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一、引用教育理论界定研究内容教师们为能清楚地界定研究内容,经常需要首先抓住课题的核心概念加以认识和说明,确定研究的起点。理论是经过某些实践检验而被验证的一系列假说,引用理论对客观事物和规律的概括性说明,可以为研究问题和假设提出找到一定的科学依据。如“在教学实践反思中提高青年教师自我监控能力的研究”,它的核心概念是“教学实践反思”和“自我监控能力”。只有明确这两个概念,研究内容才能界定准确。课题组借鉴发展心理学理论,提出这样的界定:(1)教学实践反思是指教师以自己的教学活动过程为思考对象,对自己的教学决策、教…  相似文献   

从目前中小学教师申报的各级科研课题情况看,研究内容的界定是论证中较薄弱的部分。具体表现为:课题题目很响亮,内容设计却显得空泛、简单,内在逻辑性不强;有些研究内容铺设庞大,不恰当,甚至偏离研究目标。为此我们选择了一些案例,从不同的角度进行分析,仅给教师们提供一点参考。案例1:信息技术与语文学科课程整合的实践研究课题把研究的重点放在语文学习资源与学习过程的合理有效的整合上。将“整合”界定为有机结合,并且指出:(1)这里的学习资源是指学习过程中所要利用的来自于各种媒体的各种信息和有信息技术参与的环境条件;(2)学习过程是…  相似文献   


While the ‘action’ portion of a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project is a crucial component of the process, action tends to be challenging to define, achieve, and measure. The current paper both defines and describes action within the context of a particular PAR collaboration and explores the process and challenges of navigating and implementing action in a PAR project. The specific PAR project detailed in this paper was executed within a higher education setting and involves a group of undergraduate women co-researchers studying their experiences in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.  相似文献   

聚众斗殴罪系从修订前《刑法》规定的流氓罪分解而来。作为一种较为常见的犯罪行为,该罪的设立对打击扰乱社会管理秩序的犯罪.维护社会稳定具有重要作用。但司法实践中对该罪如何正确界定尚存不少争议,本文试对该罪在司法认定中易产生争议的几个问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some aspects concerning the defining process in geometrical context, in the reference frame of the theory of figural concepts. The discussion will consider two different, but not antithetical, points of view. On the one hand, the problem of definitions will be considered in the general context of geometrical reasoning; on the other hand, the problem of definition will be considered an educational problem and consequently, analysed in the context of school activities. An introductory discussion focuses on definitions from the point of view of both Mathematics and education. The core of the paper concerns the analysis of some examples taken from a teaching experiment at the 6th grade level. The interaction between figural and conceptual aspects of geometrical reasoning emerges from the dynamic of collective discussions: the contributions of different voices in the discussion allows conflicts to appear and draw toward a harmony between figural and conceptual components. A basic role is played by the intervention of the teacher in guiding the discussion and mediating the defining process.  相似文献   

试论高校高教研究所的职能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在关于高校高教所职能问题上,“有为才能有住”的观念具有明显的误导作用。原因在于它背离了教育理论研究应该始终坚持的非功利目标和以思想、化创造为宗旨的目的。高校高教所(室)承担的高教理论研究的职责具有独特性和不可取代性,无须通过刻意的“有为”争取其“位”。因此,远离功利是从事高教理论研完的人员应该具有的理性认识。  相似文献   

The following excerpts are from Chapter Two of Mario D. Fantini's 1986 Regaining Excellence in Education, reprinted by permission of Merrill Publishing Company.  相似文献   

Defining Quality     
This paper addresses the nature of the concept of quality in relation to higher education. It analyses ways of thinking about quality, considers their relevance to higher education, explores their interrelationships and examines their philosophical and political underpinnings. The relative nature of quality is examined. First, quality means different things to different people. Second, quality is relative to ‘processes’ or ‘outcomes’. The widely differing conceptualisations of quality are grouped into five discrete but interrelated categories. Quality can be viewed as exception, as perfection, as fitness for purpose, as value for money and as transformative.

Determining criteria for assessing quality in higher education requires an understanding of different conceptions of quality that inform the preferences of stakeholders.  相似文献   

《国语》中的判断句都是无判断词判断句,其判断谓语有名词性词语,动词性词语和形容词性词语,“是”不是单纯的指代词,它还有超出其指代性的语法特征,“为”具有判断主语和主语所指属性及其类别的功能。  相似文献   

普通话语流音变现象中"轻声"的定义涉及与之相关的"轻音"、"轻读",文章从静态和动态两个方面对"轻声"、"轻音"、"轻读"进行辨析,并谈到辨析这三个概念的现实意义。  相似文献   

Policy, research and practice in special needs education are inevitably determined by our conceptions of ‘special needs’ and our understanding of that phrase. There is a distinction between (1) the meaning of the phrase (the linguistic equivalent of ‘special’ and ‘needs’) and (2) the criteria of application (what is to count as a special need). Both (1) and (2) are here explored, and it is shown that both depend ultimately on value judgements about what is important or desirable in human life and not just on empirical fact. Those concerned with the theory and practice of special needs have to face the task of clarifying, and defending, the value judgements on which their work relies.  相似文献   

和谐社会感知是群众对和谐社会建设程度的主观感受,对此进行关注有利于进一步满足人们的美好生活需求,并且提高社会治理水平。以场理论为分析视角,从受保障程度入手,利用MIMIC模型分析主观保障和客观保障对和谐社会感知的双重效应,结果表明:和谐社会感知的全国简单均值为3.39,加权因子值为14.01,占最大值的67.5%;自评社会经济地位、社会性医疗保险与养老保险对和谐社会感知的影响显著为正,并且前者的效应始终高于后两者;社会公平感、生活幸福感的提升以及年龄的增加能显著提高和谐社会感知,而收入和受教育程度的提高却降低了和谐社会感知。  相似文献   

Defining Minimal Competence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do we explain the standard-setting process to judges? What context should we set for the standard-setting exercise? How can we help judges develop a common definition of minimal competence?  相似文献   

本文揭示了“反训”说自身存在的问题 ,进而通过对郭璞所针对的训释材料及郭璞在注释中阐明的观点的分析 ,指出“反训”是对郭璞原意的误会和曲解。“反训”说所面对的是正反同词现象。正反同词现象发生的深层原因是辩证思维观念、矛盾的对立统一及其转化的观念。  相似文献   

利用正交性定义Hermite多项式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hermite多项式的定义源自于Hermite方程,也可由母函数e^2Xt-t2关于t的幂级数展开而得到.Hermite多项式在权函数e^x2下具有正交性.反之可以证明,在一定条件下具有此正交性的多项式也一定是Hermite多项式.  相似文献   

作为一种最成功的社会治理模式,宪政主义已经被全世界广泛模仿.但是种种原因导致了对其概念的混乱理解和有意歪曲,为了避免宪政主义的失败可能,并为包括中国在内的非西方国家实现宪政主义提供有益的借鉴,必须寻找宪政主义的真正含义.目前对于宪政主义的定义多停留在"要素论模式",这种定义方式是有其自身的缺陷的,不适于单独界定宪政主义,应当对"要素论模式"进行改良,引入"方法论模式",不但强调构成要素,而且强调构成要素之间的构成方法--结构性约束.结构性约束将构成要素分为目的性要素和手段性要素,目的性要素始终都是核心,而手段性要素永远不能作为宪政主义的核心价值诉求.  相似文献   

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