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1956年发生在中东地区的苏伊士运河危机震动了全世界,当时的主要大国都卷入了这场危机。其中美国与这场危机的关系特别耐人寻味。推行新殖民主义政策的美国应对危机的发生与第二次中东战争的爆发负主要的责任,而美国反对英法以武力解决危机的原因,是出于其与苏联争夺全球霸主地位的战略考虑。这一危机对中东后来形势的发展产生了深远影响  相似文献   

权力政治论与均势论是国际关系中影响较大的两种理论,对二战后美国中东政策有重要影响。在杜鲁门政府对1946年的伊朗危机,1947年的希、土危机,巴勒斯坦分治及以色列建国等一系列重大事件的处理中,体现了这两大理论在战后初期美国中东政策中的运用。  相似文献   

石油是我们看待美国中东政策的一个视角和窗口.美国的中东石油外交政策在美国的中东外交中占有十分重要的地位,不仅是维护美国垄断财团利益、美国中东石油利益的重要措施,更对美国国家安全有重大影响.美国通过合作主义外交有效地维护了美国在中东的战略利益,但美国在对外扩张的同时,也体现了其权力与自由的悖论,而这也反映了美国民主的困境.  相似文献   

冷战背景下,争夺石油霸权是美苏争夺的焦点之一。伊朗石油国有化给美国插手中东石油带来机会。美国及其盟国对中东石油的依赖,不可避免地涉及到国家安全问题。美国的国家利益、国家安全要求遏制苏联在中东的影响和削弱英国势力。美国的中东政策深受石油因素的影响,美国政府和石油公司把中东石油与国家安全联系起来考虑,制定政策。在伊朗石油国有化运动中,美国在国家安全的构架下,遏制苏联石油扩张,排挤英国,确保美国及其西方盟国石油供给安全,美国在中东的石油安全政策初步形成。  相似文献   

中东战略地位十分重要 ,二战后这里一直是苏美两个超级大国的必争之地。前苏联解体后 ,中东已成为美国国际战略的重要一环 ;加上中东地区丰富的石油资源 ,更显示中东地位的重要性。从伊拉克入侵科威特到海湾战争结束和 1993年克林顿入主白宫后 ,美国在中东事务中 ,采取了两种不同的政策 ,即在西面 ,拉动、调解巴以和谈 ;在东面 ,遏制两伊 ,并极力支持推翻萨达姆的统治。但其执行情况都事与愿违 ,现已陷入困境和失败。巴以和谈陷入僵局 ,战争一触即发巴以和谈已成为美国的一块心病 ,美在巴以和谈中屡遭挫折 ,屡次调解失败。 1993年 9月 13日 …  相似文献   

押两伊战争不仅是交战双方——伊朗和伊拉克之间的厮杀,同时由于处在冷战两极格局之中,美苏两个超级大国实际上也在暗中进行较量,并通过它们的外交政策体现出来。对美国来说,保证波斯湾自由通航与遏制苏联是其首要的战略目标,而对苏联来说,获得两伊在阿富汗问题上的妥协与防止美国在中东的扩张是其战略重心。两国围绕各自的战略目标,根据战争形势不断调整政策,按照政策倾向均可分为三个阶段。通过比较各阶段的政策,探究美苏在外交立场和举措上的相同与不同之处,揭示其合作与竞争的本质特点。  相似文献   

美国政府的中东政策肇始于杜鲁门政府,成熟于艾森豪威尔政府时期.从战后初期美国中东政策形成过程来看,它的目标具有多重性.首先,“遏制“苏联在中东地区的扩张,防止共产主义在世界各地的蔓延,这是美国在中东最直接、最突出的目标;其次,排挤英、法在中东的势力,这是美国中东政策中应有的既定目标,是其中较为隐蔽的一项内容;第三,实现美国的国家利益,是美国中东政策的核心目标.  相似文献   

