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改革开放以来,中学政治课程研究不断深入。文章通过对我国中学政治课程研究成果的回顾,总结了课程研究的发展历程、课程研究的问题与观点,并认为中学政治课程研究中存在着局限于教学论视域、忽视课程基础理论的反思性研究、研究定位的政策化模式、缺乏对课程发展历史的理性探讨等问题,提出了以基础理论研究为指导增强课程的综合研究能力、在社会转型背景下总结课程发展的特点与规律、在比较研究中探讨本土化的课程发展模式等研究视点。  相似文献   

课程资源研究概述及发展路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2001年课程理论界正式探讨课程资源问题至今,对课程理论的研究已经形成了比较系统的研究框架:在课程资源的基本性质方面探讨了课程资源的含义及来源、课程资源的层次结构、特点;在对课程资源的开发与利用上主要分析了课程资源开发的意义、价值取向、课程资源开发与教师的发展、开发的原则、途径及模式、实践开发的主要领域等。在此基础上,课程资源研究的发展路径应立足以下几方面:加强对地区和学校在课程资源的建设与管理上的统筹与协调研究;课程资源开发的市场化研究;课程资源开发中的整体性思维和生态思维;对学科教学开发研究的深入、课程资源开发评价的分析研究等。  相似文献   

课程史研究在课程理论与实践中具有重要的学术价值,它是传承课程思想的根基、创新课程理论的依托、课程改革的借镜和构建教育学中国学派的源头。我国课程史研究有着悠久的历史,在20世纪二三十年代,课程史研究形成了第一次高潮。新中国成立后,课程史研究相对沉寂。改革开放以后,随着课程论学科的发展和课程实践的推进,我国课程史研究逐步深入。当前课程史研究还存在诸多问题:课程理论研究中不重视历史思维和历史方法,研究方法论亟须完善,研究队伍有待加强。课程史研究处于相对“冷门”的状况,既不利于课程改革的现实需要,也不利于课程理论创新的需要。课程史研究应构建适切主题,加强史实挖掘,重视理论构建,关注现实发展,使其在课程理论完善和课程实践探索中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

从2001年课程理论界正式探讨课程资源问题至今,对课程理论的研究已经形成了比较系统的研究框架:在课程资源的基本性质方面探讨了课程资源的含义及来源、课程资源的层次结构、特点;在对课程资源的开发与利用上主要分析了课程资源开发的意义、价值取向、课程资源开发与教师的发展、开发的原则、途径及模式、实践开发的主要领域等。在此基础上,课程资源研究的发展路径应立足以下几方面:加强对地区和学校在课程资源的建设与管理上的统筹与协调研究;课程资源开发的市场化研究;课程资源开发中的整体性思维和生态思维;对学科教学开发研究的深入、课程资源开发评价的分析研究等。  相似文献   

国内综合课程研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合课程是基础教育课程改革所倡导的一种重要的课程类型,在我国自觉开展综合课程的实验与研究已有二十多年.本文就以往(主要侧重于进入新世纪以来)国内综合课程相关研究成果进行梳理与分析,主要内容涉及综合课程的基本理论问题、课程综合化的相关研究、综合课程的开发、综合课程的实施等研究.在此基础上反思综合课程的研究特点与趋势.  相似文献   

远程教育课程研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,我国的远程教育课程研究有了新的进展,研究内容主要集中在理论基础、课程设计、课程开发、课程资源建设以及课程教学质量等方面。未来远程教育课程研究将呈现以下趋势:加强远程教育课程理论研究,提高远程教育课程研究队伍的专业水平,增强远程教育课程研究的独立意识。  相似文献   

从当前世界和我国范围内的课程研究的趋势看,"课程文化"研究逐渐成为当前课程研究的主导话语方式,课程文化成为课程论研究需要特别关注的对象。本文的研究目的旨在用课程文化的研究范式在观念与制度层面推进课程研究,进而探讨课程研究视角和主题问题。近几年来的课程文化研究,在今天全球化的大背景下,为解决课程研究中的普适化和本土化、移植与原创、依附与借鉴的矛盾关系具有重要价值和意义。  相似文献   

