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现代建筑理念已经变得颇具艺术感,建筑不仅是只有过硬的使用价值,而且必须具备一定的艺术美感。房屋建筑结构设计,有五个基本性问题,即安全性、施工便利性、经济适用性、实用性、美观性。试对房屋建筑结构设计的相关优化方式进行介绍,并对结构设计的优化方式的重要性进行相应阐述。同时系统性论述结构优化在房屋建筑时具体应用步骤和实践性,充分了解建筑结构设计的优化方法,了解其在房屋结构设计中的具体应用。  相似文献   

Archival data from a private day‐school offering early intensive behavioural intervention based on the principles of applied behaviour analysis to preschoolers with autism (N = 29) were analysed longitudinally. Teacher reports on the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS) were available up to 4 times and on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales—Classroom Edition (VABS‐CE), at 2 time points. Parent reports on the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) were available at 2 time points. All assessments occurred approximately at 6‐month intervals. Children showed statistically significant progress across all skill domains on the ABLLS and on selected subscales and the composite scales of the VABS‐CE and ATEC. Gains were substantial for some children and minor for others. When divided into performance‐based groups, both higher‐performing and lower‐performing groups showed improvement over time, with greater improvement for the higher‐performing group. Nine of 16 children who had been discharged from the programme entered inclusive kindergarten or first‐grade classrooms with an aide. Seven discharged children entered special education classrooms. No child progressed to the point that special education services were not needed. Findings are discussed relevant to the extant literature on early intensive behavioural intervention outcomes among young children with autism.  相似文献   

以需求分析理论为基础探讨需求分析的内容、方法及其对应用英语专业课程设置的指导作用,使应用英语专业课程设置以多元化的市场需求为目标,实现高职教育与职业岗位群的"零距离",更好地适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of video self-modelling (VSM) on reducing task avoidance behaviours of four elementary-aged students with autism spectrum disorders. A multiple-probe design across participants showed that the performance of two of the four participants was positively changed immediately after the VSM interventions were implemented. The performance of one participant did not change positively until the original VSM was modified. The performance of another participant was not improved even after the modified VSM was implemented. In addition, improved attentiveness to the video did not necessarily lead to positive effects of the VSM interventions.  相似文献   

Prevalence rates of autism spectrum disorder have risen dramatically over the past few decades (now estimated at 1:50 children). The estimated total annual cost to the public purse in the United States is US$137 billion, with an individual lifetime cost in the United Kingdom estimated at between £0.8 million and £1.23 million depending on the level of functioning. The United Nations Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has enshrined full and equal human rights—for example, for inclusion, education and employment—and there is ample evidence that much can be achieved through adequate support and early intensive behavioural interventions. Not surprisingly, most governments worldwide have devised laws, policies, and strategies to improve services related to autism spectrum disorder, yet intriguingly the approaches differ considerably across the globe. Using Northern Ireland as a case in point, we look at relevant governmental documents and offer international comparisons that illustrate inconsistencies akin to a “postcode lottery” of services.  相似文献   

根据市场对职业技术人才实践能力的要求,从培养目标、教学内容、教学方法、评价方法等方面对高职平面设计课程进行定位,以期达到精品课程的目标.  相似文献   

文章在对一例自闭症儿童基本情况进行分析、讨论的基础上,采用阿克瑟莱恩游戏治疗方法对其进行干预。通过营造自由、安全、接纳的游戏治疗室氛围,个案在游戏中宣泄和暴露了自身郁积的情感。在干预者坚持不懈的反馈中,个案在游戏中开始流露真情、展现自知,游戏主题也更加趋于治愈性。  相似文献   

文章在对一例自闭症儿童基本情况进行分析、讨论的基础上,采用阿克瑟莱恩游戏治疗方法对其进行干预。通过营造自由、安全、接纳的游戏治疗室氛围,个案在游戏中宣泄和暴露了自身郁积的情感。在干预者坚持不懈的反馈中,个案在游戏中开始流露真情、展现自知,游戏主题也更加趋于治愈性。  相似文献   

设计艺术学科是典型的交叉学科,几乎综合了所有实用艺术,如建筑、广告、产品外观、室内装饰、环境景观、服装、织染等。而这些差别极大的实用艺术在工业化大背景下,具有共同要考虑的生产、市场、管理、营销等外在制约条件与全球化、商业化的目标,还要考虑内在共同的思维方式和技能修养。在这样的情况下,繁杂的实用艺术才能经由交叉、进而综合,形成设计艺术学科。设计艺术学要与其它学科进行广泛地交叉,充实和规范自身在实践环节中制造、流通、消费等过程的知识,并且汲取现代学科规范的话语与严谨的逻辑,以此建立完整的理论体系,并能切实地指导实践。  相似文献   

