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不同的色彩给人们带来不同的感受,同一种色彩对不同的人也会产生不尽相同的反应,而不同色彩的组合所产生的奇妙诗境更给人带来丰富的心灵体验。台湾当代诗坛的萧萧就是一位善于通过舞色弄彩来表现自己诗思的一位优秀诗人。在萧萧的色谱中,"白色"语汇是非常独特的一类意象,白在萧萧的诗作中通过表达、变形,展示了丰富的意象含义。其诗作中的白可以分为"超脱现实的白"与"直面现实的白"两种类型,其中既包括富有禅意的色彩,又包括对自然生态的感叹和人生衰弱的感伤。  相似文献   

所谓“留白”,是国画创作中的一种构图方法,它的意思是计白当黑,以虚为实,以实求虚,可以收到虚实相映,形神兼备,创造出无画处皆成妙境的艺术境界。“留白”主动地利用画面白色空间位置,去承担画面的造形任务。留点空间留点白,这画面,这世间会变得更加精彩。多一份空白多一份娴静,多一点空间多一份空灵。课堂是一种多元、开放、艺术化的师生信息交流舞台。在课堂教学活动中,教师的角色不应该是“操盘手”,教师的作用应该是“相机诱导”。教师也可以像艺术家一样讲究“留白”的艺术,构成教学的“虚实相间”,以引起学生的注意力,激发学习的兴趣,让学生在求知的过程中主动地探索、思考和  相似文献   

想象是艺术家作为一种艺术表现手法,塑造艺术典型、创造艺术意境的重要手段。在绘画作品中,虽然作为材质的画面只有长宽两个维度,但艺术家在长宽维度上幻化出空间意象,创作出艺术家的空间维度,把形象合理、妥贴安排在画面之中,赋予作品内容以活力,给予作品形象以生命。艺术家观看物理空间,借鉴古人的空间运用,赋予自我的艺术家想象的空间,赐予观者参与的空间。艺术家空间想象的运用有如空间想象本身的变化一样既无穷而又摇曳多姿。好的艺术家创作的作品必定伴随绝妙的空间想象。  相似文献   

孙晋诺 《学语文》2024,(2):57-59
诗词篇幅短小,往往通过设置对立与冲突来形成张力,以增加艺术效果。诗词中的对立与冲突与小说等叙事文本不同,它没有足够的情节展开空间,只能在画面构建或意境塑造中通过其元素关系来呈现。因此,我们在欣赏诗词,品味其意其境时,还要拥有多个维度审视文本的意识。  相似文献   

李曌 《少儿美术》2024,(4):38-40
<正>适合年龄:8-9岁课时:2课时一、材料准备:墨汁、毛笔、国画颜料、生宣、毛毡、调色盘、水桶。二、教学目标(一)启发学生从不同的视角观察田野的形态,在画面中产生抽象作品的意趣,引导学生学会欣赏抽象艺术。(二)引导学生了解艺术家的创作思路,从田野的形状入手,结合保罗克利画面中的格子进行联想启发,鼓励大胆创作。  相似文献   

“黑白”作为中国传统水墨画中主要的色彩语言 ,已经形成了中国所特有的“墨文化” ,但这种对于“黑白”的喜爱 ,近来在一些中国现代抽象油画中也屡有体现。其中综观中国现代抽象油画的代表人物———赵无极先生油画作品的画面色彩构成 ,可以发现“黑白”在其中占据着极为重要的地位 ,并且由“黑白”在画面中组成了有别于欧美抽象油画的气韵和画面空间 ,从而形成了具有“东方色彩”的抽象绘画形式。所以研究“黑白”在画面色彩构成中的地位及成因 ,以及这种地位所形成的画面效果 ,对于研究中国现代抽象油画无疑具有一定的现实意义  相似文献   

“留白”是中国画特有的一种艺术语言,“三分画,七分白”,艺术家在画面上留下大片空白,用有限的画面来展现无限的空间,给人无限的遐想和精神的震撼.同样,在师生互动的课堂教学中,教师如能有分寸地运用“留白”,对于激发学生思考,拓展学生思维,提高能力,达到最佳的教学效果,具有十分重要的意义.本文从“留白”的作用入手,就学生的学习时间、学习空间方面进行“如何留白、补白”的阐述,希望对课堂教学有所启发.  相似文献   

