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兴趣是一种特殊的意识倾向,是动机产生的重要原因,是对所从事活动产生创造性态度的重要条件.学习兴趣与思维发展有着密切关系.任何有成就的人们都热衷于自己的事业和专业,甚至达到入迷的程度.科学发展的历史也表明,有重大创造发明的科学家多半是知识丰富、兴趣广泛的人.天才的秘密就在于强烈的兴趣和爱好,从而产生无限的热情,这是勤奋的重要动力.兴趣和爱好能吸引人去从事活动,去思考问题.那么,怎样培养学生学习物理的兴趣呢?  相似文献   

吕全礼 《成才之路》2011,(32):45-45
爱因斯坦说:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师。”兴趣和爱好是学习动力,它往往可以使人废寝忘食。相反,如果对知识、对科学没有兴趣,把学习看成是一种负担,一件苦差事,甚至一拿起书来就头痛、犯困,当然不会有好的学习效果。  相似文献   

学校教育就是要发现和唤醒学生成长愿望,正如苏霍姆林斯基所说:"世界上没有才能的人是没有的.问题在于教育者要去发现每一位学生的禀赋、兴趣、爱好和特长,为他们的表现和发展提供充分的条件和正确的引导."为了能够发现学生兴趣、爱好和特长,并为他们全面而有个性的发展提供指导,北京市玉渊潭中学于2008年开始"优势教育"研究,并申报了北京市研究课题"以优势教育为特色的学校文化建设".2010年学校成为北京市高中特色建设实验项目学校,2012年成为全国特色学校.  相似文献   

地理教学中培养学生兴趣的几点做法□刘崇娟兴趣是一个人力求探究和认识某种事物的倾向。科学家爱因斯坦说:“兴趣和爱好是最大的动力”。为了扭转当前学生不重视地理课的现象,就要不断改进教学方法,培养学生学习地理的兴趣。为此,我作了以下几方面的探索:一、上好绪...  相似文献   

一、激发创新思维的兴趣心理学认为,兴趣是认识某种事物或爱好某种活动的倾向,这种倾向可以使人们积极地观察和认识事物。微软公司总裁比尔·盖茨成功轨迹的起点是他永恒的兴趣一~对电脑网络的痴迷。杨振宇博士在总结科学家成功之道时说:“成功的秘诀在于兴趣”。可见兴趣是成功的动力,兴趣是成功的先导。  相似文献   

说到科学研究,人们就会想到阿基米德、牛顿等这些伟人,想象他们正在一个几何图案前或在一棵苹果树下埋首沉思,独自一人研究那些重大而深奥的科学问题.近代科学刚起步的时候,科学研究只是少数人凭兴趣或爱好而从事的业余活动,早期的科学家通常是靠个人的单打独斗,做出了一个又一个的发现,取得了一个又一个的成果.但是随着时代的发展,  相似文献   

我国著名的心理学家林崇德也说过,"天才的秘密在于强烈的兴趣与爱好."一个人,在自己的生活里,有没有兴趣爱好.是大不相同的.兴趣是一种无形的动力,是促使我们在某一领域追求成功的驱动力.  相似文献   

现阶段,小学英语课程的主要任务是激发和培养小学生学习英语的兴趣,著名科学家爱因斯坦曾说过,兴趣和爱好是最好的老师。的确,当一个人兴趣盎然的时候,会产生无限的求知欲,它是一种无形的动力,使孩子们注意力更加集中和持久,从而取得更好的学习效果。  相似文献   

处在青少年时代的学生们,在课外有着广泛的兴趣和爱好。有些兴趣和爱好,如阅读、运动、采集标本、做手工等等,能促进少年们的健康成长。这是有益的、积极的兴趣和爱好。大科学家牛顿从小喜欢做手工。有了一点零钱,一不买糖果,二不买玩具,而是想方设法买小锤子,买锯等工具,有空就叮叮当当做手工;世界“球王”贝利从小就喜欢踢球。没有足球,他就同小朋友们拾大人的破袜子,里边塞些纸,扎起来当球踢。生物学家达尔文幼年酷爱大自然,最大兴趣是搜集生物标本,为了把三只甲虫都捉到,一手攥一只,另一只含到咀里……。少年时代的兴趣与爱好,往往联接着他们终生为之献身的事业。  相似文献   

