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In the first part of this paper the marked differences between the stances of some philosophers of education who view the field as a self-contained discipline and MacIntyre's contrasting view are outlined and discussed, with the author seeing the greater merit in MacIntyre's position. This leads on to a review in the second part of the paper of the differences between MacIntyre and Dunne on teaching as a practice and on the range of issues that underlie these differences. Again, the paper argues in favour of MacIntyre's claim that teaching is subservient to the good it serves, in this case the good of the learner and of the community. Criticisms are then made, however, of how MacIntyre conceives of the good of the community, and of its promotion by learning. In particular, his advocacy of partisan universities and his arguments for rationalising the rivalries between them are faulted. In its concluding part, the paper finds more merit in the pedagogical features of MacIntyre's late work Dependent Rational Animals, particularly the rationale advanced for educating independent practical reasoners.  相似文献   

This essay takes issue with Alasdair MacIntyre's denial that teaching is a practice. It does so less by appeal to MacIntyre's concept of practice than by criticism of his conception of teaching. It argues that this conception, as reconstructed from adversions to teaching in a range of his writings, does less than justice to what good teachers accomplish; and that, if this inadequacy is rectified—as much else in his writings suggests that it ought to be—there are clearer grounds for acknowledging teaching as a practice.  相似文献   

近年来,随着良品伦理学的强势复兴,亚里士多德和麦金太尔的实践观念在当代道德哲学论域颇受重视且影响广泛。但实际上,他们的实践观念都偏离了人们的常识,从而流于偏狭,其实践价值也要大打折扣。我们需要发展一种常识性的实践观念。属人的良品成于常识性实践,而不是亚里士多德和麦金太尔理解的实践。  相似文献   

鉴于历史主义立场带来的相对主义危险,麦金太尔最终诉诸人的依赖性作为其伦理学思想体系的依托。麦金太尔向依赖性的转向表明了其伦理学思想的理论归宿。这种转向与其说是理论深化,不如说是理论退守。麦金太尔的理论归宿启示我们,历史与道德真理始终处在一种紧张关系之中,因而迎合历史的立场并不能为我们提供道德真理。  相似文献   

Is Teaching a Practice?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
I argue here that Alasdair MacIntyre is mistaken when he claims that teaching is not a practice. In particular, I try to throw some doubt on his claim that 'teaching is never more than a means' and to challenge his list of things that all students should learn. In the second section, I show how analyses of professionalism endorse MacIntyre's emphasis on complexity and internal criteria for practices. Finally, building on the doubts observed in the first section and the criteria identified in the second, I describe teaching as a relational practice.  相似文献   

在道德缺失的后现代境况下,麦金太尔提倡回归亚里士多德德性伦理是提升个体和整个社会道德水准的一种艰难而高尚的选择。德性伦理可以将个人和群体引向终极的善,但当下仍不能放松规范伦理的建设,因为规范伦理可以保证行为的正当性。  相似文献   

Much light has been shed on important features of teaching and learning by Alasdair MacIntyre's writings. Yet there are experiences that are crucial to teaching and learning that are unaddressed in MacIntyre's arguments; experiences that reveal education as a distinctive kind of practice. This paper examines one kind of such experience: an experience I call 'being pulled up short'. Drawing on the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Gerald L. Bruns, I analyse an example of teaching King Lear to argue that being pulled up short is a unique experience of disorientation that cannot be taught merely by pedagogical skill, including the modern tools and approaches provided by constructivist learning theory and meta-cognition. The paper concludes by identifying challenges that being pulled up short poses for the education of disposition, and for the aims and activities of teaching.  相似文献   

This essay seeks to show that teaching and learning are to be properly understood, not as an undertaking carried out on the will of a higher power or party, but as a way of life with an integrity of its own, arising from its own integral purposes. The essay thus seeks to provide an understanding of educational practice and of educational thought that contrasts in key respects with Alasdair MacIntyre's understanding, though also with a some notable parallels. A largely forgotten 'Socrates of Athens' is identified as furnishing the original inspiration for the understanding of education explored in the essay. Some influential modern (and postmodern) negations of this understanding are then reviewed. Arising from its investigation of teaching and learning as a singular kind of relationship, the essay concludes with a brief sketch of some virtues that might constitute the way of life in question, in its more active and its more reflective moments.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, David Bridges explores the notion of practice with particular application to the practice of higher education. He considers whether some of the changes in practices linked to the massification of higher education have in fact resulted in the breakdown of higher education as a practice , at least on Alasdair MacIntyre's definition of the term. Specifically, Bridges examines whether higher education has lost its sense of the forms of human excellence around which its life is constructed. Finally, he points to issues of equity raised by the huge variety of forms that higher education now takes and asks whether this variety might mean that students are winning entry to some very different qualities of experience when judged against the requirement that they should contribute to the development of human excellence.  相似文献   

The University of Ottawa was created as a Roman Catholic, private, bilingual institution before Canada was born as a country. Courses were taught in French and English, both to francophone and to anglophone students, and with no duplication of programmes. The College of Bytown, as it was then known, was intended to create a learning milieu that would bring together English-speaking and French-speaking students and foster mutual respect and understanding. When the university was reorganized as a provincially assisted (i.e., subsidized) institution in 1965, its mandate as a bilingual university was reaffirmed, together with its special mission of preserving and developing French culture in Ontario. Over the years, the university has moved toward "institutional" bilingualism and has placed a strong emphasis on the parallel offering of programmes. It is the author's view that, on the whole, bilingualism at the University of Ottawa has delivered positive results. However, bilingualism is not viewed by everyone as a means for preserving the language and the culture of minorities, and some Franco-Ontarians would prefer a French-only institution.  相似文献   

