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对“诗言志”的理解可以有两种:实然理解和应然理解。前者着眼于中国诗歌发生史、或一般诗歌发生过程、或中国诗学思想发生发展史等,是站在现实层面上阐说“诗言志”——诗歌“事实如何”;后者着眼于儒家诗学原则的定位,是站在理想层面上阐说“诗言志”——诗歌“应该如何”。  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine ways to promote computer science (CS) among girls by exploring young women’s experiences and perceptions of CS as well as investigating factors affecting their career aspirations. American girls aged 10–16 participated in focus group interviews as well as pre-, post-, and follow-up surveys while attending a CS camp. The analysis of data revealed that although the participants were generally positive about the CS field, they had very limited knowledge of and experience with CS, leading to little aspiration to become computer scientists. The findings also indicated that girls’ affinity for and confidence in CS were critical factors affecting their motivation for pursuing a CS-related career. The study demonstrated that participation in the CS camp motivated a small number of participants to be interested in majoring in CS, but the activity time was too short to make a significant impact. Based on the findings, we suggest that providing CS programming experiences in K-12 classrooms is important in order to boost girls’ confidence and interest in CS.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationships among multiple aspects of parental involvement (English proficiency, school involvement, control and monitoring of children), children's aspirations, and achievement in new immigrant families in the United States. They used data on immigrant parents and school-age children (N = 1,255) from the New Immigrant Survey to examine immigrant families from diverse backgrounds. Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that parental English proficiency and involvement in school education are related to children's academic achievement, cognitive development, and English language ability, directly as well as indirectly, through children's educational aspirations. Parental control and monitoring is not beneficial to immigrant children's cognitive development, although variations were found across different groups. They also observed intriguing findings regarding gender and racial or ethnic diversity. Based on their findings, they provide recommendations for the fostering of academic success and the design and implementation of educational programs and practices for immigrant children.  相似文献   

The study tested the relationship between occupational aspirations/expectations (type and status) and decision-making difficulties, efficacy and career barriers in 498 Chinese high school students. Males aspired to investigative and enterprising types, but expected realistic and enterprising ones; females aspired to enterprising and conventional types, but expected conventional and social ones. Students with aspirations/expectations type discrepancies were more likely to be higher achieving females; those with aspirations/expectations status discrepancies had poorer academic achievement, less confidence and perceived more barriers.  相似文献   

Many factors affect an undergraduate student's postbaccalaureate plans. Academic interests, career-related factors, finances, and various psychological and sociological factors all have been found to be related to interest in advanced education. Few studies, however, are gender-specific in examining the relation of parental educational attainment to their children's aspirations. Such data would be helpful in the attempts to understand the continued underrepresentation of women in most fields requiring advanced degrees. All seniors at a large Midwestern university with at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average planning to graduate in spring or summer of 1986 were sent questionnaires dealing with their postgraduation plans. Of these 1900 surveys, 791 (42%) were returned. Results reported here examine the relation of future educational plans to gender of student, educational level of parent, and field of study. A modeling effect not noted in previous literature is discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the complex development and contradictory current state of affairs of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Finland. Rather than presenting a harmonious picture of the Finnish ECEC system, the authors have chosen to look at the problematic way in which national policies concerning ECEC have been interpreted and implemented. The road from legislation and national regulations (e.g. the National Curriculum Guidelines) on ECEC in Finland to implementation has been a convoluted one and the implementations may vary remarkably according to how the documents have been interpreted. Several results of this can be seen as less than favourable. For example, due to attempts to enlarge the scope of Finnish ECEC, its primary task – promoting the well‐being, development and learning of the child – has gradually been obscured. In addition, a number of ‘external’ factors such as rivalry between professional groups have influenced the shaping of the ECEC field more than one would like to admit. A more analytical approach to ECEC is called for in order to avoid new misinterpretations of the national policies and consequent adverse policy effects.  相似文献   

The growing world-wide sensitivity to the aspirations of indigenous peoples is to be welcomed. However, there is still a tendency which should be avoided: to lump the claims of indigenous peoples with those of minorities. Indigenous peoples are the heirs of long-established political, social and cultural communities which have been oppressed for centuries or victimized by policies of genocide or forced assimilation into the approved language and religion of the dominating community. These forms of destruction can only be truly ended by returning to indigenous peoples a degree of autonomy which will ensure that they have real control over their future. Indigenous peoples should be able to create institutions, including schools, where their languages, religions and cultures are permitted to flourish without interference.
Zusammenfassung Wachsende weltweite Sensibilisierung gegenüber den Bedürfnissen einheimischer Völker sind sicherlich begrüßenswert. Vermieden werden sollte jedoch die Tendenz, die Ansprüche einheimischer Völker mit denen der Minderheiten gleichzusetzen. Einheimische Völker sind Erben langansässiger politischer, sozialer und kultureller Gemeinden, die jahrhundertelang unterdrückt oder Opfer politisch motivierten Massenmordes wurden, oder aber die dazu gezwungen wurden, sich der Sprache und Religion der dominierenden Gruppe zu unterwerfen. Diese Art von Zerstörung kann nur dann endgültig beendet werden, wenn einheimischen Völkern die für eine wahre Kontrolle über ihre Zukunft nötige Autonomie zugestanden wird. Einheimische Völker sollten die Möglichkeit bekommen, Institutionen und Schulen einzurichten zur Pflege und Weiterentwicklung ihrer eigenen Sprache, Religion und Kultur ohne Intervention von dritter Seite.

