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近年来,在省级卫视竞争激烈的大背景下,广西卫视虽身处西南边陲,却异军突起,逐渐被业界和学界所关注。以广西卫视的成功经验,去投射当下中国电视生存和发展的大背景,对于促进其他省级卫视进一步的开拓创新很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在2007年全国电视台台长论坛上,全国60家电视台台长发起《北京宣言》,其中最重要的一条是:承诺中国各级各类电视台都要坚持正确舆论导向,坚持电视的公益性质,坚持为广大人民群众服务  相似文献   

我在麻黄堆上玩耍时,发现家属院走过来一个穿皮鞋的人.我放下钢叉,穿鞋,追随其人而去.   麻黄即麻黄渣,如褐色的松针,气味绮靡腐败--家属院的人从制药厂买来,晒干作燃料用.我们在上面攀爬作耍,叉起散扬,一切做法都获主人满意,因为风干得快.而光脚在上面践踏,暖如酒糟.那时,哪一家卸下高如屋庐的麻黄,都让人雀跃而喜.……  相似文献   

在学习中成长从实践中成熟   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
石朝云  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2008,20(4):340-342
"21世纪最重要的是什么?是人才!!!"虽是一句戏谑之言,却是实话!作为知识经济重要组成部分的出版业更是如此.在各项资源中最能动、最活跃的就是人力资源,科技期刊出版事业在我国文化体制改革路线图、时间表已确定的情况下[1],面临的一大问题便是人才的紧缺.时代的发展导致编辑出版的概念不断延伸,新时期的编辑出版人员究竟需要具备何种素质才能把握机遇、迎接挑战?众多出版界人士都在努力探讨这个问题,我们则在不断的实践探索中,力争完善这个认知.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(22):185-195
The term "information broker," means many things to many people. Broadly speaking, in-house information brokers - within libraries, institutions, private industry - perform information services for fees charged to outside clients or charged back to projects or departments inside the institution itself. Entrepreneurial information brokers are self-employed people or groups of people organized as profit-making businesses. These brokers provide information service for and sell information products to paying customers. Information brokering, in-house and entrepreneurial, calls for professional skills and personal attributes not necessarily brought to play in more traditional library occupations.  相似文献   

Given the iconic status assigned to Gallipoli, virtually from the outset, it was inevitable that in its centenary year, commemoration would receive enormous political and media attention. My intention is not to produce a comprehensive summary of all international media output on Gallipoli, even if that were possible within the confines of a journal article. Language barriers and problems of access have further impacted on the selection process, as well as in the coverage of even countries that have been examined (I do not speak French, German or Turkish; I also did not have access to non-English publications in India.). Nor is the article meant to be a synthesis of historiographical debate on Gallipoli, a subject which military and other experts have successfully addressed in the past as well as during the centenary (Please see reference section below for a selection of relevant books.). Rather, my more modest aim is to highlight seminal themes and offer an assessment of response, both in and by the media, especially the print media, in some of the main belligerent countries situated today in differing geo-political contexts, viz. Great Britain, Australia, India (then part of the British empire) and Turkey (then part of the Ottoman empire). Arguably, at one level, there was little in the transnational response during 2015 which attempted to shift the foundational basis for a reading of Gallipoli that has been established in the media during the intervening decades. Yet, there were some notable shifts in transnational perspectives. Perhaps after the lapse of a century, it may be possible to achieve/restore some kind of balance to our appraisal of Gallipoli in the public mind.  相似文献   

<正>1950年11月21日,中国人民志愿军悄然渡过鸭绿江,准备在几天后发动第一次战役,中南海弥漫着紧张的气氛。于繁忙的军务、政务中,等待前方战报的毛泽东,却抽空批阅了食品工业部部长杨立三送来的一份关于国内卷烟业发展状态的报告。报告上,毛泽东亲笔批示:所有党政人员一律不要用外国及外商的纸烟,亦最好不吸私营纸烟。批示寥寥数语,却成为新中国卷烟业格局发生巨变的前奏。毛泽东深知卷烟业对新中国财政税收和经济建设的极端重要性。  相似文献   

河南省交通厅恐怕在全国是出了名的。出名不在它修了多少高速公路,不在它楼高院大,而是三任厅长接二连三的倒台,过起了铁窗生活。出现这种现象,不仅使河南的交通事业蒙受了极大的损失,而且也极大地败坏了交通厅的名声和我们党的威望。老百姓街谈巷议,到底弄不明白是怎么回事,那里是染缸,清白进必然污浊出?还是这些人本身就有问题,到任以后更加肆无忌惮?是制度问题,还是人为因素?清者自清,浊者自浊。人们都生活在充满矛盾的社会之中,人们为了各自的生计和事业都在不懈努力奋斗,都在并非平坦的大道上前行。不言而喻,在这前进的道路上,有勇往直…  相似文献   

我是一名普通的电视新闻记者,我从事的工作和我的同行们所从事的工作没有什么不同,我们的职责都是如实地报道新闻,忠实地记录历史.真实地反映时代的变迁。在十多年的工作经历中,我觉得我只是做了一名职业的电视新闻记者应该做的事情。  相似文献   

图书馆更名之我见   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张珍 《图书馆论坛》2001,20(1):82-82,84
传统图书馆到现代图书馆的转型,使图书馆馆藏、馆舍馆员三要素发生了巨大变化。提出当今图书馆内涵已发生了变化,“图书馆”一词按原有的涵义,已难已胜任社会角色,应该为图书馆更名。  相似文献   

<正>互联网、宽带网络与视听新媒体界的盛会主题:融合·创新·发展时间:2015年4月810日地点:江苏·扬州指导单位:国家新闻出版广电总局科技委员会工业和信息化部通信科技委员会新华社技术局主办单位:中国电子学会有线电视综合信息技术分会中国新闻技术工作者联合会多媒体专业委员会国家新闻出版广电总局科技委员会战略专业委员会协办单位:中国国际广播电台国家新闻出版广电总局监管中心国家新闻出版广电总局科技委员会广播专业委员会、电视专业委员会、无线专业委员会  相似文献   


The author reports on two conferences she attended during the summer of 2015. The first was the annual conference of the British Slavic (Slavonic) librarians’ organization, the Council for Slavonic and East European Library and Information Services (COSEELIS) in Cambridge, England. The second was the ninth World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), in the Makuhari convention center in Chiba city, outside of Tokyo.  相似文献   

城市化倾向:少儿电视节目不容忽视的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中央和地方电视台少儿频道及其他少儿节目呈现出一种明显的传播偏向,即城市化倾向严重,并且有扩大化的趋势。农村未成年人在少儿节目中普遍“失语”。从根本上说,少儿节目这种明显失衡的受众定位并不符合我国目前的国情。既然是少儿节目.就应为中国全体3.67亿少年儿童服务.而不只是为仅占其中20%的城市少年儿童服务.这是一个严肃的问题。在少儿频道壮大之际.我们尤应对此有深刻的认识.大力防止和遏制这种不良态势。本文拟对少儿频道及其他少儿电视节目的城市化倾向作较为深入的分析.并探讨扭转这一局面的可行性办法。  相似文献   

This column is written by column editor Ilana Stonebraker and guest columnist Emily Johnson. Ilana Stonebraker is Business Information Specialist and Assistant Professor at Purdue University. Emily Johnson is the Middle School Librarian and Library Coordinator at Daystar Academy in Beijing, China. They both received an MSI from the University of Michigan. This column focuses on the “fake news” phenomenon and how it affects special libraries.  相似文献   

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