<正>我国著名心理学家林崇德说过"天才的秘密在于强烈的兴趣与爱好"。可见,兴趣是学习的先导,兴趣是一个人学习和生活中最活跃的因素,兴趣是学习的动力。  相似文献   

Nowadays, early science education is well-accepted by researchers, education professionals and policy makers. Overall, teachers’ attitudes and conceptions toward the science subject domain and science education influence their ways of teaching and engagement. However, there is a lack of research regarding factors that affect this engagement in pre-school years. The main assumption of this study is that teachers’ attitudes regarding science in pre-school can shape children's engagement in science and develop their scientific curiosity. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to investigate the attitudes of pre-school teachers toward engaging in science and to explore their views about the nature of curiosity: who is a curious child and how can a child's natural curiosity be fostered? An extensive survey was conducted among 146 pre-school teachers by employing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results indicate that most of the participants believe that scientific education should begin in early childhood; very young children can investigate and take part in a process of inquiry; and scientific activities in pre-school can influence children's long-term attitudes toward science. Despite these views, most participants felt they did not possess sufficient scientific knowledge. Furthermore, participants expressed diverse opinions when asked to identify what constitutes curiosity, how the curious child can be identified and how a child's curiosity can be fostered. The research findings carry significant implications regarding how to implement scientific activities in pre-school, and how to encourage pre-school teachers to engage children in scientific activities in a way that will nurture their natural curiosity.  相似文献   

Although curiosity is considered an integral aspect of science learning, researchers have debated how to define, measure, and support its development in individuals. Prior measures of curiosity include questionnaire type scales (primarily for adults) and behavioral measures. To address the need to measure scientific curiosity, the Science Curiosity in Learning Environments (SCILE) scale was created and validated as a 12-item scale to measure scientific curiosity in youth. The scale was developed through (a) adapting the language of the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II [Kashdan, T. B., Gallagher, M. W., Silvia, P. J., Winterstein, B. P., Breen, W. E., Terhar, D., & Steger, M. F. (2009). The curiosity and exploration inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(6), 987–998] for youth and (b) crafting new items based on scientific practices drawn from U.S. science standards documents. We administered a preliminary set of 30 items to 663 youth ages 8–18 in the U.S.A. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a three-factor model: stretching, embracing, and science practices. The findings indicate that the SCILE scale is a valid measure of youth’s scientific curiosity for boys and girls as well as elementary, middle school, and high school learners.  相似文献   

Curiosity is fundamental to scientific inquiry and pursuance. Parents are important in encouraging children’s involvement in science. This longitudinal study examined pathways from parental stimulation of children’s curiosity per se to their science acquisition (SA). A latent variable of SA was indicated by the inter-related variables of high school science course accomplishments, career interest, and skill. A conceptual model investigated parental stimulation of children’s curiosity as related to SA via science intrinsic motivation and science achievement. The Fullerton Longitudinal Study provided data spanning school entry through high school (N?=?118). Parental stimulation of curiosity at age 8 years comprised exposing children to new experiences, promoting curiosity, encouraging asking questions, and taking children to a museum. Intrinsic motivation was measured at ages 9, 10, and 13 years, and achievement at ages 9, 10, and 11 years. Structural equation modelling was used for analyses. Controlling for socio-economic status, parental stimulation of curiosity bore positive and significant relations to science intrinsic motivation and achievement, which in turn related to SA. Gender neither related to stimulation of curiosity nor contributed to the model. Findings highlight the importance of parental stimulation of children’s curiosity in facilitating trajectories into science, and relevance to science education is discussed.  相似文献   

A powerful search for ‘curiosity’ or its related topics at the online American Psychological Association PsycNET database will produce comparatively disappointing meagreness of resource. This reflects our scanty knowledge in this field though curiosity is widely recognised as one of the most important factors that contribute to motivation and effectiveness in education and scientific discovery. Lack of understanding in curiosity may be due partly to limitation of research methodology and technology. This paper suggests using Google Trends as a tool for the study of curiosity and its measurement. The observation based on this tool discusses external stimuli, accessible resource and surprisingness that are closely related to curiosity.  相似文献   


