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In 1976, a young man who called himself Bei Dao (North Island) wrote, with heavy punctuation, in a short poem entitled "A Reply" (Hui da), the exclamation: "I Do Not Believe!" This became a harbinger of the awakening, doubting, and reflecting of that generation. Ten years later, a singer named Cui Jian, who was virtually unknown at the time, and even younger, wrote this nation's first rock-and-roll song, one that came to be sung throughout the whole of China by numerous young people of his age group. This was the song "I Have Nothing."  相似文献   

《后西游记》是《西游记》的一部续书,是一部具有完整象征意义的寓言小说。通过小说前四章孙司空的后代孙履真寻仙求道过程的本查,可以解读这段故事的象征内涵,印证《后西游记》的主题就是人的心路历程。  相似文献   

Gauld  C. 《Science & Education》1998,7(2):159-172
It has been claimed that conceptual change in students is more likely to occur if the alternative to present conceptions is a plausible one for the students. Many studies have shown that students today do not believe Newton's law of action and reaction and in this paper ways in which its plausibility might be enhanced are explored. In it the various justifications of the law by means of which Newton and those who came after him attempted to make it more plausible for their contemporaries are discussed.  相似文献   

立足校本视野与追求个人意义是校本教研现状的一种反动。有效校本教研必须以校本视野为立足点,这意味着,教师向同行"打开教室门",并与外部研究者"若即若离"。追求个人意义是校本教研有效的关键,这意味着,教师要研究个人当下的小而具体的实践问题,并通过知识管理发展合理的教师个人实践知识。  相似文献   

双重意义话语是指在言语交际过程中,话语传递的意义与话语表面显示的意义不一致或不完全一致,这种语言形式包含了两重意义,即语表意义和语内意义:语表意义是指在交际过程中话语语言表达式显示的规约意义;语内意义指的是一种语言表达形式在特定语境下表达的与语表意义不同的另外一层意义.语内意义和语表意义之间是套合关系,语内意义不可能是"无端生出"的新义.  相似文献   

论西周汉语第一人称代词有无谦敬功能的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪波先生认为上古汉语第一人称代词之间的根本区别在于有谦敬功能的不同。但从西周时代有关的语料来看,至少在西周时代,汉语第一人称代词之间没有谦敬功能的差异。  相似文献   

在李铁大量的表现工厂生活的小说中,其前后期的作品有着很大变化:由单纯、诗意地表现身边的生活,到因生存焦虑产生出具有“人文关怀”的艺术之作;不滞留在单纯的现象批判,对生活充满着信赖;关注被遮蔽的工人生活的现实,细腻地呈现女工们的内心感受。这些充分显示着他思想与艺术的成熟。李铁小说的魅力既同他的人生状态、生活工作经历有关,也同他的艺术美学原则有关。发展与变化让我们看到了这些小说的独特意义。  相似文献   

一、同是神话巨著,但一为礼佛,一为崇道;二、《西游记》《封神演义》“同”是儒、释、道互补之作,但《西游记》的主导思想是“出世”,而《封神演义》的主导思想是“入世”;三、哪吒、杨戬、李靖、木吒,是《西游记》《封神演义》中的“同”有人物,但在书中所起的作用相“异”;四、《封神演义》和《西游记》共“同”移用说话人写景状物的诗、词、赞;但“异”在《封神演义》移用马虎,《西游记》移用贴切;五、《封神演义》《西游记》同是累积型的作品,但《西游记》创造了孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚、唐僧、牛魔王、铁扇公主等等众多传世的艺术形象,《封神演义》则除了哪吒、比干的形象塑造得比较成功外,其余人物塑造乏善可陈。  相似文献   

The discovery of the proper value of childhood during the 18th century in Europe was an important break-through. People began to respect childhood as a sacred world that should not be judged from the standpoint of adults. However, in today' world many children are subjected to all kinds of physical and mental pain, including the so-called examination hell in some Asian countries. Children now live in a paradoxical situation. Theoretically they have obtained the right to enjoy their own world, approved and protected by adults, but in practice they cannot adapt themselves smoothly to the world mainly ruled by the logic of grown-ups. This paper argues that it is time to re-evaluate what has been lost under the slogan of modernisation. The solution is not simply to return to the pre-modern situation but rather to consider what elements from the past could be re-activated to the benefit of children today.  相似文献   

