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我国足球裁判员管理现状与对策研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
运用文献资料法,专家访谈法,比较分析法对我国职业足球裁判员的管理现状--裁判员的选派办法及原则,裁判员的监督体制,收支状况及裁判员的处罚等进行了论述,指出存在的一些主要问题,并从裁判员的选拔上岗、财产监察制度、俱乐部财务管理,司法介入力度、监督部门的独立性、“中超”的建立、裁判的职业化及舆论监督对我国裁判员的管理进行对策性研究,以期对我国足球的进一步深化改革有所裨益。  相似文献   

我国田径裁判现状分析及强化管理对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料并结合田径裁判管理的实践经验,探讨了对田径裁判员的现行管理体制、田径裁判队伍管理的发展趋势、田径裁判员的管理措施以及田径裁判员的选拔和培养等基本素质和要求。  相似文献   

完善裁判员执裁督察工作的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前我国体育裁判员执裁督察工作中存在的督察机构错位、督察方法单一、督察查处乏力、司法介入困难和查处交接缺位等问题,应尽快成立独立的裁判督察机构,明确裁判督察的职责权限,积极创造司法介入条件,建立裁判员执裁收入监督机制,构建多维立体监督体系,进一步提高依法督察、以法治“裁”水平,才能使之日臻完善。  相似文献   

我国男子足球裁判员的现状及发展对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
洪家云 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):106-108
现代职业足球运动的发展对足球裁判员提出了更高的要求,为了与我国职业足球相适应,建立一支高水平的裁判员队伍是中国足球协会裁判委员会需要解决的问题。通过对我国优秀男子足球裁判员基本情况进行调查分析,指出中国要重视裁判员基层队伍的建设,建立规范的选拔、培训、考核体系、逐步提高我国足球裁判员的数量和质量,建立金字塔式的裁判员培养模式。  相似文献   

张李  常生 《辽宁体育科技》2004,26(5):11-11,13
运用文献资料等研究方法,并结合实践经验,对我国田径裁判员的管理体制和制度进行了研究,探讨了田径裁判员的现行管理体制、田径裁判队伍管理的发展趋势、田径裁判员的管理措施等相关问题,并提出我国田径裁判员管理的基本对策。  相似文献   

试论体育裁判与法律   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对体育竞赛裁判员在工作中违反裁判法与体育法而独犯法律对体育的影响进行分析,认为只有制定裁判员的管理制度,制订与体育法法律相配套的制度与条款,让司法介入竞技体育,中国的体育竞赛才能更健康发展.  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动人力资源现状及对策研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对我国职业足球运动人力资源现状进 行研究,主要结论:1)我国职业足球运动的专业管理人才匮乏,急功近利思想严重;2)裁判员面 临信任危机;3)教练员队伍数量猛增但质量不高;4)运动员的流通渠道不畅,运动员的价值评价 体系尚未建立;5)后备力量数量少且存在地域发展的不平衡性;对策:1)大力吸纳职业足球运动 的急需人才;2)建议司法介入、建立财产监察制度,实行裁判职业化;3)严格教练员的培训制度, 成立教练员培训学校;4)实行国内运动员自由转会,建立职业运动员的价值评价体系;5)加大贫 困地区和足球不发达地区的后备力量培养力度。  相似文献   

CBA联赛裁判职业化必要性调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裁判是CBA联赛产品的一个重要组成部分,时刻影响着这个大众娱乐产品的质量。联赛职业化改革逐渐加快步伐,而裁判制度仍沿用"双重管理"的旧模式。本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法对CBA联赛裁判的作用、管理等方面进行调查分析,认为CBA联赛中裁判员时联赛质量、整个市场发展、球队技战术水平提高以及运动队临场水平发挥起着不可忽视的作用。导致裁判员的培养选拔、业务培训、相关科研工作、比赛接待等方面的缺陷与漏洞根本的原因是裁判管理体制跟不上职业联赛发展的步伐。为保证CBA联赛健康有序发展,有效提高工作效益,改变对裁判员"双重管理"的局面,有必要实行裁判职业化。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,探析美国职业赛事裁判员制度治理特征,并提出对我国的借鉴。体制制度治理特征:形成“政府+职业联盟+第三方部门”治理结构,实行分级监管与内部执行相结合的治理机制,构筑覆盖多层面的联动式治理机制,建立多元主体执行的分权治理模式。具体制度治理特征:以定量化指标作为选拔的重要依据,以严格的法律法规限定准入资格,以明确的管理制度规范执业行为,以“法律震慑+行为限制”为治理的刚性手段。借鉴:完善以政府部门为主导、多主体参与的协同治理结构,健全内外部灵活配套的多重治理机制,优化我国职业赛事裁判员管理制度体系,健全我国职业裁判员社会诚信体系。  相似文献   

