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阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。If you want to learn about the latest album by Jay Chou,or recent  相似文献   

2006年9月8日,周杰伦在全亚洲发行了他的第七张音乐专辑《依然范特西》。对于许多周杰伦的粉丝们来说,他们对这张专辑已期待已久。无论是周杰伦还是他的音乐,多年来他的粉丝们都一如既往地支持。“我一定去买这张专辑。我已经拥有了周杰伦的前六张专辑,每张专辑我都很喜爱,因为每张专辑中都有新的元素在里面。”一位来自湖北的中学生说。在新专辑里,周杰伦与台湾49岁的歌手费玉清一起合作演唱了专辑的主题歌《千里之外》。由费玉清演唱的经典老歌《一剪梅》曾经很受欢迎。这次,他美妙的嗓音与周杰伦的hip-hop风格完美地结合在一起,创In 2006, Jay Chou released (发行) his seventh album (专辑), “Still Fantasy “ (《依然范特西》), across Asia on September 8. For many fans of Jay Chou, they have been looking forward to (期待) this album. His fans have loved Jay and his songs for many years. “I must bu...  相似文献   

Jay Chou (周杰伦) is a very popular Taiwanese singer. He was born on January 18, 1979 in Taipei, Taiwan He grew up with his mother. His moth er was a middle school teacher. Jay showed great interest in music. He began to play the piano at the age of 3. While he was a third-grade student in elementary school, he developed an interest in cello(大提琴) and had daily cello lessons.  相似文献   

How much do you want to pay for a CD by your favorite singer Jay Chou? Five yuan for a pirated (盗版的) one, or more for a real one?[第一段]  相似文献   

His teacher thought he was dumb.Idol- makers thought he was ugly.But Jay Chou has become Asia’s hottest pop star.  相似文献   

Zhou Jielun,whose English name is Jay Chou,was born on January 18th,1979 in Taiwan.He is a gifted boy and he loves music very much.He is a popular Taiwanese musician with a very deep and rich voice,specializing(专门研  相似文献   

正There are many stars received great achievements,such as Jay Chou,Jackie Chen,Quwanting and so on.However,the star who I like the best is Avril Lavigne.She is my idol.She was born in 1984.As we all know,she began to make music when she was seventeen years  相似文献   

时下是娱乐生活遍地走,摇滚通俗样样有,一不小心就踏进了“娱乐圈”。不过,现在的歌坛可谓是一锅大拼盘——但对中小学生而言最吸引人的偶像仍是小天王周杰伦Jay Chou了。几年前,当周杰伦带着与他同名的专辑《Jay》闯入我们的视野,就已经吸  相似文献   

中文片名:功夫灌篮影片类型:动作上映时间:2008年2月7日导演:朱延平Yin-Ping Chu主演:周杰伦Jay Chou蔡卓妍Charlene Choi曾志伟Eric Tsang陈柏霖Wilson Chen陈楚河Chuhe Chen  相似文献   

English Name:Jay Chou/ChowBirthday:January 1 8.1 979Horoscope:Capri(、oFnHeight:173 cnlBlood Type:0Education:Tan jiang High St,hool fMusic’lMarital Status:singleFavonte Sports:swimming,bowling.basketballInstruments:piano,guitar,cello.jazz dn,gFavorite Musician:Chopin.IJiszt,Yo一、’O MaHobbies: songwriting. movies, basketball,electronic gamesStrengths:writing songs~yfies.sportsWeaknesses:shy,soft—hea~ed.easily nervous生日:1星座:庠羯座身高:1 73厚井血型:0型学历:淡江中!婚姻状况:单身…  相似文献   

1.《可爱女人》:本来是作给吴宗宪唱的(本来词已经被宪哥写好了,叫《春夏秋冬》),可是吴宗宪唱不下来,才交给Jay唱。  相似文献   

英文名:Jay Chou 周杰伦生日:1979年1月18日星座:山羊座身高:173cm 体重:60kg 专长:写歌、作词精通乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓音乐类型:R&B 喜欢的运动:篮球绰号:小猪罗志祥生日:1979年7月30日星座:狮子座身高:180cm 体重:70kg 专长:打鼓、跳舞、唱歌休闲爱好:打篮球、游泳个性:超级外向,喜欢想事情座右铭:把握每一个小小的机会  相似文献   

Zhou Enlai or Chou En-lai(1898.3. 5——1976.1.8)was born in 1898 in Hwaian, Kiangsu Province,in a middle-class family; Chou attended Chinese,Western missionary and Japanese schools.In 1919 he was jailed briefly for involvement in student demonstrations.Upon his release,Chou went to Paris for study.He soon became a  相似文献   

English Name:Jay Chou/ChowB irthdate:January18,1979H oroscope:CapricornH eight:173cmW eight:135lbsB lood Type:OFavorite Sports:Basketball,swim ming,bow lingInstrum ents:Piano,viola,guitar,cello,jazz drumFavorite M usic:R&B,Soul,Hip-HopFavorite Color:BlueFavorite Food:ChickenH obbies:Songw riting,movies,basketball,electronic gam esStrengths:W riting songs/lyrics,sportsW eaknesses:Shy,soft-hearted,easily nervousA:提前庆祝生日周杰伦要大家别再拿“周侯恋”开闹了Celebrating his birthda…  相似文献   

蔡黎明 《生物学教学》2006,31(10):50-51
女娄菜(Melandrium album)是一种雌雄异株的植物,由于其叶型是一种伴性遗传,且花粉粒X^b致死,因此以女娄菜为背景的遗传题目出现的较多,难度也较大。本文将女娄菜的性别决定、叶型遗传相关知识及相关习题汇集如下。  相似文献   

米若喜欢用杰伦很久了,她喜欢Jay所有的歌,但米若从来没有现场看过Jay的演出,因为没有内场票。有Jay的演唱会的时候,米若只能站在外面,感受那强撼的音乐和沸腾的欢呼。十二月的上海,寒冷异常。米若站在体育场高耸的看台外,仰头看续纷的光柱。  相似文献   

他们将这件事告诉了Jay。只要看看他们说话的模样,和他们点头时眉飞色舞的样子,Jay就能够料想到是怎么回事。  相似文献   

Off The Woll First album released in 1979 《墙外》1979年第一张个人专辑; Thriller Second album released in 1982.  相似文献   

Their third studio album, Parlophone debut, and their first offering since 2000's"Saints And Sinners',the reformed Brit girl group still seem amazingly popular and credible five years after their initial acrimonious split in 2001. Recorded with their longtime producer KG, Greg Kurstin (Peaches, Lily Allen) and Rick Nowels (Madonna, Dido), Studio 1 builds on the classic sassy All Saints sound, while adding reggae and ska influences in a nod to the legendary Jamaican studio of the title. Includes the single Rock Steady.  相似文献   

罗志祥 周杰伦(Jay)=非常玩伴Ⅰ.小猪很爱干净,甚至有点洁癖。一次Jay到他家玩,说要吃饼干,小猪说:"如果你要吃就用手  相似文献   

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