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价值澄清教育流派述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
价值澄清学派在整个20世纪七八十年代的学校教育中起到了不可替代的作用,受到了前所未有的欢迎。在今天,我们仍从许多变种的道德教育理论中发现它的影子,它对我们今天道德教育体系的形成及影响不可磨灭。分析价值澄清学派产生的背景、实施的情况及其对今天价值教育的影响,对我们今后的价值教育将有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

环境教育关系到未来公民的素质和保护环境的意识,在基础教育阶段强调环境教育要渗透于各个学科教学之中。中学地理课程以人-地关系为主线,强调人与环境的协调发展,在很大程度上与环境教育有统一性。因而以地理课程为载体,挖掘其环境教育的价值并明确地理课程环境教育的目标,可以更好地实现其教育价值,并使得地理课程的环境教育更具有地域空间性和综合性。  相似文献   

Uganda has received considerable international attention for being the first and, to date, only African country to adopt a policy of free universal secondary education (USE). However, the policy was adopted with little attention to system capacity or involvement of secondary head teachers, even though there is considerable research documenting the importance of school leaders in promoting or blocking education reform efforts. This study investigated the extent to which Uganda secondary school leaders support USE policy, the extent they think USE is being implemented successfully, and the extent they believe they have the knowledge and skills needed in USE implementation. To understand the role of head teachers in the move to USE in Uganda, it is necessary to understand the political context in which it was adopted and the conditions under which it was implemented.  相似文献   

学校剧除了对中国戏剧的发展有重要影响以外,其实在教育上亦有独特的价值,但它的发展受制于社会传统,故而有点曲折,特别是在东方社会。在制度化教育以前,古希腊人已经注意到教育与戏剧有着极为重要的关联;夸美纽斯将演剧带入了学校教育,并在课程上给它一定的地位;杜威则赋予了它更新的内涵,由此学校剧经历了从宗教手段之一到艺术教育最高级形式的转变;如今更发展为教育戏剧,用以辅助普通学科的教学。  相似文献   

赵红亚 《成人教育》2007,(11):11-15
在社会批判理论、无政府主义理论和马克思社会主义理论影响下,美国教育理论家伊里奇于20世纪70年代初提出"非学校化社会"主张,认为学校教育是导致美国贫困加剧和社会不平等的主要原因,学习就是促进人的自由、平等和人际关系,校外学习更有价值,学校教育不等于教育的全部,学习网络是理想的教育形式。他的观点与现代终身教育理念吻合,对构建终身教育体系和学习型社会极具借鉴意义。  相似文献   

家庭学校与教育形式创新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前学术界关于教育形式及其分类的主流观点一定程度上限制了教育形式的多样化。教育形式是为教育目标服务的,作为基础教育主要(甚至唯一)形式的学校教育又存在不少不可避免的弊病,所以,教育形式应该可以创新。家庭学校的出现为我们提供了一个对教育形式创新进行深入理论思考的契机,家庭学校形式的采用还有许多问题需要研究,但我们应该去尝试它、完善它,以至研究其他有利于人才的培养和我们教育目标的实现的教育形式。  相似文献   

清代以前,湘西民族地区的学校教育极其薄弱。随着中央权力的进入,为保证其统治的普遍性、长久性,清朝统治者在湘西积极倡导教育,一定程度上实现了湘西民族地区学校教育的民间化、平等化,促进了义学的发展。  相似文献   

青少年感恩意识的缺失,是传统伦理在继承上出现脱节、家庭教育错位、学校教育手段和评价体系单一、社会价值和舆论导向多元化等原因共同作用的结果。因此,对青少年进行感恩教育,可以以传统孝道为视角和切入点,并结合时代特征赋予其新的内涵,为家庭、学校和社会在对青少年进行感恩教育的过程中注入新的内涵和具体内容,在传承传统文化和美德的同时,增强感恩教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

曾熙以文辞书法名世,也是出色的教育家。他曾讲学于石鼓书院,并于1904年受命创办湖南南路优级师范学堂,担任监督。在教育方面,他重视文化传承,为学堂绘制宏伟教育蓝图;坚持立德树人,为学堂培养品德高尚的师范人才;提倡实用教育,优化学科课程设置;树立开放的教育理念,引领新式学堂教育。其教育思想及实践活动意义重大,一定程度上促进了清末湖南教育的普及和近代化,为中国近代教育做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

在学校教育和学校变革的“话语实践”中,教育价值与多元主体及其对教育的需求相适应。本文认为,学校变革与作为教育价值主体的学校向度常常具有高度一致性:学校变革发生在学校向度上,学校主体的教育价值变化必然引起学校层面的变革运动,在学校变革实践中生成的教育价值系统,逐渐发展成熟壮大后,就会成为触发新一轮学校变革和转型的主要动因。  相似文献   

School websites are one way in which school leaders inform the public about their school’s vision, values, achievements and the learning opportunities on offer in a way that highlights its distinctiveness in the most positive light. If outdoor education is perceived as a valued learning context and/or helps to differentiate one school from another, it is likely that it would be reflected on a school’s website. An interpretive thematic analysis of the websites of 20% of the secondary schools in New Zealand suggested that outdoor education has a presence in schools, although the magnitude of this presence depended on the priorities school leaders wished to promote. The positive outcomes and opportunities afforded by outdoor education were portrayed to emphasize a school’s appeal. However, policy and design constraints of websites restricted teachers’ input into their content, making it somewhat challenging to gauge the relationship between the presence of outdoor education on a school website and the quality of its pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