This paper compares resistance by scientists to new ideas in scientific discovery with students' resistance to conceptual change in science learning. First, the resistance by students to abandon their misconceptions concerning scientific topics is studied. Next, the resistance by scientists to scientific discovery is studied and some of the causes of such resistance are explored. Some conclusions and direct implications for science teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationships among students' levels of boredom, boredom coping strategies, epistemic curiosity, and graded performance regarding mathematics lessons, with the intention to explore the mediating roles of boredom coping strategies and epistemic curiosity in the relationship between the level of boredom and graded performance. A total of 557 students from a small city located in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey voluntarily participated in the study. Of them, 211 enrolled in an Anatolian high school and 346 enrolled in a science high school. Results showed that the level of boredom, boredom coping strategies, epistemic curiosity, and graded performance were significantly related to each other. Results also showed that deprivation-type epistemic curiosity and interest-type epistemic curiosity played significant mediating roles in the relationship between the level of boredom and graded performance. Notably, the mediating roles of interest-type epistemic curiosity and deprivation-type epistemic curiosity differed across gender groups.  相似文献   

This study investigates how individual differences in 7- to 9-year-olds' curiosity relate to the inquiry-learning process and outcomes in environments differing in structure. The focus on curiosity as individual differences variable was motivated by the importance of curiosity in science education, and uncertainty being central to both the definition of curiosity and the inquiry-learning environment. Curiosity was assessed with the Underwater Exploration game (Jirout, J., & Klahr, D. (2012). Children's scientific curiosity: In search of an operational definition of an elusive concept. Developmental Review, 32, 125–160. doi:10.1016/j.dr.2012.04.002), and inquiry-based learning with the newly developed Scientific Discovery task, which focuses on the principle of designing informative experiments. Structure of the inquiry-learning environment was manipulated by explaining this principle or not. As intelligence relates to learning and possibly curiosity, it was taken into account. Results showed that children's curiosity was positively related to their knowledge acquisition, but not to their quality of exploration. For low intelligent children, environment structure positively affected their quality of exploration, but not their knowledge acquisition. There was no interaction between curiosity and environment structure. These results support the existence of two distinct inquiry-based learning processes – the designing of experiments, on the one hand, and the reflection on performed experiments, on the other – and link children's curiosity to the latter process.  相似文献   

徐霞客及其《徐霞客游记》被前人评为"奇人""奇书",然而对"奇人""奇书"形成的深层心理原因在学界尚无深入研究。笔者根据《好奇心理学》理论,对旅游动机"好奇心"中的"旅游好奇心"的概念作了新的阐发,并结合《徐霞客游记》,探索徐霞客旅游好奇心的产生、实现及其领域的拓展过程。认为"奇人""奇书"的来源,即其深层心理原因在于奇心,亦即他的旅游好奇心。徐霞客的旅游好奇心,是属于积极的好奇心,它启示我们:在人们的旅游实践和旅游管理中对游客积极正常的好奇心要尊重、保护和满足,提倡文明旅游、高尚旅游,同时要避免和劝阻游客消极有害的好奇心。  相似文献   

Enquiry-based science in primary classrooms is key to encouraging children's interest and curiosity about the world around them and as a result helps to stimulate their understanding and enjoyment of science. Yet many primary teachers lack the confidence to implement enquiry-based approaches effectively. The reasons are myriad and often result in the teacher controlling and orchestrating the lesson leaving little room for children's exploration and autonomy. This paper explores how one infant school teacher was willing to relinquish control and ‘let go’ and expand her pedagogical repertoire to manage the many obstacles to including enquiry-based science in her classroom. The autonomy the children were given resulted in genuine enquiry-based science with the consequential benefit to their learning. Furthermore the teacher's confidence and self-efficacy seem to have been raised ensuring that that she would continue to include enquiry-based science as part of her practice in the future. As a model for other primary teachers this approach could help them overcome their reticence to engage with enquiry-based science.  相似文献   

科学发现的模拟一直是认知科学关注的领域,模拟自身的困难吸引着众多认知科学家们的目光。本文在创造性的直觉和灵感可否模拟,科学发现中直觉、灵感的可模拟性的心理学分析方面,从认知科学的角度给出了独到的分析。  相似文献   

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