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州际高等教育协定和州际学费互惠协议,是美国州际高等教育协调与合作机制的两种主要形式。其作用主要包括实现区域高等教育合作和资源共享,解决州际高等教育矛盾和争端,帮助制定和实施区域性高等教育政策,扩大高等教育入学机会。美国的做法对我国建立区域高等教育协调与合作机制具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对美国双语教育中影响深远的劳诉尼科尔斯案的起因和过程的阐述,分析美国双语教育实施的法律判例和双语教育在一些州的实施情况,以及双语教育在美国的进展和出现的问题。  相似文献   

State governments are crucial actors in the nation's system of education governance. This issue of the Peabody Journal of Education underscores the wide-ranging roles that state governments play in the oversight, development, and implementation of elementary and secondary education policy in the United States. In this article, I consider these individual analyses by reflecting on the broader themes and patterns that they suggest. I argue that at the dawn of the 21st century, the 50 U.S. states face dynamic challenges that are testing their institutions of governance. States are also simultaneously crossing new frontiers that will influence future policy and opportunities for the nation's students.  相似文献   

美国在《为大学、职业及公民生活做准备的社会科州立标准框架:提高K-12年级公民、经济、地理和历史学科严谨性的指导》(C3框架)中提出了推动探究在课程实施中落地的指导框架——"探究弧"。该框架围绕问题、概念、证据和行动四个维度对社会科课程的实施进行指导,意在通过探究增进学生对知识的理解,提升学生相关的学习能力,使学生为更好地参与未来生活做好准备。我国德育课程可以考虑借鉴"探究弧"将学生发展作为核心的理念及其在课程方案设计、跨学科教学实施和教学过程中多种能力融合培养等方面的经验,提升德育课程教学的效果。  相似文献   

The intent of the authors in preparing this paper is to compare and contrast the roles of Institutional Research in informing decision making and governance in higher education. Using a case study format the authors will provide an example of a research project conducted within each of the following sectors of United States higher education system: private 4-year not for profit, public major research institutions/private specialized institutions, and a pubic state university system. The first case study from the private sector will feature a mixed methodology study that used data from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and student focus groups to explore student engagement at this institution and inform faculty development. The second case study will compare the use of data for decision making from the standpoint of large public research institutions and private specialized institutions. The third case study from a state university system focuses on recent initiatives in the public sector to inform the public, the institutions, the State, and the federal government using data from institutional research offices, student engagement surveys, and student learning assessments shared through consortia and national associations. These examples will be discussed within the structure of decision making and governance in higher education.  相似文献   

高等教育成本分担理论是美国当代著名教育财政专家约翰斯通教授提出的。他认为,高等教育成本应由政府、学生及家长、高校和社会捐赠者共同分担。通过对中美两国私立高校高等教育成本分担现状的研究表明:我国民办普通高校在性质上类似于美国的私立营利性授予学位大学。因此,借鉴美国的经验,加快对我国民办普通高校的分类管理体制改革势在必行。  相似文献   

In theory, not-for-profit organizations will be characterized by higher production costs per unit of output than for-profit producers of otherwise-identical goods/services, since profit maximization implies cost minimization per unit of output; breaking even does not imply cost minimization and, indeed, may imply inflated costs. We explore the empirical validity of this hypothesis in the context of higher education. Using 1996 data, we estimate multiproduct cost functions for 1,450 public, 1,316 private, not-for-profit, and 176 private, for-profit institutions of higher education in the United States. We fail to find a statistically significant difference between for-profit and not-for-profit private providers, but do find a statistically significant difference between private, not-for-profit institutions and public institutions.  相似文献   

This article considers the potential role of private institutions in the development of Russian higher education. After decades of a government centralised higher education system, there is a clear trend towards the privatisation of education institutions and the diversification of education practices. Some commentators consider this to indicate that the Russian State is losing control of education; others welcome private initiatives, both in formal and informal education. Russian higher education has also been greatly challenged by the current demographic gap: the total number of secondary school graduates expected in 2012 is half that of 2006. This strengthens the competition for the enrolment of students in private and public (federal and municipal) institutions. Based on recent interviews with senior management at a number of provincial private universities, this article suggests possible avenues for private universities to extend into the education market and considers the implications.  相似文献   

