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哈同花园,原址东起西摩路(今陕西北路)、西迄哈同路(今铜仁路)、南自长浜路(今延安中路)、北至静安寺路(今南京西路).园主是英籍犹太人欧司·爱·哈同(S.A.Hardoon),因其妻子罗迦陵原名俪蕤,故名"爱俪园",习称哈同花园.  相似文献   

严玲 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):263-264,104
文章介绍了美国现代公共图书馆的发展概况,指出了其服务的特色及给我们的启示。  相似文献   

图本科生私立武昌文华图书馆学专科学校简称文华图专校,英文名Boone Lirary School,最早是文华大学的图书馆学科,后为华中大学图书馆学科,由美籍韦棣华女士为在中国建立现代图书馆学体系和发展图书馆事业而创建,后来独立办学,而成文华图专校.报考资格仍沿用以往的至少大学肄业两年,其实大学毕业者亦不乏其人.  相似文献   

Today audiences can select content that is consonant with their political notions, and they take advantage of this opportunity. Such partisan selective exposure to media outlets has been identified as one of the reasons for attitude polarization. Little research attention, however, has been devoted to the processes underlying this phenomenon. This article advances the understanding of selective exposure by testing whether its effect on attitude polarization is attributable to people's familiarity with arguments that reinforce or challenge their own opinions. A sample of politically engaged extremists (N = 440) was subjected to a structured interview. As hypothesized, users of partisan media were more familiar with arguments reinforcing their views and, as a result, more prone to polarization. Knowledge of challenging arguments, however, was not affected by consumption of partisan media, nor did it promote depolarization. Results are discussed in light of two conflicting theories: the persuasion and the motivational-reasoning model.  相似文献   

The consortium executive director is passionate about working with libraries and cultural organizations to connect similar and diverse institutions, enabling them to do things beyond their singular capability. Many library consortium executive directors worked in libraries before working at a consortium, but the job of the library consortium ED is in many ways different from that of a library director. A better understanding of these differences may help build stronger alliances between the consortium and its members. This article draws on the nonprofit leadership literature, library collaboration literature, and the responses to a brief survey of library consortia executive directors to explain the role and skills of the consortium executive director along with the challenges and opportunities for consortia.  相似文献   

知情权和媒体的代表性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对知情权的界定和媒体代表性的探讨,说明知情权并非媒介所想象的理所当然,而目前媒体的代表性也值得追问,并试图寻求媒体代表公众的途径。  相似文献   

论知情权与表达权——兼论中国新一轮新闻改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中共十七大提出,要保障公民"四权"的实现.其中,知情权与表达权和大众传媒密切相关.本文认为,"四权"的提出拉开了中国新一轮新闻改革的序幕,也基本上为中国新闻改革奠定了基调.新一轮新闻改革就要从维护公民的"四权"入手,从体制上建立一系列保障,确保在遵纪守法的前提下,公民能够通过公开的渠道获得他们需要的信息,能够通过公开的渠道,公正地表达他们的意见,虽然在此过程中还面临着诸多挑战.  相似文献   

正走在时尚繁华的上海南京西路上,到泰兴路口蓦然回首,一个颇具古典风味、刻有"张园"二字的门头十分醒目。走进张园,一幢幢风格各异的清水墙、老虎窗、雕花门头的石库门房屋,让人感到恍若穿越时空,又回到了老上海。张园石库门建筑群规模之大、类型之丰富、生活形态保存之完整,堪称上海之最,被誉为"石库门生态博物馆"。海上第一名园1862年,上海跑马总会出资修建跑马道——静安寺路。至此,静  相似文献   

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