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A key consideration when giving any computerized adaptive test (CAT) is how much adaptation is present when the test is used in practice. This study introduces a new framework to measure the amount of adaptation of Rasch‐based CATs based on looking at the differences between the selected item locations (Rasch item difficulty parameters) of the administered items and target item locations determined from provisional ability estimates at the start of each item. Several new indices based on this framework are introduced and compared to previously suggested measures of adaptation using simulated and real test data. Results from the simulation indicate that some previously suggested indices are not as sensitive to changes in item pool size and the use of constraints as the new indices and may not work as well under different item selection rules. The simulation study and real data example also illustrate the utility of using the new indices to measure adaptation at both a group and individual level. Discussion is provided on how one may use several of the indices to measure adaptation of Rasch‐based CATs in practice.  相似文献   

评价偏见涉及考试的公平性,是由经济、教育、技术等各方面因素综合作用的结果。评价偏见的类型包括平均分差异、题目功能差异、错误解释成绩、性别或种族内容、内容和经历不同、选拔决策采用的统计模型、错误的标准测量工具等造成的评价偏见。评价偏见不仅影响考生个人发展机会,而且危害社会公平。鉴别评价偏见可用审判的方法和实证的方法。对美国评价偏见的研究有助于完善我国考试,促进考试公平。  相似文献   

Over recent years, UK medical schools have moved to more integrated summative examinations. This paper analyses data from the written assessment of undergraduate medical students to investigate two key psychometric aspects of this type of high-stakes assessment. Firstly, the strength of the relationship between examiner predictions of item performance (as required under the Ebel standard setting method employed) and actual item performance (‘facility’) in the examination is explored. It is found that there is a systematic pattern of difference between these two measures, with examiners tending to underestimate the difficulty of items classified as relatively easy, and overestimating that of items classified harder. The implications of these differences for standard setting are considered. Secondly, the integration of the assessment raises the question as to whether the student total score in the exam can provide a single meaningful measure of student performance across a broad range of medical specialties. Therefore, Rasch measurement theory is employed to evaluate psychometric characteristics of the examination, including its dimensionality. Once adjustment is made for item interdependency, the examination is shown to be unidimensional with fit to the Rasch model implying that a single underlying trait, clinical knowledge, is being measured.  相似文献   

Numerous writers have suggested that the discrimination index may be helpful in identifying faulty test items. The purpose of this study was to investigate systematically the validity of the index for this purpose. To attain this objective, two forms of an arithmetic-reasoning test were written. In each form, the items were designed to vary in quality with respect to nine item-writing principles, and on the basis of the responses of 364 examinees, a discrimination index was computed for each item. Next, the items were rated independently for quality by three judges who used a check list of the nine item-writing principles. The average of their ratings for each item was used as the criterion for determining the validity of the indices. The results indicate that the discrimination index is a moderately valid measure of item quality. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

In Turkey, students are more and more willing to participate in the global free movement of students and of high-skilled labour after their graduation. This is why they request international accreditation from universities. Therefore, accreditation is one of the parameters that play an important role in students' university selection. On the other hand, Turkey is aiming to be a European Union member. This imposes institutional legal and civil arrangements and harmonization. Also, the general trend of globalization dictates requirements from university graduates that are answered in best business practice in which accreditation is a major component. In this paper, accreditation efforts to achieve international recognition for Turkish universities are discussed. For this purpose information on higher education is given. Attempts for accreditation on licensure through FEANI is explained. Accreditation on department programmes by ABET (USA) and by an engineering institution (UK) are discussed and their similarities are pinpointed. Also, a Turkish, British and World Bank quality assessment pilot project for education and research is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the international experience in respect of school-leaving examinations and selection for higher education. It briefly states some theories of selection for equity in societies with severe structural inequalities, why and when formal selection is done. It then advances an argument to explain the dual functions of selection in education. International trends in selection for higher education are analysed, also school-leaving examinations and university access in South Africa. The policy and experience in selection for equity at the University of the Western Cape is then discussed, as well as the academic development programme initiated. It concludes with an analysis of some of the dilemmas facing universities committed to redress and equity in the current climate of entitlement.  相似文献   

Contrasts between constructed-response items and multiple-choice counterparts have yielded but a few weak generalizations. Such contrasts typically have been based on the statistical properties of groups of items, an approach that masks differences in properties at the item level and may lead to inaccurate conclusions. In this article, we examine item-level differences between a certain type of constructed-response item (called figural response) and comparable multiple-choice items in the domain of architecture. Our data show that in comparing two item formats, item-level differences in difficulty correspond to differences in cognitive processing requirements and that relations between processing requirements and psychometric properties are systematic. These findings illuminate one aspect of construct validity that is frequently neglected in comparing item types, namely the cognitive demand of test items.  相似文献   

