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早在19世纪和20世纪之交,以本本主义为思想特征的知识教育学就受到了来自以人本主义 为思想特征的行为教育学的严峻挑战。杜威在他的名著《学校与社会》(人民教育出版社,1 994年版)中就提出了一个惊天动地的命题:“现在我们的教育中正在发生的一种变革是重心 的转移。这是一种变革,一场革命,一场和哥白尼把天体的中心从地球转到太阳那样的革命 ”。然而,在过去的20世纪里,这场革命不过是像钟摆一样从一个极端摆到另一个极端,即 从以本本为中心的系统传授知识模式摆到以儿童的偶发兴趣为中心的问题解决行为模式。前 者以赫尔巴特(J…  相似文献   

伴随着经济的不断快速发展,网络技术在大学英语教学当中发挥着重要的作用。本文在探讨大学英语教学提升网络技术使用的必要性的基础上,分析了大学英语教学使用网络技术存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

教学实践表明 ,不能有效地进行实验教学是制约《现代教育技术》公共课质量的“瓶颈”。加强实验教学 ,一要提高认识 ,二要深化改革 ,三要加强建设  相似文献   

现代技术在各个领域得到广泛应用,高中历史课堂也不例外。本文从如何合理利用现代教育技术入手,探讨了在高中历史教学中现代教育技术的有效应用。  相似文献   


This paper scrutinises the educational knowledge requirements of craft, technical, and reflective professional conceptions of teaching, as recently outlined by Winch, Oancea, and Orchard. Drawing on Bernsteinian sociology of knowledge we identify the different requirements each conception makes of educational knowledge, and how it is envisaged that this knowledge will be used in educational practice. While craft conceptions dismiss the value of educational knowledge per se, they nevertheless value other forms of disciplined knowledge. Arguing that technical conceptions of teaching may be either narrowly instrumental or autonomous, we suggest that an advanced technical knowledge base requires a disciplinary aspect, while knowledge for purely instrumental purposes offers a reductive view of educational practice. Moreover, the varying notions of reflection suggested by reflective professional conceptions require certain forms of engagement with educational knowledge, which are challenged by contemporary reforms in teacher education globally. It is suggested that there are often interdependencies between forms of educational knowledge and conceptions of teaching, with potential implications for the trajectories of educational reforms. The argument is briefly illustrated with reference to the national contexts of Germany, England, and Finland.  相似文献   

词汇教育是我国目前大学英语教育的重中之重,甚至于一些大学生在英语学习与单词学习之间画上了等号。本文从有效教学的角度对如何构建英语词汇教学进行分析,试图从多角度扩大学生阅读量以及增强情景延展文化背景来探索出一条提升学生学习兴趣,改变被动记忆,最终实现英语无障碍理解的新途径。  相似文献   

本文对师范院校本科生教育技术学课程的教学设计进行研究,提出高校教育技术学师范生的培养目标、教学计划和培养学生实践能力的教学方法.  相似文献   

传统的教学方式已经不能满足学生多元化发展的要求,特别是外语学科这类对交流互动有着迫切需要的学科,更表现出对传统教学方式改革的强烈要求。本文主要阐述了在英语教学应用现代教育技术的必要性,英语学科应用现代教育技术的特性,并阐述了在英语教学中应用现代教育技术对英语教师的素质要求。  相似文献   

旅游业的蓬勃发展使旅游教育成为一种新兴的教育产业。当现代教育技术逐渐走进各个教育行业,不断被人们开发利用的时候,旅游教育更应发挥其新兴产业的优势,将现代化的教育思想和现代教育信息技术引入教学,改变旅游教学承袭传统教学的诸多不足之处,使现代教育技术在旅游教学中得到充分的应用。  相似文献   

This paper outlines new educational policy initiatives that have been recently introduced to Australian schooling contexts and describes the challenges of providing rich and empowering professional development opportunities for classroom teachers and educational leaders in an era of heightened accountability and change. A framework for large-scale professional learning is proposed; one that adopts a theoretical lens associated with practice architectures, situated within community- and individual-focused professional learning experiences. The theoretical component of the model has been utilised effectively in a number of countries, while the personalised learning component is drawn from an evidence-based project that established a national learning framework.  相似文献   

传统的语文课堂教学 ,多以教师讲授为主 ,学生被动接受 ,机械地学 ;教学手段单一 ,“一支粉笔一张嘴 ,一块黑板讲半天” ,教师教得紧张急躁 ,学生学得沉闷枯燥 ,致使小学语文课堂上多了“死气”、“呆气”和“暮气” ,少了“生气”、“灵气”和“朝气”。在改革小学语文课堂教学中 ,我们要充分运用录音机、幻灯、VCD、彩电、计算机等多种媒体 ,使教学信息的呈现图文并茂、情景交融、声形并举 ,充分激活课堂、优化教学 ,促进学生创新思维和创新能力的发展。一、选择组合媒体优化随着现代科学技术的发展和教育改革的深入推进 ,能否恰当地运…  相似文献   

在大学计算机教学中,现代教育技术已经不是一个简单的教学手段,它已经对教师的教学、学生的学习产生了深远的影响。本文通过对网络多媒体技术对大学计算机教学的积极影响和消极影响两个角度,深入分析网络多媒体对大学对教师、学生的两方面影响。并结合实际情况找出应对解决其消极影响的对策。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, digital encoding will cause different modalities for presenting information to converge. These convergent technologies will require a new kind of educational designer and a realignment of graduate programs. Curriculum revision efforts should address the commonalities inherent in convergent technologies and should incorporate emerging design tools, procedures, and principles. This article reviews issues related to converging technologies and describes how they are affecting the Educational Technology curriculum at San Diego State University.  相似文献   

摄影是高校开设的一门课程,更是热衷于摄影人士喜爱的项目。但是随着教育技术不断发展,摄影教学也必须与时俱进,应用现代教育技术才能够增强学生实际动手能力,才能够优化课程教学。本文对现代教育技术基本特征及应用特点做了阐述,并探究了高校摄影教学应用现代教育技术。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study about the use of digital comics in teaching modern Greek in high schools (aged 12–13). The ultimate goal of the educational use of digital comics is to promote students’ acquisition of language skills and to help them apply their imaginations and reuse their cultural experiences in creating multimodal comic‐like digital stories. The core idea of this case study, which was conducted at a high school in Greece, was to provide the opportunity to students become authors of their own digital comic stories using an innovative authoring tool called ComicLab.  相似文献   

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