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In this paper the concept of praxis is discussed against the background of professional and vocational education and training (henceforth, ‘VET'). The notion of praxis is considered to have at least four elements: contexts, theories, actions and persons (who hold theories and perform actions in specific contexts rather than acting in possible, abstracted, universal or armchair worlds). The relationships of these elements, what is taken as praxis, is discussed and in particular the complex nature of personhood is canvassed. It is suggested that insufficient attention is generally accorded to certain aspects of personhood relevant to action in both professional and VET contexts, that there exists a need for educators to develop a more nuanced and finely textured concept of persons (whom they teach and who they are; and who they, and those whom they teach, might become). Current inadequate metaphysical conceptions of persons should press VET educators and trainers toward longer‐term goals which demand deeper, and deeply secular, time‐based approaches to teaching.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with a dimension of young people's civic education beyond socialisation that is neither confined to the sphere of political decision-making, nor to the achievement of a particular civic identity. The two case studies emphasise the role and importance of significant others and of democratic and non-democratic relationships, engagements and practices in the everyday lives of the young people. Whilst schools have a duty to teach young people how to act and behave in a responsible way within a democratic society, they also have a unique opportunity to foster and maintain a safe environment where young people can originate action, respond to the actions of others and be citizen-subjects.  相似文献   

Becoming more scholarly can be challenging for many in the academy, including for those transitioning from professional roles. This paper presents the initial findings of an ongoing action research project that set out to explore and develop aspects of identity among a group of Australian occupational therapy academics. Thirteen participants committed to collaboratively address a personal desire to become more scholarly and an institutional demand to be more productive in relation to research and publication. Through this first phase of an action research process, participants explored and qualitatively defined issues impacting on their occupation. Emergent themes that were explored using an occupational lens incorporating: doing, being, becoming and belonging, highlight identity confusion and regression, mixed perceptions about the comfort and camouflage of teaching and participants' desires to become and be more scholarly. Taking an occupational lens adds to the identity conversation, illuminating how doing within a supportive group nurtures belonging, being and becoming. Our findings, of relevance to academics following non-traditional pathways into the academy, suggest optimism around using action research for the active cultivation of scholarship and occupational theory to understand how academic identity may be developed within a supportive group.  相似文献   

Transformation has been the fundamental basis upon which education has always stood, as without transformation in mind, education would seem purposeless and undirected. This would imply that the objective of providing information in education is not just to gain knowledge but to achieve the desired transformation in character or behaviour by applying the knowledge learnt within ourselves. Based on how information is interpreted and managed, the philosophy of information influences our states of being and becoming which have an impact on our understanding of the information world. This paper discusses the philosophical aspects of being and becoming in relation to transformation, and threshold concepts are explored as a means of achieving transformative learning.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to map the role of capital in the process of learning to become a postgraduate supervisor. Economic, technological and geopolitical changes in higher education call into question previous assumptions about supervision. Supervision is no longer primarily seen as an intellectual and social enterprise but is increasingly seen as professional work, where one's capital (or lack of) shapes the process of being and becoming a supervisor. It is frequently assumed that the students are the only ones learning in a supervisory relationship. Novice supervisors are, however, often left to their own devices to discover or learn the inherent rules, epistemologies and ontologies in becoming and being supervisors through a process of compromise and negotiation. In this article, we specifically focus on the need for novice supervisors to understand and navigate the field, and plot their career trajectories, as a constant exchange of different aspects of capital. This article is conceptual, rather than empirical. We suggest that it may be helpful to understand the field of supervision in a Bourdieusian sense, with specific reference to the role of (academic) capital in the formative processes of becoming and being a supervisor. We discuss social capital, gender and race, age, values, beliefs and experiences, as well as linguistic abilities, as factors influencing the individual habitus of the supervisor in relation to the doxa of the field.  相似文献   