The trustworthiness of low-stakes assessment results largely depends on examinee effort, which can be measured by the amount of time examinees devote to items using solution behavior (SB) indices. Because SB indices are calculated for each item, they can be used to understand how examinee motivation changes across items within a test. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used with the SB indices from three low-stakes assessments to explore patterns of solution behavior across items. Across tests, the favored models consisted of two classes, with Class 1 characterized by high and consistent solution behavior (>90% of examinees) and Class 2 by lower and less consistent solution behavior (<10% of examinees). Additional analyses provided supportive validity evidence for the two-class solution with notable differences between classes in self-reported effort, test scores, gender composition, and testing context. Although results were generally similar across the three assessments, striking differences were found in the nature of the solution behavior pattern for Class 2 and the ability of item characteristics to explain the pattern. The variability in the results suggests motivational changes across items may be unique to aspects of the testing situation (e.g., content of the assessment) for less motivated examinees.  相似文献   

The use of content validity as the primary assurance of the measurement accuracy for science assessment examinations is questioned. An alternative accuracy measure, item validity, is proposed. Item validity is based on research using qualitative comparisons between (a) student answers to objective items on the examination, (b) clinical interviews with examinees designed to ascertain their knowledge and understanding of the objective examination items, and (c) student answers to essay examination items prepared as an equivalent to the objective examination items. Calculations of item validity are used to show that selected objective items from the science assessment examination overestimated the actual student understanding of science content. Overestimation occurs when a student correctly answers an examination item, but for a reason other than that needed for an understanding of the content in question. There was little evidence that students incorrectly answered the items studied for the wrong reason, resulting in underestimation of the students' knowledge. The equivalent essay items were found to limit the amount of mismeasurement of the students' knowledge. Specific examples are cited and general suggestions are made on how to improve the measurement accuracy of objective examinations.  相似文献   

Although multiple choice examinations are often used to test anatomical knowledge, these often forgo the use of images in favor of text‐based questions and answers. Because anatomy is reliant on visual resources, examinations using images should be used when appropriate. This study was a retrospective analysis of examination items that were text based compared to the same questions when a reference image was included with the question stem. Item difficulty and discrimination were analyzed for 15 multiple choice items given across two different examinations in two sections of an undergraduate anatomy course. Results showed that there were some differences item difficulty but these were not consistent to either text items or items with reference images. Differences in difficulty were mainly attributable to one group of students performing better overall on the examinations. There were no significant differences for item discrimination for any of the analyzed items. This implies that reference images do not significantly alter the item statistics, however this does not indicate if these images were helpful to the students when answering the questions. Care should be taken by question writers to analyze item statistics when making changes to multiple choice questions, including ones that are included for the perceived benefit of the students. Anat Sci Educ 10: 68–78. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Successful administration of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) programs in educational settings requires that test security and item exposure control issues be taken seriously. Developing an item selection algorithm that strikes the right balance between test precision and level of item pool utilization is the key to successful implementation and long‐term quality control of CAT. This study proposed a new item selection method using the “efficiency balanced information” criterion to address issues with the maximum Fisher information method and stratification methods. According to the simulation results, the new efficiency balanced information method had desirable advantages over the other studied item selection methods in terms of improving the optimality of CAT assembly and utilizing items with low a‐values while eliminating the need for item pool stratification.  相似文献   

Building achievement tests which are sensitive to the instructional effects of school programs concerns both practitioners and researchers in education. To produce such tests, empirical procedures to guide item selection are needed. In this paper, an operational framework and a set of empirical procedures for this task are presented. Within this framework, item sensitivity is linked to instructional implementation. A simple components of variance model has been used to provide actual estimates of instructional sensitivity. These procedures are illustrated using data from a comparative study of alternative item formats for a criterion-referenced test. Even when items were closely matched to instructional content specifications, important differences in instructional sensitivity emerged. These differences were found between the same items presented in different formats as well as between different items presented within the same format. Implications of these results for developing criterion-referenced achievement tests are discussed.  相似文献   

In today's higher education, high quality assessments play an important role. Little is known, however, about the degree to which assessments are correctly aimed at the students’ levels of competence in relation to the defined learning goals. This article reviews previous research into teachers’ and students’ perceptions of item difficulty. It focuses on the item difficulty of assessments and students’ and teachers’ abilities to estimate item difficulty correctly. The review indicates that teachers tend to overestimate the difficulty of easy items and underestimate the difficulty of difficult items. Students seem to be better estimators of item difficulty. The accuracy of the estimates can be improved by: the information the estimators or teachers have about the target group and their earlier assessment results; defining the target group before the estimation process; the possibility of having discussions about the defined target group of students and their corresponding standards during the estimation process; and by the amount of training in item construction and estimating. In the subsequent study, the ability and accuracy of teachers and students to estimate the difficulty levels of assessment items was examined. In higher education, results show that teachers are able to estimate the difficulty levels correctly for only a small proportion of the assessment items. They overestimate the difficulty level of most of the assessment items. Students, on the other hand, underestimate their own performances. In addition, the relationships between the students’ perceptions of the difficulty levels of the assessment items and their performances on the assessments were investigated. Results provide evidence that the students who performed best on the assessments underestimated their performances the most. Several explanations are discussed and suggestions for additional research are offered.  相似文献   

