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广告主、广告代理公司以及广告媒介被称为广告市场的三大要素,媒介购买公司源于广告代理公司进行广告活动.本文通过对广告市场传统三要素的阐释,追溯媒介购买公司与广告代理公司发展的渊源,探讨媒介购买公司作为独立要素对当今广告市场的影响和对广告业的推动,预见媒介购买公司将成为广告市场第四要素的趋势.  相似文献   

北京启迪新业广告有限公司招贤纳士北京启迪新业广告有限公司,自2002年成立以来,本着"同进步,共繁荣"的经营理念迅速发展,取得了骄人的业绩。职位要求:一、策略部经理:3年以上电视传媒公司工作经历;熟知CCTV的媒介动态信息和广告市场环境;具有CCTV电视栏目分析研究及媒介策略专业知识与实操能力;数据分析能力强,文字功底扎实;二、销售经理:带领销售团队完成公司产品的销售及推广;开拓新市场,发展新客户,完成销售指标;三、媒介购买:根据需求进行媒体购买,构建媒体购买渠道。丰富媒体信息库,时时更  相似文献   

王战  黎丹 《东南传播》2011,(2):24-26
媒介购买公司的发展,一直备受关注,尤其是近几年,外资媒介购买公司的整合与规模化扩张,不仅加快了广告行业的竞争,而且对广告业三大主体也带来了一定程度上的影响,同时本土媒介购买公司也受到不小的冲击.本文先对媒介购买公司在中国的发展进行了梳理,分析了其优势以及对广告业的影响,并针对媒介购买公司在发展中所面临的困境,提出了相应...  相似文献   

邱文中  关红  齐淑芳 《新闻界》2007,(4):121-123
本文对跨国媒介购买公司的概念进行了界定,粗略地介绍了其发展渊源和几种类型,然后以五家具有代表性的在华跨国媒介购买公司为例,从经营理念、代理客户、服务范围、机构设置等方面,总结了在华跨国媒介购买公司的发展现状和特征。  相似文献   

在当前互联网、社会化媒体迅速发展的媒介环境中,品牌应当依据怎样的媒介策略思路,从而达到更好的传播效果以及形成更好的购买转化?长期以来,品牌和媒介代理公司最主要的目标就是针对目标人群的信息覆盖。本文提出了"目标注意力"的新概念,并主张在目标人群的基础上,媒介策略所针对覆盖的重点应该放在目标注意力上,优化品牌与目标注意力的信息触点上的对接与传播。这为新媒体时代的品牌媒介策略提供了一个新的思路和开拓点。  相似文献   

1996年10月,中国实力媒体(ZenithMediaChina)在北京宣告成立,紧跟着1997年11月传立媒体(Mindshare)也在上海风风火火地开始了营业.mediacom、通扬媒体、network………一个个专业媒介购买公司纷纷登场,专业媒介购买在遽成潮流,来势似乎不可抵挡.它们以强劲的经营能力,掀起了一场中国的媒介集中购买浪潮。对于大多数业界人士而言,“媒介购买公司”的名字虽然并不陌生,但对专业媒介购买公司的来龙去脉及运作状况则多如“隔着纱窗看晓雾”,不尽清楚.所谓的专业媒介购买公司,指的是围绕着有关专业的媒介业务,从事媒介信息研究…  相似文献   

在传统的全面代理广告公司,良好的创意或策划有助于公司吸引广告人才,吸入资金,而媒介仅起辅助作用。但现在已经不是这种情形了,随着广告主对媒介的重视以及多种媒体的出现等原因,出现了媒介购买公司,媒介在广告公司的地位徒然上升,从成本转变为利润。本文通过资料的收集整理,探讨了媒介购买公司产生及发展的原因,比较了媒介购买公司在欧洲发展过程出现的差异,并说明了其在发展过程中遭遇到的挑战及其相应的对策。  相似文献   

