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以无形资产为核心的价值创造系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王晨  茅宁 《科学学研究》2004,22(4):405-410
在知识经济时代,无形资产成为企业价值创造的主要驱动因素。本文以价值网络理论为基础,认为企业是由利益相关者的专用性投资形成的网络。价值网络包含了个体、组织、组织间和社会不同的网络层次,知识等资源在网络不同层次的积累沉淀形成了无形资产。无形资产的价值驱动要素通过网络各层次间的相互嵌入和价值交换而相互联系,形成了以无形资产为核心的企业价值创造系统。  相似文献   

探讨高科技企业战略联盟模式、技术研发支出对长期无形资产价值的影响。基于合理的假设,构建企业无形资产蓄积的多元回归模型,并以美国高科技公司为例进行实证分析。结果显示:当公司进行涉及股权的战略联盟行为时,会降低企业无形资产的价值蓄积;而企业进行非涉及股权的战略联盟行为时,长期而言会促进企业无形资产价值的蓄积等,为提高我国高科技企业经营绩效提供重要的依据和建议。  相似文献   

It is sometimes said that Don Lamberton was weak on ‘standard’ microeconomic theory. This was not my experience: he introduced me to some important theoretical developments in the discipline of economics. In my academic career, I have undertaken various studies on issues that interest me, studies which have been influenced by literature brought to my attention by Don Lamberton. My perspective on Don Lamberton is that of, not exactly an outsider, but someone not in the inner circle: my position in the Lambertonian landscape was on the periphery. The paper concludes with some reflections on two issues outside economics.  相似文献   

Banks throughout Asia have achieved productivity improvement through information technology (IT) use. Retail and wholesale IT products positively influence productivity. IT use increases outputs and decreases costs. Both IT capital investments and IT human resources have a positive relationship to productivity.Japanese banks benefit less from IT use than Asia-Pacific banks. To improve, these banks should better utilize their IT human resources and capabilities and acquire more cost-effective IT from international sources.The positive impact of IT on productivity is difficult to determine in net profit and asset (predominantly loans) increases. However, both Japanese and Asia-Pacific banks can enhance productivity by increased spending on IT and better management of IT resources. This would increase their competitiveness through differentiation and customer service improvement, reduced costs, better risk avoidance, and maintaining the stability of their customer base and market share.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management Research & Practice - The definition and subsequent use of knowledge within and across organisational and social contexts has been a vibrant and evolving growth area over...  相似文献   

In the 70ies of the last century, ther term “preanalytical phase” was introduced in the literature. This term describes all actions and aspects of the “brain to brain circle” of the medical laboratory diagnostic procedure happening before the analytical phase. The author describes his personal experiences in the early seventies and the following history of increasing awareness of this phase as the main cause of “laboratory errors”. This includes the definitions of influence and interference factors as well as the first publications in book, internet, CD-Rom and recent App form over the past 40 years. In addition, a short summary of previous developments as prerequesits of laboratory diagnostic actions is described from the middle age matula for urine collection to the blood collection tubes, anticoagulants and centrifuges. The short review gives a personal view on the possible causes of missing awareness of preanalytical causes of error and future aspects of new techniques in regulation of requests to introduction of quality assurance programs for preanalytical factors.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, DNA hydroxymethylation, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of histone proteins affecting nucleosome remodelling, and regulation by small and large non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) work in concert with cis and trans acting elements to drive appropriate gene expression. Advances in detection methods and development of dedicated platforms and methylation arrays resulted in an explosion of information on aberrantly methylated sequences linking deviations in epigenetic landscape with the initiation and progression of complex diseases. Here, we consider how DNA methylation changes in malignancies, such as breast, pancreatic, colorectal, and gastric cancer could be exploited for the purpose of developing specific diagnostic tools. DNA methylation changes can be applicable as biomarkers for detection of malignant disease in easily accessible tissues. Methylation signatures are already proving to be an important marker for determination of drug sensitivity. Even more, promoter methylation patterns of some genes, such as MGMT, SHOX2, and SEPT9, have already been translated into commercial clinical assays aiding in patient assessment as adjunct diagnostic tools. In conclusion, the changes in DNA methylation patterns in tumour cells are slowly gaining entrance into routine diagnostic tests as promising biomarkers and as potential therapeutic targets.Key words: biomarkers, CpG islands, DNA methylation, molecular diagnostics, epigenetics  相似文献   