"留白"是中国画特有的一种艺术语言,"三分画,七分白",艺术家在画面上留下大片空白,用有限的画面来展现无限的空间,给人无限的遐想和精神的震撼.同样,在师生互动的课堂教学中,教师如能有分寸地运用"留白",对于激发学生思考,拓展学生思维,提高能力,达到最佳的教学效果,具有十分重要的意义.本文从"留白"的作用入手,就学生的学习时间、学习空间方面进行"如何留白、补白"的阐述,希望对课堂教学有所启发.  相似文献   

白在汉语中的意思可多了:表示与黑相对的颜色,如白色白马;表示清楚、明白,如清白真相大白;形容没有效果,如白费白跑……白是一个象形字,它的字形是一个指甲盖的  相似文献   

颜色词不仅具有表示颜色的指称意义,还具有丰富的联想意义。在汉英两种语言中,颜色词有着一定的相似含义,但更多的是文化差异性。颜色词的文化差异很容易导致东西方人理解的误区。通过大量的例证,对颜色词“红”与“白”在汉英两种语言中的的语义联想和使用进行比较研究,并从联想意义的角度考察,会发现红、白在汉英文化中可以构成反义关系。  相似文献   

中国画从本质上看都是写意的。相对于西方写实绘画,中国画更注重“神似”,注意“象外之象”。中国画不受时空限制,大胆取舍,任意剪载,自由表现,看重事物的“常理”而不拘于“常形”,追求情感的抒发,吸收诗词歌赋借景抒情、借物言志的表现手法,将书法用笔的节奏和抽象的线条美融入写意画中,使作品源于生活而又高于生活,其思想内涵和审美价值远远超出所描绘的客观形象本身。  相似文献   

This article examines the moral, political and pedagogical tensions that are created from the entanglement of patriotism and human rights, and sketches a response to these tensions in the context of critical education. The article begins with a brief review of different forms of patriotism, especially as those relate to human rights, and explains why some of these forms may be morally or politically valuable. Then, it offers a brief overview of human rights critiques, especially from the perspectives of Foucault, critical legal studies and postcolonial theory, and emphasizes that foundationalist perspectives of human rights need to be constantly contested. The next part of the article discusses how to overcome issues of incompatibility between patriotism and human rights. The final part proposes that a ‘rapprochement’ between patriotism and human rights in the context of critical education has to take into consideration that patriotic feelings (as a form of love for one’s country) constitute a particular form of ‘emotional education’. As such, the teaching of both patriotism and human rights would benefit from the notion of ‘critical pedagogies of emotion’ that interrogates the emotional commitments of patriotism and human rights and the consequences of these commitments.  相似文献   

This study examined tensions encountered by 182 beginning teachers during their professional identity development, the feelings that accompanied these tensions and the ways they tried to cope with these. Professional identity tensions stem from an unbalanced personal and professional side of (becoming) a teacher. Tensions that are often mentioned by beginning teachers concerned conflicts between what they desire and what is possible in reality. Female teachers reported more tensions than their male colleagues, while final-year student teachers did not differ from first-year in-practice teachers in the number of tensions they experienced. Tensions were often accompanied by feelings of helplessness, anger or an awareness of shortcomings. Most beginning teachers tried to cope with their tensions by speaking to their significant others or by searching for a solution themselves. Insights into professional identity tensions experienced by beginning teachers are important in order to form a better understanding of the support they need.  相似文献   

在歌曲演唱中,可以从深入理解歌词含义,准确体验感情基调,细腻表现歌曲所表达的情感变化三个方面来说明怎样体现歌曲情感和音乐风格。要准确表达歌唱中的情感表现,要在学习生活中认真体会,情感的体验是一个日积月累的过程,要注意积累生活中亲身经历的体验,了解文学作品、音响资料及其他艺术领域的情感体现。要把绚丽多彩的情感世界用于歌曲的演唱中。  相似文献   