发展中国家高等教育入学人数在可预见到的未来将持续快速增长。公立高等学校的面貌将改变。一些快速扩大的私立、营利性教育机构会更多地利用以技术为媒介的教育形式。远程教育的扩展会真正使学习变得更加开放。怎样确保更广泛地使用电子学习不会给学习者带来困难,以开放教育资源的利用活动来保证高质量、低成本的学习资料的供给,是开放大学在新世纪所要面临的问题。  相似文献   

Most studies of student migration focus on interstate migration of college students, largely because the aggregate data typically used are limited in geographic specificity to states. However, interstate migration is only a small part of the total student migration. Public institutions generally get most of their students from within their state; for example, 88 percent of first-time freshmen who enrolled in University System of Georgia institutions in 2002 graduated from Georgia schools. Such intrastate migration is seldom considered. This paper examines intrastate college student migration, using data for Georgia. Aside from such traditional measures of benefits and costs like tuition, financial aid, and school quality, a crucial explanatory variable in our analysis is the distance from a student's home to the different Georgia state institutions. Our empirical results indicate that student intrastate migration is strongly discouraged by greater distance, but with effects that differ across types of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Although we know a great deal about college choice in nations such as the United States, we know considerably less about how college choice operates in settings lacking well-defined hierarchies between higher education institutions. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, students from high socio-economic status backgrounds are over-represented in the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and grandes écoles, respectively. In nations without these hierarchies, how do privileged families distinguish between very similar institutions? Using the example of Canada, notable for its relative institutional flatness, I show that privileged families construct their own hierarchies and tap into established hierarchies in other nations. The data come from an ethnographic study of two elite private high schools in Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

游说业在美国是一个成熟的行业门类,目的是争取政策、资金和人才以及社会的认可和支持。高等教育游说活动在本质上是游说需求者和游说对象"双赢"的一种正常社会行为。我国高等教育存在对资金和政策的大量诉求、民办高校的生存环境需要第三方介入、高等教育的民主化进程扩大了决策参与机会,这些为高等教育游说活动提供了空间。目前,我国高等教育游说可以先从各级各类课题与项目中发现议题,有所作为。  相似文献   

美国教师教育评估的“双轨制”及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教师教育评估具有"双轨制"的特征,一方面,州政府对本州的教师教育具有控制权,实行州政府对教师教育的评估制度,以保障教师培养的质量;另一方面,美国存在全国性民间专业评估机构NCATE和TEAC,对教师教育进行专业评估。州政府评估与民间专业评估机构之间展开了良好的合作,它们分别从专业内部和外部对教师教育质量进行保障。美国的这种双轨制教师教育评估制度对我国教师教育发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

21世纪高等教育的扩展:开放学习的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在最近的将来,发展中国家高等教育的入学人数会继续飞速扩张,这将改变作为公立机构的高等教育的院校结构并导致牟取盈利的私立院校的数量激增,它们将更多地运用以技术为媒介的学习。远程学习是否真的会使学习更开放?如何能让开放大学保证更多地运用网络学习(eLearning)而不会造成参与的阻碍?开放教育资源(OERs:Open Educational Resources)运动能够在扩大学习材料共享的同时保证质量并降低成本吗?院校应如何革新自己的组织机构以适应这个新的世界?  相似文献   

There is a great and longstanding divide in visions of the international arena. Some assert that states are the most relevant actors in international politics, and others emphasise the importance of non-state actors as vehicles through which shared ideas and identities are enacted. Typically, cross-national scholarship adopts one of these positions and seeks to support the attendant theoretical claims; our approach is entirely different. We treat these varied conceptions of the international arena not as antecedent explanatory frameworks, but rather as outcomes to be explained in their own right. To this end, we draw on data consisting of 539 high-school social science textbooks (history, civics, social studies, and geography) from 73 countries published between 1950 and 2011, coded to shed light on how the international arena is discussed in national education systems. We use multilevel modelling to determine how characteristics of textbooks and countries are linked to different visions of the international arena. Stronger national emphases in books promote a vision of the interstate system, as does a country’s level of democracy. Emphases on world society emerge particularly in recent decades and in books and countries most exposed to educational and social globalisation. Our findings provide initial support for arguments that world society and the interstate system are distinct, leading to multiple forms of inequality in the international arena.  相似文献   

