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Conclusion The use of the motion pictures in the various classes was unquestionably worthwhile and profitable to the respective students. The advantages to these students becomes clearer when one recalls that there was a significant gain on every single film test; and further, that about one-sixth of the entire instructional time in the experimental classes was given over to the use of motion pictures. In spite of this time allocation, there were many gains for the experimental classes on the standardized tests, some of them significantly so, and not one single instance of a significant loss. Thus did the Nebraska Program of Educational Enrichment Through the Use of Motion Pictures document the case for the use of films in selected areas of the secondary curriculum. At a time when educators are seeking help in solving some of the crises in education, the research carried out with curriculum enrichment by films in Nebraska is particularly pertinent. It represents the first fullscale attempt to discover the values of motion pictures in enriching the school program under a variety of conditions; and it foreshadows, perhaps, a curriculum in which films may play a more integral role in instruction. Wesley C. Meierhenry is associate professor of the history and principles of education and school administration at the University of Nebraska. He was program administrator of The Nebraska Program of Educational Enrichment Through the Use of Mition Pictures.  相似文献   

通过对一维平面转动系中质点运动的一个问题的讨论,分析了平面转动系与极坐标系之间的关系,得到了极坐标系中加速度各项的“物理意义”.  相似文献   

“民以食为天”,餐饮企业是兼备了古老和时尚的载体。餐饮企业属于服务提供者与被提供者高度接触的企业,顾客就餐行为,是在理性消费的同时还很大程度上存在着感性消费。因此,企业标识是顾客即将进门和走进餐馆里随处可见的展示元素,它对餐饮企业形象化、产品/服务的营销、市场开拓和企业文化有着画龙点晴的神奇功能。  相似文献   

The power of various pictorial movement cues in eliciting a reading of movement was studied to determine the relationship between the ease with which a picture is interpreted and the degree to which the picture retains the structure of reality. Movement was indicated in 2 ways: pictorial conventions indicated movement by lines, blurs, and vibration marks; and pictorial postures indicated movement by figures which were isomorphic with the postures involved in real movement. Preschoolers, first graders, sixth graders, and college students were asked to label and sort pictures of human figures as "moving" or "still". Members of the 2 young groups did not classify pictures with conventional cues as "moving" as often as they did pictures with postural cues. Members of the 2 older groups classified both types of pictures as "moving". Since postural cues for movement are recognized at an earlier age than conventional cues, those that are more similar to reality may be easier to understand.  相似文献   

This research tested whether silent motion pictures could be a source of contexts that fostered comprehension of relative clause and passive voice sentences during reading. These two syntactic structures are chronically difficult for some deaf readers. According to the instructional strategy, while subjects watched silent comedy stories, the video display intermittently focused attention on short segments of action and then called for a decision regarding which of two sentences printed in a workbook described the action segment. After this, a display on the video screen provided feedback on the accuracy of the decision. If successful here, this approach might be applied to other areas of competence in order to elevate the generally low level of reading performance by many deaf students. The study applied a single subject design in order to measure sentence comprehension accuracy before and following use of the materials. The computerized testing procedure also measured sentence reading time, an index of attention use. Thus, these data allowed an examination of whether any increases in comprehension were associated with slower, more laborious rates of reading. The instructional approach was an indirect one sharing multiple aspects of whole language methodology, and the sample included deaf subjects at a variety of reading ability levels. This permitted examination of whether an indirect instructional approach could be successful with readers demonstrating relatively low reading ability. The central research question of the study was the following 'Can this instructional method be effective with deaf readers?'.  相似文献   

Vietnam universities have experienced remarkable changes brought about by their internationalization policies. The switch to English as a medium of instruction (EMI) for some academic programs was one of these critical changes. Literature has reported numerous issues related to EMI, including inadequate language proficiency of teaching staff. This paper looks at a qualitative research study on how a government university from Vietnam employs different strategies to enhance teachers’ English proficiency. The study reveals that the introduction of new supporting systems, assessment bodies, recruitment criteria and institutional strategies on training, monitoring and motivation have created cultural change within the teacher community. This cultural change, which includes elements such as self-directed learning, peer learning, professionalism, and ‘open-to-change’ attitudes, has been perceived by both leaders and teachers to be conducive to teachers’ language learning. The findings presented in this paper seek to contribute to the formulation or adjustment of policies related to educational reforms, such as curriculum reform, teacher recruitment and teacher professional development in non-English-speaking countries.  相似文献   

We show that students rearranging the terms of a mathematical equation in order to separate variables prior to integration use gestures and speech to manipulate the mathematical terms on the page. They treat the terms of the equation as physical objects in a landscape, capable of being moved around. We analyze our results within the tradition of embodied cognition and use conceptual metaphors such as the path-source-goal schema and the idea of fictive motion. We find that students solving the problem correctly and efficiently do not use overt mathematical language like multiplication or division. Instead, their gestures and ambiguous speech of moving are the only algebra used at that moment.  相似文献   

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