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In contrast to the continued decline of liberal arts education in the US, there has been a revived interest in liberal arts education in Asian countries in recent years. Grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the central tenets of liberal arts education in the West, this paper looks into the struggles Asian countries face in their exploration of liberal arts education and provides a direction for Asian countries in their efforts to practice liberal arts education. This paper establishes the deep connections between humanistic approaches of the Confucian tradition and liberal arts education by pointing to a common ground for the education of humanity. Ultimately, the purpose of liberal arts education, in the East as well as in the West, should be the liberation of human beings from the constraints of ignorance, prejudice and traditional customs and through the cultivation of a cosmopolitan morality that emphasizes unity, solidarity and the fusion of humankind. Chinese universities should contemplate the purpose and value of higher education in the 21st century and tap into the rich resources of Confucianism in order to give its liberal arts education a “soul.”  相似文献   

对包豪斯的介绍和研究过去侧重于设计或工艺的角度。本文认为,如果仅从这一角度去研究,那就还没有真正把包豪斯说透。本文从不同角度论证了包豪斯之于现代艺术和现代艺术教育的巨大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

借助学校的工科优势,通过整合原有实验教学资源,加大硬件条件建设投入,建立新的实验教学体系,建设校内实习创新基地,优化配置师资队伍,增强实验教学质量工程建设,形成食品科学与工程实验教学的工程特色,真正培养学生的工程能力和科技创新能力.  相似文献   

多元文化主义和多元文化教育是二十世纪的重要思潮,也是当今社会现实的必然产物。大学专业英语教育可以从教学理念、课程目标、教材选材、教学策略、教学评价、教学资源和教师教育七个方面培养学生的多元文化意识,使学生更好地适应多元的社会。  相似文献   

The author suggests how these papers converge in portraying the nature of motivation, learning, and achievement. That portrayal proceeds from a social—cognitive framework that stresses the centrality of goals in framing whether, when, and how students are likely to approach or avoid academic tasks. He points out, however, that approach and avoidance, although an important aspect of motivation, do not fully encompass a domain that is and has been considered the fitting purview of motivation theory and research. Especially in the realm of education, the quality of engagement that eventuates is of equal if not greater importance relative to choice and direction. However, a primary question raised in these comments relates to the nature of goals and how they operate in framing action, thought, and feelings. Some of the work reflected in the wider goal theory literature as well as in some of these papers, suggests that goals are closely linked to a varying role of self in determining the nature and direction of action, feelings, and thought. Some of the work seems to limit goals to a specific kind of objective under limited circumstances. Finally, questions are raised about whether or how the work presented would define the role of context in determining motivation. Clearly, although work reflected in these papers is truly impressive, it is impressive not just for conclusions reached but also for new questions prompted.  相似文献   

Immediately after 9/11, Burlington County College (BCC) realized that the focus of emergency preparedness must change. BCC responded by identifying community needs, developing customized simulation training using high-fidelity human patient simulators and laptop/desktop technology; developing partnerships, and securing outside funding. Over 8,500 individuals, at all levels, have received training.  相似文献   

家庭语文教育在培养小学生语文学习兴趣方面扮演着重要的角色。目前我国对培养小学生语文学习兴趣的研究主要集中在改革语文教师教学方法、提高语文教师教学技能等方面,很少有从家庭语文教育这个角度进行分析。重视小学生的语文学习,重视在家庭中开展语文教育,遵循小学生的自主学习能力规律,营造民主型家庭环境,为语文学习提供动力。  相似文献   

透过游戏的儿童审美能力培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游戏是一种极为古老、极为普遍的活动,它与艺术、仪式、宗教、战争、日常生活等各个方面都有着密切的深层的联系。自从康德把游戏带入理论思维视野之后,席勒、斯宾塞、格鲁斯等人先后从各个不同的角度对游戏进行了研究,其中之一便是心理学—教育学角度。在这一方面的研究中,又可据其侧重点不同划分为三个方向。其一是重物件在儿童游戏中的使用及游戏与探索之间的关系,如皮亚杰学派;其二是关注情感如何从游戏中表现出来,以及如何用游戏来进行心理治疗,如心理分析学派;其三是关注游戏被用来做什么、怎样做,而不是儿童何以游戏。从另…  相似文献   