政治伊斯兰的出现极大地影响了美国在中东地区的利益.但与遏制苏联的全球战略相比,对付政治伊斯兰的问题显然处于次要地位,而且卡特、里根和老布什三任政府都试图利用伊斯兰力量制约苏联.老布什政府对阿尔及利亚选举进程的态度充分说明美国政府对政治伊斯兰力量的怀疑与不信任,也说明伊朗伊斯兰革命对美国的中东政策产生了深远影响.这一时期,美国并没有出台对政治伊斯兰的明确而连续的政策.  相似文献   

中东有两个“桶”,西边是火药桶,巴以处在火药桶的中心;东边是油桶,伊朗、伊拉克处在世界油库的中心。美国出于维护自身利益的考虑,凭借自己在中东的主宰地位,在相当程度上主导着中东的战与和。美国既要在东边维持油库地区的局势稳定,以确保其中东石油运输线的安全;又要参与解决巴以争端,不让西边的火药桶冒烟起火,甚至是爆炸。1991年,美国组建多国部队打赢了海湾战争,确保了油桶的安全。但自2000年9月以来,西边的火药桶一直在吱吱冒烟,而美国并没有发挥太多建设性的作用,这无疑和美国中东政策的调整有关。小布什政府自上台…  相似文献   

"心脏地带论"与"边缘地带论"是地缘政治理论发展过程中的两大重要理论,极大地影响着二战后的美国中东政策。杜鲁门政府对1946年伊朗危机和1947年希、土危机的处理,对以色列建国及其生存发展的支持,在中东组建地区性军事同盟及对中东民族解放运动的压制等,都体现了地缘政治理论在战后初期美国中东政策中的运用。  相似文献   

在1951~1954年间,美国通过与盟友签订一系列双边或多边条约建立起西太平洋集体防务体系。西太平洋集体防务体系是冷战时期美国全球战略的重要组成部分。它的建立反映出美国的远东地区战略不仅是为应对远东局势变化而作出的调整,也是协调盟友问矛盾的结果。  相似文献   

Michael Lightfoot 《Compare》2015,45(5):705-726
This paper aims to highlight the issues associated with the implementation of education reform policies relating to ‘future schools’ in a small state in the Middle East and North Africa region. The study points to the consistency with which global corporations and the supranational organisations, such as UNESCO and the World Bank, promote a twenty-first-century skill agenda as an essential component for educational renewal and innovation; but, with equal consistency, it highlights the difficulties that school practitioners face in trying to enact this agenda by way of the reformist policies. Through focus-group discussions supplemented by interviews with senior school leaders and government officers, a complex web unfolds related to the enactment of education reforms in a fragile Arab state, to such an extent that the ‘future schools’ narrative is seen to have little or no importance in the wider reform process. Arising from interview data, three main themes emerge related to: organisational culture, technology and tradition. Far from promoting, amongst students, the development of twenty-first-century skills, the strength of local traditions and epistemology are of much greater importance than the neoliberal imaginary with which policies from the Global North are imbued. Whilst avoiding essentialist arguments, the study contributes to the growing body of literature, in the wake of the Arab Spring, that questions the boiler plate implementation of Western ideals upon countries with very different cultural and epistemological traditions.  相似文献   

Japanese flagship universities at a crossroads   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The increasing pace and scope of global structural change has left Japanese flagship universities at a crossroads. Reflecting upon historical trends, current policy changes and respective institutional strategies for global marketing among Japanese top research universities, the author discusses possible future directions for these institutions and how key decisions may be influenced by selected national policies. By taking a more active role in building flagship universities and making use of higher education for social and economic development, the Japanese government has already taken concrete measures to keep apace with higher education policies of neighboring Asian countries. However, in the author’s view, whether or not Japan can truly develop and maintain world-class universities ultimately depends on an overall improvement in the status of East Asian higher education.  相似文献   

