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In the defence industry the recent development of a ‘market for technology’, the creation of new European high-technology companies as well as transformations in government agencies have driven firms to reposition their technological and organizational skills. Our objective is to show that the transformations that have occurred in the past 10 years have not only redefined skills and the organization of production, but also have given a more strategic place to knowledge management (KM) practices. We provide a contextual and historical overview based on qualitative interviews, in order to better understand the relation between KM and innovative behaviour in this industry. We build an original industrial and technological database comprising various samples that provides quantitative information concerning KM and innovative practices. The results of the statistical analysis reveal the specificity of firms in this industry. Taking account of the size of these firms and their technological intensity, we show that the behaviour of defence industry firms in terms of KM practices, differs from that of other firms. This is evident from their technological performance, and innovation and patenting intensity. This structural tendency is explained as an innovative behaviour in the French national innovation system rather than merely a ‘trend’.  相似文献   

软件过程改进中知识转移影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先建立了软件过程改进中知识转移模型和影响因素概念框架:模型包括了五种要素--转移的知识、知识源、知识接受者、转移双方的关系以及转移的环境;概念框架包括十大关键影响因素--模糊性、系统性、转移意愿、传授能力、吸收能力、激励机制、文化氛围、技术支持、信任关系和知识距离,并提出了研究假设.实证结果表明软件过程改进人员之间的相互信任关系对于知识转移的促进作用最大,组织的激励机制对软件过程改进中的知识转移也有促进作用.最后提出提高软件过程改进的知识转移的若干措施建议:建立合理的激励机制和对转移双方进行必要的培训.  相似文献   

现有产品创新研究文献远远多于工艺创新文献,而对于工艺创新机制的研究更为少见。本文结合文献调研、专家访谈和汽车企业工艺实践,构建了汽车企业工艺创新机制理论模型和研究假设,利用结构方程模型对假设进行了检验。研究发现,决策机制对动力机制、组织机制和激励机制有正向作用,但决策机制对企业工艺创新能力没有直接影响;动力机制、组织机制直接影响工艺创新能力,动力机制的作用相对较弱;组织机制对激励机制的正向作用和激励机制对工艺创新能力的正向作用都没有通过检验。本文对丰富工艺创新研究具有重要的学术价值,研究成果有利于促进企业和政府加强对工艺创新重视。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the practice of knowledge integration (KI) in Collaborative New Product Development (Co-NPD) projects involving multiple partners in an aerospace network. On the basis of a pragmatic approach, a multiple-case study is developed focusing on two Italian aerospace companies involved in a research project aimed to define methodologies and technologies for knowledge collaboration in NPD. Data are gathered with a triangulation technique merging official documents and open-ended and closed-ended interviews administered in the companies’ sites and involving managers, engineers and employees. The paper proposes a systematic treatment of the KI practice describing the types of knowledge, strategies, barriers and intellectual property policies for KI at inter-organizational level. The findings provide insights to address NPD models for aerospace networks where the complexity and value of codified knowledge coming from external sources requires adequate treatments and security standards.  相似文献   

从网络关系的角度研究高新技术产业集群中的创新与学习,探讨了正式与非正式关系、冗余关系与非冗余关系对探索性学习和应用性学习的影响,强调集群中的企业一方面受制于网络结构,另一方面企业的战略行动以及企业在网络中所处的地位又会对网络产生反作用.  相似文献   

韩宝龙  李琳 《科学学研究》2011,29(2):314-320
 从区域产业创新驱动力的获得方式和空间来源角度将促进区域产业创新能力提升的驱动力划分为6种类型,从隐性知识流动和地理邻近性理论视角解析了各驱动力对区域产业创新的作用机理;之后采用空间计量模型对我国医药制造产业相关数据进行了实证分析。分析结果显示:有偿性创新驱动力和邻近区域间外部性创新驱动力对我国医药制造产业创新能力有明显正影响效应。  相似文献   

企业合作创新中知识粘性与知识转移实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨燕  高山行 《科学学研究》2010,28(10):1530-1539
提出了导致合作创新中知识粘性的因素有知识复杂性、合作伙伴对知识的保护、企业的吸收能力、合作交流等,通过对270家参与合作创新的企业之间技术/过程知识转移情况的调查数据进行统计分析,发现合作伙伴对知识的保护、合作交流对于知识粘性有显著影响。统计结果还发现,知识粘性与知识转移存在显著负向相关关系;知识粘性及合作伙伴对知识的保护、合作交流同时显著影响知识转移,知识粘性在其中起到了部分中介的作用。最后基于中国转型经济的背景,对研究结果与西方情境下的不一致,给出了解释。  相似文献   

