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While several have written about the connection between life experience and learning, there is little in the literature that explicitly deals with how a particular life experience can become a significant learning experience for one person, but not another. This qualitative study examines the underlying structure of the significance of life‐experience learning. Open‐ended responses to a question about one's significant learning experiences were collected from 405 adults. In addition, 19 interviews were conducted to probe more deeply about individuals’ learning experiences and the significance they held for the learner. Findings suggest that for learning to be significant: (1) it must personally affect the learner, either by resulting in an expansion of skills, sense of self, or life perspective, or by precipitating a transformation; and (2) it must be subjectively valued by the learner.  相似文献   

Contemporary trends and developments in early childhood education in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Early childhood education in China has gone through a century‐long development process and has made great progress in the past two decades. Contemporary early childhood education is becoming diverse in its forms and educational approaches, and is aligning itself with the increasingly open and diversified society. It is clear that early childhood education in China is strongly influenced by sociocultural changes and reflects the hybrid of traditional, communist and Western cultures. We should re‐think what happened in past years and continue to promote reform and development in early childhood education.  相似文献   

本重在论述如何将传统美德寓于语教学之中。以载道,道结合是全面开展素质教育,发挥语教学功用的主渠道。我们应该以语教学要求为目标,以情境教学为载体,以实践教育为途径,有计划有目的地进行美德教育。  相似文献   

动画设计对中国传统绘画艺术的借鉴与运用有利于加强艺术间的融合,促进国产动画片的艺术性表现,保护和开发中国文化艺术遗产。特别是现代动画设计对中国传统绘画中的线条、色彩与意境的运用,能充分体现出浓重的中国民族艺术风格,对于加快发展中国现代动画具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国高等教育中的优秀传统文化与和谐教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国高等教育中传统文化传承有着伴之而生的历史,在建设和谐文化中更负有重任.高校的领导者与管理者应该有清晰的认识,并致力于培养可引导和谐文化建设的教员和学生.作为一名高校教员,提高自身的传统文化修养是关键所在.  相似文献   

我们如何在当前全球经济一体化、文化一体化的背景下,进一步促进我国传统文化发扬光大,得到全世界的瞩目与认同,首先就是要搞好国内的传统文化审美教育,这样才能使我国的传统文化产生更大辐射力与感染力。本文基于作者自身的相关学习经验,结合对传统文化的认识与理解,就如何利用中国传统文化对学生进行审美教育提出了部分探讨性意见。  相似文献   

传统民间美术是中华民族艺术文化的一个重要组成部分,是各民族民间人们朴实的心理反映,蕴含着朴素的审美观念。传统民间美术与当代美术教育结合,可以培养高校大学生的民族自豪感;传统民间美术在培养全人发展的生命体悟能力、提高审美素养、道德教化、培养创新精神都有重要作用。  相似文献   

An Islamic concept of education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper begins by exploring the problematic nature of philosophy in Islam. The second section examines the resources that are available for a systematic exploration of the principles of Islamic education. The third section discusses three dimensions of education in Islam, one focusing on individual development, one on social and moral education and one on the acquisition of knowledge. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of differences between Islamic and liberal ways of understanding education and of the possibility of future dialogue with western philosophies.  相似文献   

中国画作为东方艺术的代表,具有十分鲜明的艺术特色,对中国文化的传承与发展发挥着不可估量的作用。中国画从创作之初便在立意、造型、笔墨、色彩、对客观物象想象力与空间理解力等都与西方绘画艺术有着截然不同的创作理念。多年以来,中国画在发挥自身艺术成果优势的同时,也以其艺术魅力与精神风貌指引着现代美术教育的发展。鉴于此,文章以中国画的特质为切入点,重点探讨了中国画对学校美术教育所发挥地促进作用。  相似文献   

目的:对中药包装进行总结、归纳,发现问题,提出应对策略,并展望其发展趋势。方法:概括论述中成药、中药材及中药饮片的包装情况。结果与结论:对中药包装存在的问题及发展趋势进行分析展望。  相似文献   

中国传统文化是中华民族经过上千年积累之下所形成的,是人类历史的宝贵财富。传统文化内包含大量知识资源,需要人们在学习过程中不断挖掘及开采。怎样在小学语文教学内,渗透中华传统文化知识,提高学生对小学语文学科关注程度,形成良好的品德,辨别传统文化内涵,还能够有效对小学生爱国热情进行培养。本文在对中国传统文化在小学生语文教学中渗透和传播分析研究中,首先对中国传统文化在小学生语文教学内渗透必要性进行分析研究,同时按照目前小学生语文教学现状,对小学生语文教学渗透和传播中国传统文化进行了解,希望在提高小学语文教学质量情况下,还能够有效对中国传统文化进行传播。  相似文献   

当代都市题材工笔人物画已呈现出兴旺繁盛的景象,本文分别从题材、造型、色彩等三个方面来论述都市题材工笔人物画的艺术特色。  相似文献   

创业生态环境包括外部生态环境与内部生态环境,其中内部生态环境是决定大学生创业成功的关键因素。随着高等教育大众化,中医药院校毕业生面临着日趋严峻的就业形势。因此,中医药院校大学生创业教育显得尤为重要。本文以提升高等中医药院校大学生创业能力为研究目的,围绕建设校园创业文化、提升创业意识、增强创业实践能力等方面,构筑良性的创业内部生态环境,从而提升中医药专业大学生创业成功率。  相似文献   

近几年,国学逐渐出现在人们的视野中,为了弘扬中华民族传统文化,巩固和发展中华文明成果,出现了"国学热"现象。随着国学教育与幼儿教育的完美结合,幼儿国学教育得到重视,幼儿国学教育的方法与途径也发生革新。摒弃传统意义上的"死记硬背",将幼儿国学教育的方法多元化、生活化,将其进行创新,有利于发展和弘扬中华民族传统文化。  相似文献   

改革开放后,尤其是二十世纪九十年代以来,中国伊斯兰教公益慈善事业迎来了一个新的发展时期。从伊斯兰教公益慈善活动内容视角审视,当代伊斯兰教公益慈善实践十分丰富。当代伊斯兰教公益慈善事业具有五个特点,即参与主体的多元化、公益慈善内容的广泛性、活动的超越性、形式的多样性、行为的日趋规范化、专业化及制度化等。  相似文献   

This article details a mixed methods study conducted during the 2007–2008 academic year at the National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei Taiwan. It contributes to discourse examining the opportunities and challenges of international student enrollments in institutions of higher learning around the globe. In scope it details an empirical study exploring the dispositions of NCCU international students in terms of their academic and social spheres. Trends in Taiwan reflect traditional East Asian patterns; substantial numbers of university students from Taiwan studied in the United States and Britain while very few incoming international students chose the island nation as a host destination. In recent years the influx of international students to Taiwan has increased significantly, rising from 6,380 in 2001 to 21,005 in 2007 (Ko, , 2008). The use of both quantitative and qualitative methods provided clarity and extended critical interpretations of the issues and dilemmas surrounding the international student experience in Taiwan. Results indicate that the capability of the NCCU as a host institution to sustain and attract increasing numbers of incoming international students is linked to factors such as the unique opportunity to study traditional as opposed to simplified Chinese characters, the availability and accessibility of Taiwan government sponsored scholarships, and the high standard of the NCCU Mandarin Studies program. Implications suggest that universities committed to internationalization are called to address the realities—both positive and negative—of operating as globally competitive institutions. As such, attracting the right kind of international students at the NCCU and determining standards for their contribution to campus life are more important goals than the total number of international students.  相似文献   

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