本文紧紧围绕当代大学生的思想政治现状进行调查分析,通过一系列的统计数据,客观的反映了当代大学生与时代同呼吸,与党和国家共命运的时代特点,也指出了新时期大学生思想深层次存在的一些问题,透视出当代大学生的世界观、人生观、价值观取向,为高校进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治工作提供了依据.  相似文献   

The article attempts to present personal views of some changes that are needed to be made within teacher education in Malaysia. It uses one teacher education university as a point of reference to forward concerns. The university remains anonymous as it is not the intent of the article to critique the university but rather to highlight the more general challenges in preparing preservice teachers and to explore some approaches to improve teacher education within this university and its setting. The article starts by drawing together a set of concerns that face the field, arguing that three changes are needed to improve teacher preparation, namely (1) a curriculum that is grounded in the Malaysian context, (2) an improved practicum experience, and (3) to develop and situate practices in the schools. It concludes that the efforts to change within teacher education will not be easy, but needful; else the ultimate losers are the future teachers and their students.  相似文献   

从制度人假设看来,大学是人们由对于知识活动的相似信念而构成的组织,大学人因对于知识制度的归属而能够集聚于一处。在现代大学的知识制度之下还有三个主要的分支制度——教育制度、学术制度和官僚制度——作为不同群体的依凭。由此看来,现代大学内部所存在的冲突便是由信念相左而导致的制度冲突。  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠是近年来影响民办高校教育教学发展的重要因素。教师的角色冲突、工作负荷、家庭平衡以及民办高校招生对象的特殊性和管理体制的欠缺都是影响民办高校教师产生职业倦怠的重要因素。针对教师职业倦怠产生的原因,教师个体、家庭层面、民办高校和社会几个方面应该联合起来共同努力减轻教师职业倦怠,促进民办高校教育教学的更好发展。  相似文献   

This paper describes the inter‐organizational collaboration which contributed to the development and satellite‐mediated delivery of university courses to a highly dispersed, rural population. This collaboration yielded results beyond what each group of stakeholders could have achieved on its own, but the project confirms the observation of some educators that collaboration, within the context of adopting innovative procedures, is a process fraught with potential pitfalls. There are, however, some practical strategies which can encourage the partners to work together towards a common goal.  相似文献   

大学组织变革成本分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李桂荣 《教育研究》2006,27(2):33-40
大学组织变革成本是大学组织因发起变革、组织变革、确保变革顺利进行以及巩固变革成果所发生的价值总和,其属性表现为:它是客观存在的成本、以间接成本为主、基本属于交易成本性质、是一种不断追加的边际成本、具有与收益的动态对称性、与正常的学校管理成本相融、是一种自然变革进程中的成本。大学组织变革成本影响着变革动机的形成、变革方式的选择、变革过程的推进和变革绩效的评价。大学组织变革之所以有成本发生是因为大学组织变革过程的生产性,变革主体的经济理性,变革资产的专用性,变革信息的不完全性,变革路径的依赖性和变革权力结构的失衡性。在具体大学组织变革实践中,为追求变革成本最小化,必须采取一些相应的控制策略。  相似文献   

概率论与数理统计是一门实用性极强的学科,在高校所开设的课程中占有重要地位,如何有效提高概率统计青年教师的教学水平,是青年教师自身、学校、社会需要共同思考的问题.分析青年教师在概率统计课程教学中所面临的困难,提出青年教师培养为提高自身教学能力应该做的一些工作,最后提出构建青年教师教学能力培养体系的一些思考.  相似文献   

家教是大学生校外兼职的首选形式,是大学生生活费的重要来源。大学生主要是通过中介寻找家教的。大学生家庭教师身份的特殊性、“从业”的非正规性、维权成本高及维权意识淡薄等使大学生家庭教师维权陷入了困境。在现有法律框架下,探索大学生、政府、实施法律援助的组织和个人(律师)、高校、社会媒体共同参与的大学生校外兼职维权机制,有助于帮助大学生家庭教师走出维权困境。  相似文献   

高校辅导员班主任模式在大学生政治思想教育与日常行为管理等方面一直发挥了很大的作用,但随着时代的发展与高等教育的改革,也开始出现一些问题。本文通过对这些问题的分析,提出了完善辅导员班主任模式的主要途径。  相似文献   

论高校学报编辑、作者、读者关系的互动及优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报的编辑活动,本质上就是一种先进精神文化的生产活动,编辑活动的主体:编辑、作者与读者三者相互影响、相互制约,共同推动先进精神文化生产的顺利进行。现代社会意识形态多样,法制社会建构日臻完善,科技领域日新月异,先进科技产品诸如互联网在出版编辑领域中的使用,给传统的编辑关系带来了一些冲击与变化。作为高校学报的编辑,我们必须要认真审视这些变化,更好地推动高校学报编辑、作者与读者关系的互动与优化。  相似文献   

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