课程研究是教育研究中的一个重要研究领域,课程研究范式规定着课程研究的价值取向与方法。本文在探讨几个典型课程研究范式的基础上,提出了课程研究范式发展的新趋势,把满足社会和受教育者两种需求作为前提,在借鉴传统研究的基础上,开发国际化、地方化、个性化等多元化的教育课程。  相似文献   

教师课程理解是教师对课程现象、课程文本和课程事件的意义解读的过程,体现了课程研究范式从"开发"走向"理解"。目前有关教师课程理解研究的内容主要包括理解取向、理解方式、理解内容、影响理解的因素及策略等,教师课程理解研究对于课程理论的发展以及教师课程实践能力的提高具有促进作用。在今后教师课程理解研究中应注意明确教师课程理解的内涵、拓展研究主题、丰富实证研究。  相似文献   

课程批评具有重要的理论和实践价值。但在我国课程研究中缺乏对课程批评的关注,虽然。尤其是从新课程改革以来,有关课程问题的争论不断涌现,可由于缺乏课程批评的理论和知识,在课程争论过程中频繁出现失范现象,甚至出现过激行为。为此加强课程批评的研究,使其在课程研究中占有一席之地,已成为刻不容缓的趋势。加强课程批评的研究,关注、研究课程批评的合理性和可行性:把握其研究的主题和问题域;要分析课程批评本身所反映的课程和社会、文化关系的互动变化:初步形成一批具有中国特色的课程批评研究范式、涌现一批优秀的批评专家和批评共同体;对课程批评的回应要采取合适的行动策略;重视运用科学和人文的研究方法探索课程批评的目标、标准、机制和手段。  相似文献   

心理教育是在一定情境中展开的,心理教育目标通过情境的作用影响学生心理品质的提升。物质情境是开展心理教育的基础,从心理教育名称所构成的情境到心理教育的空间情境和咨询室的情境设计等都潜在地影响心理教育的成效。心理教育过程对学生的影响是即时的、综合的、流动的,文章着力分析的是暖身情境、问题情境、留白情境、模拟情境等。  相似文献   

教学情境的设计是一门艺术 ,同其他一切艺术一样 ,它执著地追求美。它要求教者所设计的教学情境要真实自然 ,以便于学生对所学内容的应用 ;要情景交融 ,以有效激发学生的情意因素 ;要富有新意 ,以开启学生的创新思维。这要求作为教育艺术家的教师必须进行不懈的探索与追求  相似文献   

用于完成体的情景具有不同的结构,完成体会表现出不同的量化特征。影响这种量化特征的因素主要是作为情景构成要素的事件与状态的数量和组合方式。根据这一特征,情景类型可以分为双界情景、单界情景、虚界情景和无界情景。这四种情景类型对完成体量化方式的具体影响各有不同。  相似文献   

This article examines the construction of occupational expertise through problematic situations encountered during everyday work. The human‐centred and knowledge‐intensive domains of current working life, for instance human resource development (HRD), contain various problem situations which tend to be open and unstructured, lacking a single solution. Those ill‐defined problem situations characterise also HRD as a domain of expertise which requires multidisciplinary formal knowledge and, especially, the ability to make use of it. Accordingly, it is suggested that learning to be an expert in HRD can be seen as a constructive process where varied formal knowledge and previous experiences of the domain are applied, contested and transformed into new forms of practical knowledge. Thus, much of the expertise in HRD will eventually be constructed through experience in practical problem‐solving situations. Those situations and the ways in which a HR developer interprets an event and chooses and tries out resolutions can be seen as an interpretative and narrative process which influences the construction of expertise. The study presented here aimed to understand within the narrative framework the nature of problematic situations in work as an experiential resource for the construction of expertise among HR developers. Twenty experienced HR developers in various workplaces in Finland were interviewed and asked to tell about problematic situations, how they were resolved and what was learnt from the process. The interviewees’ stories exhibited the diversity of HRD as a domain of expertise. However, in sum, communication, interactivity, collaboration and the involvement of management, which are commonly presented as ideals in HRD, are in fact the primary sources of problematic situations, and thus also of new learning in the HR developer's world. On the basis of the interviewees’ stories about problems and resolutions it is concluded, firstly, that much of an HR developer's expertise seem to be constructed through promoting and acting in dialogue, and, secondly, that it can be characterised as a flexible and inclusive state of mind rather than the application of routine procedures, and that going through problematic situations bestows confidence regarding practical knowledge in future situations.  相似文献   