把社会主义核心价值观融入到国民教育体系,就是要把两者进行有效地结合,并最大化提高它的有效性.现代国民教育体系结构是“以普通教育和职业教育为基础”、“以初等、中等、高等教育为层次”、“以成长教育和继续教育为阶段”、“以形成全民学习、终身学习、建立学习型社会为目标”.把社会主义核心价值观融入国民教育体系,需要注重学校教育、家庭教育和社会教育“三位一体”的联合.学校教育是社会主义核心价值观融入国民教育的主要途径.要运用各种现代化技术,探索新的传播方式,把社会主义核心价值观融入到社会教育当中.  相似文献   

In order to generate higher levels of interest in politics and participation in political processes, political or citizenship, education in schools must be at the heart of the curriculum and be characterised by active, learner-centred approaches. This paper hypothesises that, when compared with Germany, a more limited form of political education in Irish post-primary schools may be impacting negatively on the extent to which it is achieving such aims. In order to begin to explore this hypothesis, the results for seven items relating to interest in politics and participation in political processes from the most recent (2010) round of the European Social Survey are compared for the Irish and German populations. In addition, the nature and status of political education in the German and the Irish school systems are compared. Conclusions are drawn and the implications for future research in this field and for political education in both countries considered.  相似文献   

This paper probes the extent to which education can be identified as a factor in rural depopulation. The study focuses on the Scottish Hebridean island of Raasay which has seen significant population loss since census records began in 1841. In this study the post-school destinations of all pupils enrolled at Raasay School 1901–2000 have been plotted. In addition, a sample of school pupils from 1941–2000 have been questioned about their decision-making in relation to post-school destinations. The study shows that a remarkable 86% of school pupils left the island during that century. Further education was the main reason respondents gave for migrating after leaving school but the data also suggest that it is lack of suitable employment that keeps them away. The study concludes that while education is implicated in island depopulation, of more significance is suitable employment, much more so than aspects of infrastructure such as transport and housing.  相似文献   

教育问责制:美国的经验及启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育问责制(accountabilityineducation)在美国发轫于20世纪70年代,是针对当时中小学校培养的学生不能满足家长和社会的要求而产生的。当时,教育问责运动无疑是一场“及时雨,”它让社会各方共同关注学校教育,从而让学校以更低的成本培养出更合格的学生,为美国社会的繁荣做出了不可磨灭的贡献。文章在介绍、分析美国教育问责制的基础上,为我国的中小学教育管理提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

This article explores the upper secondary (or post‐16) school market. The study on which it is based, funded by the Swedish Research Council, was entitled ‘Upper‐secondary education as a market’. Empirical data include official statistics, policy documents, school publications, company reports and school visits. Printed and other news media were also scrutinised to identify how the marketisation of education is represented in public discourse. A number of themes emerged from the study which included mapping the expansion of the school market, chains of ownership and influence, marketing strategies, choice and the school market and issues raised in the media. These imply that there is a new market discourse which represents a clear break with previous social democratic education policies primarily aimed at enhancing citizenship and wider democratic values within an inclusive public school. However, critiques have also emerged including a call for strengthened regulations of and control over independent schools and concern about an education market equated more with shares and profits rather than pedagogy and student citizenship.  相似文献   

试论学校教育中大众文化的意义及边界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,学校教育开始有意识地主动观照并有选择地吸收部分大众文化进入学校课程体系。学校教育的这种做法,反映了教育关注日常生活,向生活世界回归的价值理念;也是社会民主化发展在教育中的体现,有利于教育创新。同时,学校教育对大众文化的观照和选择性吸收,在一定程度上也扩大了教育的资源,丰富了教育内容,也有利于教师对青少年学生的认识与价值引导。但是,大众文化的商业性和消费性将会削弱学校教育的传统价值根基,同时,大众文化的当下性和感官刺激性则容易导致学校教育丧失对人的精神世界的涵养与提升功能,而大众文化的犬儒性也不利于学校教育培养具有责任意识的现代公民人格。  相似文献   

A new approach to researching school effects on higher education participation is proposed here, which combines insights from the school effectiveness field of research with sociological theories and concepts of schooling. In doing so, it draws attention to some of the problems with the dominant approach often taken in this area and attempts to offer a more analytically precise way of measuring and explaining school effects on higher education choice. It will be argued that whilst past approaches can make it difficult to decipher school effects, the new approach proposed here provides greater understanding about the extent and nature of the school’s influence.  相似文献   

少数民族传统体育具有德育、智育、美育和劳动教育的价值,具备进入学校教育的前提条件。学校体育需要引进少数民族传统体育是学校体育面临的困境和当前学校体育校本课程改革的需要。另外,学校教育是传承少数民族传统体育文化的基本途径,少数民族传统体育需要进入学校才能实现其传承。  相似文献   

当代西方比较教育研究中的社会地图学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代,特别是90年代以来,西方比较教育研究者将社会地图学引入比较教育研究中,取得了丰硕的研究成果。社会地图学实质上是后现代主义中表陈现实、阐释社会的一个学术流派,是地图学原理在其他社会科学中的应用。它以其独特的魅力为当代比较教育研究提供了一个有效的空间工具和崭新的研究视角。波斯东绘制的比较教育理论图即是将社会地图学运用于比较教育研究中的一个经典范例。尽管社会地图学已经受到一些学者的质疑,但作为一种研究工具,其在当代西方比较教育研究中似乎仍有很大的发展空间。  相似文献   

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