This article uses a narrative retelling of my journey to academic development to offer a new insight into induction initiatives: alongside a critical commitment to student learning, new academic developers need to build an informed and scholarly ‘idea of the university’. As universities renew focus on teaching and learning, student retention, and success, there is a corollary increase in new academic developers. Newcomers need a full picture of the field; induction that focuses on the narrow institutional context and aspects of best practice is unlikely to fully prepare new academic developers for tensions they may encounter.  相似文献   

Lowry法测定芝芪菌质中蛋白质含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:制定芝芪菌质中蛋白质的含量测定方法.方法:采用Lowry法测定含量,以750nm为测定波长测定吸收度.结果:芝芪菌质中蛋白质在9.662~48.308ug/ml范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9998),平均回收率为99.11%,RSD=1.26%.结论:该方法简便,准确,重现性好,可作为芝芪菌质的质量控制方法.  相似文献   


At first glance a Russian anarchist’s revolutionary address to the youth of his day made in the late 19th century and the address to youth made by a contemporary French philosopher may appear to have little in common as their context and era are ostensibly very different. How would Petr Kropotkin’s address be understood in our time? Are Kropotkin’s concerns the same as those raised by Bernard Stiegler? Could Kropotkin speak of universal concerns, a sense of elevation and sublimation not governed, undermined or circumvented by digital relations, calculation or algorithmic determination? I find a mutual concern with the coming into maturity of youth, but, I am concerned that as we are passing through an epochal and revolutionary transformation driven by digital and cognitive capitalism and in our toxic and crisis-ridden milieu, Kropotkin’s rhetoric would inevitably fall on deaf ears? Is his rhetoric on revolution anachronistic? How would his rhetoric be crafted for a youth seemingly indifferent to the plight of fellow brethren? Is it conceivable that the humanist-inflected prospects of youth so vaunted by Kropotkin have now been devastated by the inhuman and nihilistic tendencies of the so-called miscreant, ‘blank generation’ as described by Stiegler? True, while it is difficult to calibrate the vision of youth affirmed in Kropotkin with the fear of youth in Stiegler, and, despite differences in episteme, tradition and political orientation, both thinkers I think are concerned with the trials and tribulations of youth and both hold out the prospect of the not-yet of youth, of the coming into being of the maturity of youth, of Aufklärung. It is this shared focus I wish to examine further.  相似文献   


This article questions educational practices that undermine ‘being’ musical. Where Western misconceptions about the nature of human musicality distance many individuals from meaningful engagement with an intrinsic part of their humanity, I challenge the status quo to argue for an inclusive educational practice which gives everyone an opportunity to ‘be’ musical. Despite evidence from neuroscience now supporting the understanding that humans are a musical species, the widespread neo-liberal oriented focus on vocational training fails to recognise music as an essential aspect of healthy human being. Where current polarised music education provision supports a discriminatory system that leads to widespread underdeveloped musicality, I draw on Gadamer and Dewey to explore how musicking integrates cultural development and to question the value of a practice that leaves many of us musically disabled. Including examples of teaching practices that engage and transform, I argue the case for an enriched, broader curriculum that no longer sees music as a ‘frill’.  相似文献   

本文主要运用贝叶斯统计的理论与方法,对截尾寿命试验根据其早期结果预测下一个失效时间,并对指数分布情形下的失效时间,进行了详细的讨论,得出其下一个失效时间的点估计与区间估计,并进行随机模拟。  相似文献   

What happens when teachers perceive a growing rift between their pedagogical practice and their students’ lived experiences? How do teachers respond to the uncertainty that such a “relevance gap” can create? In a climate in which literacy research is often pressed to address the achievement gap and to contribute to a sense of certainty, this study explored the relevance gap experienced by teachers in their teaching of writing and the ways that teaching with uncertainty contributed to their practice. Situated in theories of curriculum as currere, local knowledge of practice, and pedagogy as assemblage, the article focuses on the theory and practice of four educators who teach writing in very different and diverse contexts. The rhizo-textual analysis of the data inspired a process of making assemblages to explore context, positionality, and power in teachers’ identities as writers and teachers of writing. Two such assemblages are described, one exploring struggle and the other possibility. In the struggles and uncertainties they experienced, each teacher found new possibilities in different places: in the land, in slam poetry, in story, and in film. Our mappings and analyses suggest that teachers can create new pedagogies of becoming for them and their students by burrowing into uncertainty, process, and social critique.  相似文献   


