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陈端  朱学东  喻乐 《传媒》2004,(6):24-32
当我们在设定一个话题时,必然要考虑设定这个话题的动机和所处的环境。往往我们探讨问题的结果已经潜伏在原因中了。那么又是什么动机让我们来研究传媒的竞争力呢?在我们采访过的媒体领军人物中,几乎所有人都谈到了媒体的企业属性问题,如果不是企业传媒竞争力就无从谈起,然而,大家也都注意到了自去年以来传媒业发展的巨大变化——“三贴近”对媒体生产力的解放,行政权力退出报刊经营,报刊进入与退出机制的变革,传媒资源配置中地域、行业、部门界限的逐渐突破。文化体制改革试点中报社企业转制试点的开始,全国统一的大市场的逐步形成……  相似文献   

金哲夫 《新闻界》2004,(6):4-6,86
近年在我国兴起的传媒公司的上市热,在一定程度上表明了资本市场对于传媒企业的重要性。那么资本市场,特别是证券市场对于传媒的影响是在哪些方面呢?证券市场除了满足传媒企业的融资需求外,更重要的在于对企业的治理机制的建构及影响作用。对于传媒企业治理机制的研究在现今还缺乏足够的研究热点,历数近年来的该类文章,只有寥寥几篇,学者常永新对此问题做了较为详尽的研究。  相似文献   

传媒治理结构:制度分析与实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周劲 《现代传播》2005,(4):51-54
本文从制度经济学的角度,对传媒治理结构作了界定并分析了当前传媒治理结构的现状和缺陷。作者针对中国的实际提出了传媒“双重逻辑下主体加辅助”的治理模式,即“3+2”模式。文章以牡丹江传媒集团的治理结构为案例,对“3+2”模式进行了经验验证。作者指出“3+2”模式在实践层面上可以发挥部分替代政府管制的作用,有着厚实的制度基础,符合治理的发展趋势,同时也遵循了传媒改革的路径依赖规律。  相似文献   

军事新闻传媒核心竞争力初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏菁 《军事记者》2003,(4):27-29
随着传媒市场竞争日益加剧,近年军事新闻传媒面对众多媒体对受众的争夺,生存空间受到挤压的严重挑战。如何改善和提高军事新闻传媒的自身建设,保证职责和使命的圆满完成,应该是每个军事新闻工作者都应深刻思考的问题。本文就试图借鉴目前在我国传媒界倍受重视的“传媒的核心竞争力”这一概念,谈几点关于军事新闻传媒亟待产生和如何产生核心竞争力的粗浅看法。  相似文献   

在归纳总结利益相关者理论内涵的基础上,分析了我国传媒治理结构创新导入利益相关者理论的可行性:有利于监督制衡机制与多重治理目标的实现。并提出了将利益相关者理论引入传媒治理结构创新中尚待解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

对中国传媒业而言,传媒集团治理结构及治理机制的构建与完善,一直是讳莫如深的话题。甚至有观点认为。由于中国传媒产业的特殊属性,传媒集团的公司治理研究为时尚早。但曾被媒体炒作得沸沸扬扬的《广州日报》黎元江案及中国传媒第一股“北青传媒”事件。猝不及防地为中国传媒业敲响了警钟——虽然中国的传媒集团有其独特的运作机制.但如果中国传媒产业要进一步深化体制改革.如果传媒集团要逐步建立现代企业制度.那么.国内其他企业集团面临的公司治理困境。同样是传媒集团绕不过的一个“坎”。  相似文献   

香港上市传媒公司业务结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹正茂  赵晶 《传媒》2006,(2):40-43
规模经济与范围经济(所谓范围经济是指传媒公司在生产多种传媒产品时,通过共享资源和技能来降低单个产品的成本)是传媒产业经济的两个基本特点.传媒要经营成功,必须不断追求规模经济性与范围经济性.其中范围经济性获得的关键在于选择合理的业务结构,使得相互之间能充分共享资源、活动与技能.而规模经济的获得关键在于能否筹集大量资金,公开上市是筹集大量资金的主要途径之一,合理的业务结构也是上市公司获得机构和公众投资者青睐的重要因素.  相似文献   

公司治理结构会影响整个公司的经营决策和经营行为。本文主要从公司治理结构存在的缺陷及其对会计行为的影响加以分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

程依 《新闻世界》2014,(4):185-187
核心竞争力是企业竞争力的基础。一个没有核心竞争力的企业,也就不存在真实的竞争力。本文以华数传媒为实例,通过对该公司的具体情况进行分析,识别及评价华数传媒公司的核心竞争力,并建议其在面临机遇与挑战的同时构建自身新的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国广播的产业化步伐越来越快,传媒经济的竞争也越来越激烈,广播传媒不仅要而对国内同质的竞争,而且还要应对国外广播的挑战。因此,为了更理智、更有效地发展广播产业,就必须强化广播传媒核心资源,尽快增强广播传媒的核心竞争力,以适应广播传媒竞争的需要。  相似文献   