Justin S. Sanders 《Compare》2019,49(3):413-429
This cross-case analysis explores national level internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) policies in Singapore and Japan. Through comparison of the state level internationalisation strategies, this paper aims to highlight how each country’s unique policy environment impacts their approach to IoHE. The analysis suggests that despite the differing national circumstances and ultimate approaches to internationalisation, both states use it primarily as a means to stay competitive in the twenty-first century global knowledge-based economy. This suggests that while IoHE does build bridges between nations, institutions, and individuals within and between regions, within these cases it is being driven by nationally-centred rationales. While some criticize a competition orientation in IoHE, even with such rationales it may still serve to drive greater collaboration and integration among East Asian higher education systems.  相似文献   

东亚外语教育政策是东亚国家转型和发展进程中的重要教育战略,经历了"文明开化"、"沟通交流"和"提升国际竞争力"的战略演进过程。当代东亚外语教育政策发展在政策主体、政策内容以及政策机制等方面特色鲜明,比较和借鉴东亚外语教育政策发展的战略特征和趋势,有助于继续深入推进中国的外语教育发展和变革。  相似文献   

我国区域政策经历了从改革开放初的"东部优先",到20世纪末和本世纪初的"东部优先"与"西部开发"、"东北振兴"、"中部崛起"相配合的协调互动发展战略的过程。对不同时期政策效率的解释是一个重要的理论和现实问题。文章分析了开放经济下,异质性地区间对外资的竞争和中央最优政策选择问题。基于两阶段斯塔克尔伯格博弈模型,文章对中央的地区差别性和相同性政策的效率进行了比较,最后对其在我国区域发展战略上的意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The rise of information technology coupled with the globalization of the economy has thrust the identity and sovereignty of the nation-state into sharp focus over the last two decades. Against this fast-changing background, the response of many countries has been to develop policies aimed at creating national information infrastructures (NII) - often with educational networking initiatives as an integral or pioneering element. Given the emerging global policyscape (Ball 1999) towards creating educational information networks this paper presents a comparative analysis of policy-making across Europe, East Asia and the USA. In analysing education networking in seven case-study countries, the paper emphasizes a political economy perspective; thus focusing attention on the role of the state and the varying relationship between education, economy and society. Having explored the varying motivations and objectives behind countries' education networking programmes the paper concludes by outlining an educational research agenda for future examination of NII policies as they continue to be implemented in developed nations over the next decade.  相似文献   

In this article I describe the cultural origins of educational values and practices in East Asia, particularly Japan and China. Values and assumptions concerning ability and effort have deeply rooted origins in the cultural traditions of these nations. The observable differences in educational practice and thinking between these nations and the West exist for reasons that lie beneath the surface. Such unseen factors are not easily changed by simple advocacy or even by formal educational policies. I argue that at the same time that trends toward global diffusion of educational policies are gathering steam, care must be taken to understand the cultural context from which policies are being borrowed and into which they will be implemented.  相似文献   

范文程作为满清第一功臣,他一切以民情、民心和民利为依归,制定各项经济、政治和军事政策,为清王朝入主中原、一统天下、走向盛世,铸就了开拓之功。其民本思想主要体现在六个方面:一是以救济天下苍生为己任,择明主而事之;二是以民情、民心和民利为圭臬,制定攻守之策;三是行仁政、废明末弊政以安人心;四是任贤使能以得民心;五是禁杀戮,不扰民,布德政;六是倡垦荒、兴屯田以谋民利。  相似文献   

This article analyses the new educational mandate for Latin America, exploring its repercussions on the design and development of certain educational policies. In particular, it concentrates both on the anti‐poverty educational agenda (at a global level) and on targeted educational policies (at a regional, national and local level), analyzing, on one hand, their interaction and, on the other, their limits, opportunities and omissions. Within this framework, the article is organised as follows. First, it presents the current anti‐poverty educational agenda, analysing its thesis and foundations. Second, it discusses the repercussions of this agenda on Latin America, explaining the emergence, spread and logic of action of targeted educational policies. The third and fourth sections focus on a particular model of educational targeting, initially explaining the features of the programme (called Bolsa Escola) and then presenting an assessment of its impacts from an educational standpoint. Finally, to conclude, it analyses the shortcomings and omissions of both targeted educational policies and the global anti‐poverty agenda.  相似文献   

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