Three types of effects sizes for DIF are described in this exposition: log of the odds-ratio (differences in log-odds), differences in probability-correct, and proportion of variance accounted for. Using these indices involves conceptualizing the degree of DIF in different ways. This integrative review discusses how these measures are impacted in different ways by item difficulty, item discrimination, and item lower asymptote. For example, for a fixed discrimination, the difference in probabilities decreases as the difference between the item difficulty and the mean ability increases. Under the same conditions, the log of the odds-ratio remains constant if the lower asymptote is zero. A non-zero lower asymptote decreases the absolute value of the probability difference symmetrically for easy and hard items, but it decreases the absolute value of the log-odds difference much more for difficult items. Thus, one cannot set a criterion for defining a large effect size in one metric and find a corresponding criterion in another metric that is equivalent across all items or ability distributions. In choosing an effect size, these differences must be understood and considered.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated and compared three item selection procedures: the maximum Fisher information procedure (F), the a-stratified multistage computer adaptive testing (CAT) (STR), and a refined stratification procedure that allows more items to be selected from the high a strata and fewer items from the low a strata (USTR), along with completely random item selection (RAN). The comparisons were with respect to error variances, reliability of ability estimates and item usage through CATs simulated under nine test conditions of various practical constraints and item selection space. The results showed that F had an apparent precision advantage over STR and USTR under unconstrained item selection, but with very poor item usage. USTR reduced error variances for STR under various conditions, with small compromises in item usage. Compared to F, USTR enhanced item usage while achieving comparable precision in ability estimates; it achieved a precision level similar to F with improved item usage when items were selected under exposure control and with limited item selection space. The results provide implications for choosing an appropriate item selection procedure in applied settings.  相似文献   

中考、高考是不得不实行的生源选拔性考试,否则高中、高校如何招生?毕业生如何选拔和分流? 中考、高考指挥棒造成的令师生不堪重负的应试教育的弊端尚未找到完全克服的办法,但是我们可以将应试教育限制在初三、高三年级的中考或高考学科,及初三或高三当年所学课程范围内,而在其他年级和非中考、高考学科实行学业达标检测。 实行学业达标检测首先需制定公开的学业达标检测标准,其“基础设施”是公开的学业达标检测题题库。  相似文献   

印度高等教育质量保障体系在完善的同时面临不少的问题,如高校内部质量保障工作不够系统、原有的质量评估方法和标准需要改进等.对此,质量保障体系的核心机构--国家评估与鉴定委员会采取了一些相应的策略,如建立高校内部的质量保障体系、实施再鉴定等.  相似文献   

为加强新时代高等教育人才培养质量与行业人才需求发展深度融合,以C程序设计课程为例进行短学期教学实践,通过学生完成语法验证、系统大作业、参加学科竞赛检验学习效果等,分析短学期赋予程序设计课程实践操作的意义和提升人才培养质量的内涵。短学期在保障程序设计课程实践操作环节师生间无障碍连续沟通和高效互动的同时,指导学生积极思考、努力探索和解决新问题,为培养学生综合能力起到了良好作用。研究表明,短学期实践对提高学生综合素养和人才培养质量,以及促进高等院校与行业融合发展起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

In international large-scale assessments of educational outcomes, student achievement is often represented by unidimensional constructs. This approach allows for drawing general conclusions about country rankings with respect to the given achievement measure, but it typically does not provide specific diagnostic information which is necessary for systematic comparisons and improvements of educational systems. Useful information could be obtained by exploring the differences in national profiles of student achievement between low-achieving and high-achieving countries. In this study, we aimed to identify the relative weaknesses and strengths of eighth graders’ physics achievement in Bosnia and Herzegovina in comparison to the achievement of their peers from Slovenia. For this purpose, we ran a secondary analysis of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 data. The student sample consisted of 4,220 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 4,043 students from Slovenia. After analysing the cognitive demands of TIMSS 2007 physics items, the correspondent differential item functioning (DIF)/differential group functioning contrasts were estimated. Approximately 40% of items exhibited large DIF contrasts, indicating significant differences between cultures of physics education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia. The relative strength of students from Bosnia and Herzegovina showed to be mainly associated with the topic area ‘Electricity and magnetism’. Classes of items which required the knowledge of experimental method, counterintuitive thinking, proportional reasoning and/or the use of complex knowledge structures proved to be differentially easier for students from Slovenia. In the light of the presented results, the common practice of ranking countries with respect to universally established cognitive categories seems to be potentially misleading.  相似文献   

Use of item banking technology can provide much relief for the chores associated with preparing assessments; it may also enhance the quality of the items and improue the quality of the assessments. Item banking programs provide for item entry and storage, item retrieval and test creation, and maintenance of the item history. Some programs also provide companion programs for scoring, analysis, and reporting. There are many item banking programs that may be purchased or leased, and there are banks of items auailable for purchase. This module is designed to help those who develop assessments of any kind to understand the process of item banking, to analyze their needs, and to find or develop programs and materials that meet those needs. It should be useful to teachers at all leuels of education and to school-district test directors who are responsible for developing district-wide tests. It may also provide some useful information for those who are responsible for large-scale assessment programs of all types.  相似文献   

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