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A maths teacher said to a student's father, "Look! How does your son study the maths﹖ Ninety minus forty-five is the second half.”“O h,I m ustteach him when I go back hom e.A ctually he didn t consider the play-off(加时赛).”The Ball Fans——The Father and the Son!河北@严双红…  相似文献   

学习之余,你喜欢怎样放松自己?相信喜欢运动的你,一定对滑板运动并不陌生。无论在公园、大街还是在休闲广场总能看到滑板运动爱好者的身影,他们在川流不息的人群中如鱼得水,穿梭不息,旋转、急  相似文献   

<正>Earth Day is a very special day.It makes all of us think about pollution problems have been caused by people.It’s not only a special day in the city where we live in1,but also a day that the whole world pays attention to.Some countries have Earth Day celebrations,and some people and groups join in Earth Day projects such asProtect Our HomeandWater for Life.  相似文献   

Confucius was a stubborn, fierce but very weak man; he was sinister, cunning and rotten to the core. This was the nature of the declining slave-owning class he represented and a feature common to representatives of all reactionary classes on the verge of extinction. Thorough exposure of Confucius' reactionary features is of great significance today in order to see through such political swindlers as Wang Ming, Liu Shao-ch'i and Lin Piao and counterattack the adverse current of retrogression and restoration.  相似文献   

由于不同的自然地理环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、寓言神话以及文学艺术诸多方面的差异,英、汉谚语承载着不同的民族文化特色和不同的文化信息。他们与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割。谚语中的文化因素构成了翻译中的困难。直译、意译,或者直译与意译相结合,则要根据具体的语言环境来定。本文试图借助语用学的观点.对英汉谚语的翻译做一些探索。  相似文献   

《盛夏扑面》写的是关于叶婉晴成长的故事,也是许多挣扎在现下社会中你我他的缩影,是真实的情感产物。林婉晴是一所著名大学的优等生,满怀着崇高的人生理想,要在这世界闯  相似文献   

崔静 《海外英语》2012,(19):177-178
The Age of Innocence is novel of realism,in which the protagonist is trapped between dream and reality.By using Sar tre’s existentialism theory,this thesis analyses that the protagonist chooses reality against his will because of dishonesty.And the reason is that his freedom is restricted in the"situation"of other people.  相似文献   

Appreciation本期一起来欣赏这首优美的乡村歌曲,一定会勾起你对家的无尽怀念!  相似文献   

The rose has different meanings in different cultures.In the movie American Beauty,there’re 13 scenes describing rose.These roses symbolize American culture,and each rose stands for different meanings.Analyzing these symbolic meanings from Semiotics can be of great help to understand American culture.  相似文献   

ZHANG Ni 《海外英语》2013,(19):222-225
For many years,the significance of women has always attached to men.They have been on the margin of the society where men were regarded as dominators for centuries.So in the form of literature,Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses the simple but deeply meaningful plot of The Yellow Wallpaper to expose gender discrimination and oppression in the 19th century,and wom en’s dream of seeking for freedom for centuries.  相似文献   

The fairytales of Oscar Wilde could well speak the secret of this great Aesthete, if read between the lines. The hidden mosex ality-related metaphor in his longest fairytale, The Fisherman and His Soul, is analyzed and explained in this p i cordance with personal experience of the writer.  相似文献   

F.Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers of the 1920s.his masterpiece The Great Gatsby just holds up a mirror to the social conviction and meditation on American history.In this novel,we could see Gatsby’s disillusionment and the end of the American dream.  相似文献   

Dinner Time《晚餐时刻》选自The Runner《奔跑者》第四章。这一选段描写了一天晚上布利特与父母一起就餐的情景。简洁的语言生动地刻画出布利特与父母的关系以及一家人的性格特征,特别是对布利特的性格塑造堪称精彩。作家使用精练的短句以及简洁的词语描写叛逆期的布利特敢怒不敢言的心理活动,令青少年读者产生强烈共鸣。  相似文献   

<正>It’s human nature to love romance,especially for those young girls who are still in their adolescence.Emma was just one of these girls.When she was in convent school,she indulged herself in romantic fictions and fantastic love stories,regarding that kind of life depicted in books as her purist.She was dying to join the upper class,and she imagined to live a life like them one day.Masked balls,violent pleasures,and all the wildness she  相似文献   

猫绷猛擞鬓舜篡夔奏鬃)}娜淤摹卿臻玫夔奥夔中续(卿孽坤娄道!续}蒸檬巍毅黝攫黝森蕊巍黔缨瞬簿歌礼物委瓣簿…莱璧乖舫奉蒙碳羹i(嘀羲)功毒(蓬蠢舜肠脚的硬鬓颇轰葬嫩淞释淤矫}彝薰簿籍)熬)瓣蘑攀夔Father and Son——The Christmas Presents  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《最终宣告》(TheFinal Announcement)节选自美国少年文学作家苏珊·施里夫(Susan Shreve)的代表作《布利斯特》(Blister)。小主人公阿丽萨的生活因为一场家庭悲剧而陷入了一团乱麻:妈妈整日郁郁寡欢,爸爸离开了她们,而她自己也不得不转学到市区里一所新的学校。面对突如其来的变化,阿丽萨毅然决定挺身而战并给自己起了个响亮的新名字“布利斯特”。  相似文献   

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