知识整合,负面影响新产品开发绩效;(3)知识整合包括外部知识整合和内部知识整合,均对企业新产品开发绩效产生显著的正向直接影响。  相似文献   

基于知识员工个体的视角,对知识工作结构进行量表开发和验证研究。通过文献研究、征求专家意见和员工访谈,将知识工作结构的构成维度分为完备度、精细度、有序度、创新度和有效度。在此基础上,通过探索性因子分析开发知识工作结构量表,共包括20个题项,并通过验证性因子分析、信度和效度评估等验证量表的合理性。  相似文献   

知识集成能力是企业能力的本质和竞争优势的来源,但当前对于企业知识集成能力的测量还缺乏研究,在一定程度上制约了企业实践的发展。论文剖析了企业知识集成能力的内涵,在此基础上建立了企业知识集成能力体系结构,参照Churchill的量表开发程序,开发了相应的量表并对其进行了信度和效度的实证检验。研究结果证实了所开发的量表具有良好的可靠性和有效性,在理论上可为将来的学术研究提供一个可供参考的测量框架,在实践方面也可作为企业培育和提升知识集成能力的标杆,为企业知识集成实践和能力的评价提供有效的支撑。  相似文献   

企业间技术创新集群与知识集成分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本阐述技术创新集群的概念、类型和特征,分析技术创新集群的生命周期。从知识管理理论的角度。提出集群内企业之间的知识集成能力是技术创新集群存在和发展的关键因素。详细阐述知识集成的定义及分类,探讨知识集成的方式和模型。  相似文献   

Stefano Brusoni  AldoGeuna   《Research Policy》2003,32(10):1897-1912
This paper builds upon and extends existing studies of scientific and technological specialisation by proposing an analytical framework to compare sectoral knowledge bases across countries. It develops the concepts of knowledge persistence and knowledge integration as the relevant dimensions along which knowledge bases can be compared. Persistence is studied by analysing the evolution of specialisation over time. It hints at the cumulative, path dependent nature of learning processes. Integration is studied by analysing the evolution of specialisation across different typologies of research. It hints at the complex, non-linear interdependencies that link the scientific and technological domains. On the strength of an original database encompassing 630,000 peer-reviewed papers published between 1989 and 1996 in 11 chemistry and pharmacology-related fields across three types of research (i.e. basic, applied and development), it is argued that countries with high degrees of both persistence and integration (e.g. the US in pharmacology) are the most likely sources of useful research results for EU firms’ innovative efforts in the pharmaceutical sector. Also, some doubts are cast on the existence of a European paradox in pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

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