Multimedia computer programmes have been found to facilitate learning in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). However, the effectiveness of these resources is limited due to poor design or a lack of consideration of the ASD cognitive profile, particularly at the lower functioning end of the spectrum. This article attempts to tackle the problem of the lack of design guidelines, with the aim of facilitating the development of effective educational programmes for children with severe ASD. The case study reported here evaluated two literacy educational computer programmes, by observing five low-functioning children with ASD, compared to five neurotypical children (control cases). The two types of reading-support software contrasted in the study presented different characteristics. The children’s data analysed here concern observations of child–software interactive sessions based on video recordings and coded for attention deployment to each programme, including motivation and engagement indicators.  相似文献   

分析了当前高师数学教育专业程序设计语言教学内容与课程设置的现状与不足,阐述编程训练的重要性,提出将程序设计语言教学分为基础教学和提高教学阶段,探讨教学改革中所采取的措施。  相似文献   

Education programmes based on behaviour analysis are often used to teach children with learning disabilities. A common application of behaviour analysis is Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention (EIBI), which is evidence-based, but most children in the UK do not have access to this approach. EIBI is usually implemented for 30 to 40 hours per week, over two years. High levels of supervision from behaviour analysts are essential to ensure EIBI's effectiveness. A recent cost-effectiveness study concluded that EIBI was not cost-effective: while the children make progress relative to treatment as usual, the outcomes did not justify the cost of the intervention. Other low-cost models of delivery need to be considered. School-based models used in the UK may provide cost-effective and sustainable ways to use applied behaviour analysis in schools. They could be used in other local authorities to increase access to an education that includes behaviour analysis.  相似文献   

杨哲 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):80-83
文章通过对我国102所院校数字媒体专业人才培养方案的调查分析,发现数字媒体专业的人才培养存在脱离学生实际、"万金油"式的职业定位、专业不专的学生能力等问题。针对以上问题提出了数字媒体专业培养目标的设计应坚持"面向数字媒体行业"、"技术或艺术取向"等两个原则,在培养规格中应强调"基本素质"和"专业素质"两类素质的培养,并设计与确定了数字媒体专业的培养目标与培养规格,为数字媒体专业人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

碳素厂在生产碳阳极时,需加入一定量沥青作为粘合剂。碳阳极在焙烧时沥青转化为沥青烟气排出,一部分没有燃烧的沥青烟气直接排入大气,严重超过国家污染物排放标准,给人体健康和安全生产带来极大隐患。章在国内碳素厂沥青烟气治理先进技术的基础上,设计一套适用于中小型碳素厂沥青烟气治理的系统,使沁阳黄河碳素厂的沥青烟气实现达标排放。  相似文献   

本文程序设计中选用16种回归方程对双变数资料进行拟合处理,并以表格形式输出统计分析结果,使用本程序时,根据剩余平方和(Q)最小、相关系数(R)和F值最大,确定最佳拟合方程。  相似文献   

本文结合具体实例说明了在高层建筑结构设计中对计算结果进行分析、判断的必要性,并介绍了分析、判断的内容及应采取的相应措施,通过对计算结果进行分析,判断出其正确与否,确定是否需要对设计方案或输入数据进行修改以及应从哪些方面进行修改,使下一步的设计更加有针对性,从而避免设计工作中的盲目性,提高工作效率和设计的准确性。  相似文献   

本认为,多媒体业课件在教学中的运用是教育和受教育的工作、学习所必需的方法、手段、谋生之本的演示。在教学中运用多媒体课件可以潜移默化地授人以渔,其重要性不言而渝。对多媒体课件的提高运用,应注意在多媒体课件开发、设计的原则及开发过程中应注意的问题等方面,按教学发展规律处理问题,才能达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

博物馆是一个有着历史性的、功能复杂而庞大的建筑物,一方面它与众不同充满文化艺术性,一方面它又要接受不同审美经验和不同文化欣赏者的检阅和考验。导向标识设计的审美表现力是发挥信息传达功能和审美效应的途径。博物馆环境导向设计不但要体现设计艺术的人性化的美,而且要体现设计功能的科技的、理性的美。  相似文献   

教育技术学电子系列课程设置的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从教育技术的定义,教育技术的发展和现状,以及21世纪信息技术环境对人才的要求出了,对教育技术学电子系列课程的设备进行了思考。  相似文献   

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