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Conrad Hughes 《Prospects》2014,44(3):395-410
This article offers a definition of prejudice and then reviews the literature on relevant theories of its development and methods to identify and map it. It then discusses how prejudice is institutionalised and legitimised in schools, before turning to the main thrust of its investigation: the extent to which international education (K-12) can reduce prejudice. It then offers several sets of suggestions on how to reduce prejudice in schools, drawing on research, theory, and practice.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中期开始,我国实行“对外开放”政策,允许在中国境内创办外国(海外)学校。不列颠哥伦比亚(BE)省是加拿大第一个允许在国外进行合作办学的省份,1995年创办第一所海外学校(在加拿大,所有和教育相关的事务都由各省负责)。这些在国外创办的学校和项目都是私立学校,要同时遵守中国和BC的法律,采用BE的课程、学习目标和教材,以及雇用在BC获得认证的教师和校长。这类学校经过BE教育部的认证,并定期接受检查。加拿大其他省份也纷纷效仿,2007年初加拿大在中国的合作办学机构大约有80所(此时中国约有800所中外合作办学机构)。虽然由于增长的需求,该类学校数量增长迅速,但它们仍处于中国学校体系的边缘。除了目前的经济衰退在短期内会对中外合作办学的需求产生负面影响外,还有一些关键问题,将会长期影响其生存能力。在此将简要讨论其中四个方面.  相似文献   

One of the ongoing debates in Canadian higher education is the dilemma of the brain drain and the seemingly conflicting goals between the strategies and intentions of various government departments. While Citizenship and Immigration Canada aims to recruit the brightest students from across the globe to study in Canada and to enable their long‐term stay as permanent residents and ultimately as citizens, the Canadian International Development Agency is mandated to strengthen human capacity in developing countries. This paper provides a critical analysis of the brain drain problem by juxtaposing Canadian policies with Cuban policies as manifested in the two countries’ divergent approaches to international students and tertiary education scholarships for students from poorer countries. Following an overview of the existing scholarship programmes in both countries, ethical and philosophical considerations are examined that appear to underlie the two countries’ individual‐rights‐based and collective‐rights‐based justifications for making decisions about the terms on which students from other countries are permitted to study in Canada and Cuba.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,为实现教师教育一体化,许多国家(如美、英)的大学与中小学在教师教育上密切合作,收效颇丰。借鉴国外经验,我国教师教育中大学与中小学开展合作研究,可探索出一条新路。  相似文献   

在经济全球化快速发展,教育国际化进程日益加快的背景下,高等院校继续教育国际合作与交流规模越来越大,已形成多形式、多层次、多领域的格局,以短期非学历教育为主体,学历教育发展势头强劲,承担主体多元化。为了其深化与发展,应进一步解放思想,完善中外合作办学政策,寻求可持续发展;进一步引进和利用国外优质教育资源,实现国际教育本土化;进一步提升继续教育国际合作项目的质量,加强教育涉外政策法规监管力度,实现社会中介组织的评估机制;进一步利用现代科技发展成果,大力发展现代远程教育、网络教育等继续教育手段。  相似文献   

在知识与经济结合更加紧密的时代,高等教育服务贸易已经成为各国推动经济发展的重要力量,得到了各国的普遍重视。目前,中国高等教育服务贸易的发展规模较小,结构有待优化。中国应抓住“一带一路”这一契机,从政府及高校等多个层面对高等教育服务贸易的发展做出相应的政策与制度安排,促进沿线国家间高等教育合作和交流,以应对全新背景下经济社会发展对国际人才的需求。  相似文献   

This article investigates how school building design can support primary school feeding programmes in low- and middle-income countries. Furthermore it argues for schools to become community “development hubs”; incorporating both local access to education and also to programmes for nutrition, ICT, health education and other services, outside of school hours. It reviews the literature on school feeding programmes. Data from field research on schools in Ghana and South Africa is used to identify the key design issues for schools delivering feeding programmes. It considers how national education policies can affect school planning and building priorities. The article concludes by calling for the evolution of a new school design model, in which the school site becomes a “development hub”, supporting children” education, associated support activities including school feeding, and importantly also, integrated community development outreach activities.  相似文献   

近年来,跨国高等教育服务贸易在全球迅速发展。比较日本与韩国跨国高等教育的政策与形势对于发展我国的跨国高等教育有重要的启示作用。本文将从学生流动性的视角,研究分析日韩跨国高等教育的现状、问题与挑战,以期服务于我国高等教育的国际合作。  相似文献   

如何补充乡村教师、吸引优秀人才到乡村学校任教是一个国际社会共同关注的问题.世界上一些国家采取的主要补充策略有:利用经济激励,增强招募优势;培养当地人才,保障定向就业;注重乡村体验,完善职前培养;关注职业发展,注重情感激励;吸纳其他人员,转入教师行业.借鉴国际经验,在我国乡村教师补充中,还需优化经济激励,提高激励有效性;明晰对象和内容,实现培养专门化;选拔优秀学生,注重职后发展;调动多方力量,共担补充责任.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):292-310

This study looks at how the education of Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) has developed in Lesotho as a result of international policies on human rights and education. In particular, it explores various challenges to inclusive education such as proper understanding of inclusive education, the development of a policy on special and inclusive education, and the availability of resources to support inclusive education. The study used a qualitative approach to collect and analyse data. Thirty-nine participants were interviewed for the study. It was found that, though efforts are made to support LSEN in both special and mainstream schools, the support may not result in successful academic and social development for LSEN. There is also a lack of understanding by teachers and educationalists about what constitutes inclusive education. The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) is slow in developing a policy on special needs and there are inadequate resources for inclusive education to succeed.  相似文献   

