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跨国公司知识转移:知识特性与组织情境研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
关涛 《科学学研究》2010,28(6):902-911
为了分析知识特性在不同组织情境下对跨国公司知识转移的影响,构建了以组织情境因素(动机、吸收能力、组织支持)为调节变量的知识特性(默会性、简单嵌入性、复杂嵌入性)作用模型。从跨国公司在华子公司收集问卷后,通过多重回归验证了模型拟合情况。结果显示,默会性、简单嵌入、复杂嵌入、吸收能力和组织支持的作用显著,而考虑组织情境因素与知识特性的交互作用时,知识特性的作用形式发生了变化,尤其重要的是默会性与组织支持交互作用后,原先默会性的阻碍作用转化成了推动作用。  相似文献   

While the possession of knowledge-based assets endows a firm with the potential to benefit following internationalization, a distinct ability to transfer knowledge efficiently is also required. The application of social capital theory has contributed important insights into the processes underlying knowledge transfer within the MNC. However, from a practitioner stand point this perspective needs to be supplemented in two ways. First, there is a need to take into account the influence of the external environment and second a need to incorporate the role dynamic capabilities, in the form of management-initiated practices, can play in enhancing levels of social capital. The latter include transmission channels, socialization mechanisms and motivational mechanisms. It is these mechanisms that represent the key modifiable elements in facilitating knowledge flows. The paper concludes with a conceptual model for the study of intra-MNC knowledge transfers that embraces the various facets of social capital, the influence of the external environment and modifiable practices.  相似文献   

王清晓  杨忠 《科研管理》2006,27(2):102-108,56
根据企业的知识基础理论和网络组织理论,跨国公司可以被看作在全球范围内积累和运营知识的内外部网络的统一体。有效地在跨国公司内部网络结点之间进行知识的共享和转移,是跨国公司在更大范围内扩展其竞争优势的必要前提之一。跨国公司各内部网络结点所积累的国别性专有知识产生于其所在国特定的社会政治、经济和文化背景之下,因此,跨边界知识转移的有效性必然受到一系列与此相关因素的影响,本文分析了这些因素的影响,并给出一个概念模型。  相似文献   

 为揭示知识嵌入特性对跨国公司知识转移结果的影响及其对知识转移活动的选择适应性,所构建的知识转移管理路径模型包含了知识嵌入性、转移活动和转移结果。使用跨国公司在华子公司的样本数据,通过结构方程模型进行假设验证。实证研究显示,知识的人员、惯例嵌入特性和初级、高级知识转移活动可显著推动知识跨国转移;高级转移活动是人员、惯例和复合嵌入类知识转移的有效中介,而初级转移活动只对人员嵌入有中介作用。同时发现初级转移活动适应人员嵌入而排斥惯例嵌入知识,高级转移活动对人员、惯例与复合嵌入知识都表现出了良好的选择适应性。  相似文献   

Narratives, or stories, have been identified as one of the ways in which knowledge might be transferred, shared or exchanged in organisational settings. Beyond their identification, little consideration has been given to the ways in which narrative approaches can increase our understanding of the creation and dissemination of knowledge in organisations. This paper reflects upon some of the ways in which narrative approaches might contribute towards a better understanding of organisational knowledge management. It contributes to the debate on the nature and significance of the contextual features of organisational knowledge, particularly the role of tacit knowledge, and identifies some of the distinctions between formal and informal knowledge transfer mechanisms, which operate (with or without effective management) within organisations.  相似文献   

