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商业秘密引进中的信息对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张荣凤  岳亚  于淑华 《情报科学》2000,18(2):147-149
本文在关注商业秘密引进过程中存在若干问题的同时,分析了该过程中的信息不对称现象及产生原因;并从信息对策论的角度提出了解决问题的方案.  相似文献   

周密  赵西萍  司训练 《科学学研究》2009,27(9):1384-1392
 实现个人知识在研发团队内部的有效转移对组织的知识创造至关重要,而团队内社会网络又是影响团队内知识转移的重要渠道。研究考察了团队成员个人团队内的社会网络中心性和网络信任对团队内部知识转移成效的影响。研究认为团队成员个人在团队内的社会网络中心性对个人知识在团队内转移的成效以及个人团队内的网络信任均具有促进作用,在此基础上进一步提出了团队成员的网络信任在网络中心性影响知识转移成效中的中介作用。研究对所提假设进行了实证检验,并对结果进行了进一步的解释,旨在进一步剖析知识活动的规律,从而为企业有效的管理知识提供指导。  相似文献   

运用复杂网络理论,提出虚拟企业知识转移的网络结构及其演化模型并进行深入分析.同时,通过网络分析工具对模拟案例网络提出优化策略,体现了从网络视角分析知识转移的有效性.  相似文献   

江积海 《科学学研究》2010,28(4):571-580
基于后发企业知识传导路径及传导机制的前期理论研究,以比亚迪公司汽车研发为案例,剖析企业知识在主体维度(员工→团队→企业→网络)、活动维度(获取→吸收→转移→创新)、属性维度(显性→隐性)所组成三维空间的传导路径;同时,以新的视角提出知识传导的广度、密度、速度和交互度四个变量,刻画传导路径的物理运动和经济运动特征,并且从研发体系、专利策略、认知能力和激励机制等层面深入分析四个特征变量的作用因素及其对知识传导绩效的影响,更好地打开比亚迪知识运动规律的黑箱,最后总结案例经验启示和演绎改善知识传导绩效的有效机制和途径。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the composition of creative teams of academic scientists engaged in inventive activity. Our data provides a unique opportunity to explore the links between team composition and commercialization outcomes. We find that there are coordination costs associated with reaching across academic departments and organizational boundaries to build teams. However, we also find evidence of benefits due to knowledge diversity, particularly in the cases of truly novel combinations. In support of internal cohesion arguments, we find that performance improves with the experience of the team. In line with arguments regarding the value of diverse external networks, we find that teams that are composed of members from multiple institutions - focal university, other research institution, and/or industry - are more successful in generating patents, licenses, and royalties. Finally, we find that the presence of prior social ties supporting links with external team members positively influences commercial outcomes. We find that there is no benefit to proximity in team configuration.  相似文献   

中国高技术产业空间转移模式及动力机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
摘要:本文在探讨产业转移若干经典理论的基础上,研究了高技术产业转移的特殊性,包括快速转移、涌浪转移、逆梯度转移、聚集现象和区域专业化分工现象等五方面,并从模态形式的角度对中国高技术产业转移进行分类,将转移分为风浪型转移和涌浪型转移两大类,最后从技术转移过程和转移动力因素两个方面对高技术产业转移进行了动力学分析。  相似文献   

复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
本文通过分析复杂网络的结构特征及其内在嵌入性机理,回顾了复杂网络的基本理论现状。然后,分析得到了组织网络的非线性、多模块特征,发现了组织网络与复杂网络共同的行为模式。据此,将复杂网络引入到组织网络的研究中来,分别从组织网络的表示方法与分析手段,组织网络的互动关系和程度对其鲁棒性和适应性的影响,组织网络内在的协调机理,以及其局部互动与全局演化动力学特征之间的关系等几个方面探讨了复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

We explore how more exactly copying a blueprint for establishing a franchise network in a new country influences franchising network growth. We test opposing hypotheses using panel data involving the transfer of franchising knowledge to 23 different countries, measuring the degree to which master licensees ‘copy exactly’ knowledge concerning how to grow a network in their country and the effect that their approach has on subsequent network growth. We conclude that a strategy of copying more exactly seems to enhance growth and that the benefits of more exactly replicating knowledge in the 1st year of a local network’s existence persist for several years. Thus, innovation, in this specific context, seems to hinder firm growth.  相似文献   

李瑶  刘婷  薛佳奇 《科学学研究》2011,29(12):1845-1853
 研究了制造商采用交易机制和关系机制对分销商知识转移的影响作用,以及在不同程度的环境不确定性下,两种治理机制对知识转移影响效用的变化,并对比了两种治理机制对知识转移的有效性。应用多层次回归模型对来源于196家中国制造企业的数据进行实证研究,结果显示,交易机制和关系机制都促进了知识转移的进行,随着环境不确定程度的增加,交易机制中契约对知识转移的正向作用减弱,而关系机制对知识转移的正向作用加强,此时,采用关系机制会更有利于知识转移的进行。  相似文献   

Faced with demanding time constraints and the need to compete and communicate across a global market, firms have engaged in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) to accomplish various objectives, including, but not limited to, increasing growth potential and expanding product lines. Given the vital role of knowledge in the M&A context, the aim of this case study is to explore the literature in the area of M&As from a knowledge perspective and to investigate the knowledge variable in the local Hellenic Post-Merger Integration (PMI) of the Roche Consumer Health division acquired by Bayer, both leading multinational pharmaceutical companies. The study focuses on whether the stakeholders think that one specific factor, namely knowledge transfer, has helped them develop towards one high-performance body, and, if so, what were the most significant experiences leading to this development. We followed a number of employees from both. The results of the study provide a better understanding of the key drivers of the knowledge transfer in a PMI. The critical factors (macro and micro) encourage or discourage knowledge transfer in integrating organizations. The assessment took place approximately six months after the contractual completion of the acquisition and was based on the management and co-workers’ perception of how integration at the Greek Bayer company had progressed. The Orton case study was developed as a complement to the theoretical framework on intangible synergies in the M&A context. It provides a practical perspective regarding the complexities and peculiarities involved in each M&A operation by confronting the conceptual framework with field realities.  相似文献   