This article contributes a Canadian perspective to a growing body of international research investigating teacher education, specifically as a category of academic work exemplified in employment advertisements. By investigating how Canadian employment advertisements in teacher education are constructed as mediating artefacts in the relationship between potential candidates and their goal of gaining an academic position, we attempt to identify contradictions inherent to systems of human activity, and surface institutional priorities regarding faculty hiring policies and the staffing practices within Canadian teacher education programs. Our study surfaces both similarities and differences with concurrent WoTE (Work of Teacher Education) investigations in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand regarding the teacher education as a form of academic labour, echoing their characterisation of the increasingly “precarious space” occupied by teacher education in post-secondary institutions.  相似文献   

Recent education policies focus on making youth pathways more transparent while addressing skills shortage. However, there appears to be ambivalence about the target audience for ‘new vocational’ programmes in secondary schools and how they should be organized. This paper begins from the observation that Canadian policy‐makers, like those in other countries, have shown increasing interest in bringing vocational and academic tracks into closer alignment. However, drawing on empirical data from a number of case studies of high school apprenticeship, we argue that persistent tensions in educational policy and practice can be explained by the legacy of the historical development of high school vocational education, the ambivalent position of vocational education in the ‘knowledge‐based economy’ and the competing interests of different partners. We conclude that greater awareness of the distributional issues that underlie vocational education policies is needed.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和教育国际化的迅速发展,探索国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的办学模式和人才培养模式,成为人们关注的热点。基于阿特巴赫高等教育国际化思想,分析爱恩国际学院引进国外优质教育资源,与境外合作方在课程体系设置、教学模式、教学管理等方面交流与合作等情况,得出结论认为,爱恩国际学院形成了具有其自身特色的中外合作办学模式、人才培养模式以及教学考评体系,以期给予国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的教学改革以点滴启示。  相似文献   

This article tells the extraordinary story of the cooperation among adult educators in five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8) which began in 1991 – the year when Latvia regained its independence. According to individuals who experienced the evolution of this cooperation from the beginning and were actively involved in the process of developing contemporary theories, policies and practices of adult education in Latvia, this cooperation resulted in the creation of a range of unique opportunities for learning and development. Latvian adult educators were engaged in many activities; they learned themselves, taught others, did research on adult education and developed a new system of adult education. What had started out as a “donorship” grew into a “partnership”. With hardly any published information about this cooperation to rely on, the authors of this article build their case using (1) their own memories of participation; (2) the information gained through interviews with key experts; and (3) a number of largely unpublished documents indicated in these interviews. Tracing the evolution of this cooperation, their study seeks to understand how learning opportunities were created and how they were used by adult educators in Latvia. Adopting an ecological (in terms of learning environment, relationships, agency, motivation and identity) sociocultural perspective on learning and learning opportunities, the authors analyse the quality of the learning opportunities created in the context of Nordic-Baltic cooperation, aiming to identify what makes international cooperation successful.  相似文献   

EU neighbouring countries (partner countries) have made considerable efforts to improve their vocational education and training (VET) systems, with different policies and strategies that take account of country-specific priorities in human capital development. This article addresses the donor community. It analyses the role of partner countries' VET in contributing to human capital development in order to benefit better from the globalised economy. The emerging debate on the role of VET in these countries and among donors is considered in terms of the functional dimensions of employability, productivity and sustainable growth, taking into account the economic, social and ecological dimension of growth and development. Not addressed is the systemic perspective on VET in terms of improving existing curricula, learning arrangements and textbooks. The article focuses, rather, on functional dimensions of VET that are relevant to achieve development goals and makes some recommendations for international cooperation. Given the complexity of multi-stakeholder-driven VET systems, cooperation needs to build on existing VET structures. Moreover, cooperation must contribute to an effective reform implementation.  相似文献   

In countries with a high concentration of youth with low literacy levels, the policy and programming task related to education and training is particularly daunting. This note briefly presents policies and practices which have been put in place to provide vulnerable youth with literacy and life skills education. It is based on a multi-country research study undertaken by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD Canada; previously Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA), and on subsequent policy dialogue forums with policy makers, practitioners, researchers and youth representatives held in Africa, the Arab region and Asia. Built on this review of existing policies and their implementation, this note provides lessons for innovative practices and suggests six concrete ways to address the needs of vulnerable youth through literacy and life skills education.  相似文献   

本文通过对加拿大现代远程高等教育类型、远程教育政策、教学形武、媒体选择策略、课程开发、人员配备、质量控制等方面进行探讨的基础上,提出发展广东远程高等教育的四点建议:(1)省政府在政策和财政上加大力度支持远程教育的发展;以广东广播电视大学为基地.创建广东开放大学。(2)建立和完善学分转换和互认体系。(3)成立远程教育联合体。(4)加强与国际先进的远程教育机构的合作。  相似文献   

This paper details the background and substance of the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools." It specifies both the contributions and limitations of the regulations for the sound development of such schools. At a time when international cooperation in running schools is intensifying, China needs to adjust policies on the issue and regulate cooperative school management to achieve sustainable and sound educational development and pave the way for China's ascension as a prosperous and powerful nation.  相似文献   

中外合作办学的策略思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近年来世界高等教育的发展已经面向全球的教育市场,呈现出多种模式合作办学的发展趋势。发达国家高等教育机构十分看好我国高等教育大众化趋势下教育资源供不应求的市场潜力,纷纷加快了参与中国教育市场份额的步伐。面对这种新局面,我们必须在教育理念、人才模式和运行机制等方面进行变革。引入资金和先进的教育机制,借鉴国际上通行的办学模式、专业设置、师资培训和质量保证等方面的经验,增进我国高等教育的国际竞争力,是实现我国高等教育的跨越式发展的便捷之路。  相似文献   

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