The discovery of the proper value of childhood during the 18th century in Europe was an important break-through. People began to respect childhood as a sacred world that should not be judged from the standpoint of adults. However, in today' world many children are subjected to all kinds of physical and mental pain, including the so-called examination hell in some Asian countries. Children now live in a paradoxical situation. Theoretically they have obtained the right to enjoy their own world, approved and protected by adults, but in practice they cannot adapt themselves smoothly to the world mainly ruled by the logic of grown-ups. This paper argues that it is time to re-evaluate what has been lost under the slogan of modernisation. The solution is not simply to return to the pre-modern situation but rather to consider what elements from the past could be re-activated to the benefit of children today.  相似文献   

<西游记>的作者究竟是谁?这是历代学者众说纷纭、莫衷一是的学术话题之一.作者从文化现象的角度进行探讨,认为<西游记>的成书与作者问题,同<三国演义>、<水浒传>有着可相类比的地方,是在西游故事长期流传的基础上,由市民与文人不断加工而成.  相似文献   

随着我国全面建设小康社会和市场经济发展的不断深入,传统的地方政府管理模式越来越不能满足社会对政府公共物品和服务的需求,地方政府的管理模式需要进行变革和创新。提高地方政府的管理素质和管理能力,形成有利于满足社会公共需求的地方政府治理结构,从传统的管理走向现代的善治,更好地为区域社会的全面发展服务,已经成为今天地方政府治理模式变革的发展路径。  相似文献   

《西游记》通过食色叙事形态营构小说,即唐僧的被食被色、妖魔鬼怪的恶食恶色、猪八戒的善食善色、孙悟空的反食反色以及沙僧的不食不色,几乎整部《西游记》都是依此敷衍而成。透过人类食色的自然属性这一富于张力性的叙述来审视人性美丑,洞悉社会世相,极具中华民族审美特色和中国小说的特质,它所传达出的极幻极真、妙趣横生的审美效应,为我们提供了一套值得总结和借鉴的叙事经验。而且在怡情悦性的同时,又具有一定的社会认识作用。  相似文献   

新疆农牧区多是少数民族聚居区,幼儿园双语教育缺乏必要的汉语言环境。幼儿园教学中存在以教材为中心、课堂为中心、教师为中心的弊端。幼儿在汉语学习过程中缺乏主动性和积极性,缺少愉快的情绪体验。游戏作为幼儿生活和成长中的重要组成部分,与双语教学有机结合,对于激发幼儿学习汉语的兴趣,培养汉语的语感和运用汉语口语交际的能力有积极的作用。  相似文献   

浅析会话含义理论的实际运用及不足   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈话是受一定的条件制约的,人们在谈话中总有一个共同接受的谈话目的,在谈话的各个阶段,也可以有各个阶段的谈话目的,而人们的交谈之所以不至于成为一连串互不连贯的话语,是因为交际双方都必须遵守一些基本原则,从而使交际活动能顺利进行。  相似文献   

自章培恒先生受日本学者太田辰夫等先生启发,在上世纪80年代对胡适鲁迅所倡之《西游记》作者为吴承恩的旧说挑战以来,国内学术界“否吴”已成大势。只是对于否吴后的代替者为谁,书的主旨究竟如何,仍在讨论中。其中,徐朔方、黄永年、沈承庆和张锦池等先生对此各持新见。台湾全真人士陈敦甫等先生视《西游记》为全真教教义载体,仍坚持“丘处机为作者”论,成为另一极端。大陆李安纲先生有突破创新,但也有失误。  相似文献   

但丁的《神曲》和吴承恩的《西游记》,作为东西方文学的两部经典之作,不但都具有神话色彩的共性,还存在着同样的救赎母题,经历原罪、赎罪、获救这一救赎历程。《西游记》以佛教文化为根,《神曲》以基督教文化为本,二者虽存在很多差异,但在描写主人公的救赎历程方面却殊途同归。本文从《西游记》与《神曲》中所反映出的救赎原型母题揭示其中的共性。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an empirical study comparing writing and engineering instructors' responses to students' technical writing. The study, which identifies a repertoire of 21 categories of response, indicates that the gap between engineering and writing teachers' standards for evaluating technical writing is not as wide as is generally assumed. The differences that do emerge suggest ways that the teachers can learn from each other.  相似文献   

《西游记》杂剧是元代篇幅最长的戏曲作品,它是1927年在日本内阁文库发现的。它的发现在中国戏曲史上具有很重要的意义。关于它的整理和研究也已取得了显著的成就。  相似文献   

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