Resumen La creciente sensibilidad que se registra en todo el mundo ante las aspiraciones de los indígenas es un hecho muy positivo. Sin embargo, aun subsiste una tendencia que debe evitarse: no deben agruparse las reivindicaciones de los indígenas con las exigencias de minorías. Los indígenas son los herederos de communidades políticas, sociales y culturales establecidas desde hace mucho tiempo, que fucron oprimidas durante siglos o víctimas de políticas de genocidios o de asimilación forzada a la lengua y a la religión oficial de la comunidad dominante. Estas formas de destrución solamente podrán suprimirse devolviendo a los indígenas un grado de autonomia que les asegure un real control de su propio futuro. Los indígenas deberían recibir la posibilidad de crear instituciones, e incluso escuelas, donde sus lenguas, religiones y culturas puedan florecer sin sufrir interferencias.

Résumé La sensibilisation croissante au niveau mondial pour les aspirations des populations autochtones doit être encouragée. Une tendance reste cependant à éviter: confondre les revendications des peuples autochtones avec celles des minorités. Les premiers sont les héritiers de communautés politiques, sociales et culturelles implantées de longue date, qui ont été opprimées pendant des siècles, ou sont devenues victimes de politiques génocides, ou encore forcées à l'assimilation de la langue et de la religion autorisées par la communauté dominatrice. On ne pourra mettre un terme définitif à ces formes de destruction que si les populations autochtones recouvrent un minimum d'autonomie qui leur assurera une maîtrise véritable de leur avenir. Les peuples autochtones devraient pouvoir créer des institutions, dont les écoles, où leurs langues, leurs religions et leurs cultures seraient libres de s'épanouir sans ingérence.

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《社戏》是鲁迅作品中颇具特色的一篇 ,内涵丰富。“社戏”即指“社会之戏”或“人生的戏” ,而不单单指向“社戏”这一地方戏种 ,因而具有极深的社会意义和批判意识。作者以相当篇幅的优美抒写传达出另一角度观照下所呈现的又一心理态势 :审美经验与人生境界的渐入。这是同一文本 ,不同角度之下的两种读解。  相似文献   

《社戏》是鲁迅作品中颇具特色的一篇,内涵丰富。“社戏”即指“社会主义”或“人生的戏”,而不是单指向“社戏”这一地方戏种,因而具有极深的社会意义和批判意识,作对相当篇幅的优美抒写传达出另一角度观照下呈现的又一心理态势;审美经验与人行境界的渐入。这是同一本,不同角度之下的两种读解。  相似文献   

With increased academic and social challenges at school, middle childhood can be a particularly stressful time. The present study explored how a sample of children from a supportive learning environment interpreted, experienced and reported coping with everyday stress at school. Using a phenomenological approach, third graders attending an elementary school in the United States participated in semi-structured interviews in which they could discuss the nature of stress, stressful moments at school, and their responses to different situations. Despite nearly optimal learning conditions, child reports included a range of school stressors. Children’s interpretations of ‘stress’ seemed inextricably linked to their learning and social obstacles at school; those daily experiences were further linked to coping strategies. The discussion section emphasises the importance of understanding how children interpret and report stress and coping, and how pastoral care can support young students.  相似文献   

Sex-role ideology and the aspirations of high school girls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The author presents the result of a quantitative survey as a part of a larger mixed-methods study conducted across two case study schools in urban Jamaica. It focuses on Black Caribbean boys' levels of educational aspirations in relation to their economic, social, and embodied cultural capital. The study utilizes Bourdieu's notions of capital, reconceptualized to match the sociocultural context of the research and set within a critical realist metatheoretical framework. Logistic regression models, supported by participants' narratives, show boys' educational aspirations to be highly predictable by their level of capital—including dispositional beliefs held through influence of the maternal family both locally and in the Jamaican diaspora of the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada.  相似文献   

Reflective practice: origins and interpretations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The idea of reflection is central to the theory and practice of learning – especially learning which is grounded in past or current experience. This paper proposes a working definition of reflection and reviews its origins and recent developments. The author also provides an account of ‘critical reflection’, including its rationale and characteristics, and argues for its particular suitability in the practice of action learning.  相似文献   

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