唐宜红  俞峰  王晓燕 《科研管理》2019,40(4):213-223
本文将2008-2011年中国科技部企业创新数据库、世界银行全球治理数据库和Hofstede关于文化的研究数据合并,基于东道国视角,研究东道国正式制度和文化制度对全球知识搜索与创新绩效关系的调节作用。实证结果表明外部知识搜索促进了企业创新绩效,前人提出的倒U型关系曲线的“拐点”尚未出现。进一步结合东道国制度因素对其探讨,发现东道国正式制度中的法律规则与监管质量负向调节搜索行为与创新绩效的关系;而文化制度中的长期导向正向调节二者之间的关系,权力距离的负向调节作用未出现。此外,我们还发现在上述东道国制度调节下全球知识搜索所实现的中国企业创新,仍以渐进式创新为主,颠覆式创新则略显乏力。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104343
Research in a number of fields has shown that brokerage is typically fragile while creating consequential outcomes. However, little work has examined the conditions under which brokerage ends, and furthermore, whether and when it terminates with closure in a closed triad that includes the broker, or in a dyad that connects the previously-disconnected alters but disintermediates the broker. We employ a comprehensive theoretical framework drawing on constrained agency to study these questions in a context of organizational innovation. Specifically, we investigate the role of hierarchy, inventors’ network neighborhoods and knowledge differences in shaping the evolution of brokerage. We test our ideas in the a setting of co-patenting in 41 large Chinese research-intensive organizations over the period 1996-2008, with a dataset of 36,338 patents applied for by these organizations. We first show that the type of brokerage ending matters for innovation outcomes by demonstrating that disintermediation creates more subsequent innovativeness than closure. Thereafter, we use a two-step model to first model the termination of brokerage and in the second step to predict the type of closing: disintermediation or closure. Our results show that the broker's and alters’ hierarchical rank similarity promotes disintermediation, as does alters’ connectedness in network neighborhoods, while knowledge differences among the broker and alters encourage the evolution of brokerage toward closure. We spell out the implications of our findings for organizational innovation and the management of R&D.  相似文献   

知识转移阻隔现象不仅源于客观环境,知识本体也是一个重要原因.从本体视角出发,从知识的分类、知识的层级分布、知识的特征,以及知识的工具价值等四个角度,解释了知识转移阻隔的形成机理;分析了四个角度之间的关系,讨论了理论对管理实践的启示.  相似文献   

This paper employs evolutionary, resource-based, and knowledge-based perspectives to provide a framework for understanding technological knowledge sharing within the globally dispersed R&D function of the multinational firm. Elements from the three perspectives are inspected and drawn together. The constructs—knowledge, knowledge transaction, and performance—are articulated. Finally, two fundamental relationships are proposed: (1) kind of technological knowledge shared will impact the type of knowledge transaction undertaken and 2) type of knowledge transaction will impact R&D task performance.  相似文献   

Faced with demanding time constraints and the need to compete and communicate across a global market, firms have engaged in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) to accomplish various objectives, including, but not limited to, increasing growth potential and expanding product lines. Given the vital role of knowledge in the M&A context, the aim of this case study is to explore the literature in the area of M&As from a knowledge perspective and to investigate the knowledge variable in the local Hellenic Post-Merger Integration (PMI) of the Roche Consumer Health division acquired by Bayer, both leading multinational pharmaceutical companies. The study focuses on whether the stakeholders think that one specific factor, namely knowledge transfer, has helped them develop towards one high-performance body, and, if so, what were the most significant experiences leading to this development. We followed a number of employees from both. The results of the study provide a better understanding of the key drivers of the knowledge transfer in a PMI. The critical factors (macro and micro) encourage or discourage knowledge transfer in integrating organizations. The assessment took place approximately six months after the contractual completion of the acquisition and was based on the management and co-workers’ perception of how integration at the Greek Bayer company had progressed. The Orton case study was developed as a complement to the theoretical framework on intangible synergies in the M&A context. It provides a practical perspective regarding the complexities and peculiarities involved in each M&A operation by confronting the conceptual framework with field realities.  相似文献   

知识联盟中知识转移效率作用机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王斌 《科研管理》2016,37(6):159-167
在对知识转移理论、知识存量理论等相关文献梳理基础上,提出知识联盟中知识转移效率问题。引入博弈模型并提出相关假设,通过对郑州铝工业知识联盟的案例分析,构建知识转移效率作用机理模型。结果表明,知识存量与知识转移效率呈倒U型关系;知识反哺活动的加强,会促使联盟内知识存量呈不断增长趋势;同时,知识反哺在知识存量与知识转移效率的关系中发挥正向调节效应。研究结论有助于探讨知识转移效率的形成机理,增强对知识联盟运行内在规律的理解,有利于指导企业从更深层次上把握知识转移行为,具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

企业-大学知识联盟中知识转移影响因素分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
动态变化的竞争环境使得置身其中的企业需要日益关注对外部知识的获取,这是开发新技术和获取新的竞争优势的关键所在。与大学组建知识联盟是企业获取外部知识的一个有效途径,而知识的有效转移才是知识联盟组建的根本目的。本文分析了企业-大学知识联盟中知识转移的过程,并进一步探察了知识转移的影响因素,在此基础上构建了知识转移的影响因素模型,从合作共享情境、企业内部情境以及转移模式等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