Jackie Krafft   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1687-1706
The process by which knowledge is created, accumulated and eventually destroyed appears crucial to many industrial dynamics patterns, since it shapes the profile of evolution of industries by favouring the entry of new companies, the co-existence of incumbents and new entrants and, eventually, their selective or joint exit over time. Though problematic, and all too often neglected, the connection between two nodes of interest, Industrial Dynamics on the one hand, and Knowledge Dynamics on the other hand, thus appears as a promising field of research. On the basis of a case study in the info-communications industry, we start by emphasizing that this field of research has direct importance at the empirical level. Knowledge dynamics can create specific models of evolution among firms at the local level, such as non-shakeout patterns within the cluster, which significantly differ from more global patterns of evolution in the info-communications industry, now generally oriented towards trends of decline and bust. We further argue in favour of the development of Knowledge-Based Industrial Dynamics, an approach that lies at the interface of industry and knowledge dynamics, and which can explain how a cluster may decrease the barriers to knowledge of clustered companies and, further, create a specific knowledge dynamics that is able to shape the industrial dynamics. Finally, we document how this process of knowledge dynamics was collectively implemented in our case study on the info-communications cluster and decompose the mechanisms that led to a local non-shakeout pattern of industrial dynamics. We conclude with some remarks on the policy implications.  相似文献   

本文采用广东省2000-2006年21个地区30个产业的面板数据,通过空间经济计量模型对广东省工业产业中知识溢出与产业结构的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,广东省各地区工业产业间存在MAR溢出效应及Jacobs溢出效应;随着经济的发展,Porter溢出效应也日益凸现。本文分区域研究结果表明,珠三角地区MAR溢出效应最为显著,而非珠三角区域Jacobs溢出效应明显。  相似文献   

黄苹 《科学学研究》2010,28(10):1484-1489
区分物化溢出和纯知识溢出,首次就中国28个制造业行业间RD溢出对全要素生产率的影响进行了实证分析。我们发现,无论是物化还是纯知识我国制造业行业间RD溢出均显著促进了行业全要素生产率的增长,但纯知识溢出大于物化溢出。进一步的分解中,我们发现促进作用主要来源行业间自筹RD的溢出,行业间获取的政府资助RD对行业全要素生产率溢出效应不显著。  相似文献   

刘伟  邸支艳 《科学学研究》2016,34(12):1865-1874
IT外包是一个知识密集的过程,知识转移是影响外包绩效的关键。本文基于IT外包接包方视角,构建了以关系质量中的三个维度:信任、满意和承诺以及知识缄默性为影响因素,以接包方的知识接受意愿和吸收能力为中介变量的概念模型,研究这些因素对IT外包知识转移的交互影响。基于结构方程模型对收集来自规模较大的IT外包公司的217份有效调查问卷进行实证检验。研究发现在关系质量对IT外包知识转移的作用过程中,接包方的知识接受意愿和吸收能力起到显著的中介作用。信任、满意和承诺对接包方的知识接受意愿具有显著正向影响,信任和满意对接包方的知识吸收能力具有显著正向影响。知识缄默性对IT外包知识转移具有负向影响,关系质量中的信任和满意维度对知识缄默性与知识转移之间的路径关系具有显著调节作用。  相似文献   

中外企业战略联盟知识转移效率的实证分析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
龚毅  谢恩 《科学学研究》2005,23(4):500-505
本文从知识的属性出发分析了战略联盟中知识转移的基本过程,进而讨论了在中外企业战略联盟中影响知识转移效率的因素,认为中外企业之间的差异、联盟成员间的沟通以及联盟所采用的控制方式将决定中外联盟中知识转移的效率。通过调查问卷获得142家中外联盟的数据,本文对所提出的假说进行了检验,结果表明联盟成员间的管理差异及对正式控制的依赖将降低知识转移的效率,而联盟当中的沟通和对社会控制的差异将提高知识转移的效率。  相似文献   