以我国正在蓬勃开展的足球、篮球职业化联赛为背景,以当前社会各界普遍关注的足球、篮球裁判界的“黑哨”现象为切入点,系统地对“黑哨”现象的成因进行了分析,并通过借鉴国外的先进管理经验,提出了通过加大司法介入力度、加快竞技体育管理体制改革、加强对管理主体的规范化管理、加强裁判员队伍的建设、加强俱乐部财务管理等解决对策,以期达到净化赛场“黑色”现象的目的。  相似文献   

Decision-making is a key component of an umpire’s in-game performance, with each decision potentially having a direct impact on the result of the game. Additionally, umpires have to be physically fit to ensure they keep up with the gameplay. While research has identified the decision-making demands and running demands of umpires separately, few have explored the relationship between them. The aim of this investigation was to examine the relationship between physical exertion and decision-making performance of Australian football umpires at the sub-elite and junior levels. A total of 18 Australian football umpires (sub-elite, n = 10; junior n = 8) performed 10 × 300 m runs, with each repetition immediately followed by a video-based decision-making test, then 1 min of recovery. A Mann–Whitney U assessment indicated a significant difference between the sub-elite and junior level umpires for decision-making accuracy (U = 13.00, = ?2.43, P = 0.016, r = ?0.5). However, there was no significant difference in response time (U = 28.00, z = ?1.07, P = 0.315, r = ?0.25). The sub-elite umpires completed the running efforts in significantly less time than the junior umpires (P < 0.05). Further, there was no significant correlation between decision-making performance and running times for either skill level (P > 0.05). This suggests decision-making performance may not be affected by physical exertion. Therefore, it may be suggested coaches of football umpires allocate more time to the decision-making development of their umpires instead of focusing largely on the physical fitness side, as is currently the trend.  相似文献   

Existing methods for developing decision–making skill for Australian football umpires separate the physical and perceptual aspects of their performance. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of incorporating video-based decision-making training during high-intensity interval training sessions, specific for Australian football umpires. 20 amateur Australian football umpires volunteered to participate in a randomised control trial. Participants completed an 8-week training intervention in a conditioning only (CON; n=7), combined video-based training and conditioning (COM; n=7), or separated conditioning and video-based training (SEP; n=6) group. Preliminary and post-testing involved a Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (Yo-YoIR1), and 10x300m run test with an Australian football specific video-based decision-making task. Overall, changes in decision-making accuracy following the intervention were unclear between groups. SEP was possibly beneficial compared to COM in Yo-YoIR1 performance, whereas CON was likely beneficial compared to COM in 10x300m sprint performance. There was no additional benefit to completing video-based training, whether combined with, or separate to physical training, suggesting that this was not an optimal training method. For video-based training to be an effective decision-making tool, detailed feedback should be incorporated into training. It is recommended that longer conditioning and video-based training interventions be implemented to determine training effectiveness.  相似文献   

现有足球体制监管的失范是导致职业足球领域丑闻不断的根源。从保证职业足球市场监管的专业化,确保足协对联赛监督机制的独立性,完善外部监督、保持监督的公开性和透明性等三方面,提出了完善我国职业足球体制性监管的对策。  相似文献   

Decision-making is a central component of the in-game performance of Australian football umpires; however, current umpire training focuses largely on physiological development with decision-making skills development conducted via explicit lecture-style meetings with limited practice devoted to making actual decisions. Therefore, this study investigated the efficacy of a video-based training programme, aimed to provide a greater amount of contextualised visual experiences without explicit instruction, to improve decision-making skills of umpires. Australian football umpires (n = 52) were recruited from metropolitan and regional Division 1 competitions. Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group and classified according to previous umpire game experience (i.e., experienced; less experienced). The intervention group completed a 12-week video-based decision-making training programme, with decision-making performance assessed at pre-training, and 1-week retention and 3-week retention periods. The control group did not complete any video-based training. Results indicated a significant Group (intervention; Control) × Test interaction (F(1, 100) = 3.98; = 0.02, partial ?2 = 0.074), with follow-up pairwise comparisons indicating significant within-group differences over time for the intervention group. In addition, decision-making performance of the less experienced umpires in the intervention group significantly improved (F(2, 40) = 5.03, P = 0.01, partial ?2 = 0.201). Thus, video-based training programmes may be a viable adjunct to current training programmes to hasten decision-making development, especially for less experienced umpires.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of in-game physical exertion on decision-making performance of Australian football umpires. Fifteen Australian football umpires (Mage = 36, s = 13.5 years; Mgames umpired = 235.2, s = 151.3) volunteered to participate in the study. During five competitive Australian football pre-season games, measures of in-game physical exertion (blood lactate levels, global positioning system [GPS]) and decision-making performance (video-based test) were obtained. There were no significant correlations between physical exertion in a particular quarter and decision-making performance in either the same quarter or any other quarter. Video-based decision-making performance was effected by time in game χ2(3) = 24.24, P = 0.001, with Quarter 4 performance significantly better than both Quarter 2 and Quarter 3. In-game physical exertion (blood lactate) significantly decreased over the course of the game χ2(3) = 11.58, P = 0.009. Results indicate no definable link between in-game physical exertion and decision-making performance. It is, however, presumed that decision-making performance may be affected by the time or context of the game. Future research is warranted to explore the relationship between physical exertion and decision-making performance to potentially inform Australian football umpire training programmes that replicate in-game physical and decision-making demands.  相似文献   