A growing, but still relatively small body of research underscores the importance of attending to students’ experiences and emotions in higher education. One specific context in which emotions have a focal role is formal feedback situations. The aim of this paper is to provide a literature overview on the role of emotions, in sociology in general and learning in particular, and to draw on this literature in order to tentatively suggest how the role of students’ emotions can increasingly be accounted for in the context of feedback situations. The claim of the paper is that emotions should not be considered as hindering learning. Rather, it underlines the focal role of emotions in learning as being a natural part of it. The paper suggests that learning activities such as ‘feedback preparation activities’ and ‘feedback-on-the-feedback’ can be helpful in order to acknowledge students’ emotions in formal feedback situations.  相似文献   

污名是社会对某些个体或群体贬低性、侮辱性的标签,给被污名者的生活带来诸多不便,并对其心理健康产生负面影响。由于人们拥有许多不同的社会身份,并且污名现象只发生在特定的情境当中,因此,人们就可以在特定情境中,切换自己的认同,认同自己有价值的、受人尊重的社会身份,提高该身份在当前情境中的显著性,以此来消除污名身份的消极影响,找回因污名丧失的自我价值。  相似文献   

“法律儒家化”是中国法制史上的基本观点,但对此观点需要全面地认识和辩证地分析,不能绝对化和片面化。从魏晋至隋唐儒学发展的态势、法律发展变化的实际情形和法律儒家化的特殊机理三个方面对法律儒家化重新予以解释和剖析,可以看出,法律儒家化的观点虽然从总体上能够成立,但不宜以绝对化、片面化的态度视之,而要深入认识我国古代法律发展过程的复杂性。  相似文献   

“よ”是日语里最频繁使用的终助词之一,灵活使用“よ”是顺畅交流的催化剂。其所使用的情景、所起的作用、所表现的语气效果非常多。本文主要以“よ”的告知作用为中心,详细分析了它的使用场合,并深入研究了它的表现功能,同时分析了它的中文翻译。  相似文献   

We examine classroom situations which allow the learning of rules of mathematical reasoning. Drawing on an epistemological analysis and G. Brousseau's theory of situations, we define a priori theoretical characteristics which such situations must possess. We then use this analysis, and hypotheses about the cognitive functioning of pupils of this age, to establish learning situations for the rule of the excluded middle, and for the use of the figure in geometry. We report the results of experimentation with two of thses situations and show that, through the study of a mathematical problem, debate about these rules can be generated amongst students aged twelve to thirteen. We explain why, in our opinion, for epistemological reasons linked to the two particular rules concerned, it is necessary for the teacher to conclude the debate, and we examine our cognitive hypotheses against the actual results of experimentation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary purpose of this study was to use an ecological assessment model to obtain a better understanding of difficult situations that home visitors confront when implementing home visitation services. METHOD: A mixed method study was used which included conducting focus groups to identify specific situations faced by home visitors who implement the Healthy Families America model of child abuse and neglect prevention. The results of the focus groups were used to design a survey. The survey had 91 Healthy Families home visitors rate situations according to frequency and difficulty. RESULTS: The results revealed that situations that were ranked most difficult included working with families where there are limited resources, where family mental illness is present (e.g., threatening suicide), where there is substance use in the home, and where families are unmotivated. A factor analysis of the situations produced five factors that reflect the difficulty of doing home visitation: having a lack of clinical skill, addressing family difficulties, addressing parenting difficulties, resolving personal difficulties, and having a lack of experience. CONCLUSION: The situations identified in this study can assist in developing the competencies needed by home visitors. The factor analysis results can be conceptualized into an inventory for staff supervision, with workers completing the inventory to identify individual areas of training needs.  相似文献   

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