Before the beginning of this century almost all increases in agricultural production occurred as a result or increases in area cultivated. By the end of the century increased agricultural production will depend almost entirely on more intensive cultivation of areas already being ued for agricultural production. Over the next several decades agricultural research capacity must he established for each commodity of economic significance in each agroclimatic region of the world. The new system of international agricultural research institutes must be supplemented by the strengthening of national research systems. The development of national systems has however, been characterized by cycles of growth and decay. Small country research systems face severe size diseconomies. Regional collaborative networks have not been very successful, External supporl for development of national systems needs to give greater attention to enhancement of political and economic viability as well as scientific viability.  相似文献   

全球价值链视角的家族企业升级实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周虹  朱建安  王陆庄 《科研管理》2005,26(Z1):96-103
家族制基础上的众多中小企业构成了浙江经济的活力源泉,但是以初级要素禀赋为基础的成本优势逐渐被削弱.本文以全球价值链为分析工具探究家族企业的升级路径.利用来自于浙江省代表性行业的48家企业的调查数据,考察家族企业升级的现状以及各影响因素.  相似文献   

本文对一个简化了的银行储蓄账户管理系统进行建模,分别采用了三种不同的建模方法:传统的结构化方法、面向对象方法及Petri网方法。传统的结构化方法主要采用了分层的数据流图(即分层的DFD图)、结构图(即sc图)等技术。面向对象方法主要采用了统一建模语言(即UML)中的用况分析、用况图、活动圈等技术。最后,采用目前比较热门与流行的Petri网技术建模,井用相关的软件对所建模型进行仿真测试实验,仿真结果分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of adoption of Internet banking among Italian retail banks. In particular it aims at investigating the nature of Internet banking in relation to traditional banking activity. In doing so, the paper analyses the role of firm-specific and market-specific characteristics in affecting the decision to provide financial services via the Internet. The empirical analysis indicates that the adoption of Internet banking depends upon the characteristics of traditional banking activities, particularly in terms of existing networks of distribution and existing customers. First, banks with high branching intensity adopt more slowly than banks with a few branches in place. Second, adoption is negatively affected by the existence of a large customer base, once we control for assets. An important consequence of this is that the provision of financial services over the Internet is a strategy directed more at attracting new customers than at strengthening the relationship with existing ones.  相似文献   

城市商业银行可以通过提供融资服务促进各地中小企业的发展。首先分析城市商业银行本身的经营定位,接着分析了中小企业在间接融资中的困境,由上述两个分析确定了二者的互惠互利关系。最后提出了城市商业银行通过走特色之路,帮助中小企业克服融资瓶颈以促进各地中小企业发展的若干举措。  相似文献   

Ethics and Information Technology - In this paper I provide an exposition and critique of the Organic View of Ethical Status, as outlined by Torrance (2008). A key presupposition of this view is...  相似文献   

试论科学发展观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生存、发展和可持续发展是人类社会三个特征各异的演化阶段。在经历了生存和发展阶段的多种矛盾与失衡后,可持续发展已成为人类社会发展的理想模式和最终抉择。我国的基本国情决定了在可持续发展阶段须以全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观为指导。努力实现人口、资源、环境与社会经济发展的总量供需均衡、结构关联协同和区域发展协调,以促进我国全面建设小康社会战略目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

从修订的《巴塞尔新资本协议》三大支柱出发,分别从表外业务风险计量方法、商业银行内部控制以及表外业务信息披露三个方面,讨论分析了国外商业银行表外业务风险监管的研究现状,借此对我国商业银行表外业务的风险监管起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

商业银行风险管理是商业银行经营管理中的重要内容。以商业银行风险为研究对象,对商业银行风险进行评价。在构建指标体系后,本文采用层次分析法和熵权法两种方法来确定各指标的权重,最后通过该指标体系和计算出来的权重,得出16家上市商业银行风险得最终得分值,对这16家商业银行的风险水平进行比较,做出评价。  相似文献   

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