金融时间序列去噪的小波变换方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比较分析了传统滤波方法对金融数据去噪的缺陷,提出采用小波分析对金融时间序列进行去噪。根据Donoho提出的小波去噪中的非线性阚值理论,结合金融时间序列的特点,分析了相应去噪参数的选取问题。以深圳成份指数数据为例进行实验。结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Based on data collected through a complex survey of science and engineering PhD graduates from a UK research-based university, this paper examines the different types of careers and to what extent different types of competences acquired from doctoral education are regarded as valuable in the different career types. The results show that employment outside the conventional technical occupations is the main destination for the survey respondents. This career type is not only successful at retaining its members, but is also the destination of the other career types. Moreover, different types of competences from doctoral education are regarded as relatively more valuable in different career types: knowledge directly tied to subject areas is regarded as more valuable in academia/public research; both knowledge directly tied to subject areas (but more general type of knowledge rather than specialist knowledge in PhD topics) and the more general and transferable skills are regarded as valuable in technical positions in manufacturing; and the general and transferable skills are regarded as more valuable in employment outside the conventional technical occupations. In absolute terms, general analytical skills and problem solving capability acquired from doctoral education are perceived as valuable in all three career types.  相似文献   

从网络关系的角度研究高新技术产业集群中的创新与学习,探讨了正式与非正式关系、冗余关系与非冗余关系对探索性学习和应用性学习的影响,强调集群中的企业一方面受制于网络结构,另一方面企业的战略行动以及企业在网络中所处的地位又会对网络产生反作用.  相似文献   

许强 《科学学研究》2007,25(Z2):388-393
本文从知识转移的视角,分析了母子公司控制机制和母子公司知识转移程度、方式之间的关系,并进行相应的实证研究,揭示了母子公司控制机制的影响因素和具体应用场合。  相似文献   

This paper explores five competing theories for technological knowledge sharing within the globally dispersed R&D function of the multidivisional, multinational firm. These five broad explanations for why a knowledge transaction occurs are: (1) economic, (2) technological, (3) organizational, (4) geographic, and (5) sociological. In addition to occurrence, likelihood of knowledge exchange success prompted by various explanations is considered. Ultimately the determination of which argument—or combination of arguments—offers the greatest explanatory power for the sharing of intermediate technological knowledge may be answered empirically.  相似文献   

本科教学中影响知识转移质量的相关因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1977年Teece提出知识转移的基础理论以来,知识转移在商业组织中得到了广泛的研究和应用.而知识转移在大学这一传统的知识传播组织中,尚未得到广泛的研究和探讨.文章结合大学本科教学这一特定的组织环境,来探讨大学本科教学过程中影响知识转移质量的相关因素,并通过问卷调查分析,构造出相应知识转移模型.通过该模型来提高知识转移的有效性,最终提高本科教学的教学质量.  相似文献   

三螺旋接口组织与创新中的知识转移   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
潘东华  尹大为 《科学学研究》2008,26(5):1073-1079
 本文以创新三螺旋理论为基础,从三螺旋接口组织的概念出发,首先对接口组织的结构形式和实际特征进行了阐述。其次,对三螺旋创新中的知识层次与知识形态进行了分析和表述,并以此为基础对知识流动和知识创新成果应用的矛盾进行了分析。再次,将接口组织对知识转移过程的促进和协调作用进行了分析,最后提出了一个以接口组织为基础的知识转移框架。  相似文献   

This study rests upon the premise that differences in the productivity performance of multinational enterprises (MNEs) stem from variations in their ability to access and combine globally distributed knowledge reservoirs within one organization. Its contribution lies in demonstrating that this important source of variation is determined by (a) the idiosyncratic manner in which the MNE's network of subsidiaries is structured, (b) the international breadth and depth of this network and (c) its location choices in the global landscape. We find that when multinationals spread their operations across many geographical markets, they benefit from knowledge externalities more than when they concentrate their activities in few countries. We further show that the ability to exploit spatially distant knowledge depends not only on idiosyncrasies specific to the MNE, but also on exogenous forces associated with international variations in appropriability regimes and industry-specific technological opportunities. As our study considers how the subsidiaries of the MNE collectively influence the productivity of the entire group, it captures complementarities and synergies within the group, and deepens understanding of how MNE-specific and location bound factors jointly shape performance outcomes.  相似文献   

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