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While previous research has consistently cited education as a high risk profession for negative workplace relationships, there has been little consideration of the impact of workplace bullying for those involved. This paper seeks to address this lacuna through the analysis of 24, in-depth interviews with self-identified victims of workplace bullying who work, or have worked, in primary schools. The study reveals the profound physical, psychological, social, and economic effects of these toxic behaviors upon the interviewees, along with the resistance strategies they employed to help them cope with their experiences. Through a lens of Foucauldian conceptualisation of power, this study explores the broader implications for school organizational culture, as well as for individual teachers and the pupils they teach.  相似文献   

Interviews and site visits were conducted with 22 teachers to identify the work situations that trigger their engagement in informal learning and the personal characteristics that enhance their motivation to engage in informal learning when dealing with such situations. Analysis of the data found that three types of work situations triggered engagement in informal learning: new teaching tasks, new leadership roles, and adherence to policies and procedures. Motivation to engage in informal learning was enhanced by teachers' initiative, self‐efficacy, commitment to life‐long learning, and interest in their content area. Implications of the findings for theory, research, and the facilitation of informal learning are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:本研究采用大五人格量表的部分维度对215名高中教师进行了调查,其目的为学校从教师人格的成长方面进行素质培训提供理论基础。结果:(1)高中男教师在脆弱性、自我意识、谦虚人格维度上的得分显著低于女教师,而在活动性、合群性、幻想及胜任人格维度上的得分显著高于女教师;(2)随着年龄增加,教师在冲动性维度得分呈递减趋势,且高、中、低年龄组之间得分两两差异显著;(3)焦虑、冲动性、过分自信及胜任维度在不同的教龄间有显著差异;(4)文科教师在审美、情感的人格维度上得分显著高于理科教师,而理科教师在思想及胜任人格维度上的得分显著高于文科教师;(5)职称越高,其冲动性人格维度得分越低,且初级职称的教师在此维度得分显著高于中级职称和高级职称教师;(6)班主任教师相对非班主任教师而言,其冲动性与活动性人格较为突出。结论:对不同教师群体的素质培训,要注重其不同人格品质的培养。  相似文献   

研究考察新课程改革对高中生成就目标定向和学习策略的影响,结果发现除掌握目标定向外,新课程改革对成就目标定向均有显著影响;在预习策略、复习策略和精加工策略方面,新课程改革提高了学生学习策略的有效性;性别对高中生的成就目标定向和学习策略有显著影响,女生的成就目标定向和学习策略要优于男生;成就目标定向和学习策略相关显著。  相似文献   

班主任做好班级管理工作对学生的全面发展起着直接现实的保证作用,组织好班级活动.是班主任一项重要任务。中专类学校班主任要管理好班级,首先必须有合理的工作目标定位.同时要采取恰当有效的班主任工作策略。  相似文献   

本研究以社会互动学习理论为依据,对幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响作了初步分析。本研究采用现场录像的方法收集幼儿园英语活动中的师幼交往片段,并以其中的32个师幼交往片段为样本,分析了教师的语言使用对幼儿的平均话轮长度、平均语言复杂程度、参与交往的平均认知水平和交往策略使用的影响。研究结果显示:教师用英语提出的真实性问题能有效促进幼儿在英语活动中的学习,教师的部分非提问语言也能有效促进幼儿的学习,而教师使用的测试性问题则对幼儿的学习产生消极影响。在有利于幼儿学习的教师语言行为中,提问行为比非提问行为对幼儿学习过程的影响更大,后续行为比诱发行为对幼儿学习的影响更大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the transfer of learning of professional competences from vocational colleges to the workplace context in vocational education. Concretely, the study examined the relations between the professional competences learned at school and the use and further development of those competences at the workplace during the practice module in vocational education programmes in Spain. The study analysed individual, educational design and work environment factors that facilitate or hinder transfer of learning. The study took a multidimensional approach to professional competences by observing four dimensions: hard-specific, hard-generic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The data collection drew from a questionnaire administered to students of vocational education programmes (N = 379) after they had completed the practice module scheme. A moderation analysis was applied to observe the effect of individual, educational design and workplace factors on the relation between the competences learned at school and those used at the workplace. The findings showed that compulsory placement, school-work alignment, work-based supervisor, access to resources and task complexity are significant moderators between the competences learned at school and those used at the workplace. The study highlights the coherence between the school and workplaces and work environment characteristics as factors conducive to transfer of learning.  相似文献   