相比传统的自主研发创新、内部研发,开放式创新条件下寻求外部知识源化,重视非研发创新途径是有效的创新转型策略。基于中国高技术产业2009-2014年省际面板数据,系统分析了高技术产业外部知识源化和非研发创新路径特征、地区异质性和发展趋势,实证考察了其对专利产出的影响机理。研究结果显示:东部地区高技术产业开展外部源化、非研发创新活动的经费远高于中西部地区,而西部地区以及东北地区高技术产业外部研发支出和非研发创新投入比重要高于东部地区和中部地区,地区异质性显著,空间分布活动存在差异;高技术产业通过外部知识源化和非研发创新整体上对专利产出产生了显著的正向影响,需要引起足够的重视和利用;而现阶段中国高技术产业外部知识源化、非研发创新与内部研发之间的协同驱动效应呈现出不显著或微弱的负向作用,多样化有效创新路径正向协同效应没有得到充分发挥。研究为高技术产业优化创新资源配置、探索独特、有效的多样化创新路径提供了有效借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

程华  赵祥 《科学学研究》2009,27(6):862-868
 在国内外文献研究基础上,引入产业间技术相近度的概念,基于广义C-D生产函数构建了一个测度政府科技资助溢出效应的计量模型,并采用来自《中国科技统计年鉴》(1997—2006)大中型工业企业的面板数据,对政府科技资助、企业自筹R&D等溢出效应进行了实证分析。结果表明:(1)政府科技资助存在溢出效应,其他产业中企业自筹研发资金也存在溢出效应,而且,政府科技资助的溢出效应明显高于其他产业中企业自筹研发资金的溢出效应;(2)企业研发强度影响政府科技资助的溢出效应;(3)科技资助强度影响政府科技资助溢出效应。对于资助强度大于3%的产业,政府科技资助存在明显的溢出效应,政府科技资助对中等资助产业的溢出效应明显高于高资助产业。研究对我国政府制定创新资助政策有着一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper explores the organisation and codification of knowledge in software firms. It analyses various economic incentives to codification, including the need to improve the productivity and quality of software production and the networks of inter-firm alliances.The paper examines the experience of five Italian software firms specialising in software packages and services. It compares their capabilities, main sources of tacit knowledge, specific incentives to invest in knowledge codification and the formal development methodologies and quality control systems adopted. Finally, the paper analyses two distinct technological collaborations that two of these firms have recently established.  相似文献   

知识转移阻隔现象不仅源于客观环境,知识本体也是一个重要原因.从本体视角出发,从知识的分类、知识的层级分布、知识的特征,以及知识的工具价值等四个角度,解释了知识转移阻隔的形成机理;分析了四个角度之间的关系,讨论了理论对管理实践的启示.  相似文献   

This study sheds light on polycentric forms of organizing and corresponding performance implications. Organizations with a polycentric architecture supplement their internal hierarchical decision-making structures with egalitarian, local structures in order to encourage collaboration with legally independent stakeholders. We ground our study on the planning stage for four capital-intensive infrastructure development projects (megaprojects) in the UK. We first establish that megaproject planning is carried on by polycentric organizations. We show that in this form of organizing the promoter has decision-making authority over the high-order choices, but shares the authority over the local choices with groups of autonomous stakeholders. We also show how this organizational architecture addresses local disputes and pressures to relax performance targets. Our main contribution is a contingency model that proposes four conditions linking performance to polycentric organizing, whether or not: i) the institutional environment empowers an ‘umpire’ to referee disputes; and ii) the system leader can mobilize substantial slack resources to reconcile conflicting interests. We argue that the four conditions reveal very different classes of managerial problems, and draw implications for practice and policy including but not limited to megaprojects.  相似文献   

将信任视为多维变量,构建了多维信任、知识转移与软件外包绩效的影响关系模型。通过理论分析及对京津冀地区97个软件外包接发包企业的有效问卷调查和实证检验,研究发现,多维信任对知识转移、软件外包绩效的正向影响存在差异性;显性知识转移与隐性知识转移相比,对软件外包绩效影响更显著;知识转移在多维信任与软件外包绩效之间具有中介作用,其中知识转移在能力信任与软件外包绩效之间起到完全中介作用,在计算信任、善意信任与软件外包绩效之间均起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

规模、R&D与绩效:对我国软件产业的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭斌 《科研管理》2006,27(1):121-126
本文在国家统计局公布的2002年度我国软件开发企业统计资料和我们所收集的杭州软件企业数据基础上,对中国软件产业是否存在着可观测的规模效应、中国软件产业研究开发(R&D)活动对绩效是否存在着一致性的正向影响这两个问题进行了实证研究。研究表明,就规模对企业绩效的影响而言,企业规模对于产出率存在着一致性的正向影响,但对于利润率却未表现出显著相关性;在研发强度对企业绩效的影响上,我们发现研发强度对利润率存在着显著性的负向影响,并且在一定程度上对于产出率也存在着负向影响。在此基础上,我们就这些发现的政策含义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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