从独立战争到南北战争这段时期是美国高等教育发展的一段关键的时期。在此期间,美国的大学不仅在数量上飞速增长,而且基本上确立了美国现代大学的特征,即私立为主、多样化和互为竞争。建立国立大学的倡议的失败及达特茅斯学院诉讼案的判决是这个阶段高等教育发展的最主要推动力,前者限制了联邦政府在美国整个高等教育系统特征的塑造过程中的作用,后者则进一步限制了州政府对私立学院的权力。  相似文献   

A statistical report entitled “The Condition of Education ‐‐ 1977” prepared by the United States National Centre for Educational Statistics outlines the general climate of education in the United States, educational activities, institutions and participants. A unifying theme of the report is an examination of the levels of opportunity, participation and results of education among different groups of the United States population. A substantial portion of the report is devoted to trends in United States education as detailed in the information below.  相似文献   

This article provides an international comparative overview of institutional strategies, collaboration patterns and governmental policies related to the use of ICT in higher education. It has been produced as part of an international comparative study on the use of ICT in higher education. A study commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and published as: “The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education: An International Orientation on Trends and Issues”, B. Collis and M. van der Wende (Eds). University of Twente, CHEPS, 1999. It covers the following range of countries: Belgium, Finland, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States of America. Additionally some main initiatives at the European level have been taken into account. On the basis of this international comparison, the following main conclusions were drawn. Due in part to the fact that in many cases institutional strategies for ICT are still lacking, interesting experimentation does not generally lead to successful dissemination and adoption on a wider scale. In many cases, the push for a substantial use of ICT in distance learning programs has come from new educati onal markets, life-long learning and international education in particular. The response of higher education to these markets is leading in many countries to a convergence of distance and traditional (on-campus) education. Inter-institutional and inter-sectoral collaboration between universities and companies are characteristics of many successful ICT initiatives, although they do not generally continue into sustainable implementation in the individual institutions. Governments facilitate the use of ICT through the establishment of infrastructure, networks and inter-institutional and public–private partnerships, and try to create the right regulatory environment. Further deregulation will enable institutions to respond to new market demands and will inspire the necessary organizational change in higher education institutions.  相似文献   

A rich body of literature has emerged that seeks to shed further light on how concepts like globalization and internationalization shape higher education systems and their institutions. This paper examines how the rise of private higher education in various national contexts has engendered global patterns of public financial support for private institutions and particularly the various ways in which public funding is channeled to such providers. A cross-national typology of public/private higher education sectors and a system-level map of how public funding is directed to institutions are both used to explain why different patterns may emerge. This framework is then used to examine the policies and practices in four representative systems: England, Germany, New Zealand, and the state of Pennsylvania in the United States. The available evidence suggests that in systems with weak or newly emerging private sectors, unclear regulations and concerns about quality implies that public funding tends to be channeled into private institutions indirectly (e.g. through tax-abatements and student financial aid). In systems where private institutions play a more substantial role, public funding is channeled to privates using a mix of indirect and direct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Student participation in higher education governance is commonplace in many countries around the globe. This participation can take many forms, but one prevalent form is through the inclusion of students as members of institutional governing boards, commonly called student trustees. This practice is not without critique with governance scholars often cautioning against student board membership. They cite the potential for student members to engage in representative behaviour, which may lead them to focus primarily on student issues or cast votes which may be in the best interest of themselves or their fellow students as the primary objection to student board members. This study of student trustees in the United States examines the extent to which these individuals engage in such behaviours, examining interactions between student board members and students at their institutions for signs of whether these oft states concerns have a basis in practice.  相似文献   

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