It is our presupposition that there is still a need for more research about how classroom practices can exploit the use and power of visualization in mathematics education. The aim of this article is to contribute in this direction, investigating how visual representations can structure geometry activity in the classroom and discussing teaching practices that can facilitate students’ visualization of mathematical objects. We present one illustrative episode that shows how drawings of geometrical figures have a powerful role in structuring and modifying the mathematical activity in the classroom. It was selected from a database that we have been building to investigate the learning of mathematics in public elementary schools in Brazil. The framework of Activity Theory helped in the characterization of the episode as a system of interconnected activities. We discuss the changes and transformations perceived in those activities; and we explore the idea of miniature cycles of learning actions to focus on the mathematical learning that is taking place. We describe the dynamics and the complexity of the ongoing activity in the calculation of areas; and, how drawings form a part, and show their influence, in it. We argue that part of this influence was associated with the contradiction between abstract mathematical ideas and their empirical representations, revealed by the tensions perceived in the activities analysed; and, simultaneously, that we could see as an impelling force for the learning of the rules and norms which regulate the use of visual representations in school mathematics.  相似文献   


This study describes issues related to the genesis of two university and middle‐school partnerships as experienced and related by the university faculty members who have participated in the process.

Benefits and tensions have surfaced from these partnerships. Some of the benefits included a broader community of professional colleagues, opportunities to collaborate on research, and firsthand experiences with school reform. The tensions involved conflicts with the university's reward system, the length of time it takes to build trust, the difficulties in establishing collaborative research agendas and balancing two worlds, and feelings of detachment from university colleagues and activities.

Although promises have been made that the university's reward system will change to give priority to work in schools, this is a major concern for non‐tenured faculty. In spite of this, there is great potential in these partnerships to affect change in teacher education.  相似文献   

艺术语言以符号化的方式传递人的情感,由于人类情感的模糊性和不确定性,就必须将抽象的情感加以感性显现。艺术语言传情的感性形式是“语象”,它是用以表情的语言单位,是“心象”与一定的语言物质材料(语音或文字)结合而表现出来的一定的语言形式,也是语言表象。语象具有特定的语言形式和系统结构:语象语言表现形式的多样性和层级性。语象是表象化的语言符号:1.所指表象化———语词由概念还原为表象,使抽象的情感变得具体形象;2.所指意蕴化———语象语义内涵是感性和理性、具象和抽象、思想和情感的结合,其语义信息是多元复合的;3.所指赋值化———为语词增添新值,不断赋予语词以具体的、临时的、附加的、新颖的、多方面的含义。  相似文献   

文章针对目前报纸题图的类型进行搜集分类、摘录汇编、判别评价,就题图在报纸版面中的作用,报纸题图与文字的关系,电子技术题图制作艺术等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The relatively restricted nature of children's use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) inside the school setting has long been noted by researchers. With this in mind, this article offers a grounded analysis of drawings collected from 355 primary pupils (years three to six) from five English primary schools depicting desired future forms of school ICT provision. The article contends that the nature and content of these future orientated pictures reflect many of the tensions underlying children's current engagements with ICTs in school. Specifically the article discusses how the drawings offer valuable insights into the issues underlying pupils’ understandings of ICT and schools, not least: the restrictions of the school as organisation; the oppositional relationship between the ‘work’ of learning in school and the ‘play’ of using digital media at home; the unequal power relations that exist between pupils, schools and teachers. The article concludes that rather than accede to demands for free and unfettered use of game consoles and portable devices in the classroom, schools should instead concentrate on fostering informed dialogues with young people about the potential educational benefits of school ICT use.  相似文献   

Reflection on the relationship between a sign and its meaning (i.e. semiotic activity) is a fundamental form of cognitive activity that already occurs at an early age. The improvement of this semiotic activity in young children prepares for their later learning activity. Iconic representations are one important category of signs for young children (3‐7 years old). Iconic representations (drawings, diagrams, schemes) are generally conceived of as means bridging the gap between early enactive, perception‐bound thinking and abstract‐symbolical thinking. From the Vygotskian perspective iconic representations are complex signs referring to some object (situation, action) in a special way. On the bases on the analysis of children's drawings it is argued that iconic representations are narrative in nature for young children. Children tend to supplement their drawings with verbal symbols in order to make sure that their intended meanings are maximally clear. In doing so, children learn to carry out semiotic activity and improve this activity with the help of more abstract symbols  相似文献   

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