郑维东  左翰颖 《新闻大学》2008,44(1):129-136
消费文化是跨国公司在中国扩张的前提,也是中国自身经济成长的重要保证;在跨国公司渗透的大力推动下,中国在短短的20年中培育出了西方历经百年发展起来的消费文化;电视媒体作为传播消费文化的利器被大加利用,其对消费文化中享乐、暴露和自恋主张的回应是导致中国电视媒体低俗化的重要原因。跨国公司在推广消费文化的同时,借助其在本土媒体市场中的代理人——跨国广告公司和外资媒介购买公司实现了对中国媒体利益分配格局的重构,在欧美模式的广告代理制下,作为跨国公司重要代言人的外资媒介购买公司实现了对中国优质广告客户的控制(跨国公司和本土大品牌)以及对本土优质电视媒体资源的掌握,在压缩本土电视媒体经济利益的同时,出现了向内容领域扩张的倾向,对本土电视媒体的社会利益提出了挑战,需本土电视媒体审慎应对。  相似文献   

这是一个崇尚专业的时代,更是一个注重细节的时代。没有专业的领航,任何企业都无法将客户服务做到极致。而湖南顺风传媒有限公司是一家专注于全国性媒介投放策略研究和执行的专业媒介代理公司,能够根据广告主的产品特征,目标群体的媒介消费习惯,竞争品牌的媒介策略,营销区域的媒介环境,营销目的等因素为广告主量身定制专属媒介策略。在促进中国媒介公司的专业化,帮助中国企业实现媒介投放科学化的道路上一直孜孜以求。  相似文献   

杂碎新闻联播网站(www.mochila.com)是一家专门提供供媒介挑选购买授权内容的网站。他们最近与几家著名出版公司签定了合约,如号称世界最大综合传媒公司之一的赫斯特公司,以及美国联合出版集团,法国阿歇特也在其中。杂碎新闻联播网站成立于2006年5月,专门向各种规模的出版公司或媒介有偿提供授权内容。该网站建立起类似亚马逊网站的界面,新闻报刊和其他网站均可进入各种搜索界面,比如主题、作者名,购买自己需要的文章。开通这一网站的目的,就是为广大出版公司和媒介开办一个超级内容市场,特别是那些支付不起其他内容垄断集团高额预订费的小…  相似文献   

陕西省内各地的广告发展非常不均衡,各地的广告市场具有很大的差异性;推进陕西媒介体制创新、调整广告经营单位产品结构、紧密结合新兴产业、推进广告资本市场的形成等举措,将有利于陕西广告产业的持续发展.  相似文献   

Advertising has an important role in the media industry. In a context where advertising generates a negative externality for viewers, this article analyzes the factors explaining ad prices in free TV empirically. This article also considers the participation of government-owned broadcasters in the Spanish market. This study finds that private ownership is associated with higher advertising prices. The results show a positive relation between audience size and ad price and a negative relation between ad price and advertising time. In addition, this study finds that higher prices are associated with the percentage of the population between 14 and 29 years old and the regional gross domestic product per capita in the broadcast area.  相似文献   

广告与论文是科技期刊中相互依存的2个组成部分,两者之间的和谐共存对科技期刊的发展具有重要的影响。本研究通过分析科技期刊中存在的共生现象,提出了基于论文与广告共生的科技期刊广告定位策略以及基于纸质媒体与新媒体共生的科技期刊广告传播策略。基于共生的理念,科技期刊广告传播过程中要发掘纸质媒体的价值进行广告传播形式的创新,利用新媒体传播优势增加受众的广告体验,同时要整合媒体资源进行全媒体广告传播,提升广告的传播效果。  相似文献   

在业界,人们常把广告视作新闻传媒业的生命线,而在中国广告学学术史上,广告学学科的确立与发展,也与新闻学界学者的努力密不可分。徐宝璜、邵飘萍、戈公振、蒋裕泉、赵君豪等新闻学者或业界专家,都在新闻研究的过程中对广告经营、广告创作、广告主的媒体选择等问题上进行了理论探索,有的还积极参与报学系的广告教学,甚至写出独立的《广告学》著作。尽管广告学科不可能仅仅依赖于新闻学的学术资源,但在今天回顾中国广告学学术史的同时,注意到新闻学作为一个重要的学术源头,对于思考当今广告学在新闻传播学学术格局中的定位与意义,仍有指向现实的理论意义。  相似文献   