黑龙江省足球裁判工作中存在的问题及改进对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用临场跟踪与问卷调查法,对黑龙江省足球裁判员在比赛执法中存在问题进行了调查与分析,并找出原因及对策,旨在为足球裁判员在今后的临场执法中深刻理解规则精神,公正执法,组织好比赛提供参考。  相似文献   

我国冬季两项裁判员队伍的健康发展对冬季两项运动的普及与提高具有重要的影响作用。采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查法、数理统计等方法,对我国冬季两项裁判员的现状进行研究。研究表明我国冬季两项裁判员年龄结构合理,呈年轻化趋势发展,学历结构较合理;但同时存在电子靶裁判员匮乏,无等级裁判员偏多,英语、计算机能力不足等问题。提出发展年轻的裁判员,扩大电子靶裁判员队伍,完善裁判员考核制度,加强对英语水平的考核以及为提高裁判员计算机水平创造机会等措施,提高孩国皋季两项栽判昂队任的培兼与管珲工作水平.  相似文献   

新校园足球竞赛体系已初具雏形,建成特点鲜明的校内外四级联赛体系。竞赛组织处于体育、教育部门"双轨制"主导局面。竞赛目标从"足球后备人才培养"演化为"夯实中国足球持续健康发展的人才基础"。赛事系统呈现出明显的学段差异。赛事相关的资源配置亟待提升。当前我国校园足球竞赛体系面临政策发展不统筹、人才供应链不配套、校园与职业赛事阻塞、竞赛保障资源配置不足、赛事监督评价落后的困局,竞赛体系整体正处在由"做大"到"做强"的十字路口。在由"基础建设"到"内涵发展"理念指导下,提出具体治理路径。政策治理层面:统筹竞技普及,发挥政府引导整合作用;人才流通层面:构建选拔机制,畅通各学段人才供应链;跨域融合层面:突破体制屏障,衔接职业足球竞赛体系;资源保障层面:调动多元参与,加强竞赛保障体系建设;监督治理层面:运用智慧监管,推进监督评价的科学化。  相似文献   

Previous research into sports officiating at the elite level has primarily focused on factors that impact negatively on sports officials, including experiences of abuse, time pressures and fear of failure. However, factors that have positively influenced the development of elite officials have largely been neglected. This is problematic, as a better knowledge about how elite officials progress to top-tier competitions may improve officiating performance and role satisfaction. This study therefore, aims to identify factors that work positively for individuals who seek to reach elite levels of sport officiating. This is important because it can assist our understanding of how to create a positive environment for the development of young officials, thereby helping with role satisfaction, improved chances of retention and, where appropriate, pathways into career development at the elite level of sport. The context for this study is Australia, with a focus on national competitions in basketball, football (soccer) and Australian Rules football as representative samples for referees and umpires.  相似文献   


To compare demands of national netball umpires between levels of competition, 22 Netball New Zealand high-performance umpires participated in this investigation. These included from highest to lowest standard: 9 × semi-professional ANZ Championships (ANZC); 6 × National A Squad (NZA); and 7 × National Development Squad (DEV). Physical (global positioning system tri-axial accelerometry), physiological (heart rate) and technical (video analysis) demands were determined for 48 (16 per group) umpire match performances. Level of competition had no significant effect on physical or mean physiological demands. However, ANZC umpires spent a lower proportion of time at low heart rates compared to DEV, and a greater proportion of time at high, rather than moderate, heart rates compared to NZA. Compared to lower standard umpires, ANZC spent lesser proportions of time standing but greater proportions of time walking backwards and sideways, and turning to change direction. Furthermore, ANZC umpires spent lower proportions of time jogging, but greater proportions of time sprinting compared to DEV. Finally, ANZC umpires spent longer mean durations than DEV on the goal third side line. As such, the difference in demands experienced by national netball umpires between levels of competition is more technical than physical or physiological.  相似文献   

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