Various authors have highlighted the potential contribution of the internet to enhance the interactivity, transparency, and openness of public sector entities and to promote new forms of accountability. The search for new styles of governance which promote higher levels of transparency and the engagement of citizens is viewed as a way of improving citizens' trust in governments. As the social media are becoming ubiquitous, both academics and practitioners need some initial and reliable background data about the deployment of this kind of technology at all levels. The aim of this work is to provide an overall view about the use of Web 2.0 and social media tools in EU local governments in order to determine whether local governments are using these technologies to increase transparency and e-participation, opening a real corporate dialog. In addition, the paper tries to identify which factors promote the level of development of these tools at local level. Our results show that most local governments are using Web 2.0 and social media tools to enhance transparency but, in general, the concept of corporate dialog and the use of Web 2.0 to promote e-participation are still in their infancy at the local level.  相似文献   

当今全球化时代,传媒业的国际竞争已成为当前世界传媒生态中的突出现象。如何加强我国传媒业的国际竞争力,成为事关我国综合实力的迫切任务,也成为我国传媒业在发展策略中必须考虑的要点。本文聚焦于上海报业,探讨如何在日益开放、境外媒体纷纷进入的背景下,上海报业媒体如何通过革新,提高自身的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, public relations has developed significantly in the West into a sophisticated management function which is recognized as an integral part of any organization's attempt to communicate with various persons, both within and outside the organization, in order to achieve its goals and objectives. However, this is not the case in the Arab world where public relations remains underdeveloped and, even when practised, is relatively unsophisticated. This paper deals with the public relations function in a prominent though controversial Arab media organization: Al Jazeera Satellite Channel. It explores how Al Jazeera has been dealing with internal and external communication issues impelled initially by its role as a satellite broadcaster spearheading changes in a vibrant Arab mediascape and subsequently by its expansion into a global broadcaster. Drawing on James Grunig's four models of communication to analyze Al Jazeera's public relations practices, the case study at hand outlines some of the communication challenges and opportunities the organization has been facing during its 10 years of existence. The case of an indigenous organization like Al Jazeera operating in a culturally distinct environment puts into perspective communications issues and complicates our understanding of how public relations is understood and practised outside the normative Western public relations paradigm.  相似文献   

文章从法人治理结构的机制展开论述,阐述了当前我国公共图书馆推行法人治理结构的情况,在此基础上指出推进法人治理结构所面临的问题,并对推进公共图书馆法人治理结构的途径进行了探索研究。  相似文献   

In this paper, the consideration of the problem of the competitiveness of scientific research as an independent scientific line in the context of the science of science, whose main methodological instruments could be the adapted economic concepts of competitiveness and clusters, as well as mathematical models of competitive interactions (including models described in the terms and equations of population dynamics) and the methods of scientometric analysis, is proposed. It is shown that solution of the problem of increasing the competitiveness of post-Soviet scientific research falls within the domains of information communication. In addition, the role of the international movement for public access to scientific knowledge in increasing the competitiveness of scientific research is considered.  相似文献   

社会结构中的大众传媒:身份认同与新闻专业主义之建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
处于社会结构中的大众传媒,由于受到社会政治权力、经济权力的制约,呈现出独特的传播结构和内在的运行规律.传媒、政府、公众三方构成的传播结构及其在社会中的运行,深刻影响着传媒及其从业者的身份认同的建构,新闻专业主义也由此被建构并因社会和历史环境的变化呈现出不同的面貌.本文旨在厘清社会结构中的传媒、政府、公众之间的复杂关系,寻求一种适合中国国情的新闻专业主义,以助益于正在进一步改革的中国传媒.  相似文献   


As afield of study, company leadership can be examined from many angles. In this paper our aim is to study leadership in the way it effects change. The qualitative value of the information compiled is considerable since it helps to understand the grounds on which the success of the directors who effected change of the Spanish media market was based. The interviews afford us a closer look at the minds of the leading players in action.

The cases analysed show that, in media companies, radical transformations do not come about without the existence of one or several leaders, capable of mobilising the organisation where they work.

Through the literature review, the companies'internal documentation and interviews with the directors we have been able to demonstrate that our hypotheses on leadership are not only reasonable but also help to explain, to a great extent, the profound transformations which the Spanish media market has undergone in the last 25 years.  相似文献   

Exemplification, or the use of highly emotional and arousing messages to elicit responses based on impression formation, has been shown to influence perceptions of events, individuals, and organizations. News coverage concerning the use of lean finely textured beef (LFTB) is one such example, and anecdotal evidence suggests that this coverage may have had a negative impact on public perception of the manufacturers producing LFTB. The current study examined the use of social media (specifically video-sharing sites) as a means of combating the negative effects of exemplars concerning LFTB. Respondents reported their perceptions of threat severity, susceptibility, behavioral intentions to avoid LFTB, and perceptions of organizational trust and reputation associated with the manufacturer. The findings are consistent with exemplification theory and indicate that message ordering can influence exemplification effects. Results are discussed in terms of implications for public relations and risk communication.  相似文献   

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