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刘艳芳  王金柱 《考试周刊》2012,(84):131-132
思想政治课双语教学是专业知识教学,和其他专业课程教学同属于专业教学。思想政治课实施双语教学的可行性体现在五个方面:国家方针政策的支持、社会环境的支持、师生知识储备的支持、双语教学资源的支持和教学软硬件条件的支持。  相似文献   

赵静 《华章》2007,(9):83-83
双语教学是我国高校教育改革发展的必然趋势,在高校体育教育中进行双语教学的研究不多,特别是对于健美操课的教学几乎没有.文章采用问卷调查、实验对比等方法,将双语教学引入我校健美操课教学,并以此进行可行性分析,从而得出结论:通过双语教学,可以有效提高学生的学习积极性以及各项素质,是我校体育教学可待发展的一项教学内容.  相似文献   

陈志丹  丁伟祥  陈栋 《文教资料》2005,(30):165-166
通过调查问卷、专家访谈及文献资料法,认为双语教学是当今时代对体育高等教育专业发展提出的新要求。本文论证了体育专业理论课开设双语教学的必要性,并在此基础上分析了体育专业理论课开设双语教学可行性,旨在对体育双语教学的开设提供一定理论思维。  相似文献   

本文在分析高等院校进行双语教学所面临的机遇的基础上,结合笔者多年来对于国际经济与贸易专业课双语教学的实践与研究,探讨国际经济与贸易专业课双语教学课程体系的建设。  相似文献   

中国一直坚持并遵守民族平等,而民族平等的一种表现就是语言平等。新中国成立之后,藏汉双语教学的政策及法规就已经制定,在改革开放之后,党和国家对藏汉双语教学这方面变得更加重视。本文结合藏区藏汉双语教学的状况,对藏汉双语教学的可行性进行相应的分析和解读,并对藏汉双语教学中存在的问题给予相应的方法和策略。  相似文献   

徐萍华 《物理教师》2005,26(3):7-10
1 研究背景及对象2 0 0 2年笔者参加了苏州市教育局组织的中小学双语师资培训 ,自 2 0 0 3年开始在中学物理教学课堂教学中开展双语教学实验 .双语教学是指将母语以外的另外一种语言直接应用于语言以外的学科教学 ,目前最多的是应用英语进行数学、物理、化学等学科的教学 .双语教学在国际上并不新鲜 ,但对我们来说却是一种全新的教学手段 ,在推出的最初阶段 ,受到了层层阻碍 ,尽管如此 ,双语教学还是迅速地在全国各地发展起来 ,成为继多媒体教学之后课堂教学的又一时尚和亮点 ,双语幼儿园、双语小学、双语中学等如雨后春笋般诞生 .双语教学…  相似文献   

孙志海 《文教资料》2006,(27):121-122
针对目前各种性质的双语教学班,本文作者从自己大学英语教学和对外汉语教学的经验出发,分析了实行双语教学的先决条件,以推动双语教学的改进和发展。  相似文献   

《计算机网络》是计算机专业的核心课程,适合于双语教学。根据专业教学的实际需求,本文从教学环境、教材选择、课堂设计、课件准备、课堂交互等方面,探讨了该课程双语教学的实施方法。教学实践证明了该教学方法的有效性。  相似文献   

实行双语教学不仅是高校教改的一项重要内容,而且是提高教学质量的一种有效手段.在经济和外贸课程中运用双语教学时,教学创新与传统方法必须有机地结合起来以相互促进.本文分析了双语教学的利弊,并通过评估其在经贸专业课程中使用的模式来归纳双语教学实施的条件,从而为实施科学的、适时的国际贸易理论教学模式提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

本文阐述了双语现象的产生原因及其分类情况,由此为基础对我们国家正在开展的双语教学活动提出了作者自己的看法。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of metacognitive instruction on mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics of low mathematics achievers at a middle school in the North‐West Province of South Africa. Forty standard (std) 7 pupils were identified whose non‐verbal general ability and previous mathematics achievements were significantly lower than those of other std 7 pupils. These subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical problems related to four mathematics topics were individually taught to the members of the experimental group, while the pupils in the control group were taught the four mathematics topics through the conventional method of teaching mathematics. The comparisons of pretest and posttest measures of general ability, metacognitive awareness, attitude towards mathematics, and mathematics achievement revealed that the posttest scores of all the four variables for the experimental group were significantly higher than those for the control group.  相似文献   