This study examines Chinese international doctoral students’ academic socialization into TESOL discourses and communities. Rooted in the academic discourse socialization theory, complemented by the notions of Lave and Wenger’s community of practice, and Bourdieu’s capital, habitus, and field, this longitudinal multiple-case study suggest the focal participants’ academic discourse socialization is mediated by their participation in communities of practice, different forms of capital, and habitus in exerting agency. The participants are socialized into academic discourses and communities through their interactions with more experienced colleagues. By participating in the communities of practice, the focal students gain different forms of capital and experience different degrees of competence and memberships. However, due to the inequitable power relations in the TESOL doctoral program field, each participant is socialized to varying levels of central, peripheral, and marginal participation. This study concludes by providing suggestions for action to be taken by university advisors, instructors, and administrators.  相似文献   

山水是中国古代文学的重要题材,以山水名胜为观照对象的山水诗是中国诗歌史上源远流长的一个诗歌流派。综观六朝经典山水诗作,总结出其时山水诗具有游览性、审美性、体物性、新变性四大特征,而与之对应,六朝山水诗亦体现出动态美、境界美、物色美、形式美的审美特征。  相似文献   

This paper engages with some of the specific issues that challenge critical practice. My argument is related to the Carr and Kemmis debate on ‘staying critical’ and to ideas expressed in my current book, Community Development: A Critical Approach. I refer to critical practice as any practice that has a transformative social justice intention, and which happens in a range of contexts from grassroots community activism to more institutionalised settings, such as hospitals or schools. My own professional base is community development, and this paper is founded on emancipatory action research developed over many years in grassroots practice. It is my view that emancipatory action research, committed to the practice of social justice, with the intention of bringing about social change, is a necessary component of critical practice. In fact, I would go so far as to say that emancipatory action research is the glue that binds critical praxis in a unity of theory and action. However, all too often collective action for change is not followed through to its greatest potential, and practice remains contextualised in the immediate, local and specific without making critical connections with the structural roots of oppression from which inequalities emanate. The result is that we constantly fixate on symptoms, and leave the root causes free to perpetuate oppressions. At the same time, we find ourselves in a globalised world marked by intensifying social divisions. So, it is my intention to raise a few issues which present challenges to get beyond sticking points in critical practice as we face times in which there is an accelerating urgency to ‘become critical’.  相似文献   

俳谐文是汉魏六朝时期比较盛行的一种文体,这类文章表面诙谐逗乐,实则有着深刻的讽世意味和社会批评意义,是地道的杂文。研究汉魏六朝文学中的俳谐体杂文,不仅有助于更全面地了解汉魏六朝文学的全貌,也可理清中国古代杂文发展的轮廓与线索。  相似文献   

文学翻译非常讲求达意传神,林语堂先生英译沈复的《浮生六记》较好地做到了这一点,堪称中国古代文学的经典译作,译文遣词准确,简洁,富有表现力;句子表达方面,如人物刻画,风景描写等与原文和谐一致,因而读来清新自然,毫无斧凿痕迹。其翻译策略和方法至今仍可资借鉴。  相似文献   

六朝家族小说的文化阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六朝时期小说创作呈现出家族化倾向 ,家族小说的数量虽然不是很多 ,但贯穿整个六朝时期 ,它的兴起与当时独特的政治制度、社会风气等因素密切相关。同一家族内部成员创作的小说作品往往在题材选择、主旨取向上表现出很强的相似性 ,在思想观念、道德评价、审美旨趣上 ,带有鲜明的文化传承性特点。这类作品 ,深深地刻着家族文化的烙印 ,蕴涵着深厚的家族伦理观念 ,它们的传承不息 ,是六朝家族文化繁荣的内在源泉。  相似文献   

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