裴永刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):101-106,112
英国在脱欧后经济发展的不确定性增强,波及传媒产业,尤其是电影业.相对于传统媒体,移动互联网快速发展,智能手机超越笔记本成为主要的上网工具,移动广告支出年增长率超过50%;英国脱欧后传媒产业面临欧盟资助锐减、产业链重构和人才流失等问题;对于英国传媒产业的未来发展,数字化成为传媒产业发展最重要的驱动力、媒介规制程度将会加深、智能手机作为最重要的上网工具占比将达到50%、媒介使用的代际和性别差异会更显著、用户总媒介使用时间会继续增长、数字媒体商业模式从广告转变到用户支付、用户数据管理成为新媒体时代的财富储备、人工智能日益受到传媒业界关注.  相似文献   

This three-wave e-mail/Web-based survey examined current perceptions of media sales representatives. Media departments from small, medium, and large advertising agencies across the United States answered questions related to the general perception, influence, and role of media sales representatives across media types. Overall, the findings suggested a favorable opinion about media sales representatives with magazine representatives rated as most influential. Trust emerged as a critical component in the buyer–seller relationship. In addition, providers of reliable knowledge and information were found to be critical roles of media sales representatives. The findings are noteworthy and emphasize the importance of educating industry sales representatives regarding the value of relationship building in the media sales process.  相似文献   

This research critically examines the debate and issues surrounding theory and practice concerning regulation and advertising self-regulation with the aim of understanding more fully the implications for the future of coregulation, as well as for coregulating broadcast advertising. Regulatory reform in the United Kingdom, including the creation of the Office of Communications (Ofcom) as a unified regulator for the communications industry, has led to contracting out the regulation of broadcast advertising to an industry coregulator. As a result of a critical examination of theory and practice, important theoretical and managerial implications are made regarding effective interfacing with public and consumer bodies as well as approaches to issues of media convergence. Such analyses and implications are important for understanding better the potential for effectiveness and viability of coregulation as well as for evaluating the likelihood of returning to statutory regulation.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined contests between audience measurement systems in media markets. These suggest that the audience measurement industry is a natural monopoly. This study revisits the question with a novel approach by investigating a market at a time when two measurement services provided data. Executives were interviewed in the Indian television market on how they used information available from two competing ratings services. Although market participants recognized only one system (TAM, which provided weekly ratings) as the currency for trading advertising time, many used the second system (aMAP, an overnight ratings service) selectively for improving network performance. Therefore, fragmented markets can support multiple systems if they serve distinct institutional interests.  相似文献   

In this article, a model is introduced that has 2 distinguishing features. First, the multidimensional nature of competition in media markets characterized by free access and advertising is acknowledged, through explicit modeling of vertical and horizontal differentiation. Second, the price of advertising depends on the expected audience composition, not simply on its magnitude, and the amount of price discrimination. It is found that market equilibria depend on a number of critical factors: the amount and type of price discrimination in advertising, the correlation between formats and audience composition, the relative profitability of the different market segments, and diseconomies of scale in program quality. For a variety of market structures, the ability to discriminate on the price of advertising encourages a higher level of quality in broadcast media.  相似文献   

A critical exploration of the history and present dynamics of drug advertising in the United States reveals how advertising practices exemplify the extent to which late capitalist market rationality impacts on popular understandings of medicine, well being, and disease. An historical overview of drug advertising and regulation thereof contextualizes a closer analysis of the ways in which the pharmaceutical industry acts to maximize profits through marketing efforts and the creation of diseases as platforms for the expansion of drug product markets. In this way U.S. drug manufacturers operate on a variety of communicative levels to ensure that their promotional messages are among the most widely disseminated. As medical and pharmaceutical technology develops and plays an increasingly pronounced role in everyday life from casual to more profound levels via the mass media, a critical and historical understanding of how and for whom it acts may become a vital focus of future inquiry on social and communicative phenomena and processes.  相似文献   

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