Changing education philosophies and technological advancement have altered the way educational content can be delivered to students. One format growing in popularity is virtual institutions which allow students to complete their secondary education completely online. While the format has been in existence for two decades, little information has been presented regarding how the shift from a traditional brick and mortar environment to a virtual one impacts the physical activity of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of school type on physical activity participation. One hundred fifteen high school age students attending brick and mortar and virtual institutions completed a survey regarding their physical activity participation. Results indicate students who attend virtual institutions are more likely to be physically active than their brick and mortar counterparts.  相似文献   

性格在教育过程中的影响始终不容忽视。不论是在课堂表现、课程选择,还是学生在学习中所遇到的问题,都和学习者本人的性格有着联系。笔者认为,老师应该时刻清楚地意识到这种联系,并且在教学中根据学生的不同性格展开有效的教学。  相似文献   

Sixteen adult volunteers provided thinking-aloud protocols while undergoing a 10-hr individually administered course in BASIC (beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code) programming. Three levels of goals were identified as operative in the learning situation: task-completion goals, instructional goals, and personal knowledge-building goals. Although protocol statements indicating knowledge-building goals were infrequent, students exhibiting a relatively high proportion of them were distinctive in several ways. They did significantly better on a posttest. Their performance in goal cue selections differed from that of other participants in ways consistent with their orientation: They responded more often to learning goal cues than to task goal cues. They actively related new learning to prior knowledge and they posed and tried to solve problems and questions. Students oriented toward instructional goals tended to focus on what was explicitly taught. Students oriented toward task-completion goals tended to equate learning with successful completion of assigned tasks. Level of goal orientation and posttest performance were unrelated to level of education and prior computer experience but were positively related to previous experience of independent learning.  相似文献   

山子 《中学教育》2013,(6):58-63
随着普高的扩张,普高的性质将主导甚至取代高中教育的性质,相应地普高的目标任务将主导甚至取代高中教育的目标任务。综合国内外各种因素看,这是一个总体趋势。普高是一种多重性的复合体,其本质规定性是“终端高阶性”和“普通性”两方面的合一。就其目标任务,本文认为既不是“三重任务论”,也不是原来的“双重任务论”,而提出“新双任务论”。  相似文献   

在当下“重智育”的教育教学实践中,德育视野中中学生“参与意识”的建构未能引起教育界足够的重视。通过以南洋模范中学为样本进行的问卷调查和分析发现,应试压力、学校集体活动设计的趣味性和年级针对性是制约学生参与集体活动的主要因素,而轻松、简约、开放、能够激发动机、满足爱与归属需要和能调剂学习生活的活动则将受到学生的普遍欢迎。相应地,这一现状的改善需要通过学校、学生和社会等多方努力:学校须改善现有的僵化不移的活动设计,并以适当的形式提高学生对集体活动的认可度,此外,以“智育”为中心的社会评价体系也有待进一步修正、完善。  相似文献   

本文使用学习动机问卷和学习自我效能感问卷调查了848名初中生,结果表明其学习动机以深层型动机为最强,其次是成就型动机,表面型动机较弱。表面型动机与学习行为、学习能力之间均呈较弱的负相关,深层型动机与学习行为、学习能力之间均呈中等强度的正相关,成就型动机与学习行为之间呈较弱的正相关,而与学习能力之间的相关强度非常弱。这些相关验证了一个学习动机模型的一部分。  相似文献   

21世纪我国教育的发展对中学骨干教师的培养工作提出了新的更高的要求。笔者通过调查研究认为,其培养工作的目标应该是:为建设支持教育发展所需的一支高素质的中学教师队伍而培养一大批学科、层次、年龄、学历与职称结构都比较合理的高水平的中学骨干教师。  相似文献   

中学数学教师的教育科学研究应在关注科学性的基础上,更注重人文性和艺术性;不仅应当立足于自身的教学实践,着力于教学方法的改进,教育质量的提高,还应深入了解学生在学习过程中的真实思维活动,把深入揭示“主体发生转变的教育机制”作为研究的重点。  相似文献   

