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杨晓强  廖俊清 《新闻世界》2010,(12):146-147
网络以其全球性、个人化、互动性等特性给传统媒体带来了巨大的冲击,网络时代的传播理念向“把关人”理论发起了严峻的挑战,“把关人”何去何从。本文从“把关人”角色的内涵出发,考察了在网络时代“把关人”向四种角色的嬗变。  相似文献   

算法的出现改变了信息内容的生产方式,传统视域下把关理论的基本范式面临结构性转型,即把关主体从人工到人工智能,把关关系从训示到迎合,把关机制从编辑到算法,把关内容从整体到碎片。算法把关范式也带来一系列的结构性问题:失去主体性的算法把关缺乏导向管理意识;基于用户画像的算法把关产生"过滤气泡"效应;不可见性的算法把关容易操控公共舆论;基于量的积累的算法把关排挤了高质量新闻。算法把关范式需要进行结构性治理:算法新闻的提供商要将人工与人工智能相结合,算法新闻的用户要提升自我"算法素养",算法新闻的设计者要具有内心自律和社会责任,算法新闻的监管者要加强制度化建设。  相似文献   

随着网络传播的强势发展,博客作为信息时代的麦哲伦在一定程度上颠覆了传统的大众传播模式,也让传统新闻传播的地位变得尴尬起来。本文以博客为研究对象,通过探讨博客对“把关人”理论的冲击,来看“把关人”理论在网络时代的变迁,并提出了自律优于把关的新观点。  相似文献   

拉斯韦尔公式有三个关键的传播要素:传播者、传播内容和传播对象。本文以为现代信息网络技术的发展,改变了“传媒生态图景”;传播者,从“把关人”到“人人皆记者”;传播从“一技之长”到“博采众长”;传播对象:从“点对面”到“多点对多点”。  相似文献   

郭晓航 《新闻世界》2014,(6):160-161
自"把关人"理论提出以来,围绕的核心内容始终是信息,而在如今的网络空间中,存在着大量情绪的表达、传递和宣泄,这就为"把关人"理论丰富了研究对象,扩展了研究范畴。情绪把关应是媒介素养的构成要素,防止负面情绪的多级传播也应是媒体的重要职责。在当前的网络环境下,媒体更要树牢情绪把关意识,做好情绪把关人。  相似文献   

勒温于1947年提出把关人概念,而怀特则将"把关人"概念引入到了新闻领域。这之后,学者们针对把关人做了大量的研究。新媒体环境下,互联网得到普及和发展,对信息和新闻的传统把关模式遭到了技术上的障碍和受众的抵抗。在这种背景下,把关人的层面和主体等都发生了变化。其中,搜索引擎作为一种新的把关方式对人们获取新闻和信息产生了影响。搜索引擎产生的信息歧视是值得人们警醒的问题。同时,网络将传统媒体里主要由编辑、记者等专业人员承担的把关权力移交到了网民手里,网民的"多数人的选择"和"意见领袖"作为新的把关机制似乎预示着一种平民把关人的出现。  相似文献   

杨寅红  赵婧 《新闻世界》2011,(8):114-115
随着互联网的发展,网络传播作为一种新的传播方式越来越深入到人们的生活中,网络传播媒体已经成为继报纸、广播、电视之后的第四媒体,网络传播过程中出现的各种问题决定了这种新型传播方式仍然需要把关人,但传统的把关人理论显然已经不再适应新型的传播方式的需要,网络传播背景下的新把关理论应运而生。本文就当下网络传播的现状、网络传播把关人理论等相关问题进行论述研究。  相似文献   

网络时代的到来,使信息传播的权利下放到每一个人。由于网络空间的无限性,为传统媒体时代有话无处说的人们开辟了空间,同时也导致了网络信息杂乱不堪、难以把关的问题。以下从博客和论坛这两大网络言论阵地的信息传播形态和方式进行网络信息把关的探讨。  相似文献   

在对"把关人"理论回顾梳理的基础上,结合网络传播的特征,从主体、过程、模式等角度剖析传统"把关人"角色的颠覆趋势,分析普通网民在信息接收、解读、发布等层面对传统"把关人"角色的超越进程。从而进一步提出公众媒介素养对于更好的进行传播把关,营造良好网络生态环境的重要意义。  相似文献   

博客时代谁做主——浅析博客传播中的“把关人”理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐文华 《记者摇篮》2006,(10):37-38
2003年6月19日,木子美的个人性爱日记《遗情书》通过“博客中国”网站广泛流传后,成为全国各地媒体争相报道的新闻,木子美性爱日记打破了传统媒体垄断信源的现状,让人们获得了在传统媒体无论如何都得不到的信息,不仅传统媒体的公信力大打折扣,而且人们开始对传统媒体中“把关人”理论提出质疑。本文将从博客传播特征入手,分析网络时代博客传播如何进行把关。博客传播中仍然有“把关人”的存在,只不过在传播过程中由于网络传播的特征而存在“把关人”弱化和缺失的现象。一、博客,一种新锐的传播力量(1)什么是博客?“博客”一词源自英文Blog,…  相似文献   