刘晓燕  王晶  单晓红  杨娟 《科学学研究》2019,37(6):1133-1141
技术融合对企业创新能力的提升和产业重组具有显著作用,但是当前研究中缺乏对技术融合产生机理的系统研究。本文从技术特征、组织的技术特征与组织的关系特征三个方面入手,构建基于组织网络与技术网络的多层网络分析模型,探索创新网络节点间技术融合机理,并对OLED(显示技术)产业进行实证研究。结果显示:技术特征方面:已经发生融合的技术很少与新技术产生融合,相似技术之间更容易发生融合;组织的技术特征方面:组织拥有的共性技术很少与新技术产生融合,一个组织内部发生明显的技术融合,不同组织的技术很少发生跨组织的技术融合;组织的关系特征方面:组织间的合作关系会抑制彼此技术的融合,组织的伙伴圈也会限制组织与圈外新技术的融合。  相似文献   

This case study examines the events in the transfer of an advanced technology (a text-to-speech reading machine) from the university group that developed the technology to an industrial firm seeking to exploit the innovation. After a brief history of the six-year project, the paper discusses the roles of the participants, markets, and time and cost considerations. A model of technology transfer is presented and policy implications derived from the case are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the need for matching technical competence between donor and recipient, and on the function of a transfer agent in facilitating the social process of technology transfer.  相似文献   

We report that modular millifluidic networks are simpler, more cost-effective alternatives to traditional microfluidic networks, and they can be rapidly generated and altered to optimize designs. Droplet traffic can also be studied more conveniently and inexpensively at the millimeter scale, as droplets are readily visible to the naked eye. Bifurcated loops, ladder networks, and parking networks were made using only Tygon® tubing and plastic T-junction fittings and visualized using an iPod® camera. As a case study, droplet traffic experiments through a millifluidic bifurcated loop were conducted, and the periodicity of drop spacing at the outlet was mapped over a wide range of inlet drop spacing. We observed periodic, intermittent, and aperiodic behaviors depending on the inlet drop spacing. The experimentally observed periodic behaviors were in good agreement with numerical simulations based on the simple network model. Our experiments further identified three main sources of intermittency between different periodic and/or aperiodic behaviors: (1) simultaneous entering and exiting events, (2) channel defects, and (3) equal or nearly equal hydrodynamic resistances in both sides of the bifurcated loop. In cases of simultaneous events and/or channel defects, the range of input spacings where intermittent behaviors are observed depends on the degree of inherent variation in input spacing. Finally, using a time scale analysis of syringe pump fluctuations and experiment observation times, we find that in most cases, more consistent results can be generated in experiments conducted at the millimeter scale than those conducted at the micrometer scale. Thus, millifluidic networks offer a simple means to probe collective interactions due to drop traffic and optimize network geometry to engineer passive devices for biological and material analysis.  相似文献   

Substantial investments were made in population based biobanks over the past decade. Ethnocultural community members are both sponsors and beneficiaries of biobanks. In addition, the success of biobank projects depends on community support and participation. Yet there are few empirical data on views, perceptions and interests of ethnocultural communities on biobanks. This silent gap in genomics, ethics and policy literatures has to be addressed. We conducted a qualitative research study with in-depth interviews of ethnocultural community leaders (e.g., members of the Canadian Parliament, school commissioners) on their perspectives concerning population specific genomics research and biobanks. An equal partnership model where public is not only informed, but also involved in decision-making processes was perceived as an essential democratic requisite. These empirical data on ethnocultural community leaders' views, interests and perceptions identify several key socio-cultural and ethical factors that can be decisive for effective and sustainable community involvement in biobanks.  相似文献   

随着国家创新驱动经济发展战略的实施,智力资本的价值会越来越受到企业的重视。但是,智力资本价值的定量评价却一直是一个理论界和实践中的难点问题。本文以拥有国家秘密技术的医药制造业上市公司的数据为例,对医药企业专有技术的价值评估进行了实证研究,以探讨智力资本价值评估的科学方法。本文重点就知识产权等智力资本价值评估过程所使用的分成率进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,专有技术等智力资本对企业价值的贡献较高,且贡献大小呈现先上升后降低的趋势。  相似文献   

美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的技术转化活动取得了瞩目的成绩,这与其校内技术转化机构的设立和运作是分不开的.MIT的技术转化机构主要包括技术许可办公室,产业联络规则、资助项目办公室.这些机构有明确的政策法规指导,相互协调、促进,形成一个技术转化体系;各机构工作人员专业化,使大学在技术转化活动中处于主动地位.大学通过设立技术转化机构,在为全校教师和研究者提供技术转化活动全程指导的同时,也保证了大学的学术性方向.  相似文献   

摘要:产业生态网络是产业活动在经济和资源环境上达到平衡的重要途径,是不同产业企业之间建立工业共生的组织表现形式。本文基于关联关系和空间分布两个维度,对产业生态网络的模式进行划分,并结合当前国内外工业共生的实践情况,从系统稳定性、技术创新能力、市场应变能力、成员参与程度、进入壁垒和环境绩效等方面对各自特点展开比较分析,对于加快我国生态工业建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   

分析科技成果转化中知识转移的特征,解析知识转移的路径,提出知识转移的促进策略,在理论和实践上为科技成果转化的深化和扩展提供现实性的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

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