本研究采用卡特尔 1 6项个性因素量表及情绪智力技能问卷 (中文试用版 ) ,对华东师大二附中高二年级理科班学生进行了测试。主要是探讨资优中学生中情绪智力技能水平较高与情绪智力技能水平相对较低的同学之间的个性差异。结果表明 :在资优中学生中 ,情绪智力技能水平较高者与情绪智力技能水平较低者相比 ,前者在诸多个性因素方面优于后者。  相似文献   

For networked learning environments, it is necessary to consider different aspects of this environment, such as the collaborative environment, the nature of activities and resources, the technological environment and the learner's characteristics, if quality learning is to take place online. This paper focuses on one aspect of the learner's characteristics; that of personality type as determined using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (Myers, 1984). It investigates the relationship between personality type and a student's participation (both passive and active) within a networked learning environment using asynchronous threaded discussion for a university course run both online and face-to-face. Qualitative results show patterns in student attitudes to participation related to personality type, particularly on the dimensions of introversion/extroversion, sensing/intuition and thinking/feeling. The paper also discusses implications of the findings in relation to the development of the networked learning environment, to ensure better online participation from all students. L’importance des types de personnalité dans la participation dans des environnements d’apprentissage en réseau. Pour les environnements d’apprentissage en réseau Net, il faut considérer différents aspects de cet environnement coopératif, la nature des activités et des sources, l’environnement technologique et les caractéristiques de l’apprenant si l’on veut en ligne obtenir un apprentissage de qualité. Cet article se concentre sur un aspect des caractéristiques de l’apprenant, celui du type de personnalité défini dans le Myer Briggs Type Indicator (Myers, 1984). Il étudie la relation entre le type de personnalité et la participation d’un étudiant (passive et active) dans un environnement d’apprentissage basé sur le Net utilisant une discussion filetée asynchrone our un cours d’université mené face À face et en ligne. Les résultats qualitatifs montrent des modéles dans

l’attitude des étudiant quant À la participation liée au type de personnalité, particulièrement sur les dimensions de l’introversion/extroversion, de la sensation/intuition et de la pensée/sentiments. L’article discute aussi des implications des

résultats en relation avec le développement de l’environnement de l’apprentissage en réseau, pur assurer une meilleure

participation en ligne de la part de tous les étudiants. Persönlichkeitstyp und Partizipation in vernetzten Lernumgebungen. Bei vernetzten Lernumgebungen müssen unterschiedliche Aspekte dieser Umgebung bedacht werden, so z.B. der

gemeinschaftliche Bereich, die Art von Aktivitäten und Ressourcen, die technischen Gegebenheiten und die Charakteristika der Lernenden, wenn erstklassiges Lernen auch online möglich werden soll. Dieser Beitrag beschränkt sich auf einen charakteristischen Aspekt des Lerners: seinen Persönlichkeitstyp unter Benutzung des Myers Briggs Type Indicator (Myers, 1984). Es untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem Persönlichkeitstyp und der Teilhabe (aktiv und passiv) eines Studenten

innerhalb einer vernetzten Lernumgebung bei asynchron angelegter Diskussion – sowohl online als auch direkt – über einen Universitätskurs. Qualifizierte Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bestimmte Verhaltensmuster der Studenten zur Partizipation vom Persönlichkeitstyp abhängen, insbesondere vom Grad der Introversion/Extroversion, Empfindsamkeit/Einfühlungsvermögen und Denken/Fühlen. Der Beitrag stellt auch Folgerungen aus den Befunden in Bezug auf die Entwicklung vernetzter Lernumgebungen zur Diskussion, um bessere online-Partizipation aller Studenten sicherzustellen.  相似文献   

提高中小学骨干教师培训的实效性是培训的出发点和归宿。培训中围绕培训实效寻找教师培训的内在规律,探索出需求、目标、课程、师资、方式五维互动模式,即:培训需求决定培训目标,培训目标由培训课程来实现,培训课程内容决定师资的选聘和培训方式的选择,培训方式是培训内容达成培训目标、满足培训需求的途径和手段。五维互动模式的实施对提高培训作用成效显著。  相似文献   

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