The beliefs both that sentimental education is a vital part of moral education and that habituation is a vital part of sentimental education can be counted as being at the ‘hard core’ of the Aristotelian tradition of moral thought and action. On the basis of an explanation of the defining characteristics of Aristotelian habituation, this paper explores how and why habituation may be an effective way of cultivating the sentimental dispositions that are constitutive of the moral virtues. Taking Aristotle's explicit remarks on ethismos as a starting point, we present habituation as essentially involving (i) acting as virtue requires, (ii) both frequently and consistently, and (iii) under the supervision of a virtuous tutor. If the focus is on the first two characteristics, habituation seems to be a proper method for acquiring skills or inculcating habits, rather than an effective way of cultivating virtuous sentimental dispositions. It will be argued, however, that even if only the first two characteristics are taken into account, habituation may be an efficacious means of moderating, reducing or restricting the child's affective dispositions where these are somehow excessive. But contrary to Aristotle's view, the effectiveness of processes of habituation that are directed at strengthening, deepening or broadening the child's sentimental dispositions where these are somehow deficient seems to be a function of the third characteristic, especially of the affective responses of the virtuous tutor to the child's behaviour. At the end of the paper, this predominantly non‐cognitive account of the workings of Aristotelian habituation will be compared with Nancy Sherman's primarily cognitive view.  相似文献   

文化是一个宽泛的概念和存在,一种文化的核心在于其内核,这个内核是高于有形文化的东西。我们这个时代的文化特征是人文精神,人文精神遂成为教育的核心。而作为文化的教育,其内核是对人的生命的关心,宗旨在于使人过幸福的生活。和宗教相比较,教育这种文化对人的关心还不是究竟,因为教育是世间文化。要想使人超越,必须实现对人的终极关怀,也就是使人具有出世间情怀。那么,教育也就得有出世间性质,以慧命接续人的尘世生命。  相似文献   

为学习者创造语言使用的情境,通过在情境中教语言,能更好地培养学习者的语言交际能力,而这也正是现代英语教学的根本目标。小组协作、角色扮演、师生互动问答、多媒体模拟情境等课堂教学活动的有效进行可帮助学习者在更真实的语言交流环境中学习使用英语,以达到运用该语言进行成功交流的目的。相应地,这也从各方面提高了对教师自身的要求。  相似文献   

The article traces some lines of connection between teachers’ efforts to reshape the way that teaching and learning are done in local settings, and larger‐scale shifts and tensions in education policy. The article begins with an account of opposition to the changes that European governments inspired by global policy orthodoxy seek to make in their education systems. It suggests that the intellectual and political resources that supply such opposition were accumulated in most cases in the immediate post‐war period, and replenished in the social conflicts of the 1960s and 1970s. It raises the possibility that these resources are now – save in a largely nostalgic sense – exhausted, and cannot contribute to a remaking of education systems. This notion is tested by exploring the ideas and practices of teachers who, working under the banner of ‘creativity’, are attempting to break away from the standards agenda that they have inherited. In doing so, the article suggests, they may find themselves drawing from social, democratic traditions of education, developed not just in England, but elsewhere in Europe; educational internationalism is not the sole property of policy elites.  相似文献   

Principals’ written assessments of 50 high school teachers whom they judged competent for full registration and 32 whom they judged not yet competent and in need of an extended period of provisional registration were analysed in terms of the characteristics used to describe and determine beginning teacher competence. It was found that principals consistently refer to a narrow range of characteristics when describing competent beginning teachers and focus on an even narrower range in deciding whether or not full registration should be granted. Characteristics that describe approaches to teaching are used most often in this regard. While the majority of beginning teachers possess an adequate knowledge base in their subject area, success in the first year of school experience hinges on the ability to communicate such knowledge and concepts to students. The need for further refinement of the appraisal process, including professional development programmes for principals, is highlighted.  相似文献   

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