提出了开展高职中英文双语教学的语言学理据,对高职中英文双语教学的目的、意义以及开展该教学将面临的问题和对策逐一进行了论述.  相似文献   

Similar to counties such as the UK and Netherlands, second level schools in Ireland are free to decide how to allocate instruction time between curriculum subjects. This results in variations between the quantum of time allocated to teaching mathematics in different schools and between different class groups within the same school. This quantitative study builds a profile for both lower second level (Junior Cycle) and upper second level (Senior Cycle) mathematics instruction time in Ireland. The results of the study highlight that although the proportion of time is on par with the OECD average, there are many issues of concern regarding instruction time in Ireland. These include the short length of the school year, experimentation with new teaching approaches, the high number of subjects studied, variations between individual school and class group allocations and the number of classes that do not take place.  相似文献   

Effects of two subtraction instruction types for low achieving children were compared. The first was based on constructivist ideas. The second was more or less traditional but did include interaction opportunities comparable to those in constructivist classrooms. Sixteen students (eight in each condition) with an average age of 10.5 years were trained during 34 lessons. Results showed no performance differences between the two groups on the subtraction problems instructed. There was a performance advantage for the traditional group on transfer problems without regrouping. The constructivist group used more different strategies but was not able to use this bigger repertory in a flexible way; instead, they used their strategies rather randomly. These findings pose questions on the usefulness of constructivist teaching in mathematics for low performers.  相似文献   

双语教学在医学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语教学非常适合在医学教学中运用。它是通过英语教授医学专业知识,用英语进行课堂学习之间的交流和互动的一种教学模式。教学过程中,与单纯的英语教学相比,用汉语介绍一些相关的背景知识,可以帮助学生理解教学内容,以降低学生在英语理解上的难度。另一方面,在每节课结束时让学生用英语对所学的内容进行总结发言更能激发他们学习的主动性,进而提高他们用英语来表达和交流医学专业知识的兴趣和水平。  相似文献   

“数学化”是近年西方学者提出的一个概念 ,指师生在数学教学过程中共同努力、相互作用 ,使儿童准确理解各种数学表达或运算所需的规则和准则 ,最终形成儿童自身关于各种物体和情境的数学模式。本文以对数学课堂教学的大量观察为基础 ,阐述“数学化”的含义和过程 ,分析影响“数学化”顺利进行的社会因素和心理因素 ,并为数学教学提出一些建设性的建议。这对于我国数学基础教育中儿童数学能力的培养及思维的发展有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

While research on English-medium instruction (EMI) has proliferated in the past decades, little research has examined how students from a monolingual background actually experience EMI, or the learning processes involved in such experiences. Drawing upon in-depth interviews and student reflection journals, this study examines the experiences of Chinese university students currently studying in an EMI university in Macau. The findings show that while the students were satisfied with their learning in the EMI context, and they all expressed a perceived necessity for EMI, EMI presented major challenges to their learning and increased their study burden, and the students had experienced numerous frustrations, difficulties and challenges in the transition from the CMI context to the EMI context. The findings also indicate that the students took various measures to address these difficulties and frustrations. This study can provide a better understanding of the real learning needs of Chinese students in an EMI context, and the strategies used by them to address the difficulties and challenges experienced in the transition from the CMI context to the EMI context.  相似文献   


This study examines four of the most commonly-used core mathematics curricula in the USA for evidence of support for research-based instructional strategies for mathematics vocabulary in first and second grade. Content analyses of the teachers’ editions of two units for each grade level were analyzed per curriculum (n?=?16). Statistically significant differences among curricula were found for number of target words (range 6–51 per unit), level of difficulty of terms (basic to technical), and number of support strategies per word. Multiple means of representation varied in terms of verbal and non-verbal strategies for target terms. These differences indicate children are experiencing substantially different mathematics vocabulary learning opportunities, which may impact later mathematics achievement. Implications for practice, curriculum development, and future research are addressed.  相似文献   

双语教学与大学英语教学改革   总被引:92,自引:0,他引:92  
我国高校的双语教学是以提高外语(主要是英语)水平为主的教育,其目标是培养大批能同时使用母语和英语进行交际的复合型专业人才。高校双语教学为打破大学英语教学的严重的应试倾向开辟了道路。要搞好双语教学,必须借鉴国外的成功经验,采用依托式教学模式。教师能用全英语讲授专业课,学生达到中等以上英语水平,是搞好双语教学必备的条件。  相似文献   

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