This study draws on the concept of network gatekeeping to examine the ways in which organizations have adapted the processes of gatekeeping to respond to the collaborative, communicative power of users upon which they are exercising their gatekeeping authority. Through a case study of the unprecedented “Social Suite” provided for social media-using fans of Major League Baseball's Cleveland Indians, this article explores the methods the gatekeeper has used to both subvert and reinforce its traditional role. Gatekeepers are found to extend their authority into networked realms by allowing for greater access, freedom, and relationship while applying more subtle gatekeeping filters, and the Social Suite's users play a role as active, though gated, participants in the gatekeeping process. The findings of this article expand on current gatekeeping research to address the fluid, emerging roles of gatekeepers and gated communities within networked environments.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the theory of networked gatekeeping, this study describes how citizens engage in Twitter conversations with journalists and illustrates the power dynamic between traditional gatekeepers (journalists) and the gated (news audience). The power dynamic is discussed along four attributes of the gated—political power, information production ability, relationship with gatekeepers, and information alternatives. Results show that citizens interacted with gatekeepers by sharing information/opinion, social chats, and self-serving promotion of individual opinions and agendas. Politically active citizens interacted more often with journalists who share similar ideology. The citizens have varying degrees of political power, reflected by their different levels of involvement and influence in political discourse online. The implications for gatekeeping are also addressed.  相似文献   

本文由把关人/把关的研究取径,对普利策奖的初评会和委员会作了系统的、比较性的分析。本文先建构了一组结构性指标来检视把关人的结构特征,然后借助一套二手的历史资料对其把关实践进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Journalists with social media accounts can face conflict between the personal nature of their posts while operating as representatives of their news organisations. The addition of another publishing platform has also continued to change the role of the journalist as gatekeeper, with more decisions to be made over dissemination choices in traditional, online and social media. This comparative study of sports journalists in India and Australia examines gatekeeping influences at individual and organisational levels. It combines in-depth interviews with 22 sports journalists with a content analysis of 2085 Twitter posts from sports journalists covering the Australia–India Test cricket series of 2014–2015. The results highlight how multi-media gatekeeping has become a factor for contemporary sports journalists in both nations.  相似文献   

从"把关人"理论看科技期刊编辑应有的素质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李明德  相宁 《编辑学报》2007,19(5):384-386
将"把关人"理论引入科技期刊编辑工作中,具有现实指导意义.从"把关人"概念出发,研究近年来科技期刊面临的新形势和新变化,认为:科技期刊编辑应以过硬的政治素质和业务素质促进和谐社会的建设;编辑应具备数字化理念,以适应信息时代新的工作方式;编辑应具备作者和读者意识、创新意识和竞争意识,以推动期刊走向市场,更快发展.  相似文献   

This study examines how gatekeeping aspects of photography, particularly embodied gatekeeping, interact with a subset of photojournalism that faces numerous barriers to access—music photography. Through in-depth interviews with concert photographers in a large metropolitan city, this study expands upon what is known about gatekeeping when it comes to visual media. While much has been studied on photojournalists as a whole, little is known about particular subgroups, such as music photographers. As a part of lifestyle journalism, concert photography contributes to the interaction of popular culture and society, showing us visual evidence of the spectacle of musical performance. Gatekeeping practices are found not only in the managers who issue credentials for access and control where photographers can shoot from but also in the community of photographers themselves. This is extended into embodied gatekeeping in how they jostle for access to space in the pit and enforce the rules with their bodies, such as physically pushing a camera out of the way.  相似文献   

章琴芳 《编辑学报》2001,13(Z1):16-17
用传播学的守门人理论讨论了科技期刊编辑在科技信息传播中的作用与功能.  相似文献   

The original concept of gatekeeping within journalism was based on a particular research method, a particular sub-profession within the news media, and a particular—now extinct—technological platform. This article describes and discusses what has happened to the function of gatekeeping as new technologies have developed, and it suggests that three models of gatekeeping are present in the digital era. The first model is based on a process of information, the second model is based on a process of communication, and the third and last model is based on a process of elimination, where the function of gatekeeping is taken over by people outside the newsrooms. All three models have been part of the history of journalism from the very beginning, but their importance for news reporters and the news media have changed with the invention of new technological means, methods and tools. This reassessment of the principles, practices and new technological platforms for gatekeeping concludes by discussing the ways in which our models of journalism can affect not only researchers but also news reporters and audiences.  相似文献   

Over the past 65 years, scholars have reframed the original model of gatekeeping to reflect the changing dynamics of news creation, distribution, and curation. In recent years, communication technologies have opened digital news gates to a proliferation of images captured by professionals and amateurs alike. Anyone with a camera or cell phone can shoot and distribute photographs and videos on the internet. Social media facilitates audience-to-audience sharing through tools such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat. This stream of visuals, along with the ease with which citizen journalists, bloggers, and tweeters can create and publish content, has changed the gatekeeping process. Few scholars, however, have addressed the impact that visuals have on the gatekeeping model, which was developed using text and broadcast stories. To address the changing role of the visual journalist and the audience, the authors conducted two studies. First, qualitative elite interviews with key visual decision-makers in Europe and the US provided questions for further exploration in the second study—an online cross-sectional survey of visual journalists who belong to three leading US organizations. The questions in this quantitative survey were also influenced by Shoemaker and Reese's hierarchy of influences and Bennett's multigated model. Findings indicate changes in the way visual journalists conceptualize their role and that of the audience. Based on these changes, this article proposes a new model of visual gatekeeping—the twenty-first-century visual news stream where “gatecheckers” select, verify, and curate visuals but no longer solely control their distribution the way traditional gatekeepers did.  相似文献   

从“把关人”理论谈高校辅导员的职业素养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校辅导员是伴随大学生成长、成才、成人过程的一线的管理者,从传播学的视野可以称之为“把关人”。“把关人”的角色要求高校辅导员有着相对独特的职业素养,职业素养的高低影响着大学生的健康成长和全面发展。本文着重从“把关人”理论透视高校辅导员的职业